26:09: "I mean, the reason Russia came in is because ISIL was getting stronger. Daesh was threatening the possibility of going to Damascus and so forth. And that's why Russia came in. Because they didn't want a Daesh government. And they supported Assad. And, and, uh, and we we know that this was growing. We were watching. We saw that, that Daesh was growing in strength. And we thought Assad was threatened. Uhh, we thought our, we could probably manage, uh, you know, that Assad might then negotiate. Instead of negotiating, you've got Assad and you've got Putin to support him."So there you have it. From the horse's mouth. The U.S. knew that Russian intervention in Syria was for the EXPRESS PURPOSE of destroying ISIS and stopping them from taking control of the country. You know, 'ISIS', the mass murderers who have been slaughtering Europeans. And yet, the US responded to Russian efforts by repeatedly accusing Russia of 'killing civilians' and attempting to thwart Russian efforts at every turn.
In addition, as ISIS was getting stronger, threatening to take over Damascus, the US government sat back and did nothing in the hope that Assad would capitulate to ISIS. Does that make ISIS effectively a proxy US military force used to overthrow a legitimate government? You bet it does. Does that mean that the US and EU governments also saw attacks by ISIS in Europe as a useful way to garner public support for US and EU military involvement in Syria to overthrow Assad? We'll leave that one up to you.
All of this also gives the lie to the scurrilous campaign of lies and disinformation waged by the US and EU governments against the Russian operation in Syria. This was a campaign that the Russians knew was coming, because U.S. "diplomats" threatened them with that very prospect (see link below)
Maria Zakharova: Obama Admin Threatened Russia Would "Feel Pain" for Intervening in Syria - Proved That Evil Is Claimed Right of Mightiest Nation
So can we expect now that all those inveterate cretin political pundits in the US and Europe who still insist that the US and its 'partners' are 'supporting democracy' in Syria will now accept the simple and long-established truth: that for the last 15 years, the cabal of psychopaths that run the USA do exactly the opposite of what they claim to do, and that they have been waging a war OF terrorism, not a war ON terrorism?
Maybe some have heard of sexual sadists and the devastation they cause in relationships, grooming there prey, they can be children or adults, doesn't matter them, the goal is the ultimate conquest that gives them a high, the ultimate destruction of the soul of that person and to bend them to there will,
They have no conscience and will do anything, say anything that serves there ultimate goal, to completely destroy the victim and to bring them into there power. They will kill and dismember, to prevent the truth of there true essence from being detected.
They get off on seeing the victim beg for there lives.
What about political sadists, that see countries and peoples destroyed on a mass scale, all the horror in Technicolor every day thanks to MSM.
Is not MSM being used (the grooming of the populations of the west) to bring about that same horror on a massive scale. Again like the sexual sadist and predator they give the illusion of being normal, plausible and acceptable to the population.
To my mind isn't this what politicians are doing grooming there populations to get off on the suffering an killing of others on a massive scale that is socially acceptable, we accept this as normal in the righteous frame of mind, we are doing good, we are liberating the people from an "evil" leader.
All this suffering because a pathological few ( when considers that the world has a population of approx. 7 billion people) want to "get off" on the suffering of others and also gain financially.
This is more than just a simple psychopathy it is a psychopathic 2.0 created for the 21st century. All brought to you by mostly the US and it's client states and affiliates
Reminds me of the monopoly of the media in the US all brought to you by seven companies, that have a world wide reach, with it's client states and affiliates and sell the garbage to the world.