Every time you’re about to type out “I-T-S” - stop right there! - ask yourself one! question: "Can I use 'it is" in place of the i-t-s?It's that simple! Two examples: Try 'em!
- If yes , then YES , use the apostrophe. (YES apostrophe.)
- If no, then 'NO use' the apostrophe! (Do NOT use apostrophe.)
Re. The comment in blue, I bristle at the thought of what is / might be coming our way. In a talk with a close friend a couple of weeks ago we talked about all those talks we had over the past 10 years or so about what's going on all over the planet and what could happen if the course does not change and we were asking ourselves in dismay about the possible forced vaccination and the electronic tracking ( the mark of the beast) " Is this it ? Are we really there ? " My buddy did not think it could happen in our lifetime. All I could say was that it was coming. We were wondering about what would get the ball rolling. We never even once thought about a planet wide plan demic panic.Demore- Yes, I'm also terrified about what is coming. I always knew the agenda (one world government, one world currency), but it is only recently that I learned about the currency being crypto (more on this from Lynnette Zang: Lynette Zang: Bankers’ New SDR Crypto Blockchain Will Enslave Humanity (video ) [Link] ). And I was completely shocked when I learned relatively recently that the currency would actually be on a microchip implanted in us via forced vaccination. It sounds insane and makes you feel like you are living in a sci-fi nightmare, but here's a former World Bank economist warning about what's coming:
A lot of people will go along with the vaccine and chip, probably the majority but what the media will not say is how many are going reluctantly for lack of an option. We'll see smiling faces in the news and all will be rosy for ever after. Or will it ?
New name for this Mess, NOT "Novel Coronavirus Covid19."RC
Instead: "Covid1984 Plandemic; A PsyOp Novel."'
Comment: The Big Lies surrounding the "danger" of Covid-19 being repeatedly told by the UK government - and numerous governments from around the world - has not only induced mass hysteria among authoritarian-bent individuals (of which there are many), but is literally paving the way for a bigger badder Western technocracy; which is aiming to control where you go, what you eat, how you spend, what you say, how you heal, and what you think - among other things. If the freedom to choose in any of these areas means anything to individuals - one should be sharing, where appropriate, what they're seeing with others, and shoring up one's own psychological, emotional, material and spiritual defenses for this unprecedented and monumental onslaught against non-elite people everywhere.