Why has practically every mainstream media outlet recently ramped up its propaganda on the vegan agenda? Why has the environmental spin taken over from the health or animal cruelty narratives? Where is all this coming from? Join us for a lively discussion as we dig deeper into these questions and more. To be informed is to build resistance!
The two articles we discuss about the EAT-Lancet report can be found here:
- Majority of EAT-Lancet Authors (>80%) Favored Vegan/Vegetarian Diets
- EAT-Lancet Report is One-sided, Not Backed by Rigorous Science
Running Time: 51:59
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Here's the transcript of the show:
Doug: Hello and welcome to the Health and Wellness Show on the SOTT Radio Network. I am your host Doug. With me in our virtual studio from all over the planet is Elliot, Tiffany and Erica. Today is February 1st, 2019 and today we're going to be talking about veganism, the vegan putsch. You may have noticed recently, over the past couple of weeks that anytime you opened up the internet you were confronted with this message about how we all have to stop eating meat in order to save the planet and to save ourselves.
We were wondering what's behind this putsch. You always see these kinds of articles everywhere. We're confronted with them all the time. It seems to be a very strong meme. I don't even know if you could call it a meme but it's being pushed from somewhere. So we're wondering what the hell is going on here because it literally was everywhere. Every single mainstream website seemed to be covering this in some way and it all came at once. So what's really going on here? We decided that on today's show we were going to investigate that.
But before we get started, I should say, you probably have noticed that we have a different format now. We have transitioned to video.
Tiffany/Erica: Yay!
Doug: So you can see our smiling faces. We are in the process of transitioning over to a new format. We're still trying things out and seeing how things work so you might see some changes from week-to-week as we experiment with a couple of things and see how things go. This is our first attempt. Be sure to comment down below and tell us how wonderful it is.
Tiffany: It's that like and subscribe button.
Doug: Yeah, like and subscribe. Hit the bell for notifications, all that stuff. We're not used to doing YouTube. Why don't we start off here? What do you guys think of veganism. {laughter}
Tiffany: I say to each his own, eat and let eat, as people have said. My problem with it is this evangelical zeal and the fact that it's being pushed all over the media like you said. There have been just tons of articles. It's been a real PR campaign and when anything like that happens I always get suspicious. But for the last few years it's been like an up-swelling. All these celebrities are going vegan and people are talking about how veganism is good for you and it's so healthy. And even people who aren't vegan think that eating meat is bad.
So whenever I see something like that my eyebrows always raise and I just want to know where it's coming from and where it's going because truthfully, it makes me nervous, like they're coming for our meat.
Doug: Yeah. I think so. That's what it seems like. There's all this talk about the meat tax recently. They want to have all these sin taxes. The first thing they do is tax the cigarettes, they tax the alcohol and the idea is "the more we tax this the more we discourage people from doing this and this is good because it's bad behaviour". So now they have the soda tax instituted in different places and now they're talking about a meat tax. I saw some figure that in the UK they were planning on taxing it to the extent that it'll be 163% more expensive for sausages.
Tiffany: In New Zealand they're thinking about it. They didn't say that they're actually going to implement it but they said they're thinking about a meat tax because, of course it's going to save the environment because cows fart a lot.
Doug: Oh yeah. Save us from the cow farts.
Tiffany: I think there's been chat of meat taxes in the UK as well. But already there's meatless Mondays and I think Sainsbury's - Elliot, is that one of the big UK grocery chains?
Elliot: Yeah.
Tiffany: They came under fire recently because they're giving vouchers and reward points or something like that to their customers that choose vegetarian or vegan options and people were up in arms saying that they're anti-meat and they said "No, no. We know that our customers choose from a wide variety of foodstuffs" but they just wanted to try it.
Elliot: Well it's interesting you say that actually because I was in Sainsbury's last night. I was doing a bit of shopping...
Doug: Getting some vegan stuff? {laughter}
Elliot: Well to be honest I was going through the meat aisle - and this is really recently, this must be within the past week or two because it wasn't there last time I went - now there is a quarter of a whole aisle which is dedicated to the meat-free section. This used to be there, to some extent. You used to have meat-free products but now you have these crazy meat-free products. There were the videos on YouTube about the bloody meatless burgers, the ones which actually bled when you cooked them? Well they have ones which are similar to that. They have a whole new section and Sainsbury's have actually come out with their meat-free produce. There's an awful lot in the meat section now that wasn't there before.
Tiffany: Right next to the real meat?
Elliot: Yeah, right next to it. It was right next to the bacon, to be specific.
Doug: Yeah, the vegans are going to complain about that.
Elliot: I went there and I read some of the ingredients and you could see there was dehydrated soya protein and as soon as I saw that I put it down and I went to the bacon section. {laughter}
Doug: Did you wash your hands? It might have contaminated you.
Tiffany: Is it possible people are accidentally buying fake meat products?
Elliot: I've got to give it to them though. They did look quite realistic now.
Doug: It's amazing. There is a huge corporate putsch lately for these things. There's the impossible burger. There's the beyond burger. There's schmeat which is hilarious. I know they're going to change their name at some point because that's just horrible. But there's all these different things in there. They're trying so hard. There's this quest for the perfect veggie burger and it's like they're trying so hard to imitate. I think the drive for this - they're actually pretty up front about what the drive for this is - "Yeah, not everybody wants to be a vegan but we want to provide meatless options because that's obviously a trend and people are looking for meatless options but they still want their burgers."
Tiffany: Has anybody ever heard of the government mandating what should be on a restaurant's menu? In California I think they're proposing a law that all restaurants there have to have vegan options on the menu.
Doug: Oh my god!
Tiffany: I think they did that in Portugal as well. These vegans and vegetarians all got together and signed a petition so they could get their legislators to pass bills that say that you have to have vegan options on the menu.
Elliot: Yeah, that was in 2016. The Portugal Vegetarian Society basically launched a petition. There were 15,000 signatures so now it's required by law that there are vegan options. I'd imagine that even applies to the steak houses as well.
Doug: That's just ridiculous. As much flack as I give them, I don't hate vegans. Fine. You want to be vegan, that's fine. But this infringing on the rights of others and putting it in people's faces, are they going to tell all the vegan restaurants that they have to have meat options? Obviously not. I'm a meat eater. I only eat meat. So what does that mean? What happens if I go to a vegan restaurant there are literally no options for me. Nothing! What do I get, water? That's it? {laughter} But they're going to enforce these other laws? If you have a restaurant you have the right to serve whatever you want in your restaurant. If you don't have halal options for Muslims that's your prerogative. You don't have to! You can serve whatever you want. It's like you don't have kosher options for Jews. So be it! Those people have to find another restaurant. It's unfortunate but you know, that's freedom.
So forcing restaurants to have vegan options just seems like a huge infringement on people's rights to run their business the way they want to run it.
Tiffany: And this infringement is coming from what? Vegans are roughly one percent of the world's population?
Doug: Yeah.
Tiffany: A small percentage of people have this much power over other people's lives?
Doug: Yeah! Which is another reason to ask what the hell is going on here? Why? Considering it is such a small segment of the population, why is there this sudden putsch? Why is it all of a sudden everybody's falling over themselves to accommodate vegans? Why are we being told all across these headlines that you have to go vegan to save the planet?
Erica: I rode the vegan train for a while.
Doug: Oh-oh.
Erica: This was about 25 years ago and I worked in a restaurant that was vegan. It was based on the Canadian food combining pyramid which was basically don't eat protein and starches together and whatnot and I was definitely influenced by that. Initially when changing to that diet because I worked there, I lost weight and felt better. But back then it was a fringe kind of things. It was the carrot juices, the wheat grasses. There was not a lot of this whole fake meat thing other than Asian food, tofu and tempeh.
But it's very interesting to see how it's a pendulum shift. Back then it was really kind of fringe and out there. People thought you were crazy and you just did it. It wasn't popular at all unless you were a Hari Krishna or something. And to see this come all the way to the other way, like Tiffany was saying, it's bizarre and you wonder where it's going.
Doug: Yeah.
Tiffany: I think a big part of this putsch is profit because there are a lot of companies, big ag companies, billionaire investors that are behind this whole putsch towards veganism and the creation of fake meat products. There's government subsidies on crops and you can make a hell of a lot of money just by selling grain products versus meat. Meat you have to invest a lot of money into raising the animals, so the profit margin isn't as high but with these vegetarian or grain options the profits can be through the roof.
So if you have a lot of legislation in your country saying that people need to eat more vegetarian or vegan foods, that's opening up a larger market. People eat crap anyway, but if they're mandated to eat crap and they have no choice but to eat crap, that's even more money in the pockets of these big companies.
Doug: Yeah, absolutely.
Erica: I also think it goes along with this whole rebranding of GMOs. Right now, at least in the US, they're rebranding the whole image. They're calling GMO foods bio-fortified with a smiley face and it's green. So part of the whole changing of the mindset of people is "meat is bad" as Tiffany was saying, "Capos are bad, this is bad, it's bad for the environment. But look at this option. Bio-fortified foods." So now it's not even genetically modified. It's a green smiley face. Green is good. {laughter}
Doug: Yeah.
Erica: Green washing is another name that they call it.
Doug: Yeah, exactly. I definitely think that that's a significant part of where this putsch is coming form. It's industry.
Tiffany: It's definitely not for our health because vegan diets are so deficient in nutrients. You might feel okay when you first start but you're going to hit a wall eventually and then certainly not for the environment because monoculture or mono-cropping really, really ruins the environment versus having open pastureland where animals are eating the grass, the tips of the grass and keeping it into that fast growing cycle. And then they're pooping into the soil and mixing that in and making the soil healthy.
Doug: And it's not because of the care for animals either. It used to be that the reason that people were vegan, before - well I guess I shouldn't generalize too much because there were different reasons - but one of the main reasons that people would tend to go vegan was because of animals, because they didn't like the cruelty to animals and fair enough. The horrible conditions that factory farms put the animals in, they were like, "No. Enough. I don't want to participate in that so I'm going to be a vegan." And like I say, fair enough. I agree. I think those things are really bad and I make efforts to try and find meats that are more traditional farmed animals.
But now this whole environmental argument has come up. All of a sudden the welfare of the animals is a secondary concern all of a sudden. Everybody is more concerned about the environment now than they are with the animals although there does still seem to be the diehard vegans who are still more about fighting for the animals, like that Freely chick on YouTube. She hasn't jumped over to the environmental train as far as I can see. She's still more about the compassion.
Elliot: Yeah, but even the compassion, as we've said on the show many times, when you really start deconstructing that whole argument it crumbles. It's impossible to be human beings without causing death to other living beings. It's just impossible. Go and walk outside. Just stepping on your carpet you're killing bacteria. For your clothes, for everything that you basically utilize to function as a human being in our modern world, there has been some death and destruction involved in that and at the same time as well, who is to say that animals are the only living things other than humans? What about plants? There's research coming out by the day showing that plants have a sense of awareness. They feel things or they respond to things like having their leaves taken off, which when you listen to it really closely, might be interpreted as a scream or squealing in pain. And they communicate with one another and I think it's the word anthropocentric, anthropomorphic, I'm not sure which word it is.
Doug: No. Centric I think is the one you're thinking of.
Elliot: Yeah, anthropocentric to ascribe human qualities to other living things and assume that because those things have human qualities that they're the only things which experience pain and suffering whereas just because plants and other life forms don't possess certain human qualities like nervous systems, per se, that they don't feel pain because they don't have that. It's very humancentric. It's clear that the situation is a lot more nuanced and the idea that you can exist in this reality without causing suffering or pain or killing another being is a utopian fantasy.
Doug: Yeah, I totally agree. I think a lot of these recent headlines are coming from a particular study. Well to call it a study is giving it a little too much credit. It's a report and it was published in the Lancet. It's called The Eat Lancet Commission on Food Planet Health. It's a non-profit start up, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, they came out with this big long study. Damian can you bring up the link of the Eat Lancet commission's controversial campaign?
Basically this article is a really good one. And we've got it up on SOTT as well. It goes into a lot of details about all the different corporate interests that are backing this thing and it goes into some of the history of some of the people who are behind it. They came out and said everybody has to stop eating meat to save the planet and meat is really bad for your health and everybody has to go as close to veganism as possible to be able to save their own health. There's no science backing this at all. It's essentially just the opinion of 37 different people.
Damian maybe you can bring up the other link that is the conflicts of interest. Nina Teichholz did an article talking about all the different conflicts of interest. It was called Majority of Eat Lancet authors over 80% favoured vegan/vegetarian diets (//www.sott.net/article/405850-Agenda-pushing-Majority-of-EAT-Lancet-authors-over-80-favored-vegan-vegetarian-diets). If you scroll down the list a little bit she has a list of all the different authors and every one that you see that's in red is somebody who had in the past favoured vegetarianism in some way, in some of their writings. They come from a pro-vegetarian or vegan stance.
So of the 37 authors, over 80% of them are coming from this vegan/vegetarian position. So the idea that it isn't a completely biased report is laughable.
Tiffany: They're probably starting from the premise that a vegan diet is healthy and that meat is bad for you.
Doug: Exactly. And that it's bad for the environment. So if you read that other article I was talking about on the EFA News thing and actually go to some of the links, it's actually shocking, the stuff that's going on behind the scenes here. One of the people, Walter Willet is a Harvard professor. I don't know if he's all the way vegan but he is pro plant-based diet which is a dog whistle for veganism, maybe we can say. It's like vegans have such a bad reputation now for being essentially crazy so they've re-branded veganism to plant-based diet and that covers the whole gamut from vegetarianism to veganism to flexotarian, to all those other "cousins" of veganism.
So he's been pushing it as well. But there's the WWF, the World Wildlife Federation. There's the Barilla Corporation which is actually a big, massive 3.5 billion Euro company for pasta. They're a pasta company and they're pushing hard on this veganism thing because what do vegans eat? How much of the diet is grains on a vegan diet? Or even a vegetarian diet?
Elliot: Right. I can just add something here. I'm looking directly at the Eat Lancet report and, in response to your question Doug, here is a breakdown of what they want people to be eating the most of. The most calories in a daily diet are going to be coming from rice, wheat, corn and other whole grains. You're going to be getting significant amounts of fruits, vegetables, tubers and starchy vegetables. They want no more than 30 calories coming from beef, lamb or pork.
Doug: Thirty calories!
Elliot: Thirty calories. {laughter}
Doug: So what is that?
Elliot: That's 14 grams.
Doug: No, it's even less than that isn't it? Because there's four calories per gram. It would be like eight grams.
Elliot: It says here they want people eating 230 grams of whole grains, 50 grams of starch, 300 grams of vegetables, 200 grams of fruit, 14 grams of beef, lamb or pork, 29 grams of poultry, 13 grams of eggs {laughter}, 28 grams of fish, but then they want you to have more legumes and nuts so 75 grams legumes, 50 grams nuts. They want you eating 40 grams of unsaturated oils while 11 grams of saturated oils.
So to break that down, really you're getting most of your caloric intake from grains. And who benefits from that? Well Doug you were just talking about the massive company pushing this who is essentially a pasta company. These people are making billions off of grain and how better to sell their product than to brainwash people into thinking this is healthy food? This seems to be what they're really pushing with this study.
Tiffany: Well Unilever and Kellogg's are also in on it too. I think Kellogg were the ones who came up with the slogan that breakfast is the most important meal of the day just so they could push their breakfast cereals. Pepsi is in on this and in this Eat Lancet study they actually allow for about eight teaspoons of sugar a day but they're probably getting lots more than that! {laughter} If they're eating Kellogg breakfast cereals and whatever.
Erica: And then also big ag, Syngenta, a biotechnology company, Bayer.
Tiffany: Bayer/Monsanto.
Erica: Bayer/Monsanto. Cargill, another grain giant.
Doug: Yeah, it's crazy.
Tiffany: So allegedly this is going to save the planet. I think that guy from Harvard - what's his name Walter Millet?
Doug: Willett.
Tiffany: Willett. Millet. Was that a Freudian slip?
Doug: It should be Millet. {laughter}
Tiffany: He says that it'll save the lives of 11 million people. How can he even know that? These studies that you use - and you used the air quotes Elliot - there are epidemiological studies where they asked people how much of this food do you eat or how much of that food do you eat. They have to rely on people's memories and then they come up with these correlations like people who eat more of this have more heart disease or whatever. Basically they're just making it up because they go into the whole thing with the assumption that meat causes cancer or it causes heart disease anyway. So they're fixing the data to show the correlations that they wanted it to show.
So it's not really based on science at all. It's just a bunch of pro-vegan, pro-vegetarian people who want to have control over what people eat and make some money while they're doing it.
Erica: I wonder if it's not just a backlash against the whole low carb popularity that's happening.
Doug: Yeah. You know I actually wrote an article not too long ago that was talking about the corporate putsch behind the vegan putsch. That was one thing I was speculating on at the end. I don't know how much the low carb thing is affecting these people. I imagine they've probably seen a dip in sales from people who are avoiding grains because this is probably the least popular grains have been since they came into the human diet. Well I'm speculating.
Erica: It's interesting on a side note - not to get off the topic - but the FDA just fast-tracked a new celiac vaccine, right? So if you have celiac disease which means you're in a pretty bad state with wheat, now you can just take the vaccine. So what better way to just open up that whole market yet again to people who are going gluten-free because they have to?
Tiffany: The vaccine won't work of course. {laughter}
Doug: No. It'll make people believe that they can eat gluten again. One thing that I think is really telling about this actually - and there's another link you can pull up here Damian, the one about the billionaire - this is a link to one of the guys who put a lot of money into this study. I'm blanking on his name. Petter Stordalen.
Tiffany: His wife is named Gunhild Anker Stordalen.
Doug: Stordalen.
Tiffany: He's this Norwegian hotel tycoon billionaire. I guess his wife has a lot of time on her hands and a lot of connection.
Doug: The thing is that on that page it's an article about this billionaire guy who on his Instagram took a picture of himself eating an eight patty, massive burger called the coronary burger or something like that. It's this huge cheeseburger, just insane amount of meat, something like 20,000 calorie burger. (https://torontosun.com/news/world/billionaire-who-funded-meat-reduced-diet-study-likes-his-burgers-massive) This is what these people are doing. They're putting all this money into this study and telling everybody that all the plebs have to be vegan. "Oh yeah, we've got to save the planet. We need to be vegan. We need to be vegan." And then he's like, "Ha, ha, ha. Look what I'm doing. I'm having a giant burger."
Tiffany: While jet-setting all over the planet in my private plane.
Doug: Yeah, exactly! They're living this luxury lifestyle. You want to talk about carbon, the amount of carbon that this stuff is letting off - their private planes, all this kind of stuff that they're doing - they don't care. That's what it really comes down to. The people putting the money behind this study don't actually care. They see a money opportunity and they have an opportunity to get incredibly wealthy. So the idea that they give a shit about the planet is just hilarious because they obviously don't. And he obviously doesn't care about the animals because he's willing to eat this massive burger.
It's complete hypocrisy. But people aren't going to realize this at all. They're being brainwashed into thinking "I'm going to do the right thing and I'm going to stop eating meat."
Tiffany: Well to me it's just a bunch of rich people who may or may not care, especially in the case of these Norwegian people, the Storndalens, not even vegan themselves, just pushing this slave diet onto people, which is basically what it is. I think eventually it's just going to come to the point where if the meat taxes pass or something bad happens with the environment and there's less food to actually feed the animals so the prices are going to go up naturally, or if they just outright ban meat altogether, the only people who are going to be able to eat meat without going through a lot of hardship, are the rich people.
Doug: Yeah.
Tiffany: Everybody else will be eating the slave food. And it's not going to be like this big vegetable utopia where there's plenty of nice fruits and vegetables that you can gorge yourself on and look super healthy with all these salads. It's going to be super shitty, processed food, fake meat. People's health is just going to go down and down and down. I don't know how this will benefit anybody in the long run because if people are dead they're not going to buy your products!
