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Tale of two uprisings: Ukraine's Maidan got McCain and cookies while French Yellow Vests met with icy silence from Washington

western hypocrisy Yellow Vests Paris
© AFP / Boris HorvatThis glaringly hypocritical position with regards to the French protesters reveals a deeply flawed, cart-before-the-horse Western axiom that commands: ‘whatever works to the advantage of Western institutions and its political elite is automatically good for democracy.’
Unlike the 2014 Ukraine uprising, which witnessed invasive meddling on the part of US politicians and diplomats, Western support for the French Yellow Vest protests has been conspicuously missing in action.

With the streets of Paris ablaze for a fourth weekend in a row, as a swarm of Yellow Vests assert themselves against a French government which, they argue, has become increasingly detached from the cares of ordinary citizens, support among Western capitals for the protesters is nowhere to be found.

This is a bit odd since the 'gilets jaunes' are not just protesting Macron's (rescinded) plans for a fuel tax, but have released a list of 42 demands they want to see implemented. This includes an increase of the minimum wage, pensions and wages, as well as a halt to illegal immigration into the country. In other words, we are not talking about violent anarchists on the streets of France, but regular citizens. Thus far, the movement enjoys a high level of support among the French, with one poll showing 72 percent siding with the protesters.

The United States and its allies may have trouble explaining their tone-deafness in the face of these legitimate concerns on the part of millions of French citizens. At the very least, their icy silence will reveal a no small amount of double standards and outright hypocrisy since the West rarely misses an opportunity to interfere in the affairs of foreign states - mostly in the Middle East - when 'democracy' is purportedly on the line.

Comment: Speaking of Western hypocrisy: Dear President Assad: Please arm French protestors to end Macron regime's brutal crackdown


James and the giant impeachment project

comey reporters hallway
© Chip Somodevilla/Getty ImagesJames Comey
For those concerned that former FBI Director James Comey is suffering from early dementia, have no fear: His memory returned with a vengeance during a Sunday night interview with MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace.

On Friday, under questioning by House Judiciary Committee members, Comey answered, "I don't know," "I don't recall," or "I don't remember" nearly 250 times during a six-hour closed-door hearing. His memory lapse included critical details like how the infamous Steele dossier reached his agency; who at the FBI drafted the initiation document to investigate the Trump campaign; who at the FBI had authority to open a counterintelligence probe into a presidential campaign; and his own comments about the tarmac meeting between his boss, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and former president Bill Clinton. He said he didn't know what the word "insidious" meant and couldn't explain the difference between collusion and conspiracy.

Comment: Gateway Pundit has more to say:
Michael Flynn
Michael Flynn
General Mike Flynn's sentencing memo was filed Tuesday evening and it further proved that the FBI agents ambushed him to get him in a perjury trap.

General Flynn's lawyers asked the judge for no jail time and instead "to sentence him to a term of probation not to exceed one year, with minimal conditions of supervision, along with 200 hours of community service."

They told Flynn not to have his lawyer present. He thought it was a social visit.

This was on January 24th - four days after the Inauguration.

Flynn had NO IDEA he was being interrogated. This is how the Deep State criminals operate.

Flynn thought it was some sort of training session.

In fact Michael Flynn gave the FBI creatures a tour of his White House wing, joking with them, thinking it was some kind of training session!

They set him up. They spied on him! They spied on Trump. They spied on Trump's daughter. They sent in operatives to spy on the Trump campaign. And then they charged Mike Flynn with lying to investigators when he did not even know he was being interrogated!


SOTT Focus: Researcher Mark Curtis: Britain Systematic Violator of International Law, Responsible For 8 to 13 Million Deaths Globally Since 1945

mark curtis RT underground
Top British researcher Mark Curtis, interviewed on RT UK's Going Underground (because the British media isn't allowed to interview him)
In a rare and damning interview, historian and UK foreign policy analyst Mark Curtis asserted that the British state has been complicit or responsible for the deaths of around 10 million people since World War II. The interview spans across various cases of post-war British foreign policy, from Libya to Vietnam and from Yemen to Indonesia. And it's definitely not the kind of analysis you'll find on the BBC.


