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"I Was a Propaganda Intern in Iraq" - Fmr. Lincoln Group Intern Describes Paying Iraqi Press to Plant Pro-American Articles Secretly Written by U.S. Military

He held a loaded submachine gun while being driven through Baghdad by two Kurdish security men.

He had three million dollars in cash locked inside his bedroom in the Green Zone.

Armed with a gun, he interrogated Iraqi employees about whether they were doing their job.

He spent a summer in Baghdad paying to plant pro-American articles in the Iraqi press that were secretly written by the US military.

Today, we speak with that former intern of the Lincoln Group. Willem Marx is a freelance writer and a graduate student in journalism at New York University. His article detailing his experience is published in the latest issue of Harpers Magazine. It's titled "Misinformation Intern: My summer as a military propagandist in Iraq." He joins us on the line from Uzbekistan.

Broadcast: 08/21/06 Democracy Now! Transcript Below

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: In Search of the Miraculous Part 2

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George Gurdjieff had two aims: 1) to investigate from all sides, and to understand, the exact significance and purpose of the life of man, and 2) to discover, at all costs, some manner or means for destroying in people the predilection for suggestibility which causes them to fall easily under the influence of "mass hypnosis." We continue our discussion of this fundamental aspect of his work, its arising in a time of war and revolution, and discuss the parallels found in the teaching of Don Juan Mateus as recounted by Carlos Casteneda. Laura Knight-Jadczyk looks at the concept of the "petty tyrant", again an idea that comes from a period of war, the Spanish conquest of Mexico, and we see how it is applicable today. We, too, face a world of petty tyrants, the global pathocracy. How can the teachings of Gurdjieff and Don Juan help us today?

Running Time: 00:49:08

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Mossad missed Hezbollah threat

Israel's storied foreign-intelligence service failed to fully understand the threat posed by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, based on a view among many analysts that the guerrilla organization was an evolving political group, according to U.S. officials and private intelligence specialists.

The Mossad had intelligence about most Hezbollah weapons, including rockets fired into Israel and other hardware. But the service knew little about the military and intelligence side of Hezbollah, a diverse organization made up of Islamic terrorists, conventionally armed militia forces, a charity wing and a political movement.


Hamas: Mossad assassination bid fails

Israeli intelligence services planned to assassinate Khalid Mishaal, the head of the political wing of Hamas, last month sources in the group say.

Israel's intelligence and special operations force, Mossad, sent a team to the Syrian capital in July to carry out the killing, Hamas sources said on Wednesday quoting "Western intelligence sources".

Khalid Mishaal is living in exile in Damascus.

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: In Search of the Miraculous

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Where did the teaching of George Gurdjieff come from? What were his aims? Laura Knight-Jadczyk discusses some clues left by Gurdjieff in his book "Life is Real Only Then, When 'I Am'". Gurdjieff's first aim had been "to investigate from all sides, and to understand, the exact significance and purpose of the life of man." To that was added a second, an aim that still has great relevance for today: "[to] discover, at all costs, some manner or means for destroying in people the predilection for suggestibility which causes them to fall easily under the influence of 'mass hypnosis.'"

Running Time: 00:47:32

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Fox Military Analyst on Syria: 'We Can Talk To Them When We Line Them Up and Kill Them' (With Video)

With the Bush administration refusing to hold direct talks with Syria, Col. David Hunt, military analyst for Fox News, appeared on Hannity & Colmes last night to offer some advice to the president: "I think we can talk to them when we line them up and kill them." Stating that "the only reason to talk to some of these guys is to just do that," Hunt went on to argue that America should "absolutely, 100 percent" seek regime change in both Syria and Iran if they're "not going to cooperate."


SOTT Focus: Blair Government Concocts Terror Threat - Scares British People Into Silence


Yawn! Even if I wasn't actually tired, that would still be my response to the latest "terror alert" from the UK government office of machiavellian nonsense...


SOTT Focus: Doctoring Photographs or Censoring War Crimes?

The war lovers and child massacre apologists at Ynet News and obvious government psyop faux right wing cut-out alternative news site 'Little Green Footballs' (LGF) have taken the fact that a Reuters photographer, Adnan Hajj, blatantly "cloned" smoke in an image of an Israeli bombing in Lebanon to not-so-subtly suggest that all of Reuters images from Lebanon might be faked and therefore that we should all ignore Israeli massacres in Lebanon.

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Mind Control, HAARP, and the Coming Catastrophe

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For this podcast we go to the mail bag, which can be found on the Signs forum at: http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/forum/viewtopic.php?id=133 where you can leave your suggestions for podcast themes. This week we discuss mind control, from the media telling you what They want you to hear, passing by what is known as Greenbauming and the making of Manchurian candidates, and finishing with a look at the real use of HAARP. We end the podcast by discussing the relationship of mind control to the cyclic castastrophes that hit our planet with more regularity than the powers that be would have us believe -- another form of mind control.

Running Time: 01:06:33

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SOTT Focus: Mainstream Press Deliberately Misrepresents Iranian PM Yet Again

By now most of the Western world believes that Iranian Prime Minister Ahmadinejad is a raving "anti-Semite", that is, that he "hates the Jewish people simply because they are Jews", and if you read today's news, (the headlines at least, which is as far as most people get) you could be forgiven for believeing that he has reconfirmed his 'Jew-hating' mania.