Society's ChildS


Social Justice Warriors won't listen, but you should

social justice warriors
© Yana Paskova/Bloomberg NewsDemonstrators at the March for Racial Justice in New York, Oct. 1, 2017.
It would be charming for advocates of social-justice ideology to say, "We need to have a conversation," were they not almost uniformly such dreadful conversationalists. If they'll converse with you at all, you might hear that any disagreement with them is a sign of your inherent weakness ("white fragility," Robin DiAngelo), of your intentional refusal to engage honestly ("pernicious ignorance," Kristie Dotson), or of your unreasonable expectation that someone do your homework for you ("epistemic exploitation," Nora Berenstain). You might find yourself accused of complicity in white supremacy (Barbara Applebaum) or misogyny (Kate Manne), both understood in an obscure "systemic" sense, though of course the words retain the damning connotations rightly associated with their literal meanings.

In short, social-justice ideologues have a stock of concepts to protect themselves from listening to inconvenient facts or reasonable criticisms. This can make conversations with them impossible. They don't want to talk with you; they want to talk at you. You're supposed to shut up, listen and believe, because, according to their underlying theory, any story that isn't consistent with their approved discourse has "already been told" and "upholds unjust power dynamics." Chances are, you'll be insulted and accused of moral failures — participation in systems of oppression, racism or sexism — and the conversation will go nowhere.

Comment: "Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." — Mark Twain

See also:


2 officers disarmed, suspended: Paris police department aims at radicalisation in its own ranks

paris police headquarters office
© Reuters / Philippe WojazerFrench police secure the area in front of the Paris Police headquarters
Two Paris police officers have reportedly been disarmed, with one suspended from duty. It comes after a radicalised police IT specialist slashed four colleagues to death on October, 3.

Mickaël Harpon, a police computer specialist who prosecutors say followed a "radical vision of Islam," stabbed three officers and an administrator to death at Paris' police headquarters last Thursday, before he was shot dead by a patrolman. Interior Minister Christophe Castaner described Harpon's attack as a "serious failure" of the state to detect "signs of radicalization."

Paris Police Chief Didier Lallement advised officers on Monday to "immediately report" signs of "possible radicalization of an agent," Le Parisien reported. The newspaper described an atmosphere of "paranoia" spreading through the ranks.

Comment: Radical Islamist police officer who killed his Paris colleagues had top secret security clearance & info on undercover cops

Bad Guys

Foreign media experts slam British journos as 'useful idiots' for Brexit coverage: Why no outrage over biased reporting on Iraq & Assange?

Brexit protest parliament
© Agence France-Press / Oli ScarffJournalists are seen at the temporary media broadcast tents near the Houses of Parliament in central London
A panel of media experts spanning a myriad of nationalities have come out united in their brutal criticism of British journalists' coverage of Brexit - it's a shame they were silent on UK military interventions and Julian Assange.

The group of foreign journalists came together for a conference in London on Thursday to discuss Brexit and the media.

Their primary issue with the state of the UK press is its insistence on publishing Brexit stories based on government leaks and anonymous sources, as well as what they see as a failure to rigorously question the substance of the information received.

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism director Rasmus Nielsen claimed the "British press is being played like an instrument and it doesn't care."

Comment: The craven folding of what passes for the 'Fourth Estate in the face of the overt persecution of one of their finest, is a stain on the noble vocation of journalism. They make a mockery of "speaking truth to power", the highest goal of journalism. Assange is everything these hacks are not. He has been willing to put his life literally on the line to preserve freedom of the press. Only a few outliers, unshackled by government control, have carried on in Assange's defence. THEY understand what is at stake.


Jane Fonda arrested at climate change protest in Washington

jane fonda arrested
Jane Fonda, in red, was arrested outside the US Capitol.
Jane Fonda has been arrested at a climate change protest in Washington DC. The 81-year-old actress was detained on the steps of the US Capitol, handcuffed, and escorted into a police vehicle.

Fonda was one of 16 people arrested for unlawfully protesting, and was charged with "crowding, obstructing or incommoding". She was released hours later.

The double Oscar-winner recently moved to Washington to join regular protests after being inspired by 16-year-old Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg.

Comment: It says a lot that someone who previously protested an unjust war can be taken in by a 16 year old autistic child to protest against nothing. Hollywood will always see protest and civil disobedience as a fashion trend rather than an actual engine for change. It would be best to ignore them.

See also: Greta Thunberg: False Prophet of the Children's Crusade

Stock Down

Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency in deep trouble after eBay, Visa, Mastercard and Stripe leave the project

libra facebook
© CC0
Companies almost queued up when Facebook announced plans to launch its global cryptocurrency in 2020. Now it seems that the project could be delayed or scrapped altogether as it faces pressure from governments and regulators.

