Since the 1990s, there have been several legal entities created in France that are supported by the government whose sole purpose is to mandate what people can think and believe. These organizations have the capability (expressly designed into them) of bypassing and/or superseding any rulings of the European Court of Human Rights. These French organizations, for instance MIVILUDES, are essentially full-spectrum Fascism created and run by psychopaths and their Authoritarian Followers. Anybody who is discovered to have the slightest tendency to adopt alternative views is seemingly a danger because they are undoubtedly going to turn into an "apocalyptic cult" at any moment! The examples of the mass suicides of the People's Temple, the Solar Temple and Heaven's Gate are trotted out at the beginning of the 2010 MIVILUDES report, thereby making the label "cult" as scary as "Muslim Terrorist". (Never mind that those events were CIA PsyOps designed as a sort of '9-11' against non-mainstream thinking, the way 9-11 was designed to initiate the War on Terror.)

Particularly targeted by these organizations are any and all individuals or groups which advocate practices such as alternative medicine (including nutritional approaches to getting and staying healthy), non-mainstream cancer therapies, yoga, meditation and other stress-relieving techniques, especially if such discussions include scientific support. Additionally targeted are any individuals who discuss 'conspiracy theories' (especially about 9-11, but also including economic collapse and NWO topics), UFOs/aliens, psychology other than Freudianism (especially if such discussions include cutting edge scientific support; Jungian psychology is especially targeted), Earth Changes and cometary bombardments (especially if it includes scientific support), increasing earthquake and volcanic activity (especially if it includes scientific support) and more. All of these activities, or even thoughts about these activities, will get you labeled as a cult or a follower of a cult and subject to some pretty frightening procedures designed to "help" you reorganize your thinking more in line with what is accepted by the mainstream authorities such as the American Medical Association (AMA), Big Pharma, Big-Agri, NASA and certainly the CIA. Anything that is not handed down from those authorities is labeled "pseudo-science", no matter how credible the scientist or how accurate the research. In short, it is as much a war against real science - as opposed to the corrupt science that has dominated the world for the past 100 years and is used to support wars more than anything else - as it is against religious beliefs. Moreover, if you are researching religions (Bible scholars beware!), mysticism, ancient wisdom and alternative history, you are also a cult. And if you have no apparent cultic beliefs, it's just a ruse; you are just trying to appear like a researcher to lure people in, waiting to turn into an apocalyptic cult at any moment. The whole approach is reminiscent of the Bush gang's claims about WMDs vis-a-vis Iraq and Saddam Hussein, and I think you all realize what that kind of rhetoric led to.

The 2010 MIVILUDES report tells us:
The fact of offering people the possibility to search for mysticism, wisdom and a forgotten ideal world, all the while assuring them of happiness, can be an extremely efficient bait.

There exists as well the risk that current social topics may be used (such as ecological aspirations) in order to play on people's anguish and anxiety such as: frustration concerning the meaning of life, solitude, the pervasive anonymity and isolation, the lack of interpersonal communication and social acceptance, the need for the religious and the sacred in one's life, refusal of a crushing social way of life.

By feeding into this environment of social anxiety via the use of references to pseudo-scientific elements, even those which have not been verified, in reality these beliefs are a tool that promotes collective fear, with the purpose of exerting more power over people and, in extreme cases, this can possibly lead to a vital risk [risk of mass suicide!] for the members of the group, or to questioning mainstream society through more or less violent actions.
I think that the perceptive reader can see what this organization is set up for and what it is they are really afraid of: they are afraid of people waking up and recognizing that the lunatics have taken over the asylum! It is clear to any normal person with empathy that the authors of this report are inquisitors set up to defend the status quo of the rule of a pathological elite who are not fit to rule as evidenced by their psychopathic behavior and intolerance towards anything truly human and who are able (and have been able) to get away with the most outrageous human rights violations in modern day France.

Did you know that alternative medicine and homeopathy are labeled as cults in France? People have gone to jail and have had their children taken away from them for giving alternative treatments to their children even when they were told in advance by their doctors that the child's case was terminal and they would die even with the mainstream treatments (chemotherapy and radiation?!). The parents were destroyed for seeking something, anything, that might save the life of their child or, at least, not subject them to the horrors of modern cancer treatments. (See Maître Jean-Marc Florand, avocat de monsieur et madame de M, in French.)

The fact is that it is the psychopaths who rise to the top who have no stress. Normal people who feel empathy and who have a conscience are the ones who are being crushed in this pathological society. To whom do French people turn to in order to get help for their sufferings and wounds? As it happens, the psychological sciences in France are as backward as almost everything else; they still consider Freud to be the only psychological authority! How Dark Ages is that? Most psychology in the rest of the modern world is NOT Freudian and more and more psychologists are coming to the realization - as Jung did - that Freud was a psychopath himself. Which means that psychological help in France can only add to people's suffering.

Jungian psychology or other non-Freudian psychotherapies can potentially be labeled as a cult in France. Yet it is books written by Jungian psychologists like Clarissa Pinkola Estes, author of Woman Who Run with the Wolves, that are helping millions of women around the world. If you are a woman who has been a victim of a psychopath - which is increasingly common in these times - then France is the last place to be because not only will you not get help, you will be blamed for being a victim of an intraspecies predator.

Anti-sect organizations in France apparently think that literally everyone is "vulnerable" and "fragile in mind", especially if they are not satisfied with the mainstream answers and are looking elsewhere for answers! They think that you are basically so stupid that you better have nothing to do with any information that is contrary to their edicts of what is or is not "normal". It could be a cult! Their descriptions are, in fact, so arbitrary and broad that any criticism of any established authorities can lead to being labeled a cult! As clinical psychologist, Andrew Lobaczewski wrote, when psychopaths take over a government, the whole system has nowhere to go but down, because in their efforts to micro-control everything they end up doing little more than repeatedly shooting themselves in the foot!)

Laws enacting restrictions on supplements and herbs is not all there is to it. At this rate of things going really south so quickly, you - the reader - will probably be experiencing cult accusations first hand in the near future.

Science Inquisition
'Salem witchhunts or McCarthy-like prosecutions will kill science. Science flourishes only in freedom... The only way definitively to establish conflicting results is to reproduce them. It may be that all of us are wrong in good faith. This is no crime but science as usual.' - Jacques Benveniste
The Conseil National de l'Ordre des Médecins, the equivalent of the American Medical Association, was sending e-newsletters as early as 1996 to doctors telling them to be suspicious of alternative medicine and homeopathy because they are all cult recruiters. Between 1996 and 1997, the first French victim of the hepatitis B vaccine who ended up with multiple sclerosis appeared on French TV to expose the dangers of the vaccine. Also on the show was then Minister of Health Bernard Kouchner who said that his information was coming from a cult. So the possibility of preventing thousands of people from developing neurological disorders due to unsafe or inappropriate vaccines was doomed from the beginning, because - according to the constituted authorities - the information about this was being propagated by a "cult". You see, those who dare to speak a word against Big Pharma and the dangerous side effects of their drugs are labeled as cult in France. Those who see their lives destroyed by side effects of dangerous chemicals are silenced by being labeled as a cult. It's the handiest propaganda tool that France has ever developed in concert with the American CIA!

Just to make sure that nobody would speak up and say otherwise, an example had to be made. Jacques Benveniste who was considered by many as a future Nobel prize laureate, saw his research funding cut, then he was rejected by his peers, and finally was sacked from his job at France's government-sponsored medical research body INSERM (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale) immunology laboratory in Paris. His crime? He became interested in studying the memory of water and the ability of molecules to vibrate at very high and very low frequencies, a field related to homeopathy.

