Society's ChildS


Second Body Part Intercepted by Canadian Post

© The Canadian Press/Sean KilpatrickA police officer removes a package containg a human foot from the Conservative Party headquarters in Ottawa on Tuesday, May 29, 2012.
Canada - Ottawa police say a second package containing a body part has been found just hours after a stunned Conservative party receptionist opened a blood-soaked box containing a human foot.

The first was found Tuesday morning in a package that had been delivered to the party's headquarters a few scant blocks from Parliament Hill.

As a result of further investigation, Ottawa police said Tuesday night that they intercepted a second suspicious package containing another human body part.

Police released no other details about the second find, and said the major crime section continues to investigate.

Tuesday morning's macabre discovery led to a pre-noon call to police and paramedics about a suspicious package.

The first officers to arrive on the scene spotted blood splattered on the package and immediately called in the hazardous-material unit. When the specialists opened the package, police found the severed appendage inside.

"Upon arrival, officers noted that the (box) package possibly had blood stains on it," Ottawa police said in a statement.

"The Hazmat Unit and Emergency Operations Section were called and upon further inspection of the package it was determined that there was possibly a human foot in the box."

Police said the package was addressed to the Conservative Party of Canada and not to a specific person.


Miami cannibal may have been high on 'bath salts'

Miami cannibal
A surveillance camera on the Miami Herald building partly shows two pairs of men's legs, both naked and lying down on the roadside, are clearly visible from beneath the causeway. (Video screen grab)
The naked man who savagely attacked another man in Miami and chewed most of his face off may have been under the influence of a powerful psychedelic drug.

Rudy Eugene, 31, was shot dead Saturday by an officer who discovered the gruesome scene at the foot of a highway off-ramp.

"He was ripping into his face with his teeth," said Larry Vega, who witnessed the ghoulish attack.

"He was ripping his skin, his neck. He had him held down. The guy couldn't move really, and he was just tearing into his flesh," Vega told WSVN TV in Miami.

Vega flagged down a police officer, who repeatedly ordered the assailant to stop and move away.

"The guy just stood his head up like that, with a piece of flesh in his mouth, and growled," Vega said.


Christian Doctor Explains Why He Performs Abortions

For about 20 years, Dr. Willie J. Parker refused to perform abortions at his Washington D.C. office because he was raised Christian and taught that abortion was wrong.

However, he recently told the New Jersey Star Ledger what changed his mind and convinced him to perform abortions as late as 24 weeks:I wrestled with the morality of it. I grew up in the South and in fundamentalist Protestantism, I was taught that abortion is wrong.

Yet as I pursued my career as an OB/GYN, I saw the dilemmas that women found themselves in. And I could no longer weigh the life of a pre-viable or lethally flawed fetus equally with the life of the woman sitting before me.

Bad Guys

TSA Wants to Double Security Fees

TSA at Work
© Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images/AFP
It looks like the TSA finally caught on to how much Americans enjoy having their genitals fondled: the US Transportation and Security Administration wants to start charging airline passengers double on screening fees.

A proposal to double the security fee on flights originating in the United States has been given the go-ahead by the Democrat-controlled Senate and, pending full Congressional approval, could soon be coming to an airport near you. If the hike is authorized, the security fee tagged on to a round-trip airline ticket will double from $5 to $10.

Should Congress approve the additional fees, it will mark the first time that the cost of a security screening has changed in around a decade. The provision has been tacked on to the 2013 Homeland Security appropriations bill.

"Air security is a national security function and it's something that all of us need to be behind as Americans, and the government should be picking up the cost of that," Airlines for America spokesman Sean Kennedy tells CNN.

Supporters of the bill argue that, currently, the TSA's $7.6 billion budget is largely footed by American taxpayers on a whole - including even those who are scared to set foot on an aircraft. Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) has authored the amendment to the Homeland Security bill and estimates that doubling the security fee would bring in $315 million in funding that would be added to the agency's budget from taxpayer dollars otherwise.


More than 110,000 U.S. Soldiers Remain on Antidepressants and Sedatives

© personalliberty.comAbout 110,000 active duty troops take daily prescription drugs for mental disorders and pain.
Analysts and experts have long maintained that the duration of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are having a detrimental effect on the nation's military personnel. Nowhere have the problems of high operational tempos and repeated combat deployments manifested themselves more than in the tens of thousands of soldiers and others who are increasingly being medicated in order to deal with the stress.

In fact, according to recent figures released by the Army's surgeon general, more than 110,000 U.S. Army personnel were taking antidepressants, narcotics, sedatives, antipsychotics and anti-anxiety drugs that were prescribed to them by doctors.

With a renewed focus on individual soldier readiness by the Pentagon after a decade of war, it should trouble Defense Department officials - civilians and top officers alike - that nearly 8 percent of active duty Army troops are on sedatives, and another 6 percent are on antidepressants, figures that are up eightfold since 2005.

Comment: The Medical Establishment's Military Doping
A new drug-related issue affects soldiers deployed to combat zones. This time, the "pusher" is not always a foreign drug dealer eager to capitalize on new customers, but rather doctors within the medical establishment back home. As more and more American service members face longer deployments wherein they are faced with evermore brutal realities, the medical establishment has demonstrated no whims in mass doping.