Visa, Mastercard, eBay, and Stripe have said they are leaving Facebook's Libra one week after PayPal announced its withdrawal. In a statement explaining their decision, eBay, Visa, and Stripe all said they respect and continue to have interest in Libra, but had decided to focus on other projects. Mastercard did not respond to a request for a comment.

"Stripe is supportive of projects that aim to make online commerce more accessible for people around the world. Libra has this potential. We will follow its progress closely and remain open to working with the Libra Association at a later stage", Stripe's spokesperson said.

Comment: Like rats leaving a sinking ship...

See also:

Che Guevara

Extinction Rebellion mocked for 'trying to hide' diesel generator in protest camp

extinction rebellion diesel
© TwitterExtinction Rebellion mocked for hypocrisy.
Extinction Rebellion has been mocked after a viral video surfaced which purports to show the group powering one of its camps using pollution-emitting diesel generators.

Unverified footage has emerged of an Extinction Rebellion camp that claims to be in Berlin using what appears to be a diesel generator for power. The large machine was covered by wooden pallets in an apparent attempt to hide it despite the loud whirring noise.

The original footage was posted by German politician Alice Weidel. Sharing the clip, which has been viewed a total of 1.3 million times on Twitter, with her 81.3 thousand followers, Ms Weidel claimed: "What is #ExtinctionRebellion actually doing in this camp?" She accompanied the tweet with the hashtag "#BerlinBlockieren", which is being used by the climate activists in the German capital for their demonstration blitz.

Comment: See also:


Implementing Greta

wind turbines
I have written before about the actual policy proposals supported by Greta Thunberg and the Global Climate Strike initiative, which they see as necessary in order to "save the planet". Perhaps the best known of the lot is the requirement that all energy produced by 2030 (or in 11 years' time) come from renewables.

"100 per cent by 2030" sounds like a great slogan, seems pretty concrete and neatly ties with the claims we're only years away from a civilisation-destroying ecological catastrophe unless we take action now. But what does 100 per cent of energy from renewables by 2030 actually mean in practice?

In 2018, the world energy consumption (in electricity) was 13,864.9 million tonnes of oil equivalent (MTOE), an increase of 2.9 per cent on 2017 (the average yearly increase in the decade prior has been 1.5 per cent, since 2000 over 2 per cent).

Comment: See also:


Best of the Web: Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion: This is an upper-middle-class death cult and we should ridicule it out of existence.
You've never seen eco-extremism this bad.

A bunch of smug, sanctimonious, privileged, hypocritical idiots lecturing working class people on how to live their lives.

Oh, and their demands are utterly INSANE.

Comment: See also:


Million Mask March: Anonymous plans mass demonstrations to fight for the web and freedom of speech & press on November 5th

Million Mask March
Million Mask March
The fifth of November only happens once a year, quickly approaching, activists who associate themselves with the decentralized leaderless Anonymous collective are beginning to organize together for rallies across the world. So grab a sign, print out your paper Guy Fawkes mask, (provided for convenience in this article) and get ready to remember the fifth of November.

This year activists from all over the world plan to partake in the march highlighting human rights abuses, the rise of the surveillance state, the dangers of losing our internet and our ever decreasing freedom of speech and press.

activist clipping
Specifically, Anonymous has vowed to at least in part dedicate its march to WikiLeaks Founder journalist Julian Assange, who faces a trial for extradition to the United States early next year. If extradited Assange will face up to 175 years in prison for simply publishing information that was in the public's best interest, charged under the Espionage Act for his publishing of the Iraq/Afghanistan war logs and Cablegate publications — something that many journalists, activists and lawyers agree will set a precedent for journalism as a whole. CandlesForAssange, a movement of activists in support of the WikiLeaks publisher, are hosting Anonymous' Million Mask March locations on its own website, urging protesters to print out a paper Assange mask and hold it up on a stick while protesting.


The madness of Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion: This is an upper-middle-class death cult and we should ridicule it out of existence.
Yesterday, in London, I witnessed an eerie, chilling sight: I saw a death cult holding a ceremony in public.

The men and women gathered outside King's Cross station and formed a circle. They swayed and chanted. They preached about End Times. 'What will you do when the world gets hot, what, what?', they intoned, conjuring up images of the hellfire they believe will shortly consume mankind. They sang hymns to their god - science. 'We've got all the science / All that we need / To change the world / Hallelujah', they sang, rocking side to side as they did so.

They demanded repentance. 'Buy less, fly less, fry less', said one placard. Catholics only demand the non-consumption of meat on Fridays, as an act of penance to mark the day of Christ's death. This new religion demands an end to meat-consumption entirely, as penance for mankind's sins of growth and progress.

Comment: See also: