The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men and women; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias; the spirit of liberty remembers that not even a sparrow falls to earth unheeded; the spirit of liberty is the spirit of Him who, near two thousand years ago, taught mankind that lesson it has never learned, but has never quite forgotten; that there may be a kingdom where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest.
Excellent article. I am not sure the change will be "bloodless", but I hope so. Quote: "Like that invasive fungus John mentions, it can be hard to...
An excellent beginning: "In this department, we will treat everyone equally. We will treat everyone with fairness. We will treat everyone with...
Yes, close down the USAID, a wolf in sheep's clothing.
It is the right direction, follow the money. If DOGE can audit the federal government, they will make visible all of the corruption and black ops....
Crooke is trying to fathom Trump's strategy, and he makes the mistake to call it a demented whirl-wind. Quote from the SOTT editor: " In line with...
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Reader Comments
Create an artificial enemy, call to circle the wagons, instructions from "experts", everyone falls in line. Voila! Economy reset, totalitarianism installed. And to keep the sheep docile and compliant, we'll mandate that neutralizing "vaccine" soon.
Amazing how they still have not isolated the actual virus. Thus the 'tests' are completely useless.
Colors and teams are chosen by our oppressors for the illusion of choice.
It's past time to destroy our actual oppressors, not the puppets that litter ballot sheets.
Nothing every happens and nobody goes to the gallows. The system is corrupt to the core. To expect the system to destroy itself seems unrealistic.
Perhaps one day it may come true I don’t no. But it sure would make my day if it did. The world is walking up some each day and it won’t be long that the system has to change. I’m looking forward to 2021 the days of reckoning.
The Face Mask Lie Exposed [Link]
Why Face Masks DON'T Work, According To SCIENCE [Link]
GOD I HATE THAT! I ALWAYS understate my stories! For example, if I did not recall whether the beers were 10c or 25c, I will default to the 'less impressive' 25c, every f'g time! God I miss it.
Back then my big brother (who I still look up to as if he's always been and always will be right - even though my Nostradamus record has long since erased his) used to say that people would soon gather some sense, the drug war would be shut down, and I, back then, was so much less cynical that I believed him.
Precious days!
It's coming to that. It's already started.
The size of a virus 20-300nm
(1,000,000,000nm = 1 meter)
"...In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks..."
".....None of the household studies reported a significant reduction in secondary laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the face mask group ....."
"...Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids ( 36 ). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza...."
"....In this review, we did not find evidence to support a protective effect of personal protective measures or environmental measures in reducing influenza transmission. Although these measures have mechanistic support based on our knowledge of how influenza is transmitted from person to person, randomized trials of hand hygiene and face masks have not demonstrated protection against laboratory-confirmed influenza...."
So I guess science isn't science any more.
I just want one of those face-hugger alien masks.
I've come to the conclusion, in fact, that people who want you to wear masks around others, in public, all the damn day, are not human.
They are not bothered at all by masks, it doesn't hurt them, so either they have no brain or necessity to breathe or they are machines.
They do not understand your mind except that theirs is better, and so they have no empathy.
They want to give you advice because they know better, and so they are chock full of Pride.
They prefer to be Stasi and create rules based on thin air, than to be your friend or leave you be, I guess as revenge (against whom I haven't yet understood).
They don't even understand the least about what a mask does, prevents, helps, because they know absolutely nothing at all, and have never learned a lesson in their entire lives.
My harangue ends.
On point SOTT CS Lewis quote today: RC
Fear is a real threat.
Human Beings
Non humans
"A special kind of stupid" - now that's a classic.
Certain protocols are more relevant for bacteria, not viral particulates.
Virus are billions of years old. Just think of the evolutionary leg'up they have on us!
Imagine how this can be used. scary.
Here’s a direct quote from that report:
“If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2“
My 19-year-old daughter. Healthy. Employed in a large supermarket chain store. She started feeling bad 2 weeks ago. She had back and side pains, nausea, chest pains. A general practitioner referred her for an X-ray of her lungs. Something was shown on the right side, and she was further referred for an MRI scan, CT, ultrasound of the back and abdomen. Nothing found. She could not breathe at work and got chest pains. She was taken to an ambulance, where she was quarantined. Tested on Kovid. And completely alone because no one is allowed to enter inside to see her. It turned out to be an inflammation of the lung tissue. We were told that it was caused by wearing a hygienic mask over 8 hours a day, 5 to 6 days a week. Inhaling your bacteria and carbon dioxide led to infection. She is now in severe pain and has to take unpaid sick leave from work. But you won’t see it on social media. She is only 19 years old. She was healthy. And now ... she's tied to the bed and struggling to breathe. Antibiotics. Steorids. Breathing treatments.
