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Chinese, Iranian FMs discuss Iran nuclear issue

Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing on Friday spoke by telephone with his Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki about the nuclear issue of Iran.

Li reiterated China's principled stance to peacefully resolve nuclear issue of Iran through diplomatic efforts.


MI5 Spies On 439,000 British Citizens' Phone Calls And Emails

Almost 450,000 requests were made to monitor people's telephone calls, e-mails and post by secret agencies and other authorised bodies in just over a year, the spying watchdog said yesterday.


Give Force a Chance - William Kristol, in Time Magazine

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier
"Many in the U.S. are now learning that democracy cannot be imposed by military force."

-- German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, speaking at an international security forum in Munich on Feb. 10
Is the U.S. too quick to project its power through military action? If only, writes neocon Bill Kristol

It's always good to be reminded by our German friends that democracy can't be imposed by military force. Perhaps the Japanese would like to weigh in too? Actually, they wouldn't. Living next door to nuclear-armed dictatorships, and not having succumbed as thoroughly to postmodern otherworldliness, the Japanese democracy is in fact building up its military and strengthening its U.S. alliance. Still, the German Foreign Minister was simply expressing, in a particularly un-self-reflective way, an increasingly common point of view on both sides of the Atlantic.

Comment: It is one thing for William Kristol to write editorials for the neocon house organ, The Weekly Standard, but that he is a regular talking head on the tube and an op-ed writer for Time, the nation's leading news weekly, is yet another of the countless examples of how thoroughly the Zionists dominate the US media and their cavalier willingness to shed the blood of others for their cause.

-- Jeffrey Blankfort


SOTT Focus: More "al-Qaeda" Nonsense From The Bush Gang

Over the three or four days that Signs of the Times was down due to anomalous technical difficulties, the Pentagon's Central Repository of Advanced Propaganda (C.R.A.P.) thought they would avail themselves of the opportunity to sneak out a little 'war on terror' programming, undoubtedly in the fervent hope that it would pass unnoticed. Well, guess what? It didn't, and it would certainly be remiss of us to let this one slide.


200 officers on prowl to enforce Liverpool smoking ban - What About The "Terrorists"?

DOZENS of council officers will patrol bars, restaurants and shops to police the smoking ban when it comes into force in July, it was revealed last night.

In Liverpool, there will be a core team of 20 to 25 staff, although around 200 staff will patrol the city's streets, bars and clubs in the first few days after the ban.

Comment: If nothing else, this story reveals to us the truth about the "War on Terror" - there isn't one. The war is really on the rights and freedoms of the ordinary citizens. If there were really terrorists as Bush and Blair and others claim, they would not be paying so much attention to innocent people smoking to reduce the stress of their fears of the alleged terrorists. So, not only are you supposed to be afraid, you are not allowed to have any relief other than Prozac and Xanax and other drugs shown to be related to increased rates of violence and suicide.


Former Mossad chief: Assassinate Ahmadinejad

No need for alarm. Just another Israeli establishment figure, doing what Israeli establishment figures do best - lie, steal, cheat, and kill.


Lebanon defiant in face of [Mossad] bombings

[...] Tuesday's explosions on commuter buses on a busy mountain highway northeast of Beirut stoked fears of turmoil as the country prepared to mark the 2005 assassination of Mr. Hariri, the nation's most prominent politician and the leader credited with rebuilding the country from the destruction of the 1975-90 civil war.

Lebanon has suffered a series of bombings during the past two years, mostly targeting anti-Syrian figures, but Tuesday's attacks were the first that seemed intended to cause maximum casualties among civilians of no political affiliation.


Flashback SOTT Focus: Mossad Murders Former Lebanese PM in Carbon Copy of 1979 Assassination

Rafik al-Hariri with his wife Nazek
We can only conclude that there must be some kind of agreement between world nations that, even when it is patently obvious, one nation will never expose the activities of anothers' intelligence agency. What other reason can there be for the fact that Iran and Syria were the only two countries to even hint at Israel as being behind the murder of Rafik Hariri on Valentine's day 2005?

Indeed, one of the strongest indications of an Israeli involvement in the murder of Hariri is the fact that not ONE mainstream news source is even mentioning the possibility of Israeli involvement, when it is painfully clear that Israel has the most to gain from his death. But then again, we have become accustomed to the severe lack of intestinal fortitude or any real journalistic integrity on the part of the mainstream media. And also to the fact that much of the Western press is dominated by Israeli sympathisers and/or "Zionists".

To his credit, French President Chirac, perhaps going as far as protocol permitted, held off from immediately implicating any particular group in the murder of his close friend and called for "an immediate international investigation to uncover the real culprits". Coming as it did at the same time as the US government's attempts to force the blame on Syria, Chirac's comment perhaps provides the strongest evidence that Syria was NOT involved. Of course, we don't need the subtle innuendo of any government leader to realise that, while Syria may have stood to gain from the untimely demise of Hariri, it had much more to lose.


Ex- CIA Agent Fired For Proving That Iraq Had No WMDs

A federal judge has ruled that a CIA agent identified only as "Doe," allegedly fired after he gathered prewar intelligence showing that Iraq was not developing weapons of mass destruction, can proceed with his lawsuit against the CIA. The judge has ordered both parties to submit discovery requests - evidence they want for their case - to be completed by March 15, according to the CIA agent's lawyer and a spokesman for the Justice Department, which is defending the CIA in court.


Iran Threatens U.S. if Attacked

TEHRAN, Iran - If the United States were to attack Iran, the country would respond by striking U.S. interests all over the world, Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Thursday.