"The game is rigged and you have a bunch of money junkies and power hungry freaks that call themselves politicians and Berlusconis running the show and running people's lives into the ground. So yeah, we have these Occupy movements: They're global. And there's no end in sight. It's only going to get worse because the psychopaths and sociopaths in power are going to make sure it gets worse."
"Listen, and understand. Facebook is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are commodified and sold."It's no secret that Facebook's privacy policies are wholly lax and subject to wiggle room. Names, contact information, browsing habits, and private purchases have been logged and shared -- even when users have logged out of their accounts. But a new report from the Hamburg Data Protection agency -- a privacy watchdog group within Germany -- has uncovered a new level of privacy-invading depravity that Facebook has sunk to.
-- Kyle Reese, in a deleted scene from The Social Network.
Comment: AJ's right; who needs aliens when we've got psychopathic globalists, predators who have taken over and infected everything from the microscopic to the societal level.
What is the surest and safest way we can fight back against 'The Thing' and its psychopathic control grid with a stranglehold on our lives and indeed the very future of the entire biosphere? Warning others of the danger and sharing knowledge with them is a good place to start. We can't stop the wars and the general madness the Powers That Be target us with day after day, but we can begin to assert control over our own lives and acquire the energy needed to inspire and help others to lead by example.
Our answer may surprise you (it certainly surprised us when we realised we had stepped on a sore toe): the resistance begins with diet! What 'The Thing' appears to have spent all this time doing is to wear humanity down physically, mentally, emotionally and indeed spiritually, by totally corrupting the food chain to the point that no one knows what they're eating, where it came from and what it's doing to them and their ability to live free. By applying counter-measures which can readily be implemented in our daily lives to kickstart our detox systems and bring our immune systems back online and make them as robust as they can be, we can withstand the predatorial advances of 'The Thing'.
That's right, eating meat and saturated fats, cutting out ALL gluten, most dairy (especially milk, although our research and experimentation has found some leeway for individual tolerances to butter and eggs), most plant foods and sugars - essentially, a diet that is very low in carbohydrates and high in animal fats - are some of the things we could do to hit 'The Thing' right where it hurts. It doesn't want healthy, optimally-fuelled people who are propaganda-resistant, can think and choose for themselves and have energy to spare for helping others in need.
For a more in depth look at the Paleo diet and additional research on the connections between nutrition and mental and physical health, you can read the following articles:
Have you heard about the Paleo diet?
Paleo Diet: Smart Eating or Latest Fad?
Should You Eat a Paleo-Diet for Health Like These Californians?
The Paleo Diet Cures PCOS