US lawmakers voted Wednesday to split Iraq into a loose federation of sectarian-based regions and urged President George W Bush to press Iraqi leaders to agree.The proposal came from Senator Joseph Biden, the smart-ass who heads the chamber's foreign relations committee and is running for the 2008 Democratic Party presidential nomination.
A few months ago, Sen. Biden, interviewed by Shalom TV, an American mainstream Jewish cable television network, called Israel "the single greatest strength America has in the Middle East". "I am a Zionist," stated Senator Biden. "You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist."
We know the Israel Lobby is not a very convincing thesis, at least for Noam Chomsky. So, let's talk about coincidences.
Comment: An understanding of counterinsurgency and their methods would have done more to provide him with a real lesson. Instead he is just another victim of the US propaganda campaign.