The fix is in. The current results of the Presidential election in Pennsylvania reported to the public are fraudulent because they are nearly statistically impossible.
On election night President Trump totally ran away with the election in Pennsylvania. President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by nearly 700,000 votes! It was an insurmountable lead.
The President was still ahead in Pennsylvania with 56% of the vote to Biden's 43% the next morning.
The President was winning Pennsylvania and held a 675,000 vote lead in the election over Joe Biden.
What happened next was corrupt and criminal as the Democrats went about to steal Pennsylvania for Biden.
They took a Trump landslide and they criminally flipped it to Joe Biden.
According to Pennsylvania's election returns website, on election day President Trump won nearly two thirds of all votes cast in the state. The President won 2.7 million votes compared to Biden's 1.4 million votes. The President's votes were nearly twice as many as Joe Biden's!
But what happened next was shocking. Pennsylvania began counting ballots by mail. There was no reporting on how many votes were outstanding at the end of election night. There was no reporting ever that we are aware of where the state announced how many votes were left to count after the election.
They just kept counting.
The state also allowed votes to come in for three more days after the election. Of course, these were all mail-in ballots. We do not know how many mail-in votes came in during these three days. The Republicans were not allowed to observe the counting of these votes even though a court order was in place demanding that the state do so. These actions go against Pennsylvania's constitution which state that the voting process is to be determined by the legislature. The change in ruling was implemented by the executive and judicial branches. This is an important issue with the Trump campaign in their complaints against the state as they try to undo the injustices in Pennsylvania.
Today the state is reporting more than 2.5 million mail in ballots. This number was never seen before in this state. As the mail-in ballots were counted, the state began cutting into the President's 675,000 vote lead and eventually they gave the election to Biden. Biden won 2 million of the 2.5 million mail-in ballots.
How could the President receive only one fifth of the mail in ballots after crushing Biden in in-person voting on Election Day? The answer is: this was basically impossible. And here's why.
When we looked at these statistics and we identified a pattern that is virtually mathematically impossible. The President won two thirds of the Election Day vote. But with the basic exception of Philadelphia, the President won around 80% of the vote in each county in the state. (See the blue line in basic the chart below showing the percent of total election day votes won by President Trump.) Philadelphia is so large that it offsets these numbers and brings the President's results down to around 65% of the state's votes on Election Day.
What happened with the mail in votes is almost statistically impossible (See the orange line below). In almost every county throughout the state, the President was awarded a percent of votes 40% less than the percent the President won on election day (see the grey line below). If Trump won a county by 80% of the vote on Election Day, he won 40% of the mail-in vote for a county. If the President won 60% of the vote on Election Day, he won 20% of the mail-in vote in another county. This pattern occurred in almost every county with the only noticeable exception of Philadelphia, where the President only earned 30% of the vote on Election Day.
These numbers are so consistent that they are almost certainly fraudulent. This NEVER happens in data sets. Below is the data by county (Note the counties are listed alphabetically - number 51 is Philadelphia):
Again, the fact that the mail-in votes and Election Day votes mirrored each other as revealed in the diagram above is basically impossible. Also, the extent of separation is very large at 40%.
We obtained another example for comparison sake in Arkansas. In Arkansas the difference between percent of Election Day ballots won versus mail-in ballots varied widely between 2% and 40%, but the average was clearly closer to 25%.
They got caught.
We looked at other states that were not swing states and the lowest percent in mail-in ballots less than the President's Election Day votes was 40% but this occurred very rarely. We also spoke with Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, the inventor of email and polymath earlier today and he mentioned he is seeing similar patterns in voting data from this year's election. We believe we are on to something here.
It is clear that corrupt Democrats in Pennsylvania did all they could to steal the 2020 Presidential election for Joe Biden. There was no excitement for the Biden campaign and there still isn't. Republicans are convinced he cheated.
Tonight we caught them.
Bringing justice to Pennsylvania is a key step in addressing election fraud and addressing the massive Democrat fraud in the 2020 election process.
(If you have any information related to this post that you would like to share, please contact the author of this report. Also, some additional information was provided based on comments already received.)
About the Author:
Joe Hoft is the twin brother of TGP's founder, Jim Hoft. His posts have been retweeted by President Trump and have made the headlines at the Drudge Report. Joe worked as a corporate executive in Hong Kong and traveled the world for his work, which gives him a unique perspective of US and global current events. He has ten degrees or designations and is the author of three books. His new book: 'In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics' is out now - please take a look and buy a copy.
Reader Comments
After a couple of times I say smell you later.
May I ask where you are? (If not, no worries.) I'm in Florida.
I just mailed myself from there and it's fine. You did remove '==NO_SPAM==' from the e-mail address, yes?
The additional on the night votes beyond the in person voting represents a 22% Trump / 78% Biden split
The additional votes that came in over the next 3 days also represents a similar split (23% / 77%)
There were 3M requested mail in ballots and 2.76M were returned - a phenomenal return rate of 91%
Thank you too Coffee Talk.
That purge and the subsequent fanatical drive to supress anything that questions the election results is highly indicative that the social media giants were in on the fix
" 2023 - A Trilogy by The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu" (2017)
A novel set in 2023 where the world is run by the big five - GoogleByte, WikiTube, AmaZaba, FaceLife and AppleTree
Think it was meant to be satirical when it was written
You know the value of what ANYONE can write online which, Hell, I could write right now! BUT, whoever claims to 'know' what the future holds? They've proverbially 'speaking out of their ass.'
*That WAS said, but never happened, although it was considered, as I recall. That's wee wee pee pee ahhhhh.
Giuliani was pretty damming of the corrupt Dim run cities.
It also seems a pity that there have been hearings on both social media censorship and Obamagate that are going under the radar
The MSM definitely get instructions .. I can't remember what they call it, by QAnon had information re the 4:30AM-ish feed that tells the MSM what to say that day - as noticeable from them all using the same phrasing and sentences and keywords that day
The daily narrative and reinforcement points (Trigger words to indoctrinate the masses) - Probably comes from some sub-division of DARPA
The current practice is enabling the press to distort the message and straight out lie to the public. It needs to stop.