SOTT Focus:


SOTT Focus: Has Nibiru/Planet X Been Sighted?

Comment: The following article was written by Laura in the early days of Signs. We're reviving it here and now in the hope of clearing up a lot of the confusion surrounding what this 'Planet X' really is and to provide readers with some insight into the background research that led to our catastrophist hypothesis.

© Alastair Grant/Associated PressComet Hale-Bopp, seen above the ancient stone circle of Stonehenge in southwest England in 1997
Is Nibiru going to appear in April, 2003 as is being claimed by certain New Age Gurus?

In a word, NO. And you can take that to the bank.

It is part of a COINTELPRO operation designed to drive believers over the edge and force legislation against alternative ideas, research, and the free exchange of information over the internet.

It is part of the Stargate Conspiracy.

Remember Hale Bopp? Remember Heaven's Gate? Have we learned anything?

Read the following article very carefully. Indeed, Earth will very likely experience cataclysms at some point in the future, but it won't be because of the Planet Nibiru, and it isn't going to be in 2003.

Comment: Suggested further reading: Comets and Catastrophe Series, beginning here.


SOTT Focus: Ruppert and Hopsicker Co-Opting the 9-11 Truth Movement Or Exposing the Big Con - Lies and Disinformation At The End Of Civilisation As We Know It

© UnknownMichael C. Ruppert

Febuary 7 2005: In looking at the best known "big names" among those individuals allegedly attempting to uncover the truth about 9-11, high up on the list (at the moment anyway) we find Mike Ruppert of 'From the Wilderness'.

Ruppert has been making alternative news headlines for the past few months over two issues: the flack he has been taking, and giving, in a war of words with several high profile 9-11 investigators, and the issue of "Peak Oil". Quite often the two controversies are related.

Better Earth

SOTT Focus: Pole Shift in March? Not Likely!

I've recently become aware, via some Facebook posts, that there are a number of people posting videos on youtube about an alleged coming Pole Shift in March of this year. It seems that these people are using my posts about Comet Elenin along with my astronomer friend's little comet animation, without our permission to promote this ridiculous idea.

Comment: See also: Bright Prospects for Comet Elenin?

Comet Elenin is Coming!

Abnormal Sunbound comets may mean larger one to come

Cloud Lightning

SOTT Focus: Cyclones, Earthquakes, Volcanoes And Other Electrical Phenomena

Tornado and Lightning
© Unknown
Recent events provide us with a great case study of the cosmic forces that may lie behind large storms such as cyclones, hurricanes, blizzards and much more. The recent events I speak of include the major blizzard that swept across the Midwestern and Eastern US as well as the punishment Cyclone Yasi inflicted on eastern Australia earlier last week. Both of these storms grew to enormous sizes during a time period that coincided with the Earth being lashed by a solar storm just following a New Moon. As strange as this may sound, this isn't the first time that celestial alignments along side of solar activity have spurred such events. If a correlation between these factors exists, as we suspect, then this overturns much of what is commonly believed about Earth weather and, as we'll see, even geology.

To understand how this all works, let's start with the sun. On January 31st a massive coronal hole opened up on the sun, hurling another sledgehammer of charged particles in the direction of Earth. This was due to impact us sometime between February 2nd and February 4th. Not only this, but we recently passed through a new Moon on February 2nd. But why is the Moon of any significance here, one might ask?

As James McCanney explains in an interview he did for Spectrum Magazine in 2003:
The [New] Moon moves in front of Earth, breaks that electrical flow [between the sun and Earth], and then moves out of the way. It gives us tremendous bombardment after that Moon moves out of the way, the first and second day after the New Moon. That's the condition that has been identified as being one of the leading causes of kicking-off major hurricanes and storms. What it does is: The Moon is interacting with the solar electric field. It's that CHANGE which causes the storms, and causes the environment around Earth to change, and thus affects Earth weather.
So the picture we're painting is this: The sun blasts a massive front of solar wind in the direction of the Earth. As the New Moon moves out of the way of the sun and Earth, this, by itself, creates a significant increase in charged particles hitting the Earth. With the excess of charged particles from this solar storm hitting us near simultaneously, all of this excess charge ends up in the radiation belts surrounding the Earth. The Earth then finds ways to discharge this imbalance such as these two major storms we've seen. One storm takes the form of a massive blizzard covering about half of the US. The other takes the form of a cyclone storm, Yasi, that pounds the already flooded east coast of Australia. Increased volcanic and earthquake activity was also noted during this time as well.