Vladimir Putin skillfully outmaneuvers the US yet again

Vladimir Putin
© Alexander Zemlianichenko / APRussian President Vladimir Putin looks at a monument of Nobel Prize-winning author Alexander Solzhenitsyn in Moscow.
Don't look now, but Vladimir Putin has racked up another win in his latest skirmish with the West.

The victory took place Nov. 25 in the Kerch Strait, the narrow strip of water separating the disputed Crimean Peninsula from the Russian mainland to the east. It occurred when the Russian coast guard fired on and seized three Ukrainian naval vessels. As always, the details are in dispute, with the Ukrainians claiming that their boats informed the Russians about their plans to navigate the strait but received no reply and Russia saying the opposite.

But there's no doubt as to the result. By briefly closing the strait, Russia has demonstrated that it can restrict access at will to roughly half the Ukrainian coastline that lies within the Sea of Azov, including the economically vital ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk. Although Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko immediately called for Western intervention, it also demonstrated that there is little NATO can do in response.

While expressing "full support" for Ukraine, the alliance said nothing about Poroshenko's request that NATO ships force their way through the Kerch Strait in defiance of the blockade. The same goes for Ukraine's call to Turkey to close off Russian naval access to the Dardanelles, the equally narrow body of water connecting the Black Sea with the Mediterranean. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's only response was an offer to mediate.


Court orders Stormy Daniels to pay President Trump $292 thousand in legal fees

Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump
© Reuters
Adult film star Stormy Daniels must pay President Trump $293,000 in legal fees, a judge ruled on Tuesday.

"The U.S. District Court today ordered Stormy Daniels (real name Stephanie Clifford) to pay President Trump $292,052.33 to reimburse his attorneys' fees (75% of his total legal bill), plus an additional $1,000 in sanctions to punish Daniels for having filed a meritless lawsuit against the President designed to chill his free speech rights," Charles J. Harder, the president's legal counsel, said in a statement.

"The court's order," Harder said, "along with the court's prior order dismissing Stormy Daniels' defamation case against the President, together constitute a total victory for the President, and a total defeat for Stormy Daniels in this case."


FOI documents reveal Australia's secret arms deals with nations fighting Yemen's bloody war

Tactical Vehicle
© EOSOshkosh Joint Light Tactical Vehicle fitted with an EOS R400 with a 30mm cannon and 7.62mm machine gun.
The Australian Government has approved the export of dozens of shipments of military items to Middle Eastern countries embroiled in the bloody Yemen war, a conflict dogged by accusations of war crimes and indiscriminate civilian killings.

Internal Defence Department documents obtained under Freedom of Information (FOI) and from parliamentary hearings reveal since the beginning of 2016, Canberra has granted at least 37 export permits for military-related items to the United Arab Emirates, and 20 to Saudi Arabia.

They are the two countries leading a coalition fighting a war against Houthi rebels in the Middle East's poorest nation, Yemen.

The four-year war in Yemen has killed tens of thousands and an air-and-sea embargo has led to more than 85,000 Yemeni children under five dying from hunger, according to one children's agency.

Comment: See also:


US Senate to debate withdrawing some support from Saudi Arabia's war on Yemen

white house
The US Senate voted on Wednesday to start debate on a resolution that would end US involvement in the war in Yemen.

The Senate voted 60 to 39 in favour of starting debate over the Yemen War Powers Resolution.

"This joint resolution directs the President to remove US armed forces from hostilities in or affecting Yemen, except those engaged in operations directed at al Qaeda, within 30 days unless: (1) the President requests and Congress authorizes a later date, or (2) a declaration of war or specific authorization for the use of the Armed Forces has been enacted, according to a summary on the Senate website," the text of the legislation says.

Comment: The support the US and UK are providing to the Saudi's in their genocide in Yemen is many, varied and much of illegal, and it seems with the ever inclusive 'al Qaeda' clause, very little could change at all: Also check out SOTT radio's: NewsReal: West Discovers Saudi Arabia Has Human Rights Issues & The Real Reason People Hate Trump

Red Pill

Strasbourg shooter was on terror watch list and yet allowed to roam free, why?

strasbourg shooting
© AFP / Patrick Hertzog
The inaction of the French security services coupled with the fact that French police had squarely focused on the popular Yellow Vests protests allowed the Strasbourg attacker to commit his rampage and flee, analysts believe.

The suspect, identified as Cherif Chekatt, 29, was repeatedly convicted not only in France but also in Germany and Switzerland over an array of offenses - and was also placed on a terror watch list - but still managed to somehow carry out his assault near one of Europe's oldest and biggest Christmas markets and then escape unhindered.

While the fact that such a man was allowed to roam free without any proper oversight is quite astonishing in and of itself, it also apparently reveals some serious flaws within France's security system, says geopolitical analyst and terrorism expert Alexandre Del Valle.

"He should have been detained," Del Valle told RT. "This is just unbelievable that ... this dangerous repeat offender was not under the strict control," he added.

Comment: It's significant that a witness to the event commenting online, corroborating the above report, noted the police weren't helpful and the people just fled on hearing gunfire, as well as the fact that he believed there were two shooters that day, see: What a Coincidence. Gunman shoots up Strasbourg Christmas, city bans public demos, France on 'highest threat level' (UPDATES)

For an idea of what was really going on behind the scenes, because clearly the official narrative doesn't make any sense, it's best to compare the disturbing similarities of this attack with the many others Europe has suffered in recent years, and, moreover, to discern who really benefits from the event: Also check out SOTT radio's:

Eiffel Tower

French lessons in democracy for all the world to learn

yellow vests paris
© Sputnik
French people are standing up for their rights and speaking out for many others around the world who are sick at the injustice of capitalism. None more so than people of Western states who have had to endure decades of economic austerity while a tiny elite become ever more obscenely wealthy.

In addition to the irrational malign distribution of wealth that capitalism bestows, Western states - that is, the oligarch-serving politicians - spend and waste inordinate financial resources on militarism and waging criminal wars.

For the fourth weekend in a row, the French public have taken to the streets of Paris and other major cities to demand economic justice. They also want President Emmanuel Macron to resign. Macron has so far kept his usual aloof silence on the protests, leaving it up to his prime minister Edouard Philippe to placate the angry nation.

Comment: Cunningham is correct. What we are seeing now occurring in France is something of a test case for how many other Western nations respond to the economic and social subjugation by their criminally-motivated governments - and how those governments attempt to "address" it.


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro: 'Bolton is preparing plan for my assassination, with help from Bogota'

Nicolas Maduro
© Reuters / Marco BelloVenezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused US National Security Advisor John Bolton of preparing a plot to murder him, and also has called out Colombian leader Ivan Duque as Bolton's accomplice.

"John Bolton is leading the plan to unleash violence and conduct a coup to introduce a transitional government" in Venezuela, Maduro said at press-conference, which was broadcast live on his Facebook page. "Bolton is preparing a plan for my assassination."

Trump's national security adviser has organized the training of mercenaries and paramilitary units "in various places" to be used against Venezuela, he said.

Maduro claimed that more than 730 armed thugs are ready to launch provocations and to attack military bases in Venezuela.

According to the Venezuelan leader, Bolton's plot is being carried out with the heavy involvement of Colombia, with its president Ivan Duque being "his accomplice." Maduro then slammed Duque as Washington's puppet, who "can't even go to the toilet without permission from the US ambassador in Bogota."

Comment: Maduro is probably not far off the mark with his statements considering that his predecessor, Hugo Chavez was likely assassinated by elements within the US deep state and ABC agencies.

See also: