'For the first time, thanks to the extensive excavations carried out in front of a Phrygian altar, we have determined the existence of places where the preparations for the rituals performed in front of the altar were carried out, where there were hearths, with a simple stone foundation and wooden construction. According to the first determinations we made, in the sanctuary dated to the 8th-7th century BC, that is, the Middle Phrygian Period, at the same time, Lydian ceramics of the 7th-6th century BC, and ceramics and finds belonging to the Roman Period dated to the 1st and 2nd centuries in the upper layers were found.'
"We must rigorously combat any attempt to provide education in Arabic, any intervention from Sharia scholars, and any manifestation of Islam. Only this way will we attract children, only through our own schools."French authorities even prohibited their compatriots in the occupied territories from communicating with the locals in any language other than French. This policy aligned with Paris's broader educational and linguistic agenda. Following the fall of the Second French Empire in 1870, the Third Republic implemented free, compulsory, secular education under reforms carried out by French Prime Minister Jules Ferry (known as the Jules Ferry Laws). Expanding the use of the language throughout the territories was also French colonial policy.
Comment: Geopolitics - the ground floor of greed and possession.