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Best of the Web: Former FSB chief: U.S. using old anti-Soviet policy to break up Russian Federation

© RIA Novosti/ Said TcarnaevRussian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev.
The current turmoil in Ukraine and the military conflicts in Georgia and the Caucasus are a direct result of the anti-Russian policy of the US administration, claims the former head of Russia's Federal Security Service.

Nikolai Patrushev who headed the FSB from 1999 until 2008 said in an interview with the Russian government daily Rossiiskaya Gazeta that intelligence analysts established a current anti-Russian program being executed by American special services dates back to the 1970s, and is based on Zbigniew Brzezinski's "strategy of weak spots", the policy of turning the opponent's potential problems into full scale crises.

Comment: Remember Brzezinski? Yep, the same guy who treacherously blocked the publication of Political Ponerology in the '80s. We wonder why...

"The CIA decided that the most vulnerable spot in our country was its economy. After making a detailed model US specialists established that the Soviet economy suffered from excessive dependency from energy exports. Then, they developed a strategy to provoke the financial and economic insolvency of the Soviet state through both a sharp fall in budget income and significant hike in expenditures due to problems organized from outside," Patrushev told reporters.

Comment: So national sovereignty is now an open joke. You've got resources in your country and it's not fair to keep them all for yourself!

It's disputed whether or not Albright said the following, in 2007:
"Siberia is too large and rich to belong to one country."
Anyway, said or unsaid, Albright, the NeoCons, and US foreign policy mandarins in general, have clearly had their fangs set on opening up Russia to Western private interests. One year before Putin was made PM of Russia, the American elites sensed something was afoot:
Economy Shift In Russia Worries U.S., Albright Says

New York Times
October 3, 1998

The United States is disappointed by the economic confusion within the new Russian Government of Prime Minister Yevgeny M. Primakov, Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright said today, and she warned Russia about the dangers of an anti-Western policy.

In her first comprehensive review of United States-Russian relations since Mr. Primakov was confirmed as Prime Minister last month, Ms. Albright said Washington was ''deeply concerned'' about Russia's direction and did not think the crisis there would soon abate.

''We have heard a lot of talk in recent days about printing new money, indexing wages, imposing price and capital controls and restoring state management of parts of the economy,'' she told the U.S.-Russia Business Council in Chicago. ''We can only wonder if some members of Primakov's team understand the basic arithmetic of the global economy.''

''Our initial reaction to some of the direction he's going in has not been particularly positive,'' she said.

''More big bailouts are not by themselves going to restore investor confidence in Russia,'' she said. ''In the long run, the gap between Russia's needs and its resources must be met not by foreign bailouts but by foreign investment.''

Ms. Albright sharply criticized as self-defeating the ''many voices in Russia who want to shift the emphasis in Russia's interaction with America and our allies from one of partnership to one of assertiveness, opposition and defiance for its own stake.''
The technocratic jargon she uses needs to be deciphered a bit: When Albright said, "We can only wonder if some members of Primakov's team understand the basic arithmetic of the global economy," she wasn't just being a typically arrogant American. She was making pointed reference to the specific Chicago-school neo-liberal economic formulae Western oligarchs rely on to maintain the status quo of 'ever more for the rich and ever less for the masses'.

Chastizing Russian state bailouts is - in retrospect - richly ironic given the scale of US bailouts of US corporations just 10 years later. More to the point, however, is Albright's subsequent statement:
"...the gap between Russia's needs and its resources must be met not by foreign bailouts but by foreign investment."
Right there we find the same line of thought as the first comment about Siberia being "too big for one country", just formulated slightly differently: Russia should be allowing Western corporations to exploit its resources for private profit, instead of the national state doing so for the benefit of Russia.

What also comes through is the same sentiment regarding the scale of Russia's natural resources: it's 'unfair' that this country has more than it needs, therefore they should allow us - humanitarians of the benevolent and blessed Western oligarchy - to come in and redistribute it on behalf of all humanity.

Like Putin said back in 2006, "Comrade Wolf knows who to eat."

War Whore

Psychopathic warmongers in Washington hunt Russia, ISIS, and Ebola at the same time

© Reuters/Ints Kalnins
The US Secretary of Defense Secretary categorized Russia as a global threat - much like Obama in his UN address last month - in the same breath as Ebola and Islamic State.

For anybody who took at face value the Obama administration's past commitment for a "reset" with Russia, US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel's speech on Wednesday should dispel those grand illusions once and for all.

But first, there's the deadly Ebola virus for the US military to contend with.

In commemorating the US military's "global presence and engagement," Hagel said the US Army "will soon deploy as a key part of America's contribution to the global effort to stop the spread of Ebola before it becomes an even more of a grave threat."