Doug: No. It's always hard to go there on the conspiracy angle. Are they purposely trying to make people sick? I don't know. The people who wrote the...
Tiffany: It's not conspiracy though.
Doug: What's that?
Tiffany: That is what is going to happen. Even if it's not a conspiracy, that is the end result of years of going vegan. People are going to get sick and die.
Doug: Exactly.
Tiffany: So it doesn't even have to be a conspiracy.
Doug: No. Exactly. The thing is, everybody doesn't have to be in on it. You know what I mean? Everybody doesn't have to be like, "I know that this advice is going to make people sick and mwah-ha-ha-ha. We're going to collect all the profits." All you need to do is indoctrinate people with the ideology and they do the work for you. As long as those people believe that what they're actually doing is good work, that what they're doing, that getting people to be vegan is a healthy thing, it's for their own good, that does all the work for you. You don't need to bring millions of people in on the plan. You just need to have the ideology take over.
Tiffany: Well that's the thing about these people who push utopian societies, like if nobody eats meat then everybody's going to be healthy and running through fields of flowers holding hands {laugher}. Same thing with communism. If everybody owns everything then everything's going to be okay. But these utopias never work out because they have no idea what the future is going to look like once their plans get implemented. They're just hoping for the best and they think it's going to turn out that way but it never, ever, ever, ever does.
Erica: Well back to that list of sponsors. Wasn't Pfizer one of them too?
Doug: Yeah.
Erica: The pharmaceutical company?
Doug: Yeah, they know what's going on.
Erica: There's a glaringly obvious conflict of interest when you have Pfizer in on your study because, like Tiffany said, this utopia where everyone is going through flower fields and petting animals but they're all on medication as a result is a win-win.
Tiffany: Yeah, the fact that Pfizer's in on it, they have to know at some level that they're going to profit in some way. How did a diet that's going to make people healthy and no one's going to have diabetes anymore, but Pfizer's getting in on it? Why are they getting in on it? They should be against it if it's going to make people healthy!
Doug: That's exactly it. So some of them clearly know what's going on. Pfizer knows what's going on for sure. For sure.
Well another interesting aspect to the whole vegan putsch is the religious aspect of it. What's her name - Belinda Fettke has a website called I Support Gary and they're from South Africa. Is it South Africa? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol8g9LcuDnc)
Tiffany: They're Tasmanian.
Doug: Tasmania. Okay. So Gary Fettke is a surgeon and he was recommending a low carb diet to his patients and the dietetic association - it's very similar to what happened to Tim Noakes in South Africa - he was brought before a tribunal, all this kind of stuff, just to make a long story short. He was put under a gag order. He's not allowed to talk about diet at all. He's especially not allowed to talk about the low carb diet. The gag order was a lifetime one so that even if in the future it is revealed that the low carb diet is actually the most healthy diet, he's still not allowed to talk about it.
So anyway, his wife, Belinda Fettke ended up digging in because there was a guy who acted as the expert witness at the trial. I don't know if it was a trial or just a tribunal or what it was, and they were kind of like, "Well why is this guy who's written textbooks and is a professor, basically a very high status guy, why is he at this puny little tribunal? What's the point of bringing this guy in?" So she started digging in more and lo and behold, he has a lot of connections to the Seventh Day Adventists. She started uncovering this massive web of how the Seventh Day Adventists have their tentacles in everything. They are one of the main drivers of this vegetarian putsch and it's not just in Australia and South Africa. It's in the US as well.
The Seventh Day Adventists have been influencing food recommendation policies since they were invented. They've had their fingers in this thing. They are one of the main drivers behind this putsch to vegetarianism. So I don't know how many vegetarians out there realize that what they're eating is actually a religious diet. This is the diet that was prescribed by the founder, who was a self-proclaimed prophet and she was just a nut bar.
Tiffany: That was Ellen G. White.
Doug: That's her, yeah.
Tiffany: Back in the 1860s. She was a prophet and she would have these visions from god and she said that meat was just as bad as alcohol and she advocated that everybody abstain from alcohol, tobacco, spices, tea, coffee and meat and it was all about salvation and she thought that meat was an overstimulating food and it caused people to succumb to their passions. Like Kellogg's, she was on this mad quest to stop people from masturbating. She was always talking about vice and sin and how you shouldn't arouse your passions and you should teach your children or your daughters, especially, how to make nice fluffy breads and eat vegetables and have nuts and things. She was mostly vegetarian. I think she was a lacto-ovo vegetarian. They didn't use the term vegan back then because that term didn't come into play until the 1940s.
But she was basically nutty. She said that grains, fruits, nuts and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our creator and a religious life can be more successfully gained and maintained if meat is discarded for this diet stimulates intense activity, lustful propensities and it fouls the moral and spiritual nature. So that's why veganism has such a religious zeal to it.
Doug: Yeah! How many SJW vegans out there realize that they're eating a Christian diet? How many have actually realized that? They'd probably be horrified.
Elliot: A diet that is literally designed to tank your sex hormones.
Doug: Yeah! Exactly. And the funny thing is that PETA puts all these commercials out there where they're showing, "Yeah, you're going to be a stud when you become a vegan. You're going to dominate in the bedroom." Well wait a second! This diet was invented by people who were trying to decrease your libido! So what's the answer here? You can strap as much fruit and vegetable onto your crotch and dance around as you want, but it's not actually going to translate into having a higher libido.
Tiffany: There's loads of ex-vegan testimonials on YouTube where they talk about how their libido and their sex drive just tanked after a while being vegan. And women losing their periods. So if you don't have your periods you can't have a baby. So I don't see how they can be very pro-family either. But a lot of vegans advocate for vasectomies and not having children anyway. So it's a very anti-life, anti-human diet.
Doug: Absolutely.
Elliot: And perhaps one of the most important things here is that it's an experimental diet so it's new. It's very new. There's no track record in human history of people going on this diet by choice for any prolonged period of time. I don't think there's any documentation whatsoever. There's no record of a vegan diet, not by choice anyway. It seems kind of like they're willful guinea pigs in a way.
Doug: Yeah. Why don't we go to our video clip so we can see the wonderful results that some people have found from going onto their vegan diet? Damian, do you want to bring that clip up?
Video playing with comments
Tiffany: Oh that's the same girl! That's anorexia.
Doug: Yeah. Oh the kids.
Tiffany: Oh my god!
Elliot: These arms don't look healthy.
Doug: No.
Tiffany: The Weston A. Price dental malocclusion going on there.
Doug: Yeah. It's unbelievable, the level of denial that has to be going on to be that malnourished and to not realize that you're that malnourished. It's kind of mind-blowing. Wouldn't your friends tell you?
Erica: Not if they're vegan.
Doug: Well yeah.
Tiffany: They're detoxing.
Doug: Yeah, detoxing.
Tiffany: The sunken cheeks. There are a few videos. This is the third installment of four by this YouTuber named sv3rige. So if you can check out all four of these, it's really shocking to see the state of ill health that these people are in.
Doug: It's shocking but at the same time kind of entertaining. Entertaining's the wrong word I guess. Shocking is the right word for it, but it's just jaw-dropping. Okay, maybe we've seen enough. So there you go. Once they've convinced everybody that veganism is the right answer, that's what the entire human population is going to look like.
Erica: It looks like malnutrition.
Tiffany: Yeah, that's the title. They look like concentration camp inhabitants. And that's just part of it. There's been some ex-vegans also who say they just packed on the pounds. But I think that a lot of people, once they go fruitarian, that's when you see a lot of this emaciation. I guess it just depends on the person's genetics, whether they'll get super fat or emaciated. But at any rate, if you're emaciated or if you're fat, they're both just malnourishment anyway. It's just different looks.
Doug: Different looks, different styles.
Tiffany: You can guarantee that Bill Gates ain't gonna be lookin' like that or those Brunhilda Storndalens are not going to look like that. {laughter}
Doug: No, for sure. Some people seem to be able to get by on a vegetarian diet if they're doing eggs and dairy products because at least they're getting some animal fats, they're getting some animal protein. Through our research at SOTT we've come to the conclusion long ago and it's just been confirmed over and over and over again that you need these animal products, that humans require them. So vegetarian, if you've got some good genetics, your parents were healthy, your grandparents were healthy, you might be able to get by on a vegetarian diet. But veganism? You're really pushing it. You're really pushing it. I think that even if you don't end up having a complete failure of health - and I think most people will - even if you manage to get by, your kids, if you can even reproduce, your kids, it's going to be an absolute disaster.
Tiffany: Well there have been articles that pop up every now and then about people who try to raise their babies as vegans and the babies die.
Elliot: I think we're going to see a lot more of that to come because it seems to be increasing in popularity. There are many accounts online of people who've done it. Whether they've done it or not, I don't know, but they say that they've done it and they've built up quite a following of other expectant mothers who want to do it themselves. So yeah. Again there's the experiments on rats where you can expose one generation of rats to a toxin and they're fine and then you expose the next generation or they have offspring, the toxic rats have offspring and the offspring are okay. They have offspring again, second generation they're okay. But the third generation these rats are like mutant rats. They've just been demolished.
So we're not going to see the effects of this for a couple of years but we will see it.
Doug: That's true.
Tiffany: It's not looking good.
Doug: It's not looking good. It's not looking good.
Tiffany: Hopefully all of this meat tax stuff is just going to be hype. Maybe they're just talking about it or maybe they're just testing the waters to see how people react to it because there was another article that came out and they were talking about the meat tax and they were saying that people aren't going to mind as much as you think they're going to mind. There might be some uproar at first but then they'll get over it. They'll be okay. But just like with everything, people protest about this, that or the other thing, but the elites basically just run roughshod over the population and do whatever they want.
So I don't know what can be done besides getting your own farm and raising your own animals. Maybe it might push things more into localized farming or underground meat co-ops or something like that.
Doug: You said that maybe they're just testing the waters to see how acceptable something like this would be. At this point, the extent of the putsch right now, I think they're putting everything behind it. I think they're pushing with all their might and they're actually trying to roll this thing out. Meat tax is probably to come. Taking meat off of restaurant menus was another thing that I read about that apparently they're going to be trying to mandate.