Melbourne is a different story because of an increase in cases (likely due to increased testing) and they have enforced masks. Crazy 😳
Prepare Yourself for What is Coming (Safe Version Reupload)
And Ive seen a pic of a departure gate area in Melbourne airport.... ALL passengers have bio-warfare gear on..covered from head to toe and with masks and goggles.
Goggles. Serious. We have to protect our eyes? Isn’t this face covering going to stuff up their facial recognition plans? I hope so.
I think their plan is to start using facial recognition setups if they manage to vaccinate majority of populations. Altho in China and Russia they already use it. And perhaps these systems dont have to scan the whole face to get a good reading... Cause these systems are suposedly run by an AI.
I think the best thing parents can do for their kids is to give them the TRUTHfull basics of how the world is run and let them be themselves while teaching them that they can create their own reality. But that would imply some conscious and awaken parents ... talk about things humanity is short on. All thanks to 3 main religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and their marriage with our governments... which is then all advertised via msm and big industry products.
Yes I feel the truth as it is delivered to me when I have the intention of providing the children with truthful answers.
Yes I treat them as equals. As God’s children they are my brothers and sisters.
Yes my selfish parenting has definitely piled my garbage on them and I too have spent the last ten years dealing with my own upbringing ( most likely the next ten years too).
It is heartbreaking to see my injuries manifesting in my children and passed on to their children. The damage is done in the first seven years. What happened at school is meant to trigger the old injury so we deal with it.
Its always about here and now and EACH of us is given a life and a set of circumstances for a very good reason, osit.
So youre good and you most certainly have earned respect for admitting the truth and even more for trying to make it right! Good luck to you Joyly
The truth is I am now responsible for it and removing it is my choice - no body else can. The other thing I am responsible for is the harm I have caused to others and this is way more than what my parents did to me.
My mother is 101 and does not want to know so I have not discussed this with her. It is my work. My journey. My father is in the spirit world and he is doing the same work I am so when I am focus on how my father rejected me he talks to me about it and says sorry. This is a big help.
The only thing upside down in this world is peeps choice of freewill stuck on eating trash. THAT is what the mystery is all about.
Are SLAPPED A (worthless) MASK on in public and parade as the worthless robbers WE ARE.
JUST soooo amazing!!!!!
An ant colony surrounded by spying spiders!
... all we just need is to see the mirror being so gross.
I once perceived a scenario where new life was created by cloning. This resulted in terrible conflict and jealousy between the old and new that was neither conducive to social harmony nor sustainable.
So (in this vision) a conscious creative decision was made to create new life, not by cloning but by the mingling of two soul essences.
THE keyword being ConScious Creative Decision ha!! CCD not CDC
IMHO... not because we are anymore ... than ANY OTHER.
A few years ago in a hospital theatre I sleepily looked up at the filthy air vent immediately above my head and around at the staff dressed like space men and chuckled at the perverse absence of consistent logic.
It is all played - he's a player. How we act towards our SELF is what determines the continuation.
Thank you.
And Natasha?
I hope that the medical community would have considered this already and discussed the risk assessment with our respective governments.
He is the current UK PM who is mandating the use of masks and flu jabs in England.
Unfortunately our Royal family is too weak to bash some sense into him and there is no one else he considers above him (ego driven, as he is).
WEve just gotta get the boat!
Must have been 40 yrs without BW n Rocky!!!! Ahhhh and the Italian Thug lolllll.. are we being ILM .
And the ShoeMaker MY GOD!! Tell BB!!
For me they represent an ugly extreme whose time has passed.
How prescient.
I think there was even, coincidently of course, one of those "royal" family members who wanted to be reincarnated as a deadly virus.
It surely IS safer for the one wearing it!
Brilliant! And he sounded like Darth Vader when I told him as much.
Crazy world... and it's getting worse.
Shame he had to ruin such a nice mask though... those work well for things they are intended for.