SOTT Focus: FEMA Requests Millions of Rations For 'Catastrophic Disaster In New Madrid Fault System'

New Madrid Fault Zone area (on the right)
The US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently put out a tender or 'Request For Information' (RFI) for a LOT of emergency rations. The reason, in their own words, is: "to identify sources of supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations"

Is there something they're not telling us? It's interesting to note that many of the recent animal 'die-offs' happened in the region of the New Madrid fault zone which stretches 150-miles (240 km) southward from Cairo, Illinois; through Hayti, Caruthersville and New Madrid in Missouri; through Blytheville into Marked Tree in Arkansas. It also covers a part of West Tennessee, near Reelfoot Lake, extending southeast into Dyersburg.

It's true that the area has been rocking and rolling of late with the the U.S. Geological Survey reporting, more than 500 measurable earthquakes in central Arkansas since September 2010. A magnitude-3.8 earthquake that shook north-central Indiana on December 30th 2010 was called "unprecedented". It was strong enough to actually cause cracks along the ground and it was felt in portions of Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Kentucky.

In addition, the sun appears to be spewing out some major solar flares recently. The effects of the associated solar radiation on earth is very poorly understood, at least that's what they tell us.

If the US government knows, or even suspects, that a major quake is likely, they need to tell the people in the area in advance!

The FEMA RFI is reproduced below, with a screen-shot in case it disappears.

Che Guevara

SOTT Focus: There's Something Happening Here

© Ben Curtis/APAnti-government demonstrators retaliate against Mubarak's thugs as a solitary Egyptian soldier looks on from the roof of the Egyptian Museum
What it is aint exactly clear...

But let's try and get some perspective anyway.

The peaceful mass demonstrations in Egypt over the past ten days against dictator Hosni Mubarak turned into a pitched battle on February 2 when coordinated groups of "pro-government supporters" armed with knives, spears and machetes attacked the streets leading to Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo and began throwing rocks at the protesters and systematically attacking journalists. They were supported by a cavalry charge of sorts as maniacs on horses and camels plowed into the crowds, lashing out wildly with their horsewhips. The coordinated nature of the assault was unmistakable as these "pro-government supporters" next sought vantage points on rooftops overlooking the masses of protesters and hurled Molotov cocktails and rocks in every direction. Their fury and stark raving psychopathology stands in total contrast to the millions of peaceful protesters we've seen on the streets of Egypt's cities over the past week; organising neighbourhood watches, street-cleaning operations and security checkpoints to screen for the "pro-Mubarak supporters" and to detain the undercover policemen disguised as looters.

I'll clarify something here that mainstream pundits seem a little hazy on: there are no "pro-Mubarak supporters". Their numbers are predominantly made up of the police and security services that had disappeared from the city center on the third day of the revolution when the protesters chased them back across the October 6th bridge spanning the Nile river. They're joined by desperate youths enticed by promises of thirty pieces of silver and thousands of prisoners released from jails during the initial chaos on January 25. Mubarak's intention is for these neanderthals to create mayhem that will necessitate directing the enormous Egyptian army to finally do something about the "fighting between both sides." It's the old story of 'divide and conquer'.

Eye 1

SOTT Focus: COINTELPRO: Information Warfare

"He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Soze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." - The Usual Suspects (MGM, 1995)

On March 8, 1971, a group calling itself The Citizen's Commission to Investigate the FBI broke into the FBI office in Media, PA and emptied its filing cabinets of documents. What they found should have shocked the country. The stolen FBI files revealed a series of covert programs called COINTELPROS, short for counter intelligence programs, carried out by the FBI against groups and individuals it considered subversive. Take note that these 'subversive' groups and individuals were not foreign groups. The FBI was waging a counter intelligence war against the American people and the very basis of their democratic system of government.

Perhaps this revelation would have had a more profound effect if it weren't for the fact that the world was turning upside-down at the time. Everything was changing, and much of the change was simply too much for many people to handle. 1971 was only two years after the first moon landing and the concert in Woodstock, NY billed as "3 days of peace and music," and only three years after the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - the end of a long stream of assassinations of civil rights leaders and activists that began with his brother John and included Malcolm X and Martin Luther King.


Flashback SOTT Focus: Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls

Astronomy books and papers far too numerous to cite offer the assurance that "no one has ever been killed by a meteorite." (John S. Lewis, University of Arizona)

©Julian Baum

Over the past few years, while has been tracking the increasing flux of fireballs and meteorites entering the earth's atmosphere, we have been, by turns, amused and horrified at the ignorant reactions and declarations that issue from academia and the media regarding these incursions. A few years ago, we read that "this is a 'once in a hundred years' event!" Not long after it was a "once in a lifetime" event. Still later, after a lot more incidents it became a "once in a decade" event. More recently, it has been admitted in some quarters that meteorites hit the ground (as opposed to safely burning up in the atmosphere) several times a year! And of course, we have discovered the fact that the governments of our planet are well aware that there are atmospheric explosions from such bodies numerous times a year. We have also learned in this series that the frequent reports of unusual booms and shaking of the ground is often due to such overhead explosions. Yet the media steadfastly refuses to honestly address this issue, though we have noted a plethora of recent articles presenting opposing academic arguments designed to put the populace back to sleep, to reassure them that there is nothing to worry about, that such things only happen every 100,000 years or so, and certainly, the Space Watch Program is going to find all the possible impactors and take care of things.

Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: How Societies Regress to Become Pathocracies

Red PillPress/
A pathocracy is a social movement, society, nation, or empire wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people. The pathological minority habitually perpetrates evil deeds on its people and/or other people.

Almost everyone knows that pathocracies have been responsible for tremendous death and destruction throughout history. What less people are willing to acknowledge is that pathocracies continue to perpetrate death and destruction today. Billions of people throughout the world live in perpetual poverty and hunger or lack access to safe water, despite the fact that the resources exist to provide adequate food and safe water to all of the world's citizens. Millions of others are perpetually exposed to the horrors of war.

Therefore, it would behoove us all to understand how pathocracies develop and perpetrate their damage, and how to recognize them. A book on that subject, titled Political Ponerology - A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, was written by Andrew M. Lobaczewski. Lobaczewski, a psychiatrist, began the research that eventually led to the book more than half a century ago, in collaboration with other researchers, all who are all now dead. The research was conducted in secret, as the researchers were all victims of Joseph Stalin's totalitarian regime, which obviously provided fodder for much of the book's content.


SOTT Focus: This Won't Hurt a Bit...

It's that time of year again - the President of the United States is taking an hour or so out of his evening to explain to the 15% of the American public who didn't change the channel that things aren't as bad as they seem. It's called the State of the Union Address - though this year it was introduced by ABC News as 'The State of OUR Union' - just keep spinning things, folks, play continuity, community and any faint whiff of ownership - perhaps one or two of those guys in Illinois won't change the channel.

The intro on CBS led in with the congressional shooting and how the congresswoman Gaby Giffords is recovering. It's always wise to lead in with emotion, it hooks people, before they can reach for the remote.

The Republicans and Democrats will be 'seated together' this year, as opposed to the customary seating which separates them 'across the aisle'. What does this mean? Nothing. Forcing children who dislike each other to sit together rarely accomplishes much. While waiting for the president to enter, the camera pans across all the congressmen standing and milling around and shaking hands with each other as if this is ground-breaking behavior - a background hum of casual chatting and friendly camaraderie ensues; dancing on the deck of the Titanic.

Quite a lot is made of this by the news commentators, as it is explained that Republicans and Democrats paired up with each other as 'dates' to sit together, mixed on both sides of 'the aisle'. The media refers to it as a 'prom' - they even speak of a 'prom queen and king', the "better looking members of the senate who paired up early". This is the country's Legislative Branch of government acting like, being treated like they are teenagers at a prom. While this is a classic marketing tactic to humanize and familiarize a loathed branch of government to the 'common man', who is mentally and emotionally 14 years old, all I can say is, please save us from marketers.