The reel showed a soldier dipping the tips of bullet rounds into pork fat before putting them into a magazine.
The man, who reportedly belongs to the far-right nationalist Azov Battalion, apparently meant this as a threat to religious Muslims participating in the Russian military offensive in Ukraine. Pork is considered unclean in Islam, so Muslims killed by the bullets would supposedly not be eligible to enter heaven.
Comment: It's unlikely they did this for every bullet that they have but it's quite revealing as to their mindset that they would go to trouble of making the video, and to be so oblivious, or brazen, to disregard how the international community might react were they to see it.

The short clip was published by the official account of the Ukrainian National Guard, which embedded the Azov Battalion in 2014. The trooper doing the ritual can be heard saying: "Muslim friends, you won't be allowed into heaven in our country." The soldier was wearing a balaclava to conceal his face.
The threat was directed at the "Kadyrov orcs," according to the description. Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has highlighted the participation of troops from his home province in the Russian attack on Ukraine, posting videos of his men on social media, praising their contribution, and calling on Ukrainians to surrender.
Chechnya is a majority Muslim republic, in the south of Russia, which is renowned for the prowess of its fighters.
Comment: Kadyrov speaks on the objectives of their mission:
Using 'pork-laced bullets' to threaten Muslims is not a Ukrainian invention. An Idaho-based firm made headlines in 2013 by offering this type of ammo to Americans fighting Islamist terrorists.
Another product based on the same idea was gun oil that included 13% pork fat, according to its anonymous producer. There have been rumors that the Navy SEAL team that killed Osama Bin Laden used it, though it is most likely an urban myth. Watchdog organizations tracking hate speech criticized both products as obvious cases of Islamophobia.
Twitter flagged the Ukrainian video as 'hateful content' that violates its rules, but allowed it to remain on its platform nevertheless. "Twitter has determined that it may be in the public's interest for the Tweet to remain accessible," the notice said.
Comment: Meanwhile Twitter enforced an all out ban on Trump and is in the process of slowly wiping RT off the platform, as are the rest of the Western controlled social media giants: 'Russian Propaganda' claims is just the latest excuse to expand censorship
Russia launched the military operation against Ukraine last Thursday, claiming it to be necessary to safeguard the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lugansk from attacks coming from Ukraine. One of the stated goals of the Russian offensive was to "denazify" Ukraine, crushing the power base of radical nationalists and their organizations, such as the Azov Battalion.
Comment: It seems the pathological factions in Ukraine just can't help themselves, although they do at least have enough self-awareness (or a competent PR team) to also put out propaganda that tries to make them look humane:
That said, they've yet to succeed in erasing their previous appearances where they reveal their true nature:
And, whilst the mainstream media do their best to conceal their deception and brutality, it usually ends up coming out one way or another, even if it will never be aired on the controlled airwaves:
See also: Day 4 of Russia's military operation in Ukraine: Battles in the cities, Kiev using banned phosphorus rockets, Ukrainians defecting
Also check out SOTT radio's: NewsReal: The Truth About The Russia-Ukraine War