Covid Police state resistance, Officer Anderson
He warns of bloodshed in the streets, that the American people will fight on their own soil to resist tyranny, by any means necessary.
Officer Anderson sends an important message to other law enforcement officers - urging them not to follow the illegal, unconstitutional orders given by local and state officials surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic. He appeals both to their sense of justice, of morality, and reminds them that the excuse of 'just following orders' is neither lawful nor correct.

Officers are urged not to follow illegal orders. Moreover, he recounts his experience as part of the U.S government occupational forces in Iraq. He recounts how in this operation, which he infers was also illegal, he experienced how people react to tyranny and occupation. He says that he knows that the vast majority of American police officers are not prepared for this level of resistance.

To be clear, he warns of bloodshed in the streets, that the American people will fight on their own soil to resist tyranny, by any means necessary.
This brave police officer is questioning the orders he is instructed to follow. That is unique, brave and highly important in the current COVID tyranny. Share as much as you can, especially with order following police and military staff members or their family members. Because in the end it is order followers that keep the current system of slavery in place and are paving the way to a Orwellian totalitarian police state under the disguise of protecting our health.
Hat tip to Mike Armstrong Economics for the lead - FRN team