The activation of the US Army into the epicenter of a viral epidemic may strike some as an actual dereliction of military duty, not to mention a reckless risk to soldiers. Moreover, judging by the Obama administration's apparent lack of preparedness to handle a few Ebola cases in Dallas, Texas, how will the US Army fare in the midst of a full-blown epidemic in Africa?

Washington's apparent desire to find a military solution even for a medical problem should give the American people some pause. In the event of a full-blown outbreak of Ebola in the United States, would that be the signal for the US Army to introduce martial law on the streets of America? If the answer is no, why then does Hagel believe the US military should activate its forces in a foreign country that really needs armies of doctors, not soldiers?

Comment: The U.S. government only knows how to use force. It deploys the military to fight an infectious disease, even if it makes no logical sense, because all it knows is take over, control, and threats.


Justice for sale

Justice for Sale
© A Little Reality Blogspot
At first glance, Lanell Williams-Yulee's legal fight against the Florida Bar has an appealingly underdogish aura about it. In 2009, Williams-Yulee declared her candidacy for county court judge in Hillsborough County, launching her campaign with a mass-mail fundraising letter that asked for "an early contribution" to help her "raise the initial funds." Plenty of campaigns start with this kind of gentle panhandling, of course. But Williams-Yulee was running to be a judge, and the Florida Code of Judicial Conduct explicitly states that judicial candidates "shall not personally solicit campaign funds." Williams-Yulee was charged with professional misconduct and fined $1,860.30. The judgeship went to another candidate.

Williams-Yulee was running a modest campaign for an obscure seat. But with that single letter, she waded into a controversy that pits democracy and free speech against judicial ethics and due process. That controversy will soon come to a head at the Supreme Court, as the justices recently agreed to review Williams-Yulee's case. And when the court hears the case later this term, it seems overwhelmingly likely that the justices who brought you Citizens United will take their First Amendment bushwhacker to judicial elections.

To see why Williams-Yulee's letter tripped this particular wire, you have to understand that judicial elections are one of the more idiosyncratic and hotly debated features of American democracy. In virtually every other country, judges are appointed, not elected, to prevent angry voters from punishing them for unpopular rulings. Even in the United States, the framers of the Constitution took care to insulate federal judges from the majoritarian will, granting them lifetime appointments and shuddering at the possibility that they might "consult popularity" and "the people" instead of "the Constitution and the laws." When it comes to picking judges, more democracy does not necessarily mean more justice.

But throughout most of the United States, judges have no choice but to consult "the people" from time to time - it's the people, after all, who gave them their jobs. Thirty-nine states put their judges up for election, forcing them to campaign on the contradictory promise that they will both respect the wishes of the people and maintain judicial independence. All that campaigning, of course, requires cash, often a great deal of it. Today, 30 states (including Florida) forbid judges from personally soliciting campaign funds, requiring them instead to set up committees to keep candidates a step removed from money matters. The premise behind these laws is that when judges beg for money, they diminish the impartiality of the judiciary.

Control Panel

Putin puts his foot down: If Ukraine siphons gas from pipeline, Russia will reduce Europe supplies

Ukraine steals gas
© Reuters/Marko DjuricaRussian President Vladimir Putin looks on during a meeting with Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic (not pictured) at Serbia Palace building in Belgrade October 16, 2014.
Moscow will reduce gas supplies if Kiev starts siphoning deliveries destined for Europe, said Russia's President Vladimir Putin during a visit to Serbia.

"There are large transit risks. If we see that our Ukrainian partners start illegally taking our gas from the export pipeline as it was in 2008, we will equally reduce the amount of supply as happened in 2008," warned Putin on Thursday at a news conference in Belgrade, stressing he was "hopeful" it would not come to that.

However, the Russian president pledged that Moscow will supply enough gas to Europe this winter.

"I can tell you for sure, and I am saying with absolute responsibility, there will be no crisis in Europe due to the fault of Russian participants in energy cooperation," Putin stressed.

"Russia has always been a reliable supplier, we have enough resources."

Given the threat of gas disruption, the South Stream project starts looking increasingly attractive and "beneficial for European consumers," Putin said. The issues connected with the delay of the construction of South Stream are "of a political character" only, he added.

"In this case politics hurt the economy for sure, causing damage to a certain extent, even reducing the competitive advantages of the European economy in comparison with other regions of the world."

Putin requested support from his European partners, saying Russia couldn't "unilaterally construct a pipeline system worth billions of dollars if our partners are still thinking whether to develop the project or not."

Comment: If the EU wants Ukraine then Putin is making them responsible for its good behavior. It will be interesting to see how well it goes.

Star of David

Israel's deepening isolation: UK Parliament votes to symbolically recognize Palestine

© ReutersBenjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister
The world is no longer shutting its eyes to the Benjamin Netanyahu government's obstructionism and violence

In the end, the result was emphatic. After three and a half hours of debate, MPs voted to recognise the state of Palestine by 274 votes to 12.

To be sure, the vote was non-binding and has no effect - for now - on government policy, as Israel's dwindling number of hardcore supporters will point out. And Israeli officials will affect unconcern, claiming that the emoting of MPs in a second-rate ex-imperialist power with delusions of grandeur means nothing.

Don't believe a word of it. As reports of last-minute lobbying from Jerusalem make clear, Israel knows it cannot afford to ignore this result - for two reasons. First, it provides a stark barometer reading of opinion in much of the Western world, where Israel craves respect and acceptance. Second, as a damning verdict on Israel's recent policies from an influential global power, the vote will contribute to its deepening international isolation and prompt other countries to press against the occupation.

If you need proof of just how friendless Israel's hard-Right government has become, consider the statements last night from MPs who would normally count themselves the country's natural allies. Arch-Tories such as Nicholas Soames (whose grandfather Winston Churchill is Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's political hero) spoke eloquently in favour of Palestinian statehood. And Richard Ottoway, chair of the foreign affairs select committee, said that despite having been "a friend of Israel long before I became a Tory", its recent policies had "outraged me more than anything else in my political life", concluding: "If Israel is losing the support of people like me, it is losing a lot of people."

Comment: When even the pusillanimous gaggle that is the UK Parliament (surpassed only by the US Congress) makes even an empty gesture of censure towards Israel, then it's clear the clock is ticking on "that 'sh**ty little country'. Psychopaths have no problem disposing of 'colleagues' when their usefulness is ended.


Proxy army: French authorities 'accidentally' let returning ISIS recruiters slip back into country

Brother-in-law of Mohammed Merah, 2 others, allowed to return to France from Syria via Turkey after failed attempt to join Islamic State

Photo of French fighters recruited by DGSE to fight the West's proxy war in Syria, seen here calling for their mates back home to join jihad in the fun.
Paris - Confusion reigned Tuesday over the whereabouts of three suspected French jihadists arrested in Turkey who include the brother-in-law of Toulouse Jewish school killer Mohammed Merah after an apparent bungle by authorities.

The French interior ministry had announced that the three men, including the 29-year-old husband of Merah's sister Souad, Abdelhoued Bagadhali, had been arrested by French police on their arrival at Paris's Orly airport after being sent back from Turkey.

But it later turned out that the men had not landed in Paris at all, but were put on a flight to the southern city Marseille where they were - to their apparent surprise - able to walk freely from the airport.

The ministry claimed that after the pilot of the Paris-bound flight refused to allow them on board, the Turkish authorities put them on the flight to Marseille. But it insisted that Paris did not become aware of the change until after the men had landed on French soil.

Comment: Latest reports say hundreds of French teens and 20-somethings are arriving in Syria via Turkey each week:

Sick society: Hundreds of French girls leaving each week to join ISIS - Thousands of European terrorists pillaging and plundering Middle East

War Whore

Psychopath Cheney still singing the same tunes: Next attack on US will be 'far more deadlier' than 911

cheney psycho
"Be very scared Americans and support the wars that you pay for, and which increase my wealth exponentially"
Former Vice President Dick Cheney warned that the next terrorist attack on the US will be far worse than 9/11 during a nearly two-hour interview. He also took pride in the use of waterboarding and in giving the National Security Agency free reign.

The 73-year-old sat down with neoconservative political pundit Bill Kristol on Sunday for the Weekly Standard editor's latest installment of Conversations with Bill Kristol. The two discussed Cheney's time as secretary of defense; the Gulf War; the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations; 9/11; and the threats we face today.

"You've got to be a fool to believe isolation as a strategy is the way to go. We have no choice but to be involved in that part of the world, and if we're not actively involved, there are some very bad things that are going to happen," Cheney warned.

He believes that if the Iranians get nuclear weapons, it won't be long before others in the region also have nuclear weapons, hinting that the deadly weapons could fall into the heads of the Islamic State or Syria.

Comment: In other words, screw you Americans and your problems, we'll squeeze you dry of all necessities to continue our wars because... we love a good bloodbath and it makes us rich!

And why anyone bothers to interview this psycho is a mystery. He always spews exactly the same drivel.

From June 2014: Dick Cheney: There will be another 'massive attack' on America that's 'far deadlier' than 9/11

From March 2014: "If I would have to do it all over again, I would": Dick Cheney stands by his love of torture


Sick society: Hundreds of French girls leaving each week to join ISIS - Thousands of European terrorists pillaging and plundering Middle East

Lost: Kamel Ali Mehenni and his wife Severine hold pictures of their daughter Sahra at their home in Lezignan Corbieres, France. The image on the left is a frame grab taken from a CCTV camera showing her at a train station on her way to join Islamic State militants fighting in Syria and Iraq
Dozens of French teenagers, including a young Jewish girl, have fled the country to join Islamic State militants fighting in Syria and Iraq, French intelligence has revealed.

At least 100 girls and young women from France have left to join terrorists in Syria in recent weeks, up from just a handful 18 months ago when the trip was not even on Europe's security radar.

The departures are less the whims of adolescents and more the conclusions of months of work by organised radical recruitment networks that specifically target young people in search of an identity.

These mostly online networks recruit girls to serve as wives, babysitters and housekeepers for jihadists, with the aim of planting multi-generational roots for a long-lasting Islamic caliphate.

Comment: With 50% youth unemployment in many of the places these kids come from, massive funding from rich Arabs allied with Western oligarchs, and intel agencies recruiting and training them, it's not really surprising that this is the result.

The Belgian government said in December 2013 that 5,000 Europeans had been recruited for jihad in the Middle East.

At the current increased rate of recruitment of hundreds each week, we can probably double that figure to 10,000. Western government estimates put the total ISIS numbers at between 20 and 50,000 jihadists. That means a sizeable chunk of them are recruited from directly under the noses of the most hi-tech, totalitarian Big Brother police state the planet has ever seen.

We're meant to believe this is an 'accident'...

Belgian government: Up to 5,000 European teenagers have been groomed to fight West's phony 'civil war' in Syria

British extremists among the most vicious in Islamic State ranks sez jihadism expert

G'day mate! Aussie terrorists pouring into Syria and Iraq

Hoax? Belgian police launch probe into 'jihadist training camp' in Ardennes

Even in the absence of direct management of these recruitment networks by Western intel handlers, this is the direct consequence of 15 years of utterly insane, pathocratic governance in western Europe, and a stark symptom of the virulent cancer that is consuming everything in its path.


Why regime change won't stop ISIS Syria: It didn't stop ISIS in Iraq or Libya

war syria lie
US corporate-financier funded policy think tanks have been taking turns in recent weeks floating the narrative that the next logical step to stopping so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS) terrorists in Syria is removing the Syrian government from power - this despite the fact that the only cohesive, organized force in the region capable of fighting ISIS terrorists is the Syrian government and its Syrian Arab Army.

Kenneth M. Pollack a policy writer at the Brookings Institution and a signatory of the noxious 2009 "Which Path to Persia?" report Brookings produced which advocated arming and funding listed terrorist organizations to fight Iran under the cover of street protests (exactly how the US went about plunging Syria into its current crisis), has recently penned his thoughts on what should be done in Syria. Titled, "An Army to Defeat Assad: How to Turn Syria's Opposition Into a Real Fighting Force," Pollack claims:
...there is, in fact, a way that the United States could get what it wants in Syria - and, ultimately, in Iraq as well - without sending in U.S. forces: by building a new Syrian opposition army capable of defeating both President Bashar al-Assad and the more militant Islamists.

Comment: West's Middle East war is not aimed at ISIS, but at Assad

Calls for U.S. ground troops and impending escalation of Middle East war against Assad

Biden admits ISIS is a creation of U.S. foreign policy used to destabilize Middle East

Light Sabers

Dutch bikers for 'Murica - French Jews for ISIS - Oy vey!

A 'handful' of Jewish teenagers said to have joined ISIS. Jewish community officials say trend 'inconceivable.'
Thousands of young Europeans are flocking to Syria and Iraq to support the monster created by Western intel agencies

More than one Jewish convert to Islam has joined the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group in Syria, a French official revealed Monday - days after a French Jewish teenager was reported to be working for the Islamist extremist organization.

More than 1,000 French citizens have joined ISIS, the official told Channel 2, based on recent figures from the French Interior Ministry.

While the official stressed that people "of Jewish extraction" are a "handful" of projected foreign nationals in Syria, the statement surfaces amid heightened fears about ISIS and the Jewish world.

Meyer Habib, a member of French parliament, told Channel 2 that the jihadists have become a hot topic in the Jewish community, but that no one could confirm whether or not their loved ones had joined the group.

Comment: Meanwhile, Dutch biker gang members are making aliyah to 'the Middle East' to kill some ragheads:

What a bloody mess.

Brought to you by Psychos R US.