Society's ChildS

Stock Up

Donald Trump leaves White House with 51% Approval Rating - Rasmussen Poll

Donald Trump
On his last full day in office, President Donald Trump enjoys a 51 percent approval rating, according to Rasmussen Reports, one of only about three polling firms that have a proven track record for legitimacy and accuracy. Most of the other polls are crap. Rigged. Fake. Not worthy of anyone's time.

Trump's disapproval rating sits at just 48 percent.

There are a lot of media polls that show Trump's approval rating in the low forties, and even in the thirties. But, over the course of the last few election cycles, we have learned that these are almost all fake polls, rigged polls, polls that in no way reflect reality. And we know this because when the ultimate poll is taken on Election Day, the media polls are all wrong. The whole point of media polls is to mislead, demoralize, and deceive the American people into believing Trump is less popular than he really is.

Comment: See also:


Trump will not invite the Bidens to the White House before Inauguration

White House
© Susan Walsh/AP Photo
President Donald Trump will not invite President-elect Joe Biden to the White House ahead of the inauguration Wednesday, according to reports.

Typically, the sitting president invites his successor to the White House ahead of the inauguration. The sitting first lady welcomes the incoming first lady for tea and a tour of the building.

Both President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama welcomed the Trumps to the White House ahead of the inauguration ceremony after President Donald Trump beat former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Comment: See also:


Best of the Web: For Martin Luther King Day, let us end his 'second assassination'

martin luther king
Martin Luther King Jr. day has been celebrated every January 18 since it was a made a national holiday through the tireless efforts of Martin’s widow Coretta in 1983.
While many people take the opportunity to treat Martin's life as a pre-packaged hallmark card of cliché speeches, far too few take the time to fully appreciate not only the depth of his understanding of the multifaceted evils plaguing society but also his brilliant plans, methods and vision for creative problem solving which touched on far more than the single issue of "civil rights" for which he is celebrated. In fact, on deeper inspection, we should not be surprised to discover that Martin had come to bridge the gulf between racial justice, economic justice, imperial wars abroad and also global economic imperialism and worked hard to create a functional battle plan to solve all of those problems.

It should not be surprising that this great leader was killed (followed soon thereafter by his ally Robert Kennedy), and the world took a very dark and un-natural trajectory. It should also not be surprising that many years after his death, efforts were put into motion by those unsatisfied with the death of his body — who wished nothing less than the assassination of his memory and legacy.

Comment: Rising Tide Foundation has made transcripts and video clips of Martin Luther King's most memorable speeches available here
For MLK's 92nd Anniversary: Great Speeches to Edify and Uplift the Soul

The vision for a world of peaceful cooperation and brotherhood which Martin Luther King willingly gave his life represents a promethean fire, is required more today than ever before.

As civilization is confronted with some of the most dangerous challenges threatening global war, and a plunge into a new Dark Age, the tests we will collectively be faced with can best be met by rekindling those creative fires of love and understanding that shaped Martin Luther King's ministry and his life of strategic thinking.

It is with this hope for a better age of humanity that the Rising Tide Foundation presents a collection of the most powerful speeches and sermons of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.


'One Night in Miami' isn't a commentary on current racial strife instead it illustrates how far America has actually come on race

© Amazon StudiosOne Night in Miami (2020) Dir: Regina King
After the BLM protests of last summer, Amazon's new movie has been eagerly anticipated. But it unintentionally diminishes the manufactured racial moral panic of today by highlighting the giants of the civil rights struggle.

The new Amazon film, 'One Night in Miami', is generating critical adoration for its powerful performances and for its supposedly timely social commentary on race and racism in America.

The movie, written by Kemp Powers and directed by Regina King, tells the story of a fictionalized meeting between Malcolm X, Cassius Clay, Sam Cooke and Jim Brown in a Miami hotel room in 1964, immediately following Clay's victory over Sonny Liston to become the heavyweight champion of the world.

Comment: See also:

SOTT Logo Radio

SOTT Focus: Newsreal #33: Strange Days in DC - Military Checkpoints as US Capital Awaits 'Virtual Inauguration'

newsreal inauguration biden
Donald Trump has been called "literally" many things over the years, and he sees out his term in office as "literally a terrorist leader," and his supporters "literally white supremacists in need of deprogramming," according to certain Democrat politicians.

Discussing the fallout from the 'Storming of the Capitol' on January 6th, and the strange "virtual inauguration" of incoming president Joe Biden, Joe and Niall assess what, if any, flare-up is likely in the US capital in the coming days.


Liz Cheney censured in Wyoming for vote to impeach Trump: 'Did not represent our voice'

© AP/Scott ApplewhiteHouse Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney (R-WYO)
The Republican Party Central Committee in Carbon County, Wyoming, has censured Rep. Liz Cheney for voting to impeach President Trump, as support for the one-time rising GOP star crumbles in her home state.

The censure resolution passed in a unanimous vote by the 45-member central committee. It included a demand that Ms. Cheney appear before the committee to explain her actions.

"Our representative did not represent our voice," said Carbon County GOP Chairman Joey Correnti IV, who presented the resolution to the central committee at a Saturday meeting where the vote took place.

The resolution condemns Ms. Cheney for conduct described as defying the will of most Wyoming Republican voters and joining in a rushed impeachment that did not examine all the facts and denied Mr. Trump due process.

​The resolution also declared that a "vocal majority of Wyoming Republicans recognize there were significant irregularities" in the Nov. 3 presidential election.

Comment: How some of her Wyoming constituents view Ms. Cheney:


Biden names Dr. Rachel Levine as Assistant Health Secretary, first transgender official confirmed by Senate

© Biden-Harris official portraitDr. Rachel Levine
President-elect Joe Biden announced Tuesday that Pennsylvania's Dr. Rachel Levine will serve as the assistant Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary, making her potentially the first transgender official to be confirmed by the Senate.

Levine, who currently serves as Pennsylvania's secretary of health, will be the top deputy to HHS Secretary-designee Xavier Becerra of California. Biden said in a press release circulated Tuesday morning:
"Dr. Rachel Levine will bring the steady leadership and essential expertise we need to get people through this pandemic — no matter their zip code, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability — and meet the public health needs of our country in this critical moment and beyond. She is a historic and deeply qualified choice to help lead our administration's health efforts."
Vice President-elect Kamala Harris added that Levine is "a remarkable public servant with the knowledge and experience to help us contain this pandemic, and protect and improve the health and well-being of the American people."

The Biden team noted that Levine received her undergraduate degree from Harvard University and her medical degree from the Tulane University School of Medicine. Additionally, she was thrice confirmed by the Pennsylvania's Republican-controlled Senate for both her current position and to serve as the state's physician general.

Bad Guys

Latest Honduran migrant caravan believes Biden has "given us 100 days to get to the US"

honduran migrants biden
© REUTERS/Luis EcheverriaGuatemalan soldiers block a street as Honduran migrants gather after Guatemalan security forces cleared a road where they were camping after authorities halted their trek to the United States, January 18, 2021.
While speaking with CNN on Sunday, Honduran migrant Marlon Lopez stated that President-Elect Joe Biden is "going to help all of us." And that Biden has "given us 100 days to get to the U.S." so they can get a better life for their families.

Lopez said, "I'm here today because I'm dreaming to get to the U.S."

He also stated, "Biden, he's going to help all of us. He's given us 100 days to get to the U.S. and give us legal [unintelligible] paper so we can get a better life for our kids and family."

Comment: In the meantime, Guatemalan police have started clearing the US-bound migrant caravan camp:
In videos aired on TV and shared on social media, lines of security forces could be seen marching with shields and batons towards migrants in the village of Vado Hondo, in the east of the country, around 55km from the borders of Honduras and El Salvador.

Around 2,000 migrants were camped on a street following their skirmishes with Guatemalan troops on Sunday, with the blockade reportedly causing 30km-long lines of vehicles.

Guatemala's National Civil Police and the military cleared the camp on Monday, after those encamped failed to respond to warnings that they would be evicted if they stayed in situ.

Some migrants threw stones and other objects at the troops, with several injuries reported by local media.

Three groups of around 3,000 people each crossed into Guatemala on Friday and Saturday night, in an attempt to escape poverty exacerbated by the pandemic and damage caused by hurricanes. Most of those entering failed to present the required negative Covid-19 tests.

The Guatemalan authorities said 1,568 migrants had been returned to Honduras since Friday and another 100 to El Salvador.

Russian Flag

Whose fault is that? Establishment cyber-police drive Parler off the internet, act surprised when it works with THE RUSSIANS

trump supporter on phone
© Reuters / Bing GuanA man wearing a "Trump 2020" sweatshirt uses his mobile phone during a "Stop the Steal" protest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 5, 2020.
Conservative social media platform Parler is back, and after failing to completely railroad it off the internet, respectable "experts" are now whining about its new Russian links. But even those links aren't what they seem.

Parler reappeared online on Sunday, with a solitary post by CEO John Matze promising the imminent return of the conservative-friendly social media platform. The platform is currently hosted by Epik, a US-based company that spoke out against deplatforming last week and carries server traffic for Gab and 8chan.

However, researchers looked up Parler's IP address and found that it belongs to a Russian firm. The company, DDoS-Guard, serves as a middleman of sorts, screening incoming traffic to protect the site against Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks, much like CloudFlare or Amazon's own CloudFront.

Comment: See also:


Cyber charter schools: Neoliberals determined to commodify more students

cyber school
The parasitic seizure of social wealth by the rich has intensified in recent years and promises to increase in 2021. While the stock market soars to artificial new heights, the productive sector of the economy continues to steadily disintegrate, leaving the financial oligarchy with fewer options to maximize profit over time. This in turn is causing the rich to engage in more stock market gambling, private lending, bankruptcies, and restructuring of the state in order to funnel more public funds into private hands (e.g., through more "public-private-partnerships"). As the law of a falling rate of profit invariably intensifies, the nexus between the rich and the state will become more critical to analyze in the months and years ahead. Left unchallenged, state-organized corruption to pay the rich will be strengthened well beyond 2021, leaving society, the economy, and the environment worse off, and making it harder for the New to emerge.

Comment: As if the schooling-for-profit schemes of charter schools, core curriculum and the like didn't have such a detrimental effect on the minds of children already - who now have a state-sanctioned dumbing-down that has gone into a hyper overdrive.