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Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq

WASHINGTON - The United States has found 500 chemical weapons in Iraq since 2003, and more weapons of mass destruction are likely to be uncovered, two Republican lawmakers said Wednesday.

"We have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons," Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said in a quickly called press conference late Wednesday afternoon.

Offering the official administration response to FOX News, a senior Defense Department official pointed out that the chemical weapons were not in useable conditions.
Ah, FOX News... Let's review: If the US had found WMD in Iraq, don't you think the Bush administration would have had the news plastered everywhere to prove they were right? Instead, the Bush gang had to change their motive for invading Iraq every other day.

War Whore

SOTT Focus: Getting Rich From Phony Terror

Ever wondered how the Bush administration keeps the money flowing in?...

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Counter-Intelligence and the 9/11 Movement - Part 4

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In Part 4 of this discussion, we look at the links between different disinformation sites and see how they serve to reinforce each other, even when they appear to be antagonistic. Such in-fighting can convince readers that the sites are really digging to find the truth. How do Jeff Rense, Mike Rivero of What Really Happened, Oil Empire, TV News Lies, Mike Ruppert, and others fit into a well-orchestrated campaign on the part of the pathocracy to limit your thinking and keep you within the fold -- even while you believe you are learning the truth?

Running Time: 00:39:32

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Counter-Intelligence and the 9/11 Movement - Part 3

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We continue our discussion of the "playing" of John Kaminski by people close to him in order to marginalize him and to effectively silence one of the most eloquent voices in the United States today. A passionate writer with a sincere heart, John's emotions were used to push him into writing stories that would drive him to the fringe. We also look at how the disinformation campaign is used to create web sites for every particular stripe of opposition. Billions of dollars are used to control your minds. You need to know how it works.

Running Time: 00:36:00

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Lebanon: New evidence Mossad behind assassination

Lebanese army releases statement citing new evidence that cell nabbed in Lebanon for Majzoub brothers' assassination in May answered to Israeli intelligence agency

A notice published by the Lebanese army Tuesday regarding the assassination on May 25 of the Majzoub brothers in Sidon, revealed apparently new details regarding Israel's involvement in the hit. "In the last operation, that targeted the Majzoub brother, the network received a prepared booby-trapped door for their car from Israel. They were equipped with photographic and broadcast devices to be sure the brother did leave their house. A raid of the cell members' house uncovered sophisticated spying devices. The investigation is ongoing in an attempt to arrest the remaining cell members and decode additional terror activities. The detained will be judged soon," the statement declared.


Best of the Web: New 'al-Qaeda in Iraq' Boogieman: Abu al-Masri

No sooner did the corporate media parade gruesome photos of the freshly killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, or the person we are expected to believe was al-Zarqawi, then it set about arranging his successor, as evil Muslim boogiemen must remain front and center in the forever war against manufactured terrorism. "An Egyptian associate of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi claims to have succeeded him as the new leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, even though an Islamic Web site said Monday that another man was in power," reports the Bush Ministry of Scary Campfire Stories, Fox News division. "Brig. Gen. Carter Ham said at a Pentagon news conference on Wednesday that Abu al-Masri, whose name surfaced shortly after reports of Zarqawi's death became widespread as a successor, had claimed to be in charge of Al Qaeda in Iraq." In short, the covert op pseudo-gang "al-Qaeda in Iraq" needs a new face, as the demonization of the resistance must continue.


Israel blames Hamas mine for beach blast that killed 8

JERUSALEM - Defense Minister Amir Peretz said Tuesday thatIsrael was not responsible for a blast that killed eight Gaza beachgoers, rebuffing Palestinian accusations that blamed an Israeli artillery round.

An Israeli inquiry concluded that the blast was caused by an explosive buried in the sand, not from Israeli shelling on the afternoon of the Palestinian family's beach picnic.

War Whore

SOTT Focus: UK Independent Reveals: The shrapnel evidence that points to Israel's guilt

As readers may be aware, we called this one yesterday, several hours before this story broke and while the whole world was swallowing Israel's attempted cover-up. The process we followed that led us to our conclusion, which can be read at this link, involved critical thinking and evidence from Israel's track record of deliberately murdering Palestinian civilians, including children. Signs of the Times is clearly a source you can rely on for real, objective news reporting and analysis.


SOTT Focus: Killing Children - Israel's "War On Terror"

Last Friday, an Israeli gunboat sitting off the Gaza coast deliberately fired shells at a family enjoying a picnic on the beach. Below is a link to the video of the aftermath. Please right click and choose "save as" to download and view it. Spread the word as far and wide as possible. Something must be done to stop this wanton brutality against the innocent.Gaza Beach Carnage Video

There is only one word for the actions of the Israeli government and military towards the Palestinian people - slow and steady Genocide.

Ordinary Jews are not to blame for this. The responsibility lies with the small number of psychopathic Israeli right-wing "Zionist" leaders who, we can only assume, actually enjoy the sight of dismembered Palestinian children.

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Counter-Intelligence and the 9/11 Movement - Part 2

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Jeff Rense is a popular "alternative" news web site, so popular, in fact, that he is classified by none other than the US government as a disinfo site. Not bad advertizing! In Part 2 we recount our experiences with the people at Rense, including their posting of defamatory pieces on Laura Knight-Jadczyk, that led us to the conclusion that Rense is effectively a government mouthpiece for those searching for alternative news, a diversion that avoids asking the real questions. We also consider the sad case of John Kaminski, a passionate and eloquent voice in post-9/11 America against the fascist takeover of the US, who was carefully manipulated, isolated, and marginalized by handlers close to him. We analyze John's case and see what lessons can be learned.

Running Time: 00:50:46

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