Every day the world seems to be spinning faster out of control. What appears to be unfolding is an epic battle between subversive forces within deep state America vying for dominance and control. Up till now the international crime cabal government led by the ruling elite has enjoyed unbroken, virtually unchallenged power and authority in Washington. The current ruling cabal easily stretches all the way back to the 1980 presidential election, when Ronald Reagan as a figurehead idol on a pedestal covertly secured the real globalist powerbroker into position - his Vice President George H. W. Bush.
That year Reagan beat incumbent Jimmy Carter only because of the October Surprise, a top secret deal overseen by former CIA Director Bush negotiated with Iran's Khomeini to delay the release of the 52 American hostages in Tehran until after Reagan was elected and became president. Had Carter been able to free the hostages prior to his November election reducing their 444 day ordeal, he would have secured his second term in office. So it's only by treasonous subterfuge that the puppet occupying the White House changed that year.
This totally sinister pattern already had a precedent when a dozen years earlier Richard Nixon made a secret agreement with then South Vietnamese President Nguyen van Thieu to sabotage peace talks with North Vietnam that President Johnson had been negotiating, convincing Thieu to hold off from signing any peace treaty in 1968 on a broken promise of a better deal to come. This subversively treasonous ploy won Nixon the presidency, extending America's then longest running war another four plus years, killing 22,000 more American lives and over a million more Southeast Asians. But hey, what does it matter to the ruling elite that has only contempt for human life while deciding who becomes president every four or eight years? The planetary rulers control both political parties in America and regularly take turns selecting the Republican or the Democrat who comes to power as they see fit. Illegal secret deals determining who the White House puppet will be are just how the diabolical game is played. And the game's been rigged for many decades.
The globalists historically prefer selecting a president with the full card carrying elitist credentials, a member of multiple private inner clubs like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Skull and Bones Society, Committee of 300 and Freemasonry becomes the bona fide inductee into the satanic hall of shame - the New World Order's Illuminati. And the elite's George H. W. Bush had every credential covered as a lifetime secret society member possessing all of the above. The son of a US senator and confirmed financier to Hitler, it was a young George Bush as a CIA operative who'd worked closely with the anti-Castro-turned anti-Kennedy Bay of Pigs Cubans. It was also George Bush who was photographed in front of the Dallas bookstore depository on the very same day that JFK's brain got splattered on his slow moving, "sitting" target in November 1963.
And it was this same George Bush that the elite teamed up with a Hollywood B actor when Ronald Reagan was relegated to his final acting role as White House front man. Just two months into his presidency, Reagan was struck down by a deranged lone gunman (direct from the false flag playbook) John Hinckley, whose family just happened to be very close oil friends with the Bushes. Needless to say, everyone played dumb and true to Mockingbird collusion, the rabbit hole "coincidences" between the Bush-Hinckley family connections all rapidly vanished. Never mind the fact that HW's son Neil was scheduled to have dinner with the would-be assassin's brother the day after the shooting. Never mind that among John Hinckley's longer psychiatric stays during the 1970's was at St. Elizabeth's mental hospital, famous for CIA MK Ultra experimentation using drugs to program guinea pig assassins. Never mind that the Reagan-Bush Energy Department notified the Hinckley's Vanderbilt oil company on the very same day of the shooting that the family business owed the feds $2 million in penalties. But once the unspeakable deed was done, that stiff penalty suddenly vanished into thin air as well, just like all of Hinckley's psychiatric records and 22 FBI pages of the "lone" gunman's "associates and organizations." Bush ensured the truth behind the Reagan shooting was sealed CIA tight... a dry run rehearsal for George junior's poor imitation 20 years later with his own sloppily botched 9/11 coup cover-up.
The eerie parallel is striking between this suspicious Bush affair and the one two decades later when HW dined with bin Laden's brother on the same morning of 9/11, while the CIA-spawned and funded Osama sitting in an Afghan cave half a world away to take the full rap as Bush and Cheney's arranged mastermind patsy. In any event, the attempt on Ronnie's life left George senior to assume virtual control over the White House, wielding the real power behind US Empire exploits throughout the 1980's right into the 1990's.
This still alive but frail 92-year old Illuminati gangster who helped carry out the tragic American JFK coup so many decades ago, to this day enjoys the elevated stature of a "senior statesman," doing the honor of the coin toss at this year's Super Bowl. Bush is joined by two other aging NWO gangster gurus - Kissinger and Brzezinski, revered by dumb Americans, still pulling the strings from afar, overseeing yet another illegal deep state coup being currently waged against Donald Trump.
Having controlled deep state as the CIA director (1976-77), then CFR director (1977-79) leading up to his [vice] presidency (1981-1989), then as the first out of the closet New World Order president (1989 to 1993), and then even continuing behind the scenes under Bill Clinton since Bush senior had employed the youngest Arkansas governor as his cocaine dealer out of USA central in rural Mena, Arkansas throughout Bill's crime-filled dozen year run as state governor. During Bush's Iran-Contra era, Bill Clinton laundered over a billion dollars a year in CIA drug money through his little airport. Profits from the "war on drugs" catapulted the rise of both the Bush and Clinton crime families as they busily paid off and appointed enough court judges, federal and state attorneys, state police and FBI officials, in order to effectively keep at bay all their scandals of countless murders, serial rapes and child sex trafficking investigations while financing their lucrative, off-the-books, CIA black budget.
As a result, the Bushes and Clintons have permanently installed a corrupt international crime cabal-drug cartel operating out of Washington DC that seamlessly recycles its ruthless centralized power and influence from Republican to Democratic administrations under the same organized crime machine families for nearly four decades and still counting. Bush-Clinton-Obama appointed judges and the rogue forces have saturated deep state and are still firmly entrenched in both the judicial branch and all the US intelligence agencies operating within New World Order's political dynasty. The Bush-Clinton-Obama dynasty has faithfully followed the elite's marching orders, nearly destroying America as a sovereign nation, killing off its once vibrant middle class, crumbling its infrastructure, decimating its manufacturing and tax bases with offshore cheap labor outsourcing. Establishing a permanent wartime economy, within a few decades this same satanic worshipping dynasty has transformed the US from the world's largest creditor nation into world history's biggest debtor nation, currently drowning at $20 trillion in the red. The drained, near lifeless US national economy has been bled dry by a lethal war machine whose global mission is to destabilize and destroy any sovereign nation that exerts independence, one by one raping and pillaging turning them into failed states. The Empire of chaos and destruction possesses its trademark effect - King Midas in reverse.
With the stolen 2000 election and the Cheney-Bush Jr. neocons at the helm at the turn of the century, and their 9/11 their "new Pearl Harbor," they established a pretext for their endless war of terror, murdering over 4 million Muslims in the process while turning our constitutional republic into a totalitarian oligarchic police state and Third World banana republic. Incredibly all these years later in 2017, those same criminally destructive forces are still in power and are currently bent on destroying the Trump presidency from within, closing in for the kill to finish America off for good. From CIA Bush senior though CIA Manchurian Obama, the assigned NWO puppet destroyers of America have used their deep state gangsters to seize and expand their centralized authoritarian control over the span of a full half century. Bottom line, since the JFK assassination, the shadow government that Kennedy warned us about just months ahead of his murder, are the same traitors who never left Washington.
With last year's debacle of a political circus fully exposing America's corrupt rigged two party system, resulting in the surprising Trump victory and Hillary loss, the world ostensibly witnessed the defeat of globalism and the end of the crime family dynasty. Though Trump's New York City roots are steeped in family slumlord discrimination and later mentored and shaped by his longtime Mafioso consigliere, the ruthless red-baiting Roy Cohn, Trump's rise as real estate-gambling mogul generously profiteering from multiple shady deals with partners in organized crime, surviving four bankruptcies as the bailed out benefactor of Wall Street banksters, Donald Trump can hardly be called a self-made man, a maverick, or least of all an outsider.
And his womanizing exploits have always been on full display. Just three years before his pedophile buddy Jeffrey Epstein was investigated, in 2002 the Donad's gushing admiration towards his child rapist friend runneth over:
I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it - Jeffrey enjoys his social life.Clearly Trump knew his fellow billionaire had the eye for "the younger" ones on the underage "side" of the law. And with multiple past lawsuits accusing Trump of sexual assault or sexual harassment as well, who really knows if the Donald's past is equally tainted. Is he simply the elite's next chosen, equally compromised politician to occupy the highest office, just as manipulated and controllable to high roller blackmail as the rest of them? The satanically run system wouldn't have it any other way.
Comment: If Trump was seriously compromised by anything, the Clinton-Bush cabal would have very likely come out with it already.
Our Current Battlefield Landscape
Speaking of Trump's convicted pedophile friend Jeffrey Epstein, Florida's US attorney Alexander Acosta at the time was in charge of Epstein's prosecution. Acosta's blatant mishandling of the case had him caving into the pit-bull attack of the Epstein defense team led by Lolita Express frequent flier Alan Dershowitz by handing the billionaire the sweetheart deal of a lifetime. Thirteen months of six days a week allowing Epstein to leave the local jailhouse to be able to work during the day while enabling Epstein to cop a guilty plea of soliciting prostitution from a minor and avoid being tried on federal charges in a federal court where normally any other offender would serve a ten year to life sentence was a grotesque travesty of justice.
But the Epstein case is not over yet. At the Epstein defense team's behest, attorney Acosta willfully withheld notifying the two underage victims of the plea bargained deal he'd agreed to until months after the fact. When the re-victimized girls finally learned that their rapist was literally awarded a get out of jail card, they filed a civil suit against him that's been stalled in court for nearly eight years. But it is now finally due to move to trial, forcing Epstein to be subjected to cross examination by the plaintiffs' attorneys. The basis of their civil suit is that Acosta denied them their civil right under the Victims Crime Act that compels prosecutors to inform victims of any plea bargained arrangements made between the prosecutor and defense. So Acosta was not forthrightly honest in legally complying with both the letter of the law nor his own legal and ethical obligation.
Last week Alexander Acosta as Trump's choice for Labor Department secretary underwent questioning at his senate confirmation hearing. Several Democratic senators did grill him over his incompetent mishandling of the Epstein case. In response, Acosta simply reiterated his feeble argument defending his decision to neither take the case to federal court nor push for a trial, stating it would risk Epstein going free, which is both unlikely and absurd. Merely rehashing his old weak rationalization sufficed to get him through the first committee vote. All the Republican and most Democratic senators gave Acosta a free pass, entrusting him to be in charge of our national labor force, directly overseeing both legal and illegal labor practices in America, including the forced labor of child sex slavery and human trafficking. Most of the committee was shamefully complicit to ignore the global epidemic and Acosta's disgraceful history regarding it. The Republicans all went easy on the nominee, assured that he will be our next Labor Secretary. This week Acosta's committee vote went strictly along partisan lines with the dozen Republicans approving and the eleven Democrats not, thus moving the nominee to the final full senate vote coming early next month.
The dubious past ties that both Trump and Acosta share with the same infamous registered sex offender reflect poorly on both our president as well as his next labor secretary. Protecting the serial child rapist of which both Acosta and Trump have been guilty, and then as such a serious and salient current issue, those senators deeming it unworthy of serious questioning renders them also complicit in protecting pedophiles along with the horrors of modern day slavery.
At one point during the hearing, Acosta claimed that he would not bow to "inappropriate" political pressure, yet a decade earlier he did exactly that, completely bowing to the pressure from Epstein's attack dog defense team. For being remiss in challenging the former US attorney on his abominable judgment in the biggest legal case of his professional career, shame on those committee members who failed to meet their ethical responsibility to confront the nominee who is unfit for the job. Shame on Trump for selecting him, but mostly on Acosta for his gross misconduct that should have disqualified him.
With Washington's morally vacant swamp full of quicksand, President Trump has numerous enemies utilizing all their collective will and power to remove him from the White House despite his semi-legitimate election (electronic rigging occurred on both sides). If Trump was a pedophile like so many of his sworn enemies are, it would seem probable that by now hardcore evidence would have already been produced to incriminate and destroy him. But despite his checkered past, like other deep state demonized enemies Putin and Assad, in comparison Trump appears to be a saint next to the degenerate diabolical cabal poised and ready to move in for its final solution kill, not only against the standing US president but against humanity as well, victims of the genocidal, pedophilia-infested swamp determined to rid Trump before he rids it. After all, his signature campaign promise is to drain the booby-trapped swamp.
Or perhaps another even more plausible scenario is that Trump's been chosen and set up to be the presidential fall guy when the elite's meticulously calculated perfect storm of events erupts with the American Spring uprising about to spill blood and violence in the streets across America (the latest angry mob episode on a Southern California beach), co-timed with the demonically controlled West's launching of WWIII against manufactured enemies Russia, China, Iran, Syria and North Korea, triggered to blast off just as the elite's house of cards global economy is overdue for collapse. Trump may well have been handpicked by the planetary controllers once they realized Hillary's exposed crimes made her too damaged a liability. Thus, deep state's manufactured enemy - the demonized Donald Trump, along with Putin and Assad, is the target of the rulers' treasonously orchestrated insurrection taking place from within, now unfolding as sleight of hand, cloak and dagger theater, the stage has been set to propel America and the entire globe into apocalyptic upheaval and ultimate ruin.
Comment: Despite the rumors, it is quite unlikely that Trump was chosen by the controllers to do anything. Trump has been a vociferous critic of elitist foreign and domestic policy, and has sought to undo the damage. Some poor choices in policy and appointment picks notwithstanding, Trump and those closest to him are frantically trying to put out fires and outmaneuver a cabal that would like to have his head served to them.
The criminal Bush-Clinton-Obama forces in recent weeks are apparently growing more recklessly desperate in their raw aggression to push humanity off their doomsday cliff as a last ditch effort to save their own skins from ruin. This presentation will cover the more blatant breaking current events and significant developments that illustrate the elite's do-or-die desperation with the criminal enterprises from both the Clintons and Obama exploding on a near daily basis now.
Hillary's Crimes Unfolding...
New evidence shedding light on Hillary Clinton again emerges from Weiner's confiscated laptop, proving that Hillary and Weiner's former wife Huma Abedin knew that the pedophile husband was once again engaging in criminal behavior four full months before he was caught by New York police. Yet Hillary and Huma did nothing to protect the underage girl from being further victimized by Weiner's abusive sex crimes, which is a criminal statute violation in and of itself. At the time NYPD wanted to charge Hillary but the FBI and Justice Department pulled rank insisting that it was a federal case. It was even disclosed that the teenager was struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. But when the girl expressed a desire to kill herself to Weiner, his only response was to send yet another picture of his wiener.
With this latest press release of damning information, NYPD decided to break with the FBI silence that has withheld evidence protecting Hillary for over a year now. The only concern expressed by Hillary at the time was if the word got out, it would damage her chance of winning the presidency. So she self-servingly recommended that Huma distance herself from Weiner and get a divorce. Of course that move would decisively free Huma up to both work and play together full time for the benefit of both Hillary's professional as well as her personal gratification. Only briefly in the agonizing throes of her lost election did Hillary cast her longtime aide and companion aside. But not only has post-election Huma at least temporarily reunited with her old boss, she also is reportedly working hard on reconciliation with her pervert hubby after the fourth time perv's been caught cheating on her. Much to Hillary's chagrin, current sources maintain that Weiner spends 80-90% of his time these days at the New York apartment they've shared with their child. How this all legally plays out against the Clintons as the Weiners try to save themselves from doing serious time remains to be seen.
Other PedoGate developments that keep resurfacing in the never-ending saga of Hillary's criminal cover-ups is her US Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman while she was his secretary of state boss. The heavy Obama fundraiser (a half million for his 2008 campaign) who was rewarded with an ambassadorship was caught red-handed in Brussels soliciting sex from young boys, and repeatedly caught until leaving his post "unblemished" in July 2013. Gutman's acting out got so bad that Hillary the sex crime enabler sent her state department fixer Patrick Kennedy to order the Inspector General to cease investigation, allowing Gutman to continue his sex crimes protected by diplomatic immunity. Eventually the IG became a whistleblower only to have Hillary sic the FBI on her for continual harassment, break-ins to destroy evidence and suppress another scandalous cover-up. Ultimately Kennedy finagled a deal with the FBI to look the other way to allow the ambassador to serve his full diplomatic tenure in Brussels. And as a result of Hillary's protective shield, Gutman has never been charged. In a number of other cases involving sexual misconduct by Hillary's diplomatic corps, her criminal protection of them flagrantly remains on record. So she's established a longstanding pattern of always protecting the pedophiles and letting the child victims suffer.
Of course this wasn't the first or last time the Clintons intervened to help allied criminals off the hook. Shortly after the January 2010 Haiti earthquake, the Clintons went into their best damage control mode, running to the rescue of convicted child kidnapper Laura Silsby when caught trying to traffic 33 Haitian girls out of the country. And now remarkably enough, the convicted child kidnapper is actually employed under her husband's name at the software company responsible for issuing Amber Alerts on suspected abducted children.
Then several days after Hillary lost her November election, journalist Monica Petersen was mysteriously found dead in Haiti after allegedly uncovering more incriminating evidence exposing the Clintons' child trafficking involvement, not to mention the $2 billion she and Bill ripped off from the forsaken Haitian earthquake victims. For the last dozen years the Clinton Foundation has been masquerading as a multibillion dollar charitable organization ostensibly committed to supplying global humanitarian relief plentifully donating to noble causes. But the record shows in 2015 only 4% of the money actually went to helping those in need and the rest illegally fed the greedy coffers of the Clinton family cartel that for decades has engaged in crime cabal operations, destroying millions of innocent victims' lives planet-wide.
The Clinton story provides a fitting analogy to the global pedophilia epidemic. An extremely common pattern pervades where known child predators are allowed to continue working careers set up to protect children against pedophile trafficking rings. Examples are Child Protective Services employees who actually sell children into sex trafficking networks. Or federal US attorneys whose job is to prosecute against child pornography and child trafficking instead of engaging in pedophilia while protecting the crime cabal from exposure and accountability. Or police sworn to investigate pedophile rings to protect children but are actually sexually abusing more child victims themselves. Or famous and powerful enough entertainers who become legends working for many years in children's charities, all the while raping and pimping child victims for other powerful pedophiles (as in UK's Jimmy Savile case). These global networks are allowed to flourish worldwide because these soulless sex offenders are rampantly in position to operate with total impunity within the very same demonic system set up to protect our most defenseless population. It's the most egregiously grotesque illustration of the predatory foxes guarding the henhouses of the world.
Another recurring Clinton connection that won't go away is their ongoing joint enterprises with Frank Giustra, the Canadian mining billionaire and founder of Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation. Currently China virtually owns Hollywood, in recent years the richest man in China behind his Chinese conglomerate Dalian Wanda has bought up controlling interests in a number of entertainment corporations and studios, Lions Gate among them. Fear of China's oppressive censorship as the world's economic powerhouse and largest creditor nation monopolizing both the film industry as well as the internet (over domain naming rights) is a sobering thought, considering how the mind of the global masses can be so easily programmed, conditioned and brainwashed by centralized control.
Comment: That China would be worse than US/Western media seems more than a bit unlikely!
Just to graphically expose what's been secretly going on now all over this planet, breeder babies are being brought into this world by either victimized child sex slaves, incest victims or Luciferian types as part of insulated demonic cults and secret societies. These babies born without birth certificates or public records are actually being thrown on satanic sacrificial altars, raped, cut up, eaten and burned alive by lowlifes in high places and low places alike, protected for centuries by elite rulers combined with public ignorance and denial. An eyewitness former Hollywood producer and insider Jon Robberson has described in horrid detail the ritualistic child sacrifice practice going on in Malibu. Thank God people like Jon as well as former Los Angeles FBI bureau chief Ted Gunderson and many others are courageously coming forth to expose the shocking evil. As we become aware, it's our ethical and moral duty to spread the word and take a stand against our hidden enemies.
Returning to elitist Clinton partner Frank Giustra, through his Radcliffe Foundation, he perhaps is the Clinton Foundation's biggest pay-to-play player. Starting over a decade ago Giustra and the Clintons began their working partnership that ended up selling off 20% of America's uranium deposits to Putin, giving away nukes' main ingredient to nuclear powered Russia. Talk about treasonous Russian collusion! And then Hillary the candidate and her minions have turned around to constantly use her platform to falsely blame Putin for everything gone wrong in her life, in America and entire world. In the last decade Hillary's hubris, duplicity, hypocrisy and pure evil done to this world can only be matched by her husband and Obama.
Their Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership also shielded both donors' identities and amounts they gave to the Clinton Foundation, a violation of Hillary's "transparency" as secretary of state. As part of the Clintons' pay-to-play foundation, Giustra was able to buy in for an initial $31 million as a Clinton Foundation gift in January 2008 in order for Bill to intercede to make a deal mining uranium in Kazakhstan. As a reward, a few months later Giustra donated another $100 million to the Clinton Foundation, earning himself a seat on the Clinton Foundation's board of directors. His Radcliffe Foundation owns a home for refugees in northern Greece called Elpida that maintained a near identical logo to the FBI's pedophilia symbol; that is, until the heat from Pizzagate suddenly induced Giustra's company to change its logo, just like Besta pizza.
Former child actor Brock Pierce as a young adult with two other partners formed an early video sharing site called Digital Entertainment Network, garnering a total investment of $72 million from Hollywood heavy hitters even prior to its 1999 opening or generating any profit. But the following year in 2000 the company began going bust after Pierce and his partners were accused of feeding underage boys in Hollywood with booze and drugs at parties and then raping their victims in a child sex ring. Their child sex network was prominently featured in the documentary "An Open Secret." Ultimately Pierce and company escaped to Spain to avoid legal ramifications.
A few years later Brock Pierce reemerged as an active Clinton Global Initiative member, speaking on its behalf and raising funds for the Clintons. With the dark cloud hanging over Pierce's not so distant past, combined recently with direct ties to the Clintons and their own child sex trafficking involvement (through pedophiles Jeffrey Epstein, Anthony Weiner as well as Podesta and Pizzagate), and the larger PedoGate epidemic in Hollywood, Washington DC and the world, criminal depravity appears to permeate and bind all these associations. The latest Brock Pierce reinvention is his position as chairman of the board of the Bitcoin Foundation that has had a number of members resigning in protest.
Another recent related entertainment link to pedophilia involves Late Night host Stephen Colbert, who apparently takes his Pizzagate-bashing orders directly from the Clinton camp. After all, he's been best buds with John Podesta for several years and is eternally grateful for the Podesta boys generously supporting his sister's failed bid for Congress in 2013. So the least the high profile entertainer can do at the behest of a Clinton Foundation rep is to feature Bill Clinton on a Colbert Report episode pontificating the glorious wonders of the world, compliments of his "charitable" Clinton Global Initiative. And then when such powerful close allies as the Podestas and Clintons get implicated in a DC child sex trafficking ring, the least Colbert can do is be the first celeb out of the gate to tear into anyone who even thinks Pizzagate might be worth further investigation, much less actually be real.
Obama's Latest Emerging Crimes
Turning to Hillary's other crime cabal partner, besides Bill - Barack Hussein Obama, in response to all the recent allegations of criminal activity committed by our former president, Attorney General Jeff Sessions just stated that he is open to appointing an independent special prosecutor to review and investigate the multiple scandals involving Obama's infamous Department of Justice, from Obama's confirmed IRS discrimination against conservative political opponents to former AG Eric Holder's mishandling and cover-up of the disastrous Fast and Furious gun running operation to a Mexican cartel, to AG Loretta Lynch's obstruction of justice in refusing to indict and prosecute Hillary and her pay-to-play foundation's blatantly criminal operations. And now there's Obama's indisputably illegal Trump surveillance. The list of forthcoming crimes seems endless.
Obama used foreign spy agencies in UK's intelligence services (through its GCHQ Intercepts) and likely Canada's as well to spy on Trump without either a warrant or the US intelligence community's knowledge. On March 4th Trump tweeted that Obama spied on him at his Trump Towers long before he was even elected or obtained his October FISA warrant. Last week Trump delivered his uncovered evidence to the congressional house intelligence committee after it concluded that there's no evidence that Trump ever colluded with Moscow to influence the election. In recent days the tables have finally begun to turn and now it's Obama who's on the defensive and run out of Washington. Despite the recent lies from mainstream press, past articles written by MSM rag reporters at the New York Times have even corroborated that Obama placed Trump, his family members and his surrogates under close unconstitutional surveillance. A CIA whistleblower even maintains that Trump was under "systematic illegal" surveillance over two years ago but Comey's FBI chose to sit on it.
An Obama official that served as undersecretary of defense for Russian affairs matter-of-factly let it slip out that last summer, again months prior to the October FISA warrant that made Trump surveillance technically legal, she was listening in on Trump and his surrogates' private conversations, all part of the Democratic Party strategy to catch Trump "fixing" the election with the demonized enemy Russia. So more evidence is forthcoming daily that it was the Obama-Clinton camp all along who was criminally interfering with the election, the very same charge that he, she, deep state and their MSM minions have falsely, hypocritically and nefariously been raking Trump over the coals for more than a year now.
Latest PedoGate Developments
On the final day prior to still being susceptibly libel for a defamation lawsuit regarding his publicity coverage on the Pizzagate scandal, InfoWars' "warrior" Alex Jones recently issued a formal apology to Comet Ping Pong's owner James Alefantis. This CYA move came to light on the very eve of the national PedoGate march on Washington to bring further attention to the seemingly unbreakable global pedophilia network. Jones blamed other "irresponsible websites" and a couple of now terminated InfoWars' employees for his mistake. Pretty pathetic to witness perhaps America's most prominent, outspoken activist who's been challenging government false narratives for over two decades suddenly groveling as an apologist for the pedophilia epidemic, no less on the day before the PedoGate march on the nation's capital.
Obviously this only goes to show that GQ Magazine's 49th most powerful person in DC - the owner of a pizza joint - can't possibly attribute his acknowledged power due to making really good pizza. And now seeing his power shut down and silence America's infamously loudest dissident voice from speaking out against the pedophilia empire confirms Alefantis' pecking order clout. As abundantly reported online, the pizza shop owner's power has everything to do with his inside connections with the Podestas, Hillary and Obama. His Instagram account, caught prior to escaping to private mode, more than suggests a far more dark and sinister reason how he and his establishment's been abusing his power in Washington.
On the heels of Alex Jones' apology comes another attack on Pizzagate investigation as "fake news" from - of all places - an on-again off-again Breitbart reporter named Lee Stranahan. This guy goes on a half hour diatribe ranting in circular argument denying the veracity of a Washington child sex trafficking ring connected to the Clintons and the Podestas. He claims that now famous tweet that founder Andrew Breitbart as Stranahan's former boss was taken totally out of context:
How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.... And that it had nothing to do with Podesta covering up a DC pedophilia network. Just over a year after Breitbart's tweet, the 43-year old suddenly turned up dead from an alleged heart attack that many believe was murder. The coroner in the case died of arsenic poisoning within hours of the release of Breitbart's suspicious autopsy results. But Stranahan says there's nothing here folks so just move on.
... Just like the Catholic Church scandal of priests for centuries raping youth around the world met by an official Vatican policy of spreading sex crimes to the next priestly assignment while continually covering up their criminality. And how that's all now just become yesterday's news, hardly heard from again after a near $4 billion payout in settlement suits as of 2015.
But while Stranahan denies and the declawed Jones apologizes, videographer DABOO777 released his recent YouTube video (which Google-owned YouTube has begun banning him), disclosing that a map that shows the extensive underground tunnel system beneath Washington DC predominantly lies directly underneath properties owned by the usual [pedophile] suspects - the Clintons, James Alefantis and John Podesta. How conveniently coincidental. And most notably an ordnance has just gone into effect making it unlawful for anyone to examine or inquire into DC's tunnel system layout as an overt move to protect current real estate owners [and perps] from any further scrutiny. Cutting off public access to information and knowledge about the capital's subterranean world now declared legally off limits obviously demonstrates deep state's increasing secrecy and censorship surrounding its underworld activity. Crimes committed by Washington's elite running a child sex trafficking ring allegedly linked to the Clinton-Podesta-Alefantis nexus is further insulated and protected by this sudden newly enacted law, rendering the sleuths in pursuit of truth and justice now the criminals for trying to hold the DC child rapists accountable. Satanic sickos will stop at no limit to continue their evil ways.
Still another recent related news item coming out of Washington DC is the more than a dozen young girls gone missing within the first couple weeks in March, reopening the burning question are they just the latest Pizzagate victims? This news only underscores the alarming number of reported minors gone missing in DC just since the beginning of this year - 501 mostly Latino and black girls. And per capita, DC and surrounding vicinity of Virginia rack up more children who annually disappear than any other state in the union. Again, child sex trafficking is an out of control epidemic that must be stopped, and it appears nowhere is it more defiantly in our face than our nation's capital. Meanwhile, lame stream news just keeps pretending no child trafficking network even exists in Washington, ridiculing it as fake news and those acknowledging the truth as conspiracy nuts.
Last month actor Ashton Kutcher testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee touting his foundation for rescuing child trafficking victims around the globe after Homeland Security contacted him pleading his assistance in tracking down dark web perps, as if the feds' deep pocketed DARPA that came up with the internet long before Google don't have the technological capacity to track down the bad guys. The actor dramatically claimed that his hi-tech company Thorn, started by his now ex-wife Demi Moore and him contains the [likely AI] software logarithm that permits law enforcement to prioritize sex offender caseloads to track down traffickers. His company is funded by Google, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon, all the same companies that ban even talking about pedophilia. At one point during the congressional hearing, Ashton Kutcher blows a kiss to his favorite politician Senator John McCain, suggesting they're more than just a passing acquaintance. That's because Kutcher is a board member on the McCain's Foundation, a think tank with a stated objective of combating child sex trafficking.
Only McCain's organization is under current investigation for misallocating funds for providing zero donations toward anti-trafficking. More than one government insider has fingered McCain as a suspected pedophile, alleged to be on the pending FBI arrest list. Among Trump's most venomous enemies, John McCain may well be Trump's bullseye target for most wanted in his swamp draining operation. Additionally, several of McCain's key campaign staffers have been convicted of pedophilia and sexual misconduct and McCain himself has a long controversial history of corruption and treasonous aiding and abetting the enemy, caught yucking it up in photo-ops with known terrorist leaders after illegal visits to their headquarters.
Another notably revealing story making the rounds is a recent episode from Dr. Phil's show featuring a woman who calls herself Kendall. She disclosed that her parents sold her at birth to a rich and powerful owner who as a member of the elite for many years used her for pedophiles to sexually abuse as his sex slave. Her owner would hire makeup artists and furnish her with fashionable attire just to hide the reality that she was an orphaned sex slave. Constantly raped since birth before she could even speak, Kendall was regularly tortured as a forced participant in sadistic satanic rituals involving child sacrifice. She grew up thinking it was normal for children to be brutally assaulted for adult sexual gratification and describes herself being kept in a cage observing other kids in cages sold to highest bidders.
Kendall stated that similar to the film Hunger Games (another Lions Gate release), children are actually hunted down like animals for sport by the rich, then systematically caught and raped. As a woman currently in her late twenties, only three years ago Kendall managed to escape from her horrific life in chronic bondage. Her appearance on mainstream television serves an important function of bringing increasing levels of public awareness to the worldwide PedoGate phenomenon of child sexual slavery and global human trafficking.
The Multi-Front War - How Deep State Plans to Kill Trump, Independent Media, Free Speech, the Truth and Us
Fearing the wrath of angry masses catching onto their evildoing, the globalists are stepping up their attacks on humanity. The Atlantic has planted the seed as if it's already a done deal or soon to be, featuring an article entitled "Rewriting the Rules of Presidential Succession," invoking post-Trump continuity of government (COG) parameters. The "not-my-president" minions are openly calling for assassination, violent overthrow and impeachment as legitimately justified means within the COG protocol for promoting the unlawful removal of a sitting US president. And with the debt ceiling crisis as of mid-March allowed to remain unresolved this time around, by sinister design without a willing way for the feds to keep kicking the can down the road, the business of government will soon be shutting down in syncopated coordination with the planned American Spring insurrection. Another George Soros funded regime change operation that with impunity he's been executing for decades on every other continent has finally come home to roost, unfolding right here and right now on US soil. The countdown to chaos and implosion is upon us. And on the propaganda front centered on controlling the news, we're also witnessing an equally unprecedented parallel process of deep state ratcheting up its multi-tentacled war waged against us the people, against our First Amendment rights, and against the truth exposing the elitist perpetrators' crimes.
The CIA's cold war Operation Mockingbird designed to control mainstream media by spewing out fake news propaganda never left, even after the Senate Church investigation forced it out into the open and then CIA Director George Bush lied publicly decreeing its end in 1976. But it only submerged into the deep state swamp where it's subversively festered ever since. Today colluding with six oligarchs, the CIA still owns and controls MSM. But in response to the American public's growing distrust towards the media, deep state in its information and propaganda war is out to own and control both our mind and our population. Gallup poll results from a half year ago reported the distrust has spread to an all-time high of 2 out of 3 Americans not believing the mainstream press at all anymore.
So the CIA's deep pocket strategy has been to escalate its so called "anti-fake news" campaign, deploying hundreds if not thousands of paid shills to plant and disseminate disinformation to willfully discredit, smear, confuse and ultimately censor and eliminate the independent alternative news media as the last chance for the American people to access the truth about the egregious crime violations taking place. With the CIA's Vault 7 listening and watching both our every move as well as candidate turned President Trump's every move, deep state is deceitfully utilizing every weapon of mass destruction in its ungodly arsenal to subdue, imprison and destroy us.
The internet giants on social media have introduced the slippery slope of various thinly disguised censorship measures, whereby links and articles deemed as fake news by anyone who registers a complaint joined by a couple others, concluding that something on the internet rings either untrue or objectionable, can then be arbitrarily deleted and removed. Use of third party fact checkers like Snopes as "truth arbiters" is being implemented, in itself arguably a highly biased source of so called truth. In the electronic age online censorship is equivalent to burning books. We're being attacked on all fronts because New World Order autocrats, in reaction to losing their grip of power and control over the growing legions of awakened citizens, must destroy all their designated enemies that of course begin with Trump, Putin, Assad, and 90% of us people on this planet who refuse to either be owned or eugenically eliminated. We the "useless eating deplorables" are now in the fight of our lives, standing up for both truth and our freedom in an epic battle of the ages to take down the demonic Satan worshipping cabal once and for all.
A growing percentage of the population recognizes mainstream media as the actual purveyors of fake news, subsequently fast losing its dwindling readership and viewing audience due to far more honest and accurate news accounts from selected alt media sites. Similarly, because Trump is posing such a threat to new world disorder, deep state is escalating its assault on him, calling for his overthrow in a nationwide insurgency while targeting independent news sources for elimination. Using Google and Facebook as social media censors, deep state totalitarianism is ultimately achieved only when people's access to the truth is completely sealed and cut off, thereby enabling absolute control over the flow of [mis]information and news to the thoroughly brainwashed, kept in the dark, ignorant masses.
How Disinformation Shills Have Saturated the Internet: One Case Story
As a case in point, to undermine alternative news credibility, websites like "America's Last Line of Defense" have been springing up spewing out false stories and lies so that designated censors like Snopes can debunk it. It's a tag team enterprise ultimately designed to eliminate blacklisted independent media. This bogus site recently ran a series of totally fictional, sensationalized stories that inevitably got picked up by either other shills or a number of gullible online sites. A week ago "Last Line of Defense" began reporting that deceased onetime Hillary boyfriend and Clinton confidant Vince Foster's body was ordered to be exhumed by a federal judge in response to Congressman Trey Gowdy's request. The supposed explanation for this court decision came minutes after alleged evidence that a murdered journalist working on the case had a letter written on his behalf sent to his Washington Examiner editor. Allegedly Gowdy was able to quickly convince the judge to order Foster's exhumed body from his Fairfax, Virginia graveside. Despite Snopes' claim that it was meant to be "tongue-in-cheek" satire, the real agenda is to undermine the credibility of online alternative media, justifying censorship and elimination of fake news.
The biggest delivered lie from this story was the bogus announcement that the official cause of Foster's death was abruptly changed from suicide to homicide, based on two alleged bullet holes found in the back of his skull, making it virtually impossible for his 1993 death to be self-inflicted (not unlike reporter Gary Webb who unearthed H.W. Bush's Iran Contra scandal but later also paid for it with two bullet holes to the head "suicide"). And just to add fuel to the fake fire, once Foster's body was examined, the ambulance carrying his body was reportedly set ablaze to destroy all further evidence linking the Clintons to the crime. The hoax was further spun with reports that when Trump found out, he went directly to FBI headquarters and allegedly fired the supervisor in charge of the original investigation.
This deceptive game is played by occasionally interspersing actual news events in with embellished fake accounts. One such supposed "kernel of truth" was MSM's recent coverage of scandal-ridden cover-upper FBI Director James Comey suddenly dispatched for an impromptu meeting at the White House, of course immediately accompanied by online speculation over whether Trump fired Comey on the spot. Muddying the waters so the public doesn't know what to believe is also the name of the game.
By cherry-picking and "exposing" so called fake news stories amongst the numerous alt media sites, MSM desperately attempts to win back its lost credibility while opportunistically convincing an unsuspecting, now minority public that independent and social media need to be reined in with increasing censorship for the public's own good. This same deceptive message was conveniently spread in early December, fully exploiting what was yet another false flag after the Comet Ping Pong trigger-happy "lone gunman" showed up in order to smear the Pizzagate investigation and label its believers as tin foiled "conspiracy theorist" nuts. As mainstream media falls into non-relevant oblivion and out of business as lying, desperate propaganda whores and criminal accomplices, thoroughly exposed as the actual fake news, its panicking resolve to ban the real truth through planting fake news stories by way of its bogus alt news shill sites is skyrocketing now. The all-out war for our minds, bodies and souls is in full assault.
This Century's Biggest CIA Drug Bust in the Atlantic and its Potential Link to Obama
Another story that broke in recent weeks is the largest Atlantic Ocean drug bust since 1999. On February 16th, 2017 a 70 foot fishing vessel named Lady Michelle registered out of a small Caribbean island nation that's part of the British Commonwealth called St Vincent and Grenadine was busted attempting to transport a whopping 4.2 tons of cocaine worth $125 million. The Coast Guard and DEA working with local Caribbean authorities detected the suspicious boat located in a sea lane too deep for fishing and often used by drug smugglers. This much of the story is confirmed to be true, including the names of the captain and his three crewman all from Guyana.
But an article from Sorcha Faal at whatdoesitmean.com has taken the liberty to link the ship's name to Barack Obama's wife Michelle, concluding that the former president is now the criminal mastermind behind an international drug smuggling operation, that has forced him to subsequently flee to French Polynesia for safe refuge against extradition back to America. Meanwhile, MSM has announced that without his wife Michelle, Obama's vacationing "alone" for the next month at the posh Brando resort island located in Tahiti. A couple of weeks ago the site explained that sources from the Kremlin's Foreign Intelligence Service provided the details to this part of the story, which the site admittedly has been known to spread disinformation propaganda. Thus, claiming that Obama has a new job as a drug dealing fugitive may well be just more sensationalized fake news on the heels of the already explosive incriminating revelations that Obama as president ordered illegal surveillance of Trump shared by virtually all the US intel agencies with a constant flow of leaks to MSM. Unscrupulous FBI Director Comey's been outed, recently caught lying [again] insisting that the Trump Tower was not surveilled despite the latest congressionally released testimony confirming that Trump in fact was.
A strange anomaly surfacing from the Caribbean drug arrests is the Argyle International Airport as a brand new $259 million international investment from Cuba, Taiwan and its biggest investor Venezuela as St Vincent's largest land development in history. The airport's construction had been nine long years in the making, and to great national fanfare, it had just been opened and begun operating only two days prior to the huge drug bust in international waters 70 nautical miles from Suriname. That timing in and of itself has to raise a degree of red flag suspicion, especially since the reported very first flight to land at the airport was a chartered private aircraft from Mexico while Lady Michelle was allegedly docked close by, awaiting its cargo pickup. A month prior to leaving the White House, Obama signed the US-Caribbean Strategic Engagement Act, alleged to essentially permit the CIA to lease both the Argyle airport and nearby fishing port for drug smuggling operations, a long established fact that the world's biggest drug dealer for many decades since the Vietnam War has been none other than America's CIA.
Another emphasized point connecting the dots between the historic drug bust and Obama is the Lady Michelle's captain, a Guyana national named Mohamed Nazin Hoseain. According to Russian intelligence, Hoseain is "an organizational member of the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood," which Trump is considering a designated terrorist group, joining the UK, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Russia and Syria. Obama threw longtime US ally Egyptian dictator Mubarak under the bus in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi, now serving a life sentence in an Egyptian prison. Plus, aside from Obama's half-brother Malik's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama signed a secret directive identifying the organization as a "moderate" Islamist group rather than classifying it as radical. Additionally, Barack Hussein's been accused of allowing Muslim Brotherhood members to infiltrate a number of key positions throughout his administration.
An added piece of info is the Obamas happened to be vacationing in the geographic area with billionaire Richard Branson in the Virgin Islands just before the Caribbean bust went down in February. Around that same time in a related matter, a dozen TSA agents were arrested for smuggling 20 tons or $100 million worth of cocaine coming into US via Puerto Rico over the last 18 years under both Bush and Obama's watch. Upon learning of the TSA arrests, alleged Obama surrogates and possible accomplices allegedly attempted to contact the drug vessel captain but to no avail. Obama and his people then fled the Virgin Islands just days prior to the four arrested crewman taken into custody aboard the Lady Michelle and flown directly to the US Virgin Islands immediately after Obama's departure. Another coincidence?
At that point Barack and Michelle went their separate ways. Once back in DC, in a frantic 36-hour time lapse, Obama embarked on an unscheduled whirlwind journey conferring with important players within his powerful support system network. He first flew to New York City to meet with his lawyers and take in a Broadway play for fake news CNN, then onto meet with his multibillionaire globalist friend and ally Warren Buffet in Omaha to no doubt discuss Obama's mounting legal problems, from stealing millions from Fannie May and Freddie Mac in order to illegally bankroll his Obamacare, to his warrantless (till October) illegal spying on Trump and perhaps even his latest Caribbean headache, then onto Silicon Valley to meet with more strategic A-list intelligentsia, many of whom worked in his administration, likely soliciting their much needed support prior to flying on to Hawaii to say goodbye to his family before escaping on to Tahiti.
Obama's entire whirlwind tour across the globe was unplanned, but the stopover in Hawaii wasn't just a "hi-goodbye" to his family. An old Harvard law school buddy who also graduated with him in 1991 that Obama later appointed as federal judge just so happened to make a major ruling to block Trump's travel ban less than 48 hours after Obama breezed through town, right by the judge's home and courthouse. Very likely the two met. Obama moved from the White House taking up residence two miles from his former home with his closest advisor Valerie Jarrett moving in to the makeshift war room where operation dump Trump would vow to remove him from office by any and all means necessary.
But with all the public disclosures of Obama's recent legal improprieties piling up fast, his meeting with his legal defense team to his key powerful influential allies before rushing off to a location where he cannot be extradited, all suggest that perhaps he is a fugitive on the run, be it for drug running or otherwise. After his near lethal damage to America, millions of citizens are no doubt hoping that all his treasonous crimes against humanity are finally catching up to him. Same goes for Hillary, Bill and the Bushes.
What's Next?
And so it goes, the infamous diabolical cabal players who've been raping our children and planet for centuries are now running like cockroaches naked and exposed from the glaring spotlight. But in retaliation for their all too visible crimes against humanity, they are launching their long schemed, converging perfect storm - take out people's access to the truth while trying to take out their elected leader who's allegedly determined to take them out first, using their trusty stand-by - false flag terrorism last week in London to distract from the US-UK GCHQ Trump wiretap scandal. The next terrorism will most likely be on US soil, all designed to foment the national emergency and crisis needed to trigger emerging civil war violence on America's blood-stained streets, amidst global military showdowns against the manufactured enemies of the Eastern alliance, intended to ignite World War III, all coordinated and timed with their central banking system dominoes falling as the collapsing global economy is detonated to crash in a resultant mushroom cloud of apocalyptic destruction. With nine months still left in 2017, this war of the ages could even go nuclear as the deranged elite fight for their lives by snuffing out our entire planet we call home. While we have them panicking and on the run, now is our time to fight to take back our mother earth for the sacred, God given life we still cherish. For the sake of our children and our children's children, our time to act is now!
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled "Don't Let The Bastards Getcha Down." It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master's degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at http://empireexposed.blogspot.co.id/.
Reader Comments
Like a crowd-funded class action of people, household staff who aren't paid much (considering the secrets they hold) could effectively arrange their own interdependent collective protection, legally.
I have never voted for anybody in the BUSH, CLINTON, BUSH, OCRIMINAL cabal and never will, I try to research candidates to work towards electing AMERICANS to our Government and not these Treasonous Globalist stooges. THANKS for a Great Article.