Society's ChildS


Majority of Americans believe US should stop supporting Saudi Arabia

obama, king salman
© Kevin Lamarque / Reuters U.S. President Barack Obama and Saudi King Salman
The latest poll by the Sputnik media outlet has revealed that the majority of Americans - 68 percent - believe the US should stop supporting Saudi Arabia until its authorities can prove they don't finance terrorism.

The survey showed respondents a leaked memo from Hillary Clinton stating that Saudi donors were also the source of funding for Sunni terrorist cells all over the world.

Poll participants voiced their opinion about the future of US policies towards the Saudis.

Comment: The percentage of Americans voicing dissent over support of the despotic Saudi regime would likely be much higher if the Western media actually reported the full extent of the war crimes and other atrocities committed by the Saudi's and the fact that the US is complicit in these crimes.


Istanbul: 11 killed, 36 injured in police bus explosion

Istanbul bus explosion
© Osman Orsal / Reuters
At least 11 people have been killed and 36 others injured after a bomb attack on a police vehicle, Istanbul's governor has said. The deadly explosion ripped through central Istanbul near a university and tourist sites during the morning rush hour.

"Seven law enforcers and four civilians have died in the attack," Istanbul Governor Vasip Sahin told reporters. "Thirty-six people have been injured, three are in critical condition."

Citing a police source, Turkish broadcaster NTV reported that some 14 people have been injured in the attack, eight law enforcers among them.


Symbolism: Finnish military base put on high alert after baby bear rips through soldiers' belongings and eats their food

© Eloy Alonso / Reuters
A one-year-old bear made an incursion into a Finnish army's base and disrupted a brigade training exercise of more than 3,000 troops, with some taking cover in their trucks, local media reported.

Kainuu brigade, one of the largest and most capable units in the Finnish army which trains around 4,000 conscripts annually, was on high alert this weekend after a the young bear made his way into the military camp, according to Finland's Iltalehti tabloid newspaper.

The bear gained access to the base on Saturday feasting on the soldiers' meals and tearing some of their belongings. Scared by the bear, the soldiers dispersed and took cover in their trucks sitting it out until the animal left the scene.

During the standoff, commanders decided it would be wise to shoot the stubborn animal as "it wasn't afraid of humans," unlike other representatives of the species.

Christmas Tree

Holy smoke: California nuns defy cannabis cultivation ban to provide medicinal marijuana to poor

nuns marijuana
© Ruptly
A California town's crackdown on cannabis commerce is no match for two weed-growing 'nuns' who say their herb heals, and that the rules do not apply to them.

Despite a ban on cannabis cultivation in the town of Mercad, the Sisters of the Valley 'nuns' continue to grow their plants. "This ban does not apply to us and so we've been operating straight through it," they told RT.

Sister Darcey and Sister Kate have been growing marijuana and creating cannabidiol (CBD)-infused products for three years. They claim their marijuana has low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which gives the 'high' effect associated with marijuana.

"Our medicine is medicine, and it is non-psychoactive," they explained. "We're dealing with what is actually hemp but really we advocate for whole plant legalization."

However, the 'nuns' are not the traditionally religious kind but rather 'spiritual'.


Surprise! Ukraine launches petition to appoint Savchenko as ambassador to Russia

Nadezhda Savchenko
© Sputnik/ Alexey Vovk
An online petition was registered on Tuesday on the official website of the Ukrainian President calling to appoint Ukrainian national Nadezhda Savchenko, convicted in Russia of being an accomplice to the murder of two journalists in Donbas, as an ambassador to Russia.

The petition notes that Ukraine has no ambassador in Russia and calls for the appointment of a person "who will do everything it takes to bring our fellow countrymen back home."

People 2

Germans living in Crimea slam Berlin for calling Russia a 'global threat'

Crimea referendum celebrations
Celebration in Simferopol’s Lenin Square following the Crimean secession vote in March 2014.
The Head of the Crimean regional German national-cultural autonomy of Crimea, Yury Hempel, criticized the new defense doctrine of the German authorities in which Russia is viewed as a global threat.

Earlier, German newspaper Die Welt, citing governmental sources, reported that Germany's new defense doctrine, which is currently in the final stage of its preparation, will view Russia as one of the top 10 global threats.

"This is another foolish step of German politicians. Unfortunately, due to the pressure from the upper echelons of the power and German Chancellor decisions are being made that go against the interests of the German people," Hempel said.

The German autonomy was created in Crimea in 2014 in order to preserve the identity of the German community in the peninsula, develop the German language as well as education and national culture.

