Puppet MastersS


IAEA: Iran generally truthful on nukes

A report from the U.N nuclear watchdog agency on Thursday found Iran to be generally truthful about key aspects of its nuclear history, but it warned that its knowledge of Tehran's present atomic work was shrinking.

The White House said it would continue to push for a third round of U.N. sanctions against Iran despite the findings by the International Atomic Energy Agency report.


Hamas rounds up Fatah activists after Arafat rally in Gaza

Hamas has rounded up scores of Fatah activists in the Gaza Strip following a Monday rally that drew more than 200,000 supporters and ended in gunfire that killed seven people, officials said on Tuesday.

Islam Shahwan, spokesman of the Hamas-led Executive Force, said it had detained about 50 Fatah members since the rally.

Fatah supporters running for cover during clashes at Monday's major Gaza rally in honor of Yasser Arafat.

Comment: Interesting that this article makes exactly the opposite claims from this one:
Fatah gangsters spoil Arafat's commemoration in Gaza

Another difference is that the present one is published in an Israeli run newspaper, while the other one is featured on a Palestinian news site.


Flashback Arafat the obstacle has been exposed as a myth

The Palestinian leader's portrayal by the west and Israel has been a barrier both to understanding the conflict and to peace


China's media scorns Blair's £200,000 'cash raking' lecture trip

Tony Blair earned the scorn of the Chinese media yesterday for accepting £200,000 for a three-hour spin through southern China, during which he gave a "cliched" speech and fitted in a quick jaunt around a high-class villa complex.

"Is he worth the money?" asked some Chinese newspapers and compared the former prime minister's oratorical insights to those of a village official.


DOJ Torture Memo # 6 Identified

I recently examined how the Bush Justice Department was developing a "Culture of Torture," that is, the Bush Administration's addiction to torture has become its defining element. Opposition to torture policies is not tolerated, as Daniel Levin and Michael Mukasey have learned. Silence can be tolerated among career employees, perhaps, but it will certainly check their advancement.

And now, courtesy of the ACLU, we learn some more about the logical corollaries of the culture of torture: secrecy and lies.

Bad Guys

Propaganda Alert - MI5: Al-Qa'eda recruiting UK children for terror

Muslim children as young as 15 are being recruited by al-Qa'eda to wage "a deliberate campaign of terror" in Britain, the head of MI5 has said.

Comment: Given their previous track record it would seem that Al-MI5da are being typically Machiavellian and accusing their 'enemy' of just that which they are doing themselves.

As a pretext for longer detentions without trial the idea that teenagers are being recruited to the "terrorist cause" has to be one of the weakest yet.


SOTT Focus: The "Bin Laden Option" and the Missing Minot Nuke

Right before September 11, 2001, the alarm bells were ringing across trading floors about some unusual trading in the US stock options market. An extraordinary number of trades were bet that American Airlines stock prices would fall.

The trades are called "PUTS" and at least 450,000 shares of American Airlines stock were involved. What raised the alarms was that more than 80 percent of the orders were "puts" and they far outnumbered "call" options (those betting the stock would rise). Usually, the numbers are fairly balanced on these kinds of trades so this imbalance caught traders' attention.

The next day, four American passenger jets were hijacked in a terrorist attack on American soil. Three of these jets belonged to American Airlines. Two allegedly crashed into the World Trade Center and one allegedly crashed into the Pentagon. The fourth aircraft was a United Airlines passenger jet that allegedly crashed into a field near the town of Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Light Sabers

Double-crossing in Kurdistan

The George W Bush administration would not flinch to betray its allies in Iraqi Kurdistan if that entailed a US "win" in the Iraq quagmire. And it would not flinch to leave its Turkish North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies in the wilderness as well - if that entailed further destabilization of Iran. Way beyond the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) vs Turkey skirmish, one of these two double-crossing scenarios will inevitably take place. Washington simply cannot have its kebab and eat it too.


Propaganda Alert! Saad Hariri claims Syrian plot to kill Lebanon PM

Lebanese parliamentary majority leader Saad Hariri said on Tuesday that he had evidence of Syrian assassination plots against himself and Prime Minister Fuad Siniora.

Hariri made the claim in response to a question about alleged assassination plots against the leaders by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's brother-in-law and head of intelligence Assef Shawqat.

"We have intelligence about this and we are following it up," he told reporters.

Comment: As always ask: who benefits? And you will have a better picture at who is doing what. In this case, Syria has nothing to gain, as it is already in the cross-hairs of the US and Israel. Killing Lebanese leaders would only make sure that the US and Israel get international support for invading and bombing Syria.


Major Iraqi dam in danger of collapse

Iraq's largest dam is in danger of collapse and could putting hundreds of thousands at risk in the cities of Mosul and Baghdad.