No sooner did the corporate media parade gruesome photos of the freshly killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, or the person we are expected to believe was al-Zarqawi, then it set about arranging his successor, as evil Muslim boogiemen must remain front and center in the forever war against manufactured terrorism. "An Egyptian associate of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi claims to have succeeded him as the new leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, even though an Islamic Web site said Monday that another man was in power," reports the Bush Ministry of Scary Campfire Stories,
Fox News division. "Brig. Gen. Carter Ham said at a Pentagon news conference on Wednesday that Abu al-Masri, whose name surfaced shortly after reports of Zarqawi's death became widespread as a successor, had claimed to be in charge of Al Qaeda in Iraq." In short, the covert op pseudo-gang "al-Qaeda in Iraq" needs a new face, as the demonization of the resistance must continue.
Comment: Ah, FOX News... Let's review: If the US had found WMD in Iraq, don't you think the Bush administration would have had the news plastered everywhere to prove they were right? Instead, the Bush gang had to change their motive for invading Iraq every other day.