Black Magic

Bizarre and creepy Gotthard Base tunnel opening ceremony - satanic ritual?

The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland featured a "goat-man" that dies, is resurrected, is worshipped and is crowned as "the king of the world". The "goat-man" that played such a key role in this performance bore a striking resemblance to Baphomet, which in recent decades has become one of the key symbols used to represent Satan in the occult community. So could it be possible that this entire ceremony was actually an Illuminati ritual that was intended to honor Satan? Don't pass judgment until you see the videos.

On Wednesday, June 1st, the long-awaited opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland finally took place. It is the longest and the deepest railroad tunnel in the entire world, and it took 17 years to build. It is 35 miles long, more than 2,000 meters deep in places, and the construction of this unprecedented tunnel cost a grand total of more than 11 billion euros.

So the opening of this tunnel was quite a big deal over in Europe. Prominent European politicians such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and French President Francois Hollande were all in attendance, and they were treated to an incredibly bizarre opening ceremony that cost approximately 8 million euros to produce. From Switzerland, this opening ceremony was broadcast by television all over the world, and so countless numbers of people were exposed to it.

The opening ceremony consisted of two parts, and in both parts the central figure was a "goat-man" that was eerily reminiscent of Baphomet. If you are not familiar with Baphomet, the following comes from a BBC article about the giant statue of Baphomet that was unveiled in Detroit last year...

Comment: Or maybe the ceremony has nothing whatsoever to do with Satanism and is a nod to the region's pagan roots? What do you think?

Light Saber

Here is the powerful letter the Stanford victim read aloud to her attacker

stanford rapist
© Unknown

Comment: Warning: Very graphic, painful and disturbing, but very powerful.

A former Stanford swimmer who sexually assaulted an unconscious woman was sentenced to six months in jail because a longer sentence would have "a severe impact on him," according to a judge. At his sentencing Thursday, his victim read him a letter describing the "severe impact" the assault had on her.


Americans ignoring the propaganda - Over 60% get news from Facebook and other social media

corporate media
A new study from Pew Research claims that 62 percent of people get their news from social media, with 18 percent doing so very often.

As expected, the top social media news source is Facebook.

The study claims that two-thirds of Facebook's user base read their news on the platform, with 59 percent of Twitter users getting news on Twitter, and 70 percent of Reddit users doing the same with their respective platform.

Considering the difference in size of these user groups — Facebook reaches 67 percent of the adult American population while Twitter only reaches 16 percent — that puts Facebook on top with 44 percent of the population getting news from the network.

Comparatively, Twitter and YouTube come in second with about 10 percent of the population getting news on those platforms.

Only about a quarter of those polled (4,654 members of the Pew Research Center's American Trends Panel) get news from two or more sites, and only 10 percent receive news from three or more platforms, putting overlapping audiences in the minority.

Comment: The majority of Americans have stopped getting their news from the TV and newspapers, which is where the propaganda from the presstitute media is most prevalent. Seems to be clear that people have realized they are being lied to and wish to get their news without the lies that surround mainstream news.

Heart - Black

Stanford rapist's dad: Son got '20 minutes of action'

stanford rapist
© Unknown

Comment: Rather then using the word "rape'', according to Brock's father the incident is a mere "20 minutes of action".

The father of the ex-Stanford University athlete who was convicted of sexually assaulting a woman on campus has spoken out against the verdict, saying his son should not go to jail for "20 minutes of action."

Brock Turner, 19, was convicted of sexually assaulting a 23-year-old unconscious woman behind a dumpster outside of a party on the California campus. When passersby intervened to stop the attack, Brock had to be held until police arrived, according to The Guardian. The victim was intoxicated, and did not regain consciousness until hours later, when she said that she had no memory of the encounter.

In an emotional letter that she read aloud in court, the victim recounted the questions that she was asked by the defense about details of her love life and what she was wearing on the night that she was assaulted. She also talked about the serious psychological toll the assault took on her, describing how she lost her job and had frequent nightmares because of the anxiety and stress.

Judge Aaron Persky gave Brock a six month sentence in county jail instead of the maximum of 14 years in state prison that he faced, citing his age and lack of criminal record. Persky's ruling has been widely criticized for being too lenient. "The punishment does not fit the crime," said Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen.

Michelle Dauber, a law professor at Stanford, tweeted an excerpt from a statement made by Dan Turner, Brock's father, in which he criticized Brock's six month sentence as "a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action."

Comment: Now in contrast, here is the victim's statement: Here is the powerful letter the Stanford victim read aloud to her attacker