I think you've got to get close to your neighbours. You've got to network because you've got to find the meat man! Don't go down like the rest.
Erica: The lunatic farmer.
Doug: Yeah. You've got to secure the meat because otherwise you're going down. Sheep are vegetarians so if you want to be like a sheep then go ahead and stop eating meat.
Tiffany: Yeah.
Erica: Don't believe the hype.
Doug: Okay, it sounds like we're kind of winding down here. So maybe that's it for our first video show, our experiment. Make sure to comment and let us know how you feel about it. But be nice. {laughter}
Tiffany: Or not.
Doug: Or no. We're going to be back next week with another health and wellness topic. You might actually see some changes to the format that we're doing here because we are still figuring things out. We do plan on bringing Zoya back in once we figure out how to do that so Zoya will be having her usual pet health segment. I think that's the show. Everybody have a good day.
Tiffany: You might not have a chance to in the future. {laughter}
Erica: Start canning now!
Elliot: Go for a steak while you can.
Doug: Enjoy it while it lasts. Okay bye-bye.
Reader Comments
The masses will shrug, and perhaps eat a few per cent more plant stuff. But most don't care, and are fully instinct/addiction - controlled. And the "popular" Flagship Vegans will expose the pervertion of this "diet" by their appearance, their obvious ailments, and their untimely end. A quote from a protestant German priest, regarding the Third Reich. I hope the Terror of Veganism will pass by equally quick ...
Difficult to say.
The zillions of hi-viz YouTube ex-vegans now coming out of the woodwork to denounce the catostrophic failure of their experiment was entirely unexpected. At least, by me anyway.
But of course, these outspoken ex-vegans are all mobbed-up by the meat industry...
and the dairy industry ...
and the
eggchicken period industry ...With regard to vegetables, apart from peas, mashed potatoes and onions, I've militantly resisted them since I was about three or four years old. LOL.
"But of course, these outspoken ex-vegans are all mobbed-up by the meat industry..."
A lot of vegans are like anorexics, they don't quite get that calling out Veganism is an Act of Brotherly Love, so there has also been a spate of siege mentality 'Vegans Erwacht!' reaction vids in which these smiling, sickly, toothless, corpse-like stick insect figures, rise from their grave-like beds to shake their fists at all those who've jumped ship, whilst still rattling out all the bullshit about what a healthy option it is and how we're all going to die, and the planet is going to die, because people eat meat.
Save The Vegans. Stop The Vegan Holocaust....[Link]
It's interesting to watch the most hi-viz YouTube meat and dairy keto carnies struggling not to make the same mistake on the new ship they've jumped on, because they're all ex-vegans . Some are faring better than others, as you might guess.
I wouldn't say I had a particular diet, although I guess it could be described as 'near-ancestral' in that it was heavily influenced by my Scottish Grandmother who religiously used to get the frying pan, the bacon, the sausages, the eggs and the black pudding out every time she saw me coming up the garden path. She also encouraged me to smoke cigarettes at a young age. Bless.
May I recall here the many cases of Indian pseudo-vegans that came to the UK about a century ago ? They unknowingly survived on insect eggs and larvae in their "dirty" fruits and veggies. That habit heavily backfired in the UK, with washed food. The famous mathematician Ramanujan is a prominent example.
Three people with the same world view, more or less ranting about something they don't like.
Vegans are coming after their meat. How ridicules is this.
I don't care what other people do, we all have to make our own choices.
My choices are, I don't eat animals, and any of their products. It saves me a lot of money. I grow most of my food myself, don't go to any doctor, haven't been for the last 30 years.
I wouldn't call myself Vegan, most who call themselves Vegan eat things I would not touch.
They are already mixing feed and human grains due to crop losses.
While i abhor the mass production of animal meat due to its morality, we are omnivores. We need to sustainably and ethically hunt our food.
The ability to properly digest plant/starchy foods depends a lot on your heritage. Races adapted to northern latitudes (e.g. from Northern Europe, Asia and America) use to fare very bad with vegan experiments - I experienced this myself. Many lost, for instance, the ability to convert beta carotene to vitamin A. In a cold climate with no geen matter for about half a year, this ability is of no use.
BTW, the linked article highlights another very Politically Incorrect fact: the Southern races with a mostly plant based nutrition exhibit significantly lower IQs.
Nonsense, of course there is. Sounds like you've been 'thinktanked', Herbsman.
Also, the 'overpopulation' mantra is even less credible than the 'global warming' one. If in doubt, take a look out the window next time you're on an aeroplane. Even here in the UK, a place we're consistently told is totally over-banged out with folk, no one ever thinks to point out that, f'rinstance, 80% of Scotland is completely devoid of people, and almost completely barren of sheep, horses and moo cows.
Most of the U.S. is similarly thinly populated, as is Canada, Australia, Russia, etc, etc.
