Society's ChildS

Gold Bar

Royal Mint launches first-ever debit card made of solid gold (spoiler alert: it isn't cheap)

credit card
© Getty Images / ryasick
The UK's Royal Mint has produced its first payment card which is made from real gold. The new card comes with a hefty price tag of £18,750 ($23,200).

The 18-carat hallmarked debit cards will be personalized for account holders "who value high-quality luxury items that make a statement," the Mint said.

They have been developed by the Mint in conjunction with Mastercard and payments technology firm Accomplish Financial.

Mastercard said the cards are part of an account called Raris and will be engraved with the customer's name and signature.


Saratov, Russia: Shaken residents try to lynch suspected murderer of 9 y.o. girl

Russian crowd
© RuptlyScreenshot from the video
The chilling disappearance of a 9-year-old schoolgirl has shaken the city of Saratov in Russia, with people demanding street justice for the main suspect after she was found dead in a garage following frantic searches.

The girl went missing on Wednesday. She left for school early in the morning but never showed up. Her parents became anxious soon after and sounded the alarm around at midday, prompting a massive search effort.

As Saratov police officers looked for a suspect and swept the area using sniffer dogs, hundreds of volunteers and concerned citizens teamed up to question locals and try to find any clues about the apparent crime. Leaflets bearing the child's image were distributed and messages asking for help were sent out.

The search party had a line of shabby, semi-abandoned garages lying along the road leading to the girl's school in their sights.

Comment: Video footage:


Ronan Farrow book detailing Matt Lauer rape allegations has NBC News leadership 'quivering in their suits'

Ronan Farrow
Ronan Farrow
While many of the headlines from Ronan Farrow's bombshell book relate to the shocking allegation of rape against Matt Lauer, the NBC News division is in chaos, with leaders Andy Lack and Noah Oppenheim "quivering in their suits," according to multiple insiders.

The book "Catch and Kill" details how NBC decided to kill the Harvey Weinstein exposé after the movie mogul effectively "laid siege" to NBC News chairman Lack and NBC News president Oppenheim during Farrow's investigation. Farrow reports that in a September 2017 phone call, Lack told Weinstein's attorney, "We've told Harvey we are not doing a story."

The following month, Oppenheim pressured Farrow to sign a "compromise statement that conceded the story ... failed to meet the network's standards" to contradict his claim that NBC News killed his Weinstein story, then tried to cover it up. Oppenheim disputes this account and insists that when Farrow brought the story to the network, he had nobody on the record and it was not ready for air.


Two Ohio teens charged in death of woman struck by falling 74-pound log

Victoria Schafer
© Victoria Schafer PhotographyVictoria Schafer was 44 when she was struck and killed by a falling log in Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio
Two 16-year-old boys were reportedly arrested Thursday on charges of reckless homicide in the death last month of a woman who was struck by a falling six-foot log at an Ohio state park.

It was initially believed Victoria Shafer's death was an accident, but investigators soon determined the log that hit her had been pushed or thrown off a cliff at Hocking Hills State Park in Logan.

Shafer, a 44-year-old professional photographer from Chillicothe, Ohio, was taking photographs with five of her students when the log, weighing 74 pounds, fell more than 75 feet off the cliff and struck her as she was sitting on a staircase, Fickel said. She was killed instantly.

"Ohio Department of Natural Resources investigators determined early on that the six-foot log was pushed or thrown off the cliff," he said.

Eye 1

How Silicon Valley Leftists smeared Brett Kavanaugh and protected Jeffrey Epstein

Epstein Blasey Ford
© WikipediaJeffrey Epstein and Christine Blasey Ford
While the New York Times' Robin Pogrebin's and Kate Kelly's The Education of Brett Kavanaugh turned out to be a giant dud, it did expose Silicon Valley's complicity in the false smears against the Supreme Court justice.

Reid Hoffman, co-founder of Microsoft's LinkedIn, and Zynga founder Mark Pincus lent a private jet to Christine Blasey Ford to testify at Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing last year. "We believed then, as we do now, that it's important to take seriously accusations of violence against women," Hoffman said.

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg helped find a lawyer for Ford and advised her on how to sell her story to the public. Any tech exec who appeared to differ from the accepted opinion was reprimanded. Facebook apologized for one of its execs, Joel Kaplan, after he attended the Kavanaugh hearing because it appeared that he was supporting the judicial nominee. The company hosted an internal town hall to quell employee anger over Kaplan's attendance.



Extinction Rebellion protest brings Times Square to a standstill -- 62 arrested

Extinction Rebellion protest
© Reuters / Andrew Kelly
Dozens of Extinction Rebellion protesters were arrested after supergluing themselves to a bright green boat they towed into a busy Times Square intersection in New York City, blocking traffic.

Some 62 protesters were taken into custody after parking a lime green sailboat in the middle of Times Square, one of the city's busiest intersections, snarling up traffic for two hours on Thursday morning.

