This was a comment that didn’t make sense
“ Scientists can only view the sun from the "ecliptic plane," or the geometric plane that contains the orbit of Earth”.
What about STEREO? [Link]
Another query would be why and who is pointing the James Webb Space Telescope at this seemingly ultra rare occurrence at this particular moment?
Have a nice day!
Wasn't sure where else to post this. (This article seemed somewhat appropriate)Sad to see him go. I enjoyed his teachings & work. Saturn as the Second Sun Theory a la Veilovkovsky/Talbot gets a little dicey & sketchy for me however to hang my hat on as an absolute fact/truth. [Link]
But it looks like Wal Thornhill (Electric Universe) has passed away.
“night-sun” as well as a “day-sun” existed in ancient Babylonian astrological thought.’”
VooDoo6 interesting.Shalmaneser & I disgaree on this point. But in all fairness, we haven’t talked about this & I’m not sure how many people out there even know it exists. I think NightSun = Black Sun 🌚 which so far the best explanation I can discern is it the Earth’s core. 🌎“night-sun” as well as a “day-sun” existed in ancient Babylonian astrological thought.’”Would night sun be its mirror, our grandmother moon?
Shamash, Saturn (the authority, the austere, teacher of discipline responsibility and AYNI (right relationship). Shamash could be the origine of 'Shaman'? Does connect imho
I have 25 mins to go but tomorrow.Of the FIRST one, or all three? The documentary is split into 3 parts on YouTube. You may have found these already but:
VooDoo6 Not sure; I haven't been down that particular rabbit hole. But:1). We are definitely speaking different time periods. When I researched Saturn second Sun theory which sole source is Russian Veilovkovsky the information was vague & abstruse. No scientific proof or even petrglyphs. It was a ‘story’ with little to know supporting evidence. I’m reluctant to hang my hat on myths/storyies/Folklore/ Legend w/o proofs. The period it allegedly happened was way before man appeared on the horizon time scale if we follow the contemporaneous narrative. It’s hard to get evidence of two planets colliding, knocking out the original spherical order into the configuration of today. I dunno either & I’m open minded about it but skeptical of the lack of evidence. I found lots of other stuff about Saturn & why the Mithras & other cults deified Saturn / Jupiter / Venus / Mercury / Mars etc.
1.) We may be speaking of entirely different time periods. David Talbot's work (with assistance from Wal Thornhill) deals with a time period "before and up to" the point where our "current sun" is considered "the sun."
2.) The work of Talbot, Thornhill and others is "hard science." There's no real "woo" involved. Just a different interpretation of available information.
I do tend to favor the Electric Universe interpretation over most "mainstream/uniformitarian" interpretations. But not sure what I really "believe."
One thing I *do* believe, quite strongly, is that we've not yet reached the point where ~200 or so years from now the things we "believe now" will not be regarded as "primitive." (Essentially: at any point in "history" the general population regards the beliefs of a couple centuries previous to be outdated. I don't believe we've reached the end of that phenomenon.)
"wal thornhill" "linear" "alignment"and found this page pretty quick: [Link] Which has several different interpretations available.
A co-linear model of the Saturn / Venus/ Mars / Earth system is shared by a several researchers, including David Talbott, and Dwardu Cardona. Fred Jueneman has jocularly described it as a ‘planetary shish kebab’.From there can check & see what Talbott & Cardona are up to these days.
VooDoo6 From what I've read most of the "serious" research today considers Velikovsky's ideas "quaint." He definitely had some novel ideas, not all of which may be incorrect.Thanks. Lol - Been to that site years ago.
As far as additional material try some Google searches if you're interested. I started with"wal thornhill" "linear" "alignment"and found this page pretty quick: [Link] Which has several different interpretations available.A co-linear model of the Saturn / Venus/ Mars / Earth system is shared by a several researchers, including David Talbott, and Dwardu Cardona. Fred Jueneman has jocularly described it as a ‘planetary shish kebab’.From there can check & see what Talbott & Cardona are up to these days.
Also: a while ago someone here on Sott recommended [Link] "Cataclysm!: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C." by D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair for a completely different interpretation of much the same data that Velikovsky used.
Organized galactic-scale magnetic fields anyone?What you want to know about them?
VooDoo6 Not sure; I haven't been down that particular rabbit hole. But:This infogram about Saturn‘s magnetic fields connecting to the D ring is interesting. [Link]
1.) We may be speaking of entirely different time periods. David Talbot's work (with assistance from Wal Thornhill) deals with a time period "before and up to" the point where our "current sun" is considered "the sun."
2.) The work of Talbot, Thornhill and others is "hard science." There's no real "woo" involved. Just a different interpretation of available information.
I do tend to favor the Electric Universe interpretation over most "mainstream/uniformitarian" interpretations. But not sure what I really "believe."
One thing I *do* believe, quite strongly, is that we've not yet reached the point where ~200 or so years from now the things we "believe now" will not be regarded as "primitive." (Essentially: at any point in "history" the general population regards the beliefs of a couple centuries previous to be outdated. I don't believe we've reached the end of that phenomenon.)
Unless you're very young, which I doubt, then it's likely that the concept of the "northern lights" being a phenomenon connected to the sun was "accepted" by mainstream science in your lifetime. It was "crazy to think that could be true;" until it wasn't.the other day, I couldn't remember my age....seriously....I thought I was 58 for a moment, but then I ran the numbers and turns out I'm just a young 57!
Only their careers and livelihoods depend on it, so they can't give it up.
The sun is NOT a spinning ball of gaseous plasma : [Link]