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Poroshenko says 9,000 Russian troops in Ukraine, high-tech invisibility cloaks prevent detection

 Petro Poroshenko
© So much crazy talk, it makes him sweat
Nearly 10,000 Russian troops are in Ukraine according to Ukraine's president, and yet there hasn't been a single reliable independent confirmation of this incredible claim

Ukrainian chocolate sultan Petro Poroshenko told the World Economic Forum this afternoon that there are currently 9,000 Russian troops in Ukraine, according to a breaking news report from Reuters.

Speaking in Switzerland, Poroshenko added that the sneaky Russian invaders were backed by a range of heavy weapons including tanks and artillery systems. Poroshenko provided no evidence to back up his claims: no photographs, satellite images, radio interceptions or even twitter messages.

"If this is not aggression, what is aggression?" Poroshenko asked the Forum attendees.

A baseless lie designed to garner sympathy with the international community? Or maybe Russia stole Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, stretched it out 10 km, and is marching an entire army under its invisible magic? Both hypotheses seem plausible.


Russia Iran military cooperation: May resolve S300 missile delivery issue

Iran_Russia deals0
© Ruptly video
Moscow and Tehran have signed military cooperation deal that implies wider collaboration in personnel training and counter-terrorism activities. It may also resolve the situation concerning the delivery of Russian S300 missiles, Iranian media reported.

Russia's Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and his Iranian counterpart Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan, signed the document during a visit by Russia's top brass to Iran's capital on Tuesday.

Under the new agreement, the broadened cooperation will include military personnel training exchanges, increased counter-terrorism cooperation and enhanced capabilities for both countries' Navies to use each other's ports more frequently.

Arrow Down

A billionaire lectures serfs in Davos - Claims "America's lifestyle expectations are far too high"

Jamie Dimon
Jamie Dimon
If you listened closely this morning, you could hear humanity vomit as JP Morgan CEO, Jamie Dimon, began to speak at Davos.In what amounted to some of the most egotistical and delusional statements heard at a conference filled with egotistical and delusional participants, Mr. Dimon didn't disappoint. Here are a couple highlights courtesy of Twitter:

- Tim Backshall (@credittrader) January 21, 2015
Jamie Dimon: Family first, country second, and JP Morgan- it's the best I can do for this world. @jpmorgan $JPM

- Julia Boorstin (@JBoorstin) January 21, 2015
Such shameless insincerity would even make his Best Banker Buddy (BBB) Barry Obama blush. I don't know about you, but I'm eagerly awaiting Mr. Dimon's 2028 Presidential run with Chelsea Clinton as running mate.

But I digress. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it has. Enter billionaire Jeff Greene, who's comments at Davos make Sam Zell look enlightened.

Star of David

Charlie Hebdo's Zionist agenda and its anti-Gentile allies

In the wake of the terrorist attack against the French satirical newspaper «Charlie Hebdo», it has become apparent that the magazine's editorial chiefs killed in the attack on its headquarters in Paris and groups such as FEMEN and Pussy Riot are all connected in a campaign to disparage Islam and Christianity. In the aftermath of the terrorist attack, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu used the occasion of the memorial service in Paris attended by a number of world leaders to admonish France's parliament for having recently recognized the independence of Palestine and urge France's large Jewish population to emigrate to Israel.

It was also reported that French President François Hollande specifically did not invite Netanyahu to Paris but that the Israeli Prime Minister appeared nevertheless just so he could insult his French hosts and politicize the memorial service for the 17 victims for his own selfish political purposes. Netanyahu's antics in Paris were followed by a visit to French Prime Minister Manuel Valls by members of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations, which represents 50 national Jewish groups in the United States, to urge France to withdrawal its recognition of Palestine in the wake of the attacks on the «Charlie Hebdo» offices and the Hyper Cacher Jewish supermarket in Paris.

The entire «Charlie Hebdo» affair has laid bare the inner workings of a newspaper that began as a left-wing counter-culture mocker of the establishment in the aftermath of the Paris Spring uprising of 1968. «Charlie» is a reference to French President Charles De Gaulle who was forced out of office as a result of the Paris student riots of 1968.

The assassination by two Franco-Algerian brothers, Said and Cherif Kouachi, of «Charlie Hebdo» chief editor Stephane Charbonnier, known as «Charb» to his readers, and three of his top cartoonists, was no surprise to Henri Roussel, the magazine's founder and original editor whose pen name is Delfeil de Ton. In an interview with «Nouvel Observateur,» Roussel said he warned Charb against provoking Muslims with repeated cartoons, some gratuitously sexual, of the Prophet Mohammed. Roussel said that one of the slain cartoonists feared that the cartoons would come back to «haunt» the newspaper, which suffered an arson attack in 2011. The attack came after the magazine published a Mohammed cartoon on its front cover. Roussel said of the 2011 cartoon: «He [Charb] shouldn't have done it, but Charb did it again a year later, in September 2012.»

Comment: It's a clear double standard that Charlie Hebdo and its supporters are espousing. They are all for free speech as long as no one is talking about the criminal organization that runs Israel and the warmongering . If that happens, the hasbara trolls and political pressure is amped up to control anyone brave enough to speak up. But it's perfectly fine for Western intelligence puppets like Pussy Riot and FEMEN to engage in their anti-Russian propaganda. See also:

'Pussy Riot', the U.S. State Department and Economic Shock Therapy

Eye 1

Terrorism is simply inevitable payback, we're seeing it all wrong

john sawers
The only way to stop terror is to watch everyone all the time. So says MI6 stooge John Sawers.
In this globalised world, if we launch weapons of great destructive power into communities abroad, incinerating and shredding women and children, we cannot avoid the fact that those who identify with those communities - ethnically, culturally and religiously - will take revenge on people here. If we are lucky it will be revenge on combatants. If we are unlucky it will be on our innocents. But either way, the truth is this. We caused it.

We caused it by our invasions, occupations and bombings of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, none of which had ever attacked the UK. We caused it by all the dead women and children that British bombs, missiles or bullets killed accidentally. We caused it by the terrible deaths of the people we killed deliberately, who were only defending their country from foreign invaders, just as most of us would do. We caused it by the detainees killed or tortured. As a country, the United Kingdom caused it.

This is not the 19th century. Imperialist aggression now brings a danger of retaliation from empathetic communities embedded in western societies. This is so obvious as not to need stating. The danger of terrorism from Islamic sources would be much reduced if we just minded our own business on the international scene.

Comment: We hear you, Mr. Murray! The problem is, the narrative that terrorism is the biggest problem in the world, and that surveillance is one of the answers (along with foreign intervention), has been expertly manufactured and reinforced for years. It is not some whim or faulty opinion to be corrected by a simple change of heart, or exposure to new facts: it is an entrenched conviction, and an explicit goal of men and women who have worked hard to make it so. It's "how to take over a country and create a pathocracy" 101, and the psychopaths behind it will not give up so easily.

Gold Bar

Rickards and Powell: Lid on the gold price is for China

In May 2006 the economist R. Peter W. Millar of Value-Trac Research in Scotland published a study, "The Relevance and Importance of Gold in the World Monetary System," arguing that central banks would need to revalue gold upward by from seven to 20 times "to raise the monetary value of the world monetary base and hence reduce the burden of debt" and avert a deflationary depression. GATA published that study here:


In May 2012 the U.S. economists and fund managers Paul Brodsky and Lee Quaintance postulated that central banks were suppressing the gold price while surreptitiously redistributing the world's gold among themselves in preparation for a resetting of the world financial system and a substantial upward revaluation of the monetary metal.

Comment: The revaluation of gold estimate of 7 to 20 times mentioned above occured in 2006. Estimates today (arrived at by different means) are closer to 50 times (denominated in today's currencies). Gold should be considered a store of wealth/value - not an investment. Paper may be getting hot enough to spontaneously combust at any time.


Annual address and press conference: Russian Foreign Minster Sergey Lavrov

© Sputnik/ Evgeny Biatov
Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our annual meeting on Russia's diplomatic performance.

The situation last year was more complicated than previously, as new dangerous seats of tensions complemented several smouldering chronic conflicts. Especially alarming was the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, where extremist and terrorist threats were growing and spreading to other regions and to which Russia consistently tried to attract the attention of its partners. The risk that religious and societal divides will grow has not diminished. The global economic situation is far from clear.

We believe that the developments of the past few years show convincingly that global security issues can only be resolved through concerted efforts. But cooperative actions by the international community are hindered by a number of negative trends. The most important of them are fundamental differences between the objective process of the decentralisation of power in the world and the development of a more democratic polycentric world order on the one hand, and persistent attempts by the "historical" West to preserve global leadership at all costs and to enforce its approaches and values, including through the use of force on the other participants of international relations, on the other hand. The situation in Ukraine is a perfect reflection of this policy.

Comment: Another dose of sanity from Lavrov. It's refreshing to read, while the rest of the world spirals into utter lunacy and chaos.


Revelation! Poroshenko finally admits there is no military solution to E. Ukraine conflict

© Sputnik/ Mikhail Palinchak
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko believes there cannot be a military solution to the ongoing conflict in the country's east, he told reporters in a recent interview with Western media.

Speaking to a small group of Western journalists, the Ukrainian president assured the press it was his strong belief that a "simple military solution of this conflict" does not exist.

Comment: If there is no military solution, why are Kiev forces still attacking Donetsk and Lugansk? Why did they send their poorly trained, new recruits as cannon fodder on an impossible mission? See: SOTT Exclusive: Kiev lies to its own troops, sends them to be slaughtered, Novorossiya clearly winning

Poroshenko maintained that Russian troops were involved in the fighting that has claimed more than 4,800 lives and wounded over 10,000 people. However, no evidence of this has been presented so far.

The president added it was necessary to continue dialogue with Russia and said he holds telephone talks with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, about once every two weeks.

Comment: It's hard to believe Poroshenko is being truthful here, though it is possible: one the one hand he is under the control of his US/CIA masters, on the other he is essentially being strong-armed and threatened by the neo-Nazis that would have no problem ousting him in a third Maidan if he doesn't do what they want. Perhaps the utter fail that is the latest 'offensive' on Donetsk and Lugansk has finally pounded some sense into at least a portion of Kiev officials. After continuous violations of all previous ceasefires, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry announced they are now "ready" to resume Minsk talks. In other words, Kiev thinks they can just bomb the hell out of Novorossiya, kill and torture civilians, when it suits them; but the minute they realize they stand no chance of military success, they tap out and ask for a ceasefire. These people have no shame.

Or perhaps the recent renewed bombing of civilians is what Poroshenko is alluding to. There is no military solution. There is only the 'final solution'.

Light Saber

Putin approves giving free land to Far East residents

© Presidential Press and Information Office
Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the idea of free allocation to each inhabitant of the Far East of one hectare of land.

"The idea is correct and in the history of Russia was implemented in Siberia," said the head of state to the proposal of Deputy Prime Minister and presidential representative in the Far Eastern Federal district Yuri Trutnev.

Meanwhile, Putin warned that "modern agriculture, modern economics are a bit different, so you need to carefully evaluate it, need to consider all the details".

Trutnev reported to the President about the positive results of the development of the district in 2014, noting that it is "the beginning of a trend". As an example, he cited the increase in natural population increase by 1.1 thousand and a decrease of migration from the region" from 27 thousand to 20 thousand people.

Comment: You can read Putin's full statement here.

Bad Guys

Them and us: Murdering journalists

After Paris, condemnation of religious fanaticism is at its height. I'd guess that even many progressives fantasize about wringing the necks of jihadists, bashing into their heads some thoughts about the intellect, about satire, humor, freedom of speech. We're talking here, after all, about young men raised in France, not Saudi Arabia.

Where has all this Islamic fundamentalism come from in this modern age? Most of it comes - trained, armed, financed, indoctrinated - from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. During various periods from the 1970s to the present, these four countries had been the most secular, modern, educated, welfare states in the Middle East region. And what had happened to these secular, modern, educated, welfare states?

In the 1980s, the United States overthrew the Afghan government that was progressive, with full rights for women, believe it or not (1), leading to the creation of the Taliban and their taking power.

In the 2000s, the United States overthrew the Iraqi government, destroying not only the secular state, but the civilized state as well, leaving a failed state.

In 2011, the United States and its NATO military machine overthrew the secular Libyan government of Muammar Gaddafi, leaving behind a lawless state and unleashing many hundreds of jihadists and tons of weaponry across the Middle East.

And for the past few years the United States has been engaged in overthrowing the secular Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad. This, along with the US occupation of Iraq having triggered widespread Sunni-Shia warfare, led to the creation of The Islamic State with all its beheadings and other charming practices.

However, despite it all, the world was made safe for capitalism, imperialism, anti-communism, oil, Israel, and jihadists. God is Great!

Comment: For further information, see: