We can draw upon popular culture across film, fiction, and a vast array of dystopian novels to reference, attempt to make sense of, and draw parallels to our current shared plight.
A lesser-known, less readily-acknowledged social affliction at play โ which requires a relatively high degree of critical thinking along with a lengthy attention span to truly comprehend โ is the concept of a mass delusional psychosis:
"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one." โ Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.A psychosis can be defined as a detachment from reality, or the loss of an adaptive relationship to reality. In the place of facts and thoughts based in objective reality in the world, those afflicted by psychosis become overwhelmed by delusions โ false beliefs that are believed to be true, in spite of the available evidence presented, even if witnessed first-hand by the eyes and ears of the psychotic.
One of the most notable examples of a mass delusional psychosis was that of the American and European witch-hunts of the 16th & 17th centuries.
Thousands of people, especially women, were killed during the witch-hunts, because they were blamed as the scapegoats or the "others" by societies that had collectively gone completely mad.
For a mass delusional psychosis to occur, a society first needs to be put under an intense and prolonged state of fear, along with isolation and a severance of the usual familiar social bonds and support networks that people have in their everyday lives.
Comment: Check.
Then follows the "othering" - the persecution, demonisation and scapegoating of a cohort of people, likening them to animals or something sub-human.
Comment: Check.
Once the population's rational and logical faculties are overrun with fear, they can no longer think critically; unchecked, that fear quickly becomes an existential threat to the "others."
"All one's neighbours are in the grip of some uncontrolled and uncontrollable fear...In lunatic asylums it is a well-known fact that patients are far more dangerous when suffering from fear than when moved by rage or hatred." - Carl Jung.
Comment: Check.
Anecdotally, a friend of mine surmised the cultish behaviour we are witnessing worldwide as a case of everyone believes, because everyone believes that everyone else believes! I found this to be a very apt description.
What has stumped and frustrated those of us living within the smaller island of sanity (within the larger island of the dominant Covidian cult culture, as referenced by CJ Hopkins) is the seemingly catatonic unbreakable spell we find our friends, families, and colleagues mesmerised by.
I would like to share a few short exchanges I've experienced first-hand, along with those of my friends who can see.
- A friend overhears a colleague talking about her adverse reactions post-injection; she's had a terrible fever and feels like she's been hit by a train. Those listening to her say that means it is working. The next day she cannot move the entire left side of her upper body whilst in the office. People tell her to get well soon and that we are in this together.
- I tell a relative about the quarantine (concentration) camps in Australia and the despairing plea from the aboriginal tribes, I stress that they are calling it genocide. She replies with "Well, you just have to get on with it really, don't you? There's nothing we can do."
- I share a link with a friend of mine on the Swedish company that has announced its microchip covid pass, and I joke that another conspiracy theory I mentioned in 2020 has become reality. His response is that he's "not falling for my traps today and won't be opening any links."
- Whilst referencing the reality of the situation in Australia with a colleague based there, I draw upon the news of the police, without provocation, firing openly on protestors with rubber bullets. I use the words tyranny, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, and mention that the public is concerned with an increasingly militaristic police force.Incredulous, my colleague scoffs that I must be getting my news from Sky News Australia, and the public is not at all concerned about the police. Apparently the public are most concerned with those pesky nuisance anti-vaxxer protests!
For to forsake our ability (or cognitive choice?) to empathise with someone else's suffering, or to be indifferent to humans inhumanely treating other humans, is to forsake our humanity itself. It reminds me of another exchange I had with a lifelong friend, whom I was particularly disheartened to learn was "captured"'; in response to me detailing all the atrocities being carried out, she was puzzled at why I was at all bothered, because I was not directly affected by it, still full time employed with a roof over my head and food in my belly.
There are no words. Only realisations.
Circling back to popular culture on how and why some people can see and some cannot, we may borrow a line from the film The Animatrix:
"...must posses a rare degree of intuition,This reinforces Leonardo da Vinci once having said:
sensitivity and a questioning nature."
"There are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see."I will hold my hand up at being in the second of these aforementioned classes of people. I spent March-April of 2020 wearing a mask, wiping down door handles, taking my own pen to the supermarket for receipt signing and other cringeworthy "rituals".
I had a taste of what it must be like to be fully immersed in the new normal ideology. I can recall the anger I felt at seeing people unmasked. Not because I thought they were dangerous biohazards, but because they weren't following the rules, and I was.
I will be eternally grateful to the friends who persisted with showing me the light. Once the Wizard of Oz's curtain fell away, it was extremely disorientating, yet I've never felt more alive and self-aware. Perhaps it is the loss of face, pride and ego that prevents a lot of people from questioning the narrative.
For those that can see, or see when shown, you will need to be spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally strong enough to let this mass delusional psychosis burn itself out. You may be persecuted, blamed, demonised, attacked, imprisoned, or worse. Yet simultaneously, you will be increasingly looked to for answers, for truth, for guidance, for leadership, for hope and eventually for history.
Keep going.
What will it take for people to see? Do they have a line in the sand? Are they truly, irrevocably, unsalvageable, and beyond the pale?
Reader Comments
" Scale Matters "
So this article talks about "human nature" and I think it is true many humans are most hesitant to lose faith in leadership because in the "old days" when us humans hung out in smaller groups (less than 60 lets say) such a loss of faith often spelled the demise of the group as a whole, and so I think it is innate and inherent in many to look for and attach mentally to some perceived leadership. You know it was really scary back during the last Ice Age don't you - well take my word for it - it was NOT fun.
Nowadays, even with modern conveniences most of us still have small groups, but organizationally most of us are under the "jurisdiction" of larger entities full of bureaucratic BS and power struggles and are powerless to do anything to change that. They, these larger entities, are actually under control of a few individuals who have the illusion of power and think they pull all the strings. Those strings are imaginary, but we have to get over the "Ice Age Hump" if we hope to survive as a species. If we do, those who have perpetuated this large scale of suffering must be on the receiving end of justice that cannot be misinterpreted. I hope that is what happens and don't be afraid because there are way more of US than there are those few who think they pull the strings. They are in the wrong and it is evident and the do or die moment is upon us. I hope you are ready.
Bye-bye dumb-ass.
Call somebody else a dumb ass and then look in the mirror (#10)
And then.... one by one and often all of a sudden, they got shanked in 2021. They resisted the first psychosis only to fall prey to needle rape. Each time I found out it was like getting kicked in the stomach.... Why? why?! For some the social pressure was too great, others said the coming man-dates were inevitable. But they fucking caved, and still didn't believe the coof was a threat.
So there's a lot of complex nuances to this psychosis. Best to not paint everyone with the same brush. A few can still be saved.
I've also had a gut full of self-righteous, morally superior mask-holes trying to coerce me into their insanity. I would rather they just disappear. If they manage that feat by doing something really, really stupid, then all the more power to them.
I was actually surprised as I journeyed through life that many people had never matured much from their childish school years. Nothing I could do about it, it was who they chose to be.
People addicted to that are hopelessly lost.
It's like 50 year olds still watching Sesame Street and Barney reruns thinking it's real. Dying for it too ...
For COVID, there's really a shitload of things popping up every day, so it is not really hard to find something.
I get a kick out of some of those failed Bear Pig Man* climate predictions like Obama's coastal retreat not being underwater now like it supposedly should be.
* [Link]
But then again, I understand them perfectly, I was in denial here back in 1992, when I collided with the civil-war head on. But I was 24 at that time. Ah well...
...but believe what appears from a screen in the corner of the room.
not gonna listen. boycott youtube.
But two questions remain, imho: 1) How would anyone know if the voice was "robotic"? It claims to be from the Academy of Ideas; 2) The main question I almost always ask is simple, in politics or otherwise is: "T or F"?
" Guest post from Nicholas Creed (pseudonym) - a Bangkok-based journalistic infidel impervious to propaganda:" "For a mass delusional psychosis to occur, a society first needs to be put under an intense and prolonged state of fear, along with isolation and a severance of the usual familiar social bonds and support networks that people have in their everyday lives. The common denominator across these exchanges is two-fold. Firstly, a complete refusal to acknowledge objective reality, in spite of irrefutable evidence. Secondly, any semblance of empathy, shock, or outrage that would be expected by a free-thinking, feeling human, is entirely absent.
For to forsake our ability (or cognitive choice?) to empathise with someone else's suffering, or to be indifferent to humans inhumanely treating other humans, is to forsake our humanity itself. It reminds me of another exchange I had with a lifelong friend, whom I was particularly disheartened to learn was "captured"'; in response to me detailing all the atrocities being carried out, she was puzzled at why I was at all bothered, because I was not directly affected by it, still full time employed with a roof over my head and food in my belly."
Nicholas Creed
Armageddon Prose
Tue, 04 Jan 2022 18:12 UTC [Link]
As I posted just a few days ago, I'm extremely optimistic about the demise of the Covid narrative. We have the U.S. Navy seals with a solid victory in their court proceedings. We have Biden saying that he'll leave the administration of Covid policy to states. We have stupid administration-level politicans like Austin testing positive for Covid after their boosters!! We have the NFL unwilling to continue their policy of quarantining players who "test" positive and thereby declaring a player fit for play if they are symptom free. Their actions tell us that they know the "testing," retired at the end of December by the U.S. CDC, conned them and diminished their earnings and freedom for no justifiable reason except the CDC's drunkenness on power and control.
You have stupid, inept Democratic politicians who sanction and encourage harsh Covid restrictions and rules in their native states vacationing in Florida where, essentially, no rules exist against the "Covid virus." They go everywhere and participate everywhere without a mask. Like dear AOC who imagines every Republican move arises from a suppressed sexual urge toward...gasp!...her!!!. Or like dear Oprah who has only the kitchen help in masks as her guests and her are maskless. I'm sure she requires her catering services to be fully vaxxed and boostered just as she does her guests: except the servants can't be trusted and must be required to wear masks. LOL. "Equal opportunities" Oprah. The pedal hits the metal.
You cannot unsee what you've seen. This is big. This is important. Thank God for Joe Rogan and the reach of his audience. The interview went VIRAL over the long New Year's week-end.
[Link] Sorry to see you go, Betty White and John Madden...and some esoteric Canadian director. I say kindly that I hope this lesson was a lesson learned well, and I wish you a renewed next life with greater wisdom.
Also heard David Martin reviewing the Fifth circuit ruling blocking the vaccine mandates. I think that is a big tipping point.
I just heard this morning that in Australia the way the Govt got to control the 3 main stream TV channels was to give them 100% tax free for two years to reduce childrenโs shows and documentaries in place of supporting the Govts covid agenda. Which is all just talk for squashing any truth about the whole scamdemic. This deal was worth $40 million. Another $50 million went to some organisation I had not heard of to produce โpositiveโ programs another euphemism for supporting the official narrative. Our taxpayers money at work. Talk about bribery.
I automatically assume that anti-human "provaxx" forces are controlling governments and media outlets. I note that Macron and Trudeau's recent offensives includes extreme villification of nonvaxxed people. I think they are too little too late. I keep getting the image of a rug pulled out from beneath these forces. The beings called The Timekeepers are pulling the rug. Don't ask me what these images mean...I have no idea except give these politicians have a few more "moments of time" before their narratives are dashed utterly.
Curtains still up for you, Creed. Some kind of write-up... On with the Butlerian Gi had, in fidel?
If you listen to the channel, it's recommended to use headphones or good stereo speakers w/woofer -- not just a "tweeter" playing through your computer or phone.
January 3, 2022
Entire Europe is in chaos. 99 percent of Eu countries have imposed strict rules for its citizens. Most of this rules are equal to dictatorship or Apartheid.Only one Land in turbulent Balkan region doesnโt have green Covid Passports and it becomes safe haven for many of citizens. Man who manage to do that is Lawyer Mirnes Ajanovic.He was fighting against Machine using legal facts and law and he won. Green passes are not imposed and he reported many of those who wanted to put them in action to prossecution court and that is how he stopped them to impose Dictatorship in Bosnia also.
He got official documents from manufacturers of vaccines and he went public with them. He showed to people that many messures that are imposed by government and that are waiting to be imposed are illegal and against human rights.Government stopped its decision to make this passes official and that is how Bosnia becomes first safe area in conquered Europe!Mirnes made it possible.
He leads himself with this sentence:
When injustice becomes law , resistance becomes obligation โ Visit Bosnia โ Feel safe โ Visit the Bosnian mountains and enjoy without fear and measures!
source: [Link]
For more than ten years, meetings have been held by billionaires described as philanthropists to Reduce the Size of the Worldโs Population culminating with the 2020-2021 Covid crisis. Recent developments suggest that โDepopulationโ is an integral part of the so-called Covid mandates including the lockdown policies and the mRNA โvaccineโ. Flash back to 2009. According to the Wall Street Journal: โBillionaires Try to Shrink Worldโs Populationโ. In May 2009, the Billionaire philanthropists met behind closed doors at the home of the president of The Rockefeller University in Manhattan. This Secret Gathering was sponsored by Bill Gates. They called themselves โThe Good Clubโ. Among the participants were the late David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey and many more. In May 2009, the WSJ as well as the Sunday Times reported: (John Harlow, Los Angeles) thatโSome of Americaโs leading billionaires have met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the worldโs population and speed up improvements in health and education.โThe emphasis was not on population growth (i.e Planned Parenthood) but on โDepopulationโ, i.e,. the reduction in the absolute size of the Worldโs population.
To read complete WSJ article click here.( [Link] ) . According to the Sunday Times report [Link] philanthropists who attended a summit convened on the initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change.โฆStacy Palmer, editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy, said the summit was unprecedented. โWe only learnt about it afterwards, by accident. Normally these people are happy to talk good causes, but this is different โ maybe because they donโt want to be seen as a global cabal,โ he said.Another guest said there was โnothing as crude as a voteโ but a consensus emerged that they would back a strategy in which population growth would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat.โThis is something so nightmarish that everyone in this group agreed it needs big-brain answers,โ said the guest. โฆWhy all the secrecy? โThey wanted to speak rich to rich without worrying anything they said would end up in the newspapers, painting them as an alternative world government,โ he said.(Sunday Times)Shrinking The Worldโs PopulationThe media reports on the May 5, 2009 secret gathering focussed on the commitment of โThe Good Clubโ to โslowing downโ the growth of the Worldโs population.โShrink the World Populationโ (the WSJ Title) goes beyond Planned Parenthood which consists in โReducing the Growth of World Populationโ. It consists in โDepopulationโ, namely reducing the absolute size of the Worldโs Population, which ultimately requires reducing the rate of birth (which would include reduced fertility) coupled with a significant increase in the death rate.Secret Meeting: At the Height of the H1N1 PandemicOn April 25, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) headed by Margaret Chan declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). And a couple of weeks later, the โGood Clubโ met in NYC at the height of the H1N1 swine flu pandemic which turned out to be a scam.It is also worth noting that at very outset of the H1N1 crisis in April 2009, Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, London was advising Bill Gates and the WHO: โ40 per cent of people in the UK could be infected [with H1N1] within the next six months if the country was hit by a pandemic.โSounds familiar? That was the same Neil Ferguson (generously supported by the Gates Foundation) who designed the coronavirus Lockdown Model (launched on March 11, 2020). As we recall, that March 2020 mathematical model was based on โpredictionsโ of 600,000 deaths in the UK. And now (Summer- Autumn 2021) a third authoritative โmathematical modelโ by the same โscientistโ (Ferguson) was formulated to justify a โFourth Wave Lockdownโ. Saving Lives to Achieve โDepopulationโWas an absolute โreductionโ in World population contemplated at that May 2009 secret meeting? A few months later, Bill Gates in his TED presentation (February 2010) pertaining to vaccination, confirmed the following;โAnd if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [the world population] by 10 or 15 percentโ.According to Gatesโ statement, this would represent an absolute reduction of the Worldโs population (2010) of the order 680 million to 1.02 billion.(See quotation on Video starting at 04.21. See also screenshot of Transcript of quotation)TED Talk at 04:21:
โThe Good Clubโ Then and NowThe same group of billionaires who met at the May 2009 secret venue at the Rockefeller University in Manhattan, have been actively involved from the outset of the Covid crisis in designing the lockdown policies applied Worldwide including the mRNA vaccine and the WEFโs โGreat Resetโ.The mRNA vaccine is not a project of a UN intergovernmental body (WHO) on behalf the member states of the UN: Itโs a private initiative. The billionaire elites which fund and enforce the Vaccine Project Worldwide are Eugenists committed to Depopulation.
French rebels massively destroy 5G networks [Link]
Big legal case in UK and ICC.
I am in heaven: because I did this Common Law course I am now in a chat group with 200 who have done the course and are helping each write legal notices (dean who ran the course helps too) and they share all the legal news reported around the world.
All over 50s will be forced to get vaccinated "for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection". The provision "applies to Italian citizens and citizens of other EU member states residing in the territory of the State, as well as to foreign citizens". However, the obligation will be timed. For now, it is valid until June 15, 2022,
as if immunity had an expiration date: then what do you do, can you "vaccinate"?
Therefore, all those who turn 50 or have reached the age of 50 by June 15, 2022 will have to get vaccinated.
Exemptions from the obligation
Exceptions will be possible, as envisaged today for the categories of workers in which compulsory vaccination is already in place (law enforcement, doctors, nurses ...).
"The obligation - reads the decree - does not exist in the event of an ascertained danger to health, in relation to specific clinical conditions documented, certified by the general practitioner or by the vaccinator, in compliance with the circulars of the Ministry of Health on the matter exemption from SARS-CoV-2 vaccination; in such cases the vaccination can be omitted or deferred โ. Another important point concerns healing. In case a person has been infected and has survived the disease unscathed, he will not be forced to immunize. Or at least not immediately. "Immunization following a natural disease - it reads - proven by the notification made by the attending physician, determines the postponement of vaccination".
The rules for no vax workers.
Public and private workers over 50 must have the super green pass in order to access the workplace starting from February 15th. What if a no vax decides to not care? "After the fifth day of unjustified absence" the employer "can suspend the worker for the duration corresponding to that of the employment contract stipulated for the replacement, in any case for a period not exceeding ten working days", renewable until 31 March . All this will not produce disciplinary consequences and the unvaccinated will still keep the place. "For the days of unjustified absence - it says - no salary or other compensation or emolument, however denominated, is due." Furthermore, in the event of violations, the no vax without super green pass pinched at work will have to pay an administrative penalty "established in the payment of a sum from 600 to 1,500 euros".
In addition, the CDM has also decided to introduce compulsory vaccination for university staff, now equated to school staff. The tax applies to everyone, without age limits.
It's about time to push back, en masse.
USSC. Ruled that RNA altered subjects are no longer natural persons but controlled by the patent holder of the jab administered. I wonder if that was disclosed prior to valid and informed consent given. I think (have not read the doc - print too small on iPhone.)
Here's a hint. When you get a link that which looks to be a PDF display, you usually can highlight a sentence, paste it into Ogle and you'll probably find an easier to read version of it.)
The words "natural" and "naturally" occur 42 times, however neither of "person" nor "persons" appear at all. "RNA" occurs numerous times, as does "altered" but "RNA altered" never occurs.
Equally, today another news story relates that companies providing health insurance are not insuring people who currently test positive for Covid. You must wait and retest to prove a "negative" result.
Amazing. Still the disconnect. If you've taken the jab, you're very likely to test positive for Covid because that pesky mRNA has turned your body into a spike protein factory. Like Whoopi Goldberg who cannot understand why in the heck, since she has had all three shots and has stayed simply within her own home, she tests positive for Covid and must, therefore, quarantine at home rather than join the crew of The View. [Link] She blames that sneaky Omicron variant...which somehow stole into her backyard and snuck into her home giving her a positive test result. Notice how the jabbed fail to demonstrate logical connections? Perhaps the graphene oxide destroying their synapses. Have you noticed how jabbed older people look really tired and exhausted?
I donโt think any one can show that โvalid and informed consentโ was given by anyone. The insurance companies have a problem with all cause mortality up by 40% and making the point that even 10% would be a one in a hundred year event. Do they are going to be taking a hit. Hopefully they will wake up and make the only sensible decision: to sue the govt and pharma and so-called health agencies.
Dr Brian Ardis with guest Dr Vladimir Zelenko. This man does not miss anything and he pulls no punches. I like this one particularly because he paints a very clear trail set out by the Psychos but very much believes that it can be over as soon as we all repent for our poor past choices and mistakes and take responsibility for where we find ourselves today - and I agree with him.
His message sounds Christian in the best sense of the word.
Some folks on this site spend so much time staring at the counterfeits they've lost sight of the originals.
He spends a good deal of time playing the video of a well-attended Zoom call (or equivalent) out of the country of India I believe and he encourages his listener to listen to what a fellow had to say on that call because this fine fellow did not pull any punches and he spoke most articulately in a manner that was most logical and rationale. Good stuff.
The biggest problem is the Australian population. They have had it very good for years, they've gone soft, they are an apathetic lot, "she'll be right".
When I was giving speeches, making videos, writing articles about the gun control agenda, most of the population had taken the 'cool-aide'. Think about the mass psychosis going on with Covid and multiply it by 10 - that was the situation. Even the shooters were caught up in the psychosis.
I've posted a link before to that short video (10 minutes) on Port Arthur that I helped with, I have also put together a full length screen play that covers a lot more evidence and the dialog between characters really helps to understand the evidence. The producer/director can't get anyone interested in doing a full length movie - they are too scared.
I've had the 'leaders' of the shooting fraternity hurriedly leave the room when I started discussing the evidence of Port Arthur. I expect they want to retain that plausible deniability that they 'didn't know'.
I have noticed more and more people are waking up. This plandemic has helped in that regard. Now that the system is going for their kids, it may put more pressure on them.
All I can do is present the truth, expose the lies. It is up to other people to decide if they will accept the truth. Hopefully, I won't have to drink any hemlock.
That reminds me of a seminar I attended where a guy who was literally there (and dying of cancer - he lasted another three months or so) and there was this typical Miami asswipe lark (little asshole rich kid) from Miami and I forget what he said but I jumped up and raised some serious hell. I don't remember the details but I'm getting pissed off trying to remember why I was then - and rightfully - pissed off on behalf of my friend. (I was not over the top and my position and point was dead solid.) What I was dismayed at was how all of these other relatively open minded friends (also plaintiffs and claimants' attorneys) just sheepishly didn't even display a thing. (No, I didn't bring up he was dying etc. It was just cowardly over the top crap by that lark whic made me I want to take that SOB into the hallway and . . . WTF ever.) But the awkward silence was infuriating to me - it still is. Conclusion: most folks are, if not cowards, folks that you'd prefer not to have in your foxhole.
I agree, avoid the hemlock.* Folks are going to need folks like us when this shit changes - whether for better or worse.
BTW, here's an interesting concern on where we are: [Link]
*Have you read the Plato's Phaedo? [Link] I only first did around 3? years ago. Fascinating.
no stopping the death loving flu. Its in the genes and and thatโs the clue the cure is the ONE that cures the flu
A respectful supplement: Etc.
twas a flu unrecognized diminished dismissed and then obfuscated into oblivion of a flu no more....
been replaced, shifted, sent away, but the flu remained nonetheless...
tried to make a fake virus acting like the flu, but some adjustment been made to the code....
spike protein adjustments are so insidious they are nefarious and oh so many of us already know...and guess what
the plan is in place for
Justified Retribution!
I sense it.
Do U?
- they are nefarious and there just to scary us...
I don't sense it but I'm not good on forecasting those sorts of things.
Still, there is no way to have a monopoly on music just as there is no way to have a monopoly on ideas. Some ideas take time to grow....some seeds need time to "decide" whether they want to live or not. Google and Meta (former effing Facebook) are both monopolies and they are a cancer upon all of us. Ergo - I boycott YouTube and I continue my boycott of the Apartheid state of Israel - it is hysterical in all ways how they have lost touch with what it means to love another as much as you love yourself. But, the times of turning cheeks to this travesty upon human dignity and the injustice of it all are over.
It is a WAR!
A war of ideas.
May the best ideas prevail and how could they not because an idea either resonates or it doesn't and if it only resonates with a small subset or cohort, then it likely will be overwhelmed by numbers that matter way more.
May it be.
Hi G. O. Thought of you when I saw this. An up to date on every country that has not isolated the virus. Very detailed.
Here's another which is good. [Link]
I seem to recall reading somewhere that even Munich 72 Olympics was done by Gladio or IsRaHell, etc. but couldn't find anything - but I didn't really look.
I get that everyone is talking out their behinds but isolated or not it doesn't change much of anything. We're still in a war, we'll be here for a while and all the while we have to act to counter the One-stop Anti-Christ and the millions of knock-on, belief-stricken, no-mind minions who are the root of the problem. Without them, Schwab et al. couldn't wipe their asses.
Then there's SCOTUS and the apparent irrational and stupid anti-science diatribe that passes more as flotsam than rational discussion: [Link] & [Link]
It amazes me that someone who has the privilege of serving in the capacity of a judge in the highest court in the land is not versed at all about the facts about transmissibility vs. lethality. The basic premise of the architects of this sh*t show is that the greater good should eliminate choice and what is good for the individual. Well once you go down that road there is always going to be some rationalization that there is somebody who deserves to live more than some other person. The endgame will be that people will be herded and culled.
This Is A War [Link]
A question: Are we witnessing a mass awakening or a mass awokening? ( [Link] "The Backlash. Make or Break in 2022?" by some guy named Ian Fantom.) I fear it's the latter.
Did you see the runner in Utah stalked for 6 minutes by a mama mountain lion? Impressive job of staying cool. [Link] (The beeps are irritating as hell.) When he tries to bend down to grab a rock to throw she always charges.
Then there's this funny, more popular knock off on being cougar stalked. [Link]
The second 'cougar' video was great, thanks for the laugh.
Spur Great bear story!
I have been hearing everywhere about " Mass Formation Psychosis ," even on my local radio station. This term Mass Formation, which I have never heard before, seems to have been invented by a Belgian psychologist, Prof. Mattias Desmet of the University of Ghent. I don't know what exactly he means by the term, perhaps his English is a translation of some term in Flemish, but his insights have been picked up and rebroadcast by literally dozens of others. Perhaps this is the breaking of the dawn of reality, since it has even gotten into the mainstream.
He defines four preconditions for a mass psychosis to take hold, which he explains in this YouTube video: [Link]
The title of the video is " Why People WILLINGLY Give Up Their Freedoms ." (698,748 views to date.)
I am astonished that it is still available on YouTube and has not yet been deplatformed. I seriously, most urgently recommend that you go and watch it before it disappears. You will be glad you did. You know my comments are usually worth reading. This video I am highly recommending, as I don't have time right now to recapitulate his thesis. Thanks to all, LG.
as Will is their own - how can they give it up....they can only ever "give it Freely", it their Free Choice, a Voluntary act.
....then - there's the Value of their reasoning.
therefore " Why do people give up their freedoms" ....would suffice.
There was plenty of time for revisions and the amendments in the constitution, but truth is. the psychopaths/sociopaths were already in charge, which is why the vastly more numerous 'royalist's' were purged, killed and had all property confiscated, they were chased off and fled to Newfoundland and England, in the later 1812 conflict the US continental army was to treat them as 'Indians' and would kill 50,000 now Canadian civilians in its invasion...
I appreciate how you always ID what your links are. Would it be possible to give the articles a rating maybe? Obviously, nothing you link would be a 2 out of 5 stars nor even a 3. How about a scale of ten? I dunno. Thanks.
This is the question, how to identify psychopaths? It is difficult because under peaceful conditions they can mimic ideologies of people they want to control. In our current times they are visible because they promote chaos, murder and tyranny.
if so, please explain why you think so ๐ค
Flashback Best of the Web: Political Ponerology: A Psychological Anatomy of Evil, Politics And Public Trauma
Political psychologist Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski wrote a masterpiece on psychopathy and pathocracy, which he melded into the term "political ponerology." He describes political ponerology as...RC
The corporate media is not our friend. Its coverage of the pandemic is not there to promote the public good. It is there to feed our anxieties, keep us coming back for more, and monetize that distress. The only cure for this sickness? A lot more critical thinking.
by Jonathan Cook
"...The corporate media is not our friend. Its coverage of the pandemic is not there to promote the public good. It is there to feed our anxieties, keep us coming back for more, and monetize that distress. The only cure for this sickness? A lot more critical thinking."
....but there are some people fighting this insanity where it matters: in the courts
America's Frontline Doctors give us the following from their amicus brief.
"For example, the CDC Director Walensky herself stated, "What the vaccines can't do anymore is prevent transmission."
Dr. Anthony Fauci says, "We know now as a fact that [vaccinated people with Covid-19] are capable of transmitting the infection to someone else."
Moderna's Chief Medical Officer Dr. Tal Zaks agrees, "There's no hard evidence that it stops [the Covid-19 vaccinated] from...potentially infecting others who haven't been vaccinated."
With this testimony and over 50 other citations, AFLDS' case against OSHA breaks new legal ground by proving Covid-19 "vaccines" are mere treatments and therefore have no legal grounds for forced use. This case ends all justifications for the OSHA to segregate injected and non-injected people.
Lookin more and more like the soothsayer was right..... it's NOT A VACCINE, at all.
Who is soothsayer?
So, lets see what happens. Lets see where the Court of Law resides.
Remember, this bugga bugga is being sold to us by the same snake oil salesmen who gave us Kennedy, viet nam, OKC, 911, Iraq, Afghanistan ad infinitum; Career political liars. And it's being pumped out by the same sludge media. So I should believe them now? Oh sure....and I'm the King of Kashmir.
The shot is now proven to not be a vaccine. What it is remains to be seen. But what it is NOT is painfully - and dreadfully obvious now. It does not provoke an immuno response in the body and it does not halt transmission: The 2 qualifiers for a vaccine.
I'm just saying that someone is trying to do something. (AFLDS) A breath of fresh air amid the stench. That's all.
Now tis time for me to go to bed and the spirits and I will dance together tonight. Oh yes we will. It will be glorious and defiant. I defy the spooks and I cast a spell of disbanding diminishment forever upon them and may they never return to cause harm again.
all christians should prb bee glad the christians burned them all, so they did not get the chance to multiply?
i was after all only (ironically) agreeing with you religious ppl.
(most of us non-religious ppl have allways disapproved upon all kinds of killing of ppl that we disagree with. contrary to religious ppl hwo, too often seemes to think it is their holy duty to burn other people)
Part of the conundrum involves those of us awake, watchful, and wary zipping along the Information Highway at 120 mph while events have been entrained to project in slow motion. Slowing down events blocks those people just waking up or beginning to feel uncomfortable from connecting the dots...until an inescapable conclusion arises for them. I suspect mass trances and hypnosis are being used for these purposes.
parzival Good idea!* I'll keep y'all posted!
*Problem, the low tonight is around 70 and humid. Oh well.
could you tell me how you're able to input commentator's names as above ^? Some in-line code in the reply box?
But you as well as me know the cause.
' You Know the Global Elites are Triggered When the Propaganda Institutions Collaborate to Refute โMass Formation Psychosis โ ' [Link]
"As a rather prescient Lewis Carroll shared so brilliantly in his novel of Alice, Through The Looking Glass:
โIf I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isnโt. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldnโt be. And what it wouldnโt be, it would. You see?โ
So here we are.
Cheers !"
pfft, finally ๐ค
let's get it overwith ๐
But Spain did.
And the rest will follow sooner or later. Until then, the rallies will go on, and the pressure will be kept up. We will not be silenced anymore.
I can only hope Putin does not play along their way.
One question I have is the lack of coordinated feedback. Aside from voluntary reporting there is no clear signal on weapon impact aside from anecdotal death and cripplings. If these shanks were an intentional weapon, you think they'd want that data to be clear. That's confusing....
Although Vaers data is under reported, it is carefully screened and therefore accurate. So they are getting the feedback they want: what dose does it take for the kill shot to work?
I'll tell you this recompense is due and complete abolishment of these entities after they are drained of every penny will be less than fair justice being all the harm upon innocence these evil ones have been perpetuating for far too long - so now it is time for Justified Retribution and there are times when retribution is justified and if this is not one of those times, then call me a fool cause how evil is it to give these jabs to the innocent children? How evil is that I ask. So if there is no retribution for this, then there will be no justice, and then obviously we will all be gone in a geological heartbeat and the planet will inhale a breath of relief after the home sapiens radical experiment runs its course. Hope it doesn't come to that, but that is the moment we are at best I can tell. Oh well. Put up or shut up I reckon.
Your friend,
What I donโt agree with is who gets to deliver retribution: I believe that is Godโs job, not mine. My faith tells me that not one person will escape their fate for what they have participated in. My faith also tells me that the power of people building new systems based on love and truth is the most powerful force on the planet (next to God).
I also believe that having seen such evil it is my duty to stand up against it and to share the truth and to support actions to bring all those responsible to justice, isolating them and preventing them from causing further harm.
So my friend I think the only thing we disagree about is whose job it is to deliver justice.
Did you just tell me to shut up?
Here in NYC, my company mandated the vaccine 5 days before Christmas and told the staff they had 7 days to comply due to the mandate that puppet witch Hochul enacted. My company mandated the vaccine after promising us 3 months prior that they will not be implementing that policy. Talk about a kick in the fucking nuts.
When is the line in the sand going to be drawn?
Will the tree of liberty be watered with the blood of tyrants or will the weeds of despotism be nurtured by the blood of righteous innocents?
With all that said, It is my opinion and belief that we have to wait for them to engage in violence in order to engage in righteous self defense. What shall we do until then tho? Bitch and moan about the system they created not serving us or create new systems based on truth, love, empathy, unity and wisdom?
msm was telling the truth on this one, while sott and other alternative media have been been telling blatant lies.
Spur BK, Joyly parzival & ALL! Excellent discussion about the age old real question for how to deal with this individual rights v. government existence. I agree with Nada 's (gotta say that's one of my topmost favorite monikers* - which makes me also add Bezel Bub who will surely be interested in this entire discussion) point: Sorry to hear of that asswipe restaurant bullshit. Hang tough! Stay in touch with all! Keep spreading the word!
*Thanks Buffalo_Ken (I was reminded of it by his usage elsewhere.)
RC rc
People have allowed terror to rule them. Quarantine camps? They're buildings. Buildings can be leveled with fire (gasoline); inexpensive explosives (high-powered fireworks); and bulldozers.
I agree with you. The end will be in a conflagration. The psychos are pushing too hard.
With the "spike proteine" being part of the genetic code of said expelled objects, it is not unreasonable to assume that the end product of a poisoned cell is somewhat toxic. You don't need a malicious virus in that picture.
Occam's razor.
But my personal empirical evidence supports most of the the things Dr. Cowan states. After mostly sticking to a diet approriate for the human species (meat & fat of ruminants), my health significantly improved. I had no flu like most of the years before, just an accasional day of feeling unwell. And my family serves as control group here.
Too much water flushes out minerals. And the body needs structured water, not bulk water.
For the unbelieving readers, this is not woowoo, but Gerald Pollack's exclusion zone water. A scientifically (experimentally) proven fact.
If we keep our cool. Stay in peaceful resistance, take legal action, stop feeding the monsters (big tech, big banks pharma, big box et al), make all those companies irrelevant. And focus on building new alternatives the way we want them: in education, food supply, localised currencies, health support, make natural remedies the gold standard. The old systems are so corrupt and compromised. They cannot be fixed.
We have to be there to help people who are cornered and victimised and discriminated against. It ainโt easy and it is going to take years.
That is what Kropotkin should have told the punk Lenin when he walked out the door, but history thought otherwise and now here we are finding ourselves on the brink of something. I hope it is something for the better and if you don't want something for the better, then you must want what? It makes no sense to me, so lets talk across the table and communicate and solve problems and work together. It really is not complicated after the veil of aristocracy is blown away in the wind of bad ideas gone a step too far.
Holy Moly I'm in a quandary but it is no matter because I'm used to this and I have both resolve and principle to hold me steady in the foundation of what I believe. Now, my beliefs are mine and you got yours and I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine, but don't try to tell me what to believe and then I will likewise reciprocate. That way we can get along with each other and that just makes sense. Don't you think?
In a blinkin moment things can change on a dime and just got a whisper in my ear that something is fixing to change for the better and praise the goddesses for that.
People are fucking stupid. The majority follow a group think mentality, need someone to lead them and never look inside of themselves in order to discover the power of who they truly are. The sociopaths among us have co-opted the true meaning of a tribe. People tend to see these figureheads in positions of illegitimate authority as the elders or chiefs of their tribe.
Why do people do that? They watch TV and see what we can boil down to nothing more than a well produced promotional video and submit to the false reality that's presented to them. Do we really think a Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Andrew Cuomo, etc. really give a fuck about us? We don't have regular talks on the phone. We don't have dinners and speak about our true thoughts and feelings, so how can I expect a genuine care to be present in that relationship? You guys/gals here at SOTT engage in more deep conversation with me than I encounter with my wife, coworkers and family.
Love yourself, break the spell and raise hell until these bastards crawl back under the piss drenched rock they crawled out of.
Mic drop.....
keep talking to your neighbor. look both up and down
Why is it that an asshole like DeBlasio can proclaim immoral, illegitimate "mandates" and the masses follow even if they disagree? What the fuck is going on with humanity?!
What else would this one be? "This is the end, my beautiful friend, the end." [Link]