Renowned scientists who have treated cancer and AIDS with cost-effective treatments not sponsored by Big Pharma have seen their lives and their work completely destroyed. The case of Prof. Beljanski from the Pasteur Institute comes to mind. The place where he lived with his wife and secretary was raided by 80 members of a French special forces army unit, with helicopter and all. They told him "Monsieur, vous-êtes une secte" (Sir, you are a cult). They were only three people!
Natural approach for cellular protection from environmental toxins

[...] Dr. Coles tells the fascinating story of Dr. Mirko Beljanski (1923-1998), whose most important and controversial scientific discoveries were made during his 25 years of research at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. Beljanski discovered that cellular DNA experiences a change of conformation in the presence of pollutants, carcinogens (mutagens or not), and many other molecules. Beljanski showed that all precancerous and cancerous cells contain DNA that has been destabilized to various degrees. He also discovered that two rain forest plant extracts, Pao Pereira and Rauwolfia vomitoria, act at the cellular level to help the body rid itself of cancer cells. Beljanski published 133 peer-reviewed journal articles over his lifetime, including some articles describing clinical studies that demonstrated profound benefits to cellular DNA following ingestion of these plant extracts.

Dr. Coles illustrates how Beljanski's groundbreaking discoveries brought him scientific and political opposition beginning with the director of the Pasteur Institute, Nobel Prize-winning scientist Jacques Monod. Beljanski's greatest challenge came after French President Francois Mitterrand was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1992, during his second term in office. By 1994, Mitterrand's doctors had predicted he had three months to live, and he was in great pain and had started radiation therapy. At this time, Mitterrand learned about the Beljanski formulas. He began to take Beljanski's natural extracts of Rauwolfia vomitoria and Pao Pereira as well as a unique formula of RNA fragments recommended by Beljanski. To everyone's surprise, Mitterrand's strength and vigor returned and he survived beyond the end of his term.

Dr. Coles recounts that as French public interest in the Beljanski formulas started to grow, the French government shut down Beljanski's laboratories and confiscated his products from French citizens who were using them, which led to protesting in the streets. Tragically, Dr. Beljanski died before the European Court of Human Rights had ruled unanimously that his right to a fair trial had been seriously violated.
From The Secret Health History of François Mitterrand:
Dr. Mirko Beljanski, a pioneer at the Pasteur Institute in Paris
In a climate full of jealousy, pettiness and rivalries, it was impossible for Mirko Beljanski to ever be acknowledged as a contributor to the welfare of humankind. The establishment could not accept that one totally independent scientist could be recognized for his discoveries. They decided to take harsh action by depriving him of the one thing that he needed: his laboratory, "because," as Monique declared, "they could no longer deny the truth in results that proved to be so efficacious."

At 6 a.m. on the morning of October 9, 1996, the GIGN (The National Gendarmerie Intervention Group), trained to deal with violence, riots, and terrorism, in what was clearly an over-the-top operation involving one helicopter and 80 antiterrorist soldiers, struck. Interestingly enough, the GIGN were not the police but a French Army Special-Forces Unit (this implies the order came from the highest levels of the government). The GIGN, wearing flak vests, carrying machine guns and clubs, leading police dogs and blowing whistles, padlocked the entrance doors and closed down the Beljanskis' laboratory.

In an egregious abdication of their particular responsibility, members of the French media observed what was happening but remained silent. No effort was spared to humiliate Mirko or his research staff. But it was Mirko who was being martyred. The 73-year-old scientist was roused from bed, placed in handcuffs, and held for questioning for 24 hours with a bail set at an amount much higher than his entire retirement pension. He was not given information about his rights nor with what he was being charged. His wife and scientific collaborator at the Pasteur Institute, Monique, was put under house arrest in Paris, unable to leave the premises, use the phone to ask for legal aid or to know what was going on with her husband.

Again, before due process of law that would allow for charges and evidence and a chance to defend one's self - a fundamental human right - was allowed to take its course, the French Assistant Attorney General's Office issued an order recommending immediate destruction of all Beljanski products. As for the AMM filing documentation, the police went to the offices of the special consultants who were putting the finishing touches on the market authorization files and took them all.

