The flood warning continues for the following rivers:
- St. Joseph River affecting Allen and DeKalb counties in Indiana and Defiance County in Ohio until Friday night. At 1 p.m. Monday, the river was 9.8 feet and falling in Fort Wayne. Flood stage is 12.0 feet, and the weather service said it is likely to rise above flood stage Tuesday morning and crest near 14.9 feet by 2 a.m. Wednesday. Minor flooding is forecast.
- St. Joseph River near Newville was measured at 12.5 feet and steady at 3 p.m. Monday, with minor flooding. Flood stage is 12.0 feet. The river is expected to crest near 134.0 feet about 2 p.m. Thursday. Moderate flooding is forecast.
- Wabash River near Bluffton affecting Huntington and Wells counties.
- Tiffin River near Stryker affecting Defiance, Fulton and Williams counties in Ohio.