Puppet MastersS


Mumbai False Flag hatched by Zionists

Mumbai's 26/11 was actually a plan hatched by "Hindu Zionists" and "Western Zionists", including the Mossad, said a Pakistan security expert on a Pakistan news television show.


SOTT Focus: State Sanctioned Theft - When Immorality is Law and Resistance is Crime

World stock indexes rebounded strongly last week. The Dow and the Hang Seng were up nearly 10%, the FTSE and DAX were up 13% and the Brazilian Bovespa was up a whopping 17%. Gold pushed passed $800.

In the U.S. retailers reported a better than feared "Black Friday," with sales rising 3% compared to the previous year, although discounts were deep and profit margins low. Black Friday refers to the Friday after the Thanksgiving holiday. It is both the traditional start of the Christmas shopping season and the day that retailers start to make their profits for the year. In recent years it has become a bigger and bigger thing, with families waiting in line outside big box stores and malls the night before waiting to get let in at five in the morning, lured by steep discounts on a few big ticket items. This year with the bad economy it got completely out of hand as a Walmart employee was trampled to death in Long Island when the crowds were let in.


Official: India received intel on Mumbai attacks

India picked up intelligence in recent months that Pakistan-based terrorists were plotting attacks against Mumbai targets, an official said Tuesday, as the government demanded that Pakistan take "strong action" against those behind the deadly rampage.

Bad Guys

Mossad role in Turkey coup plot revealed

Tuncay Gueny
© Press TVTuncay Gueny is suspect of attempts to topple Turkish government.
Israel's national intelligence agency Mossad has been behind a failed coup in Turkey, the Turkish daily newspaper, Milliyet reports.

A secret investigation into detained Ergenekon group members and other studies outside Turkey indicate that Mossad orchestrated the coup plot against the Turkish government, the report says.

The Ergenekon group is a Turkish neo-nationalist organization with alleged links to the military, members of which have been arrested on charges of plotting to foment unrest in the country.

Investigators uncovered evidence that show a Jewish rabbi named Tuncay Guney, who worked for Mossad and fled to Canada in 2004, was a key figure behind attempts to overthrow the Turkish government.

A document uncovered this week by the Sabah daily shows how Guney purposefully infiltrated Ergenekon and another organization known as JITEM, an illegal intelligence unit in the gendarmerie suspected of hundreds of murders and kidnappings .


Right-Wing Kristol Calls On Bush To Pardon Torturers And Wiretappers, Reward Them With Medal Of Freedom

george bush medal of freedom
In his new Weekly Standard column, right-wing pundit Bill Kristol lays out a to-do list for President Bush before he leaves office. He urges Bush to deliver speeches "reminding Americans of our successes fighting the war on terror." Kristol dreams, "Over time, Bush might even get deserved credit for effective conduct of the war on terror."

After urging Bush to fight the incoming administration's desire to close Guantanamo, Kristol concludes with this:
One last thing: Bush should consider pardoning - and should at least be vociferously praising - everyone who served in good faith in the war on terror, but whose deeds may now be susceptible to demagogic or politically inspired prosecution by some seeking to score political points. The lawyers can work out if such general or specific preemptive pardons are possible; it may be that the best Bush can or should do is to warn publicly against any such harassment or prosecution. But the idea is this: The CIA agents who waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and the NSA officials who listened in on phone calls from Pakistan, should not have to worry about legal bills or public defamation. In fact, Bush might want to give some of these public servants the Medal of Freedom at the same time he bestows the honor on Generals Petraeus and Odierno. They deserve it.
In the Bush era, the Medal of Freedom has come to absurdly represent a reward for those who carried out policy failures at the urging of the Bush administration. By this standard, the implementers of torture and warrantless wiretapping certainly qualify for such a medal.

Bad Guys

Mumbai "terrorists": "Foreign looking, fair skinned" men had blonde hair, punkish hairstyle, drank beer before killing spree

Pappu Mishra was tending to his customers at his glass-walled cafe at the gothic Victorian Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station in Mumbai when he spotted two sprightly young men dressed in black.


Terror attacks in Mumbai; 80 dead, over 250 injured

Terror struck the country's financial capital late on Wednesday night as coordinate serial explosions and indiscriminate firing rocked eight areas across Mumbai including the crowded CST railway station, two five star hotels--Oberoi and Taj. ( Watch )


Flashback Former Italian President: "9-11 Carried Out By Mossad And CIA"

Francesco Cossiga

The Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera carried the following article on November 30, 2007. They report that President Emeritus of the Italian Republic Francesco Cossiga has stated that 9/11 was the work of US and Israeli intelligence. Not only that, all Democratic leaders in Europe and America are also aware of this fact.

The former President added that at least one of the alleged tapes by Osama Bin Laden is actually a fake. We here at SOTT have been stating precisely this to our readers for several years now, but still, it is nice to have it finally corroborated by a member of the political elite.

Life Preserver

Giant Stimulus Plan Proposed for Europe

BRUSSELS - Seeking to revive the region's rapidly deteriorating economy, the European Commission on Wednesday proposed a stimulus package totaling 200 billion euros, or $256.22 billion.

The commission, the executive arm of the European Union, said in Brussels that the stimulus measures were necessary to bolster growth and employment in the European Union's 27 member countries. Just Tuesday, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development predicted that the 15 countries of the euro zone would contract next year by a combined 0.6 percent, and economists have begun speaking of 2009 as a "lost year."

The stimulus plan was larger than many economists had expected. It calls for a spending of "around 200 billion euros" or 1.5 percent of the European Union's gross domestic product. Most of the money - about 170 billion euros - would come from member-government spending, much of which has already been announced.


Iran: Detained Mossad spy had ties to Revolutionary Guards

One of the detained members of an alleged Israeli-linked espionage network was involved with Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard, the official state news agency said Tuesday.

IRNA quoted Teheran General Prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi as saying the network formed after Israel's Mossad spy agency recruited a man who had "previously been in connection with the Guards."

© APWearing their traditional dresses, Iranian Turkmen, members of the Basij paramilitary volunteers, affiliated to the elite Revolutionary Guards, march during a parade ceremony.