The Beljanski products were ordered to be taken out of the homes of the people who were using them. The French authorities made their way from home to home using any information gleaned from doctors as to who was getting the capsules. They broke into homes, terrorizing ordinary citizens battling contentious illnesses, turning them into criminals. This marked an outrageous violation of basic human rights. The people would not have it. Confiscations occurred so that cancer patients were left without their support and unfortunately, some died so soon after their treatments were taken that the deaths can be argued to have occurred as a result of this basic violation - all occurring without any proceedings in a civil or criminal court.

All this happened without a chance for Mirko to defend his work. He was deprived of his basic right to confront his accusers. He was deprived of a basic human right to have a hearing before an impartial judge, and to confront his accuser (or accusers) and he was deprived of a basic human right as a result of the destruction of his laboratory with absolutely no due process. His passport was confiscated allegedly so that he would not be able to travel to another country, where he would have the freedom to continue his safe, nontoxic approach - something the French government denied its citizens.

By decree of bureaucracy, the biologist was forbidden from speaking publicly, from publishing his research, or from writing for the press. But this would not stop the public outcry or the advancement of real science. After having their Beljanski capsules taken away, patients flocked in overflowing crowds to protest, demonstrating in the streets of Paris and Lyons while carrying signs demanding: "We want the Beljanski products!" Beljanski was set to be put on trial without a date in violation of his basic human rights, but most tragically, he died waiting for a fair trial.
It is not only the most outrageous betrayal of Human Rights in modern-day France, it is also the most outrageous betrayal of Science. The French government shoot themselves in the foot by going after their very own scientists of the Pasteur Institute who had developed cost-effective treatments and solutions for incurable modern day diseases. This is pure pathological behavior!

Who Exactly Are They?
Every sensible man, every honorable man, must hold the Christian cult in horror.
Tout homme sensé, tout homme de bien, doit avoir la secte chrétienne en horreur.
- Voltaire.
In France, the U.N.A.D.F.I. (Union Nationale des Associations de Défense des Familles et de l'Individu - The National Union of Associations for the Defense of Families and the Individual) is dedicated to fight against cults. As noble as they sound, in their view, any organization whose teachings do not conform to the Catholic faith is a cult. Some of their "Human Rights Defense" is based on highly questionable psychiatrists. For instance:
Ted Patrick: former U.S. military psychologist, who adopted the brutal methods of "deprogramming" to reintegrate in the right way members of "sects" (kidnapping, violence...).

Dr. John Clark: Mind Control Specialist and former assistant of Dr. Lindemann of the CIA has been sanctioned by the Council of the Medical Association of Massachusetts for a person forcibly interned because of his religious beliefs. In 1983, he proposed a plan to get rid of the "new religions". Clark denounces legal barriers and liberal democratic societies that stand to thwart his personal views. His work is often cited in ADFI publications.

Margaret Singer: a military psychologist who had problems with the American justice system, which held that psychiatric reports were "value judgments disguised as expert opinion."

Dr. Louis West: He advocated the sterilization of blacks and Hispanics in the fight against crime. He is often quoted in ADFI publications (e.g. Bulles).

The arguments put forward by these psychiatrists raise the indignation of American psychiatry, who point out the obvious: they are marginal people with no genuine professional standing or expert status.

Dr. Robert Lifton: A strong advocate of "deprogramming", he is the author of a book on the ambiguous practice of doctors in Nazi concentration camps.

The A.D.F.I. was founded in Rennes (France) in 1974 at the initiative of Dr. Champollion and the Psychiatrist André Badiche. She immediately declared its commitment to the pseudoscientific theories of American psychiatrists: John Clark, Margaret Singer and Louis West, with the goal of the normalization of the society that would be in jeopardy because of new sects or religions.

[Sectes, religions et libertés publiques by Christian Paturel, Édition La Pensée Universelle 1996. Taken from L'UNADFI - enquête sur la « secte anti-sectes »]
It's just amazing that these French groups are basing their ideas and policies on rejects from the American psychological sciences!