The stunt, engineered by the controversial environmental activist group Extinction Rebellion (XR), was designed to force action on climate change - the boat, and many of the protesters' signs, demanded the government "ACT NOW."

Demonstrators, many wearing life jackets or carrying cardboard "life preservers" printed with slogans, converged on the busy landmark around 10am, forcing the closure of several intersections and three entire blocks.

Eye 1

Arizona official charged with human smuggling after bringing more than 40 pregnant women to the US

Arizona official
An Arizona elected official is facing dozens of charges in three states in connection with a multimillion-dollar adoption scheme in which he allegedly smuggled more than 40 women into the U.S. from the Marshall Islands, promising them money in exchange for their babies.

Authorities believe Paul Peterson, an adoption lawyer and Maricopa County Assessor was the head of a smuggling ring that allegedly recruited Marshallese women "and offered a significant amount of money to place their babies for adoption in Utah," state Attorney General Sean Reyes told reporters Wednesday.

Peterson is charged with 11 second and third-degree felonies in Utah, including human smuggling, sale of a child, communications fraud and pattern of unlawful activity, Reyes said.

"The commercialization of children is illegal and the commoditization of children is simply evil," Reyes said.

Reyes said his office's investigation began after investigators got a call to a human-trafficking tip line in October 2017. Staff at several hospitals in the Salt Lake City area would eventually report an "influx" of women from the Marshall Islands giving birth and putting their babies up for adoption, often accompanied by the same woman.

No Entry

Trump admin surges deportation of illegal aliens claiming to be part of family units

Migrants deported USA
© Sandra SEBASTIAN/AFP/Getty
President Trump's administration deported more than 2,500 illegal aliens in the last two months who had arrived at the United States-Mexico border and claimed to be part of a family unit.

Federal data obtained by Breitbart News reveals that since August, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has deported more than 2,500 illegal aliens who arrived as a family unit at the southern border and have final orders for removal.

Over these two months, ICE agents arrested another 275 illegal aliens who arrived as family units at the border. All of these illegal aliens arrested have final orders for removal, meaning they have gone through the asylum and immigration courts and have been found not to be eligible to stay in the U.S.

Compare these deportation numbers to that of Fiscal Year 2018, when ICE deported 2,711 illegal aliens who arrived as family units at the border for the entire year.

Comment: Due to legal loopholes, smugglers and illegal aliens have learned that a child is an adult's ticket into the United States:

Russian Flag

Crimeans tell the real story of the 2014 referendum and their lives since the country's return to Russia

Crimea return to Russia
© Alexander Zemlianichenko | APCrimeans gather with Russian national and Crimea flags in Sevastopol, Crimea, March 14, 2018.
In early August I traveled to Russia for the first time, partly out of interest in seeing some of the vast country with a tourist's eyes, partly to do some journalism in the region. It also transpired that while in Moscow I was able to interview Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman of the Foreign Ministry.

High on my travel list, however, was to visit Crimea and Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) — the former a part of Russia, the latter an autonomous republic in the east of Ukraine, neither accurately depicted in Western reporting. Or at least that was my sense looking at independent journalists' reports and those in Russian media.

Both regions are native Russian-speaking areas; both opted out of Ukraine in 2014. In the case of Crimea, joining Russia (or actually rejoining, as most I spoke to in Crimea phrased it) was something people overwhelmingly supported. In the case of the Donbass region, the turmoil of Ukraine's Maidan coup in 2014 set things in motion for the people in the region to declare independence and form the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.

In March 2014, Crimeans held a referendum during which 96 percent of voters chose to join Russia. This has been heavily disputed in Western media, with claims that Crimeans were forced to hold the referendum and claims of Russian troops on the streets "occupying" the peninsula.

Because Western media insisted the referendum was a sham held under duress, and because they bandy about the term "pro-Russian separatists" for the people of the DPR, I decided to go and speak to people in these areas to hear what they actually want and feel.

Comment: See also:

Alarm Clock

'They're a f***ing disgrace': Noel Gallagher blasts UK politicians' handling of Brexit

Noel Gallagher
© Reuters / Henry NichollsBritish musician Noel Gallagher
British singer Noel Gallagher has given a brutal assessment of UK MPs, branding them "a f***ing disgrace" over their handling of Brexit.

The former guitarist of legendary British rock band Oasis gave a damning verdict on the state of UK parliamentary politics in his 'First We Feast - Hot One' interview. " He didn't hold back in showing his contempt for UK lawmakers.
They're a f***ing disgrace, the politicians and that. I mean most politicians anyway are a disgrace. The ones in England have not covered themselves in glory over the past two years.
Despite revealing that he thinks Brexit is "the biggest load of s**t ever" and a "stupid backward step" for the UK, Gallagher insists that the country needs to get on with respecting the result of the referendum.

"The majority of people democratically voted for it... but the politicians are trying to make it not happen," the 52-year old Mancunian added.

Comment: See also: