This is not the first time astronomers have suggested that something periodically disturbs comets situated somewhere on the outer rim of our solar system, sending some (or many, depending on your perspective) of them our way. 'Planet X' a.k.a. 'Nibiru' would be far too small to account for the effects attributed to it. Rather than speculating about 'a ninth planet', other astronomers have posited that such a space body is more likely to be a second sun - albeit a smaller, dark, 'dwarf' one. Its orbit would be so big that it would take it half-way to the nearest star. The theory goes that it disturbs comets in the Oort Cloud - which is basically an extension of the Kuiper Belt - as it 're-enters' the solar system.
The History Channel's The Universe TV series aired this episode - 'Nemesis: The Sun's Evil Twin' - back in 2011:
In any case, The Sun reports that:
A mysterious planet that wiped out life on Earth millions of years could do it again, according to a top space scientist.We shouldn't need to comment on how ridiculous this is, but in case we do... The 'apocalypse' apparently doesn't happen overnight. If you've been following our monthly Earth Changes video series, then you may have noticed that the planet is going through an 'apocalypse' right now; a gradual but steady build-up of extreme weather events, meteor fireball sightings, and general planetary upheaval - a global trend that will probably continue to intensify for many more years to come.
And some believe the apocalyptic event could happen as early as this month - some are convinced there will be a collision or a near miss before the end of April.
This 'planet nine' is being widely reported as "newly discovered this past January." But if you check out the actual Caltech report from January, they say they have theorized the existence of such a planet based on "mathematical modeling and computer simulations." They have neither "discovered" nor "identified" a "large ninth planet."
The Sun continues:
The astrophysicist says the planet has a 20,000-year orbit around the sun and, at its closest to us, it knocks asteroids and comets towards Earth. Fossil evidence has suggested most of life on Earth is mysteriously wiped out every 26 to 27 million years.'Conspiracy theorists'?! The most well-known proponent of the Nemesis theory, Richard Muller, is a US establishment-certified 'top 100 thinker'!
Professor Whitmire claims Planet Nine's passage through a rock laden area called the Kuiper Belt is responsible for the "extinction events".
Conspiracy theorists in the 80s and 90s previously claimed a red dwarf planet called Nibiru or Nemesis, which orbits too close to Earth every 36,000 years, was behind the events.
The reason, of course, that 'journalists' are using this pejorative term is not to cast aspersions on Muller, nor even to single out the Nemesis variant of the theory, but to pooh-pooh the general concept of a cosmic mechanism that periodically wipes out, or 'prunes', life on Earth.
The spurious claim that a comet 'sent by' this 'ninth planet' is going to 'end all life on Earth' this very month may be why the mainstream is even bothering to touch this information. Like a whole slew of other 'end of the world' dates, when the prediction flops, many will assume there's nothing to worry about and join the media chorus in ridiculing all mention of incoming potentially hazardous comets.
Intentional or otherwise, the reason they're using this straw-man argument is because near-misses actually are happening with alarming regularity these days. As we recently pointed out, not one but two comets passed close to Earth on the same day, including the third and fifth closest flybys in recorded history.

- Nemesis: Does the Sun Have a 'Companion'?
- Is the Sun Part of a Binary Star System? - Six Reasons to Consider
- Getting WISE About Nemesis
And since we published that, meteor fireball events have gone through the roof: For more on the (relatively) recent history of Earth's being on the receiving end of major (and minor) episodes of cometary bombardment, and why, see Laura Knight-Jadczyk's Comets and Catastrophe series:
- Tunguska, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction
- Letters From the Edge
- Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls
- Impact Hazards on a Populated Earth?
- Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda
- Forget About Global Warming: We're One Step From Extinction!
- New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection
- The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets
- Cosmic Turkey Shoot
- Wars, Pestilence and Witches
- Thirty Years of Cults and Comets
- Comet Biela and Mrs. O'Leary's Cow
- Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution
Comets and the Horns of Moses by Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection: The Secret History of the World - Book 3 by Pierre Lescaudron and Laura Knight-Jadczyk