An ADFI's report promoting the thesis of the marginal psychiatrist John Clark
© La nouvelle chasse aux sorcières,Thierry Bécourt An ADFI's report promoting the thesis of the marginal psychiatrist John Clark
People have had their children taken away without due process (or with very dubious due process), have been defamed and had their reputations destroyed, and have been driven to commit suicide as a result of the persecutions of this organization.

For instance, psychotherapist Bernard Lempert, a specialist in child abuse, and his association L'Arbre au milieu was blacklisted as a cult. Among those who accused him of being a cult was a founding member of the local association from the UNADFI. Bernard Lempert treated a young woman who was anorexic and who was the daughter of one of the founding members of one of the ADFI groups. After her treatment, the young woman decided to move to another town to escape her mother who was clearly part of the reason she was anorexic. Said mother was convinced that Lempert was a guru that took her daughter away. Even when the parliamentary commission on cults recognized its error and even when a court judgment cleared Lempert's name, to this day he has still trouble participating in seminars about child abuse regardless of his solid reputation. (See The New Witch Hunt by Thierry Bécourt, in French) If your partner or a family member is even slightly deranged, you can become the target of this anti-cult organization. Just look at what family members or neighbors are encouraged to report as aberrant, cult-like behavior:
Information sheet of informers and surveillance (according the ADFI)


How to recognize a person in danger?

It may be that in your life or your family, you know a person's behavior is unethical. The ADFI has compiled a list of symptoms that will confirm your suspicions:
  • Modification of behavior, dress, vocabulary, interests.
  • Movements in France and abroad.
  • Meetings on weekdays, weekends.
  • Numerous phone calls, abundant e-mails.
  • Spending a lot of time reading or meditating.
  • Diet.
So if that person shows one or more of these symptoms, please check with the nearest ADFI to be able to help.

  • Record the names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons linked to the activities of the suspect.
  • Keep a log of events concerning the relationship of the suspect.
  • Observe the reading, vocabulary, schedules, names and surnames of those in the environment of the suspect.
  • Monitor places and suspicious activity.
Esoteric bookstores, yoga, health food shops, conferences and trade fairs, homeopathics and alternative medicine, Jungian psychoanalysts, sexologists, personal development, prayer groups, accompanying the dying, ufology, farming, religious communities, private schools, the course of artistic expression, Eastern spirituality, media, social scientists and independent scientists...
That is to say, any psycho who envies you or doesn't like you can denounce you! By the way, they also work closely with the secret services.

ADFI is only one of the anti-cult organizations. Another one is MIVILUDES:
MIVILUDES (Mission Interministérielle de VIgilance et de LUtte contre les DÉrives) is an agency of the French government tasked with seeking and harassing, and ultimately prosecuting, any group it deems to be 'fond of ideas not commonly shared by society'. And who decides which ideas are and are not 'commonly shared by society'? The MIVILUDES, of course...
But there is also FECRIS which is an organization that has 18 branch offices spread across most European Countries. The roots of FECRIS began in the 1970s. It used methods at that time and through the '80s, '90s and up to the latest case in January 2003, which are both extremist and illegal such as kidnapping and false imprisonment (for purposes of "deprogramming"):
While on the surface there seems to be little to worry about, there is a great deal going on in reality under the surface, which is pulling away the carpet of human rights right under the feet of Europe. [...]

Words such as "sect" and "cult" have successfully been used to scare people to look the other way. But now the ground is getting to bumpy to walk on for anyone. The label "sect member" is today applicable for virtually anyone who is disliked, since there is no scientific definition of the word, and thus the dystopia of Orwellian thought police can be said to happen right in front of our eyes. It is time to look under the carpet. [...]

France is nevertheless the first nation in Western Europe that has successfully bypassed human rights and created a law where you can be imprisoned for the wrong belief.[...]