Meanwhile, 'Project Infertility' forges on ahead, with the The Vegan Agenda, The Soy Agenda, The Transgender Agenda, The Feminist Agenda, The Toxic Masculinity Agenda, etc. Even something like the student loans scam, pretty much ensures that the majority of normalfertile heterosexual people in their Twenties will never be able to afford to have kids, families, etc. Mighty convenient in terms of Agenda 21 conspiracy theory scenarios, wouldn't you say?
I think this cocky crap disappeared meanwhile from their pages...
You might as well attempt to convert a fundamentalist.
Or bash your head on a wall.
It's basically medical evangelism brought to you by the Seventh Day Adventists.
As regards the recent spate of recovering vegan ship-jumpers, I was quite surprised to see how interesting, intelligent and erudite a lot of them are. Just goes to show that bunch of qualities on their own don't necessarily endow a person with immunity from being tricked and trapped by a tricky trapper.
It can actually be a bad thing to have as a human. Since no matter how smart you get, you will lack absolute discernment.
In short, intelligence ≠ discernment
If anything, it does make life 'easier'
I am quite intelligent myself, which as a result has made it more difficult not to become a kapo of the system due to the forced choices that plague this earth.
Just saying.
Come mi carne, baby!!
Perhaps I should submit an article to SOTT (which I could easily write by selecting the right scientific studies) on the healthy effects of masturbation. It would probably get a hundred comments.... Hey, Joe & Niall, how about it?
It is also interesting to consider an inadvertent study, performed on the entire population of Denmark - a couple of million people - during the German Occupation in WWII. Tobacco and cigarettes were hard, verging on impossible, to obtain. Meat and cheese were in short supply and rationed, because most of the Danish production was being shipped to Germany. Petrol (gasoline) was also in short supply, and people walked or rode bicycles for short trips instead of riding cars or other transport. The result was that the death rate dropped drastically, people were far healthier because of the consumption of less fatty foods and getting more exercise, but as soon as the war ended, death rates rose back to the prewar levels.
I should get my brother to write an article for SOTT, and see if they would care to publish it. He was a heavy smoker, and now carries a tank of oxygen around with him, as he has only about 66% of his lungs working, while I, who never smoked, am in the best of health. I recall, when he was Niall's age, all admonitions about quitting smoking were met with scorn and advice to butt out and mind one's own business, but today as he wheezes and coughs his guts out, he admits he was an idiot to smoke at all.
Everything we do in life carries consequences. It's a good fact to keep in mind, whatever it is you are talking about.
SOTT Focus:Pestilence, the Great Plague and the Tobacco Cure
As many of our readers are probably aware, we recently discovered a Spanish blog written by a person named 'Fernando' defaming Laura Knight-Jadczyk and her work. We suspect this person to be...And that's just a long-term reason for doing it. In the here and now, it's necessary for optimal health (again assuming you're of a certain genetic profile).
The Genetics of Smoking: Fundamental Biological Differences Revealed Between Smokers and Non-Smokers
University of Iowa researchers believe they have found a genetic pattern among smokers. Researchers at the University of Iowa have identified certain genetic profiles that may be linked to a...It's in the genes: smoking linked to specific genetic profile
New studies suggest that genetic backgrounds may be to blame for smokers that have a hard time quitting or cutting down on their habit. Several genes can dictate how prone you are to take up...I hadn't heard of this before. Got any links? In the interim, the Anglo-American-led scientific establishment pushed anti-fat and anti-smoking hard. Hitler would have been proud. The results, of course, have been atrocious, and today said same consensus is cracking (see bestsellers like Big Fat Surprise ). I'm sorry to hear that.
In the realm of anecdotes, I'm 36, have eaten a high-meat/fat diet since my late-20s, and have been a regular smoker since my teens. I can also do 2km swims, cycle 20km in an hour, and run 5km in 24 mins. After working out. Or after building a wall or something.
All the while smoking tobacco.
"The result was that the death rate dropped drastically, people were far healthier because of the consumption of less fatty foods and getting more exercise."
Starvation diets are good for you!!! People love spouting patently ridiculous waffle like this about rationing etc, in WWII.
The truth is....
"At least 20 million people died as a result of malnutrition and its associated diseases during the Second World War. Those killed in combat totalled approximately 19.5 million."
Had archieved the text of this study somewhere ...
Your health depends on your gut! Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride explains the mostly unknown relationship between your gut flora and various illnesses, such as: allergies, chronic fatigue, autoimmune problems, autism, asthma, ADHD, ADD, learning disabilities, mental illnesses, like depression, and many others. Thousands of case studies show how healing becomes possible by using common sense and adhering to traditional dietary convention. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, Cambridge, England at the 21st International "New Scientific Outlook" World Congress 2016, Ulm, Germany, 04.11.2016....[Link]
Heart attack through 'evil fats'? (2/3) Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
For the last 40-50 years, we have fought against “bad” cholesterol and “evil” fats. Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride explains how useful and healthy cholesterol is for us: it reduces the risk of heart attack, prevents arteriosclerosis and can even increase fertility. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, Cambridge, England at the 21st International "New Scientific Outlook" World Congress 2016, Ulm, Germany, 04.11.2016....[Link]
Heart attack through 'evil fats'? (3/3) Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride....[Link]