cosmic rays
Scientists have detected a correlation between historic solar minima, volcanic activity, sun spots and climate change.

But taking the concept further, it does appear that cosmic impacts could trigger seismic activity causing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

John L Casey and his fellow authors examine the history of earth quakes during solar minimums in 'Upheaval!: Why Catastrophic Earthquakes Will Soon Strike the United States' (Casey, Choi,Tsunoda & Humlum (January 2017).
"The authors make a strong case for grand minimums being a causal factor in triggering these strong quakes."
Volcanic activity may be attributed to the increase in Galactic Cosmic Rays penetrating deep into silica rich volcanoes. Several studies have shown this correlation along with historical evidence.

It is possible that increases in earthquakes are linked to the increase in coronal holes which increase during solar grand minimums. Ben Davidson has done some excellent research on this topic and is now accurately forecasting earthquakes based on this and several other factors.

Check it out at:

According to a separate study, 'Explosive volcanic eruptions triggered by cosmic rays: Volcano as a bubble chamber' scientists ToshikazuEbisuzaki et al find that the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption may have been triggered by an increase in cosmic-rays. They examined the timing of 11 eruptive events that produced silica-rich magma from four volcanoes in Japan and found:
"Nine of the 11 events occurred during inactive phases of solar magnetic activity (solar minimum), which is well indexed by the group sunspot number. This strong association between eruption timing and the solar minimum is statistically significant to a confidence level of 96.7%. This relationship is not observed for eruptions from volcanoes with relatively silica-poor magma, such as Izu-Ohshima. It is well known that the cosmic-ray flux is negatively correlated with solar magnetic activity, as the strong magnetic field in the solar wind repels charged particles such as galactic cosmic rays that originate from outside of the solar system."

PSI's own Arthur Viterito, a professor of Geography of the College of Southern Maryland, is a leading figure in attributing to geothermal effects an influence on climate change. He is also open to the idea that cosmic impacts also alter our climate.

Previously ill-considered cosmic factors beyond our planet are now being taken seriously in the broader scientific community. Among such ideas is the work of Henrik Svensmark who theorizes cosmic rays impact global cloud cover, impact climate change. An experiment at CERN, Europe's high-energy physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, confirmed this theory of cloud formation and cosmic rays.

An interesting Youtube video by the Oppenheimer Ranch Project explores earthquake connection with solar cycles.

Oppenheimer Ranch Project (ORP) explains:
"In the last a few decades research papers started to appear in the scientific press that clearly show correlation between cosmic-solar radiations and destructive geological events like earthquakes & volcanic eruptions. These research papers are supported by statistical evidence that go back hundreds of years. I went through some of these research papers and found an outstanding observed data that are self-explanatory, if one equipped with the correct physics."
But, the researchers could not provide correct interpretation of these data. The reason of course is the fundamental defects in the basic laws of physics. ORP continues:
"Started in the 1967 a study published with the Earth and Planetary Science Letters found solar activity plays a significant role in the triggering of earthquakes. In 1998 a scientist from the Beijing Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Science, found a correlation between low solar activity and earthquakes. Another recent research, carried by The Space and Science Research Center in Florida, US, showed strong correlation between solar activity and the largest earthquakes and volcanic eruptions within the continental united states and other regions around the world."
The study looked at the data of volcanic activity between (1650 - 2009) and seismic (earthquakes) activity between (1700 - 2009) and then the recorded data was compared with the sunspots record (solar activity).

ORP explains:
"The results of this study showed very strong correlation between solar activity and the largest seismic and volcanic events, within the continental US and globally. The correlation for volcanic activity was bigger than (greater than 80%) and for the largest earthquakes was (100% of the top 7 most powerful) versus solar activity lows."
Additionally, the research concluded the existence of a strong correlation between global volcanic activity among the largest of classes of eruptions and solar activity lows. With the 80.6% occurrence of large scale global volcanic eruptions taking place (greater than VEI 5) during solar activity lows and with 87.5% occurring for the very largest (greater than VEI 6) eruptions during major solar minimums.

ORP further adds:
"The last paper that I have read about this topic is titled: Explosive Volcanic Eruptions Triggered by Cosmic Ray: Volcano as a Bubble Chamber. The research was conducted by Japanese scientists led by Toshikazu Ebisuzaki. They studied the relationship between solar magnetic activity and 11 explosive eruptions from silicate-rich volcanoes in Japan over the past 306 years. They found that 9 of the eruptions occurred during solar minimum (inactive phase of solar activity).

However, I believe the researchers are quite accurate with the assumption that the eruption of those volcanoes was triggered by cosmic radiation, but their model of how the eruption is taking place (the mechanism of eruption) - what they called bubble nucleation induced by cosmic muons - cannot possible be correct. The process that would trigger the eruption is located deep within the magma chamber, several kilometers below the surface, not 10 m within the surface of the volcano. To give credibility to their model the researchers chose mountain volcanoes. In other words, they only considered eruptions that occurred high above the sea level.

Moreover, although the paper provided clear data that showed most destructive earthquakes in the last three centuries in Japan took place during solar minimum, no physical mechanism was proposed to explain the correlation between these earthquakes-almost all of them deep earthquakes- and solar magnetic activity. Please Subscribe to our channel and share the TRUTH with like-minded individuals. " //