French MP Philippe Vuilque told the National Assembly on May 30, 2001, that: "The next battles will be delivered against more professional, more discrete, more difficult to identify enemies... I think of certain NGOs, the networks of psychotherapists, certain groups which cure or fight against the devil gathered around a charismatic leader who refers to the Bible, to the Koran, to the Talmud...." [...]

FECRIS member groups record of discrimination throughout the years, with documented violence, restriction of liberty, verbal threats and derogatory statements is not that different from other hate groups [...]
Shadows of ponerization during Nazi Germany!
Wherever a society has become enslaved to others or to the rule of an overly-privileged native class, psychology is the first discipline to suffer from censorship and incursions on the part of an administrative body which starts claiming the last word as to what represents scientific truth.
- Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Lobaczewski
Ties with Big Pharma and Monsanto

Some of these anti-cult organizations such as MIVILUDES, whose president is Georges Fenech, are not only unleashing a fight against spiritual minorities. They have other agendas. There is clearly much more to it than just that. It has become a matter of defending the interests of the pharmaceutical industry which is increasingly reviled by the public for very good reasons. God forbid their future profits will be jeopardized if people realize that they are sick thanks to the foods our governments recommend, the pollution and destruction which big corporations inflict on our environment, and the anti-physiological drugs that only compromise our health further by not dealing with the root problem. The small-mindedness that prevails in mainstream medicine, which has a hard time recognizing environmental medicine, nutrition and psychology as part of their education, is not a coincidence.

For Fenech "everything that is natural can be suspected as a cult." This remark should tell you what he thinks of the organic foods that grow everywhere in France as part of a growing trend toward an alternative vision of food, hygiene, health and society. The greatest danger for the major food groups, such as Monsanto and Limagrain, is the movements that promote healthy eating, wellness at all levels, organic products that are GMO-free, and alternative medicine.

Pierre Pagesse, president of Limagrain, founded an association named Momagri (movement towards a global organization of agriculture) in 2005, the main objective of which is to promote, among other things, agriculture based strictly on GMOs. One of the founding members of Momagri is none other than Georges Fenech - president of the anti-cult movement MIVILUDES. Are we surprised?! Other members have clear ties with the arms and war industry, the pharmaceutical industry and the anti-cult movements. In short, they are all in bed together.

In their 2010 report, the anti-cult organization MIVILUDES says that "natural" methods of treatment with no side effects and which are relatively simple to implement, are inexpensive in respect to conventional treatments and which are criticized by the pharmaceutical industry are often implemented by cults and their doctors and practitioners. In a mocking tone, they refer to cult gurus and practitioners who say that there are effective alternative healing methods that are suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry as "deluded and dangerous". You see, suggesting ties to BIg Pharma is a conspiracy theory that is based on delusions and is also evidence of being in a cult!

© UnknownThe message that France is sending to the world
In short, any critical thinking or stance is regarded as cultic and incriminating. The majority of the members and associations who can be qualified as being a cult in France are precisely those who are less cultic than the average. Basically, if you are not an Authoritarian Follower, then you are a member of a cult. Despite the reckless disregard of basic Human Rights by France and the denunciation of such by the European Court of Human Rights and the United Nations, France continues with its fascist plans of enforcing its pathological thinking and ways on the entire population. In fact, according to this lawyer (a lone ranger in this awful system), French anti-cult organizations have actually accused the UN of having been infiltrated by a cult because of its critical stance against violations of basic human rights by France!

Yeah, read that again. It's the truth.

At the end of the day, it appears that France is a country where millions suffer and not only are their sufferings created by their government, they are discouraged from the simplest things that could help them become fully well, physically and psychologically: eating the foods or undertaking the therapies and stress-relieving methods that would ease their lives.

It is truly heartbreaking.

My advice to anyone in a so-called Third World country - or anywhere, for that matter - is to NEVER come to France. You don't know how good you actually have it where you are! Also, share our story with anyone and everyone: it's France today, it will be on your doorstep tomorrow.