According to a recent report by The Los Angeles Times, more than 110,000 active-duty Army troops were taking prescription cocktails on a daily basis with ingredients ranging from prescribed antidepressants, narcotics, sedatives, antipsychotics, anti-anxiety drugs and amphetamines.
For a more in depth look at the issue of prescription drug use among soldiers read the following articles:

Fox News Reports: 'U.S. Troops Reportedly Taking More Medication Than Ever'
Are US Soldiers Being Prescribed Drugs That May Make Them Kill Themselves?
Beyond PTSD: Soldiers Have Injured Souls

Eye 1

TSA's $1 billion Program to 'Read' Fliers' Expressions Comes Under Fire After Failing to Catch Any Bad Guys

chat down, tsa
© Josh T. Reynolds/USA TODAYA TSA agent interviews a traveler in Boston as part of Logan International Airport's pilot program for enhanced behavior detection at airport security.
Wear your heart on your sleeve if you want, but just be careful about showing your emotions when you travel - the Transportation Security Administration is watching.

The nation's airport security agency has 3,000 employees at 161 airports nationwide trained to identify terrorists simply by reading faces and body language - a glance in a certain direction, a nervous gesture.

American taxpayers have paid dearly for what the TSA called its Screening Passengers by Observation Techniques, or SPOT program: More than $1 billion at 161 airports.

But the record of these behavior-detection officers is disappointing, to say the least: not a single terrorist nabbed. In fact, 16 passengers allegedly tied to terror plots passed 23 times through airports - and not one was picked out of the crowd.

And a federal watchdog agency, the Government Accountability Office, is warning that SPOT's miserable record probably won't get any better, at least any time soon. At a hearing on Capitol Hill last month, the GAO's Stephen Lord told lawmakers that the TSA has not completely validated the science behind SPOT - or proved that it works in an airport environment - even though the program's budget has grown 15 percent in five years, from $198 million in fiscal 2009 to a requested $227 million in fiscal 2013.

Heart - Black

Bizarre Crimes in Egypt: Rape Victim's Brother Rapes Sister of Accused Rapist in Revenge Attack

© Shutterstock
An 18-year old Egyptian girl was raped by a 31-year old Egyptian farmer with the help of his wife and his mother.

The rape was an act of revenge as the victim's brother, raped the accused's sister a year ago, reported the Masrawy web site.

The police have arrested all three.

The police investigation revealed that the brother of the victim raped the sister of the accused a year ago.

The family suffered terribly with the husband constantly being taunted about the act and not being able to protect his sister.

The man and his family then decided to take revenge lured the young girl to their home and raped her.

The police confirmed that the rape happened in front of the mother and the wife of the accused.


Apparent Human Foot Delivered to Ottawa Conservative Party HQ

© CBC NewsPolice remove a bag containing a human foot that was delivered to the Conservative Party of Canada's headquarters in downtown Ottawa.
Canada - An Ottawa coroner has confirmed a package delivered Tuesday to the Conservative Party of Canada's headquarters in downtown Ottawa contained a human foot.

Police removed the foot in a yellow bag during the early evening from the 12th floor of 130 Albert St. after a day-long investigation.

Police were called to the building at 11:20 a.m. ET after a suspicious package was delivered there. Police called for the hazardous materials unit after they noticed what appeared to be blood on the package.

The Hazmat Unit and Emergency Operations Section inspected the package and determined that there was possibly a human foot in the box, police said

Ottawa police Staff Sgt. Bruce Pirt said major crimes investigators have taken over the HAZMAT call because if it is a human foot, "There's a body without one."


Zombie Nation: Naked cannibal on LSD shot to death by Miami police as he ate homeless man's face

Rudy Eugene
The first images have been released of Rudy Eugene, the homeless man shot and killed by Miami police as he ate another man's face.

Eugene, 31, is thought to have been high on a powerful form of LSD when he attacked another homeless man, ripping off chunks of the man's flesh with his teeth.

Both men were naked at the time of the attack.

The unidentified victim is currently fighting for his life in intensive care at Miami's Jackson Memorial Hospital hospital, after Eugene chewed off up to 80 per cent of his face, including his nose and eyes, in what hospital spokesperson called "some of the worst [injuries] staff had ever encountered."


5 Things the TSA Doesn't Want You to See

© unknown
This is a picture of two Transportation Security Administration screeners leaving work last week.

But look closely. They're nowhere near an airport. In fact, if you've ever been to Washington, then you'll recognize the area just outside a Metro station near a congressional office building.

This is just one the images the TSA didn't want you to see last week.

How do I know? Because when I asked the agency assigned to protect America's transportation systems about the picture, its response was "off the record" - meaning that I'm not allowed to tell you what it said.

But a legislative assistant who works in a nearby office building filled in the details.

"The two agents were at the Capitol South Metro Station roughly between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Thursday evening," he says. "They had a white table set up inside the station and were randomly inspecting purses and bags. There were also a few officers as you can see standing next to the dark blue van in the picture that were 10 yards or so past the table, standing watch."

I was able to independently confirm that the TSA agents were there and that they were working. But beyond that, not much.

The fact that TSA operates outside of airports may come as a surprise to some Americans. The agency's so-called Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response teams work mostly in mass transit in big metropolitan areas, but not exclusively. They've been seen at ballgames, truckstops and even reportedly got themselves banned from Amtrak stations for a short while.