What are these nitwits on about? They don't really believe their own rhetoric, do they?
In this NewsReal, Joe and Niall assess the 'green' proposals and ostensibly rational beliefs professed by Our Dear Leaders. Even if their theories about our complex ecosystem are childishly cartoonish, they all seem to be on the same page about SOMETHING, so what is it they're NOT telling people?
Running Time: 01:33:39
Download: MP3 — 64.3 MB
If The Google censors it at YT, watch this podcast on Rumble or Odysee. Show Notes
- Twix TV Commercial, 'Bite Size Halloween: The Little Princess and the Witch'
- German Chancellor Merkel arriving at G20 in Rome
- US Vice President Harris 'receiving her third shot'
- 'Cop26: Greta Thunberg mobbed by supporters as she arrives in Glasgow', The Independent
- 'Noam Chomsky says the unvaccinated should just remove themselves from society', National Post
- US President Biden arriving at G20 in Rome
- 'Prince Charles joins Boris Johnson, Joe Biden and other world leaders as they feast on salmon and sea bass at G20 gala dinner in 16th-century Quirinale Palace in Rome', Daily Mail
- UK Prime Minister interview at Colosseum in Rome
- UK's Prince Charles speech at G20 in Rome
- UN infomercial featuring Jack Black as velociraptor at General Assembly
- 'There's NO case for "vaccinating" children...& the FDA meeting proves it', Off-Guardian
“Look into the face, of the JEW who’s going to do it”