But is this narrative justified? Hardly. We don't even have a clear idea of exactly what happened in Cologne that night. The fact that all media outlets are in agreement - in a country where the media is controlled by the CIA - indicates the 'operational' and contrived nature of the coverage, and perhaps even the event itself.
So far, available video from the scene shows a large crowd of young people (mostly men) on the square, some obviously drinking, and several of them launching firecrackers into the sky and some into the crowd. Basically, a large group, or several smaller groups, of teens and twenty-somethings acting like teens and twenty-somethings do in most of the Western world: irresponsibly and "just having a bit of fun". What the videos don't show, but what certainly also occurred, was a series of sexual assaults on women in the area by an unknown number of these young men. Victims report being forced through groups of young men - of Middle Eastern or North African appearance - where they were repeatedly groped at, some robbed, and at least one or two reportedly raped.
Police have identified 32 suspects, 18 or 19 of whom are recent asylum seekers. Another report says the breakdown of suspects is as follows: nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, five Iranians, four Syrians, three Germans, one Iraqi, one Serb, and one American.
It's hard to get an idea of the actual number of people involved just by looking at suspects: some are probably innocent, and some could very likely remain unidentified. But from the reports I have read and watched, it sounds like the men involved in these attacks were part of a much smaller group, perhaps 30-40 men, as one of the victims described. (If any of our readers have reports saying otherwise, please let us know in the comments.) This makes sense. The mainstream reporting doesn't.
Think about it. Reading the mainstream reporting, we would be forgiven for thinking that all 1000 men in the square participated in the assaults, because that's what the MSM is saying. But how was this determined? How are we to imagine every single male in this crowd collectively assaulting 100-200 women? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any of the women reported this. Much more plausible is that a smaller number of perverts (say, 2 or 3 dozen) each assaulted multiple women in the manner the witnesses describe.
Regardless of the number of perps, the assaults seem to have involved some degree of advance planning, especially given that similar attacks occurred in Finland, Sweden, Switzerland and Austria, which have led the German Justice Minister to suspect the multiple assaults were coordinated. At the very least, it appears that social media was used to plan the gathering in the city square, but there's no indication that the call was put out to rob and sexually assault women. If that happened, it happened using a different means, perhaps among a smaller, more select group.
Since the attacks, rival groups have demonstrated for and against refugees. "Unknown assailants" have carried out attacks on random refugees. Merkel's party has proposed tougher laws on asylum seekers, with some politicians calling for deportations.
The refugee crisis in context
Before I comment on the social and media response to these assaults, let me get a few things out of the way. First, the refugee crisis wouldn't exist if the EU hadn't bowed down before the will of the U.S., and if NATO under the direction of the U.S. (and Israel) hadn't made it its goal to destroy country after country in the Middle East and North Africa. Gadaffi warned EU leaders this would happen before his country was destroyed and he was lynched, and he was right. None of this would have happened if the U.S., with Europe's spineless compliance, had not destroyed the Middle East.
Second, European nations had little choice but to accept the refugees once Turkey opened the floodgates and the media put on the public pressure. Morally and practically, they couldn't just close their borders and refuse to let anyone in. What do you do with millions of people? For critics of Germany's 'open-door' policy, what would a compassionate, common-sense response on Europe's part to the refugee crisis have looked like in the first place? And even if there were a decent and effective way of turning that many people away, it would not stop criminal or terrorist elements from getting in, if they had a will to do so. It seems to me that European nations were placed in a near-impossible situation. Deliberately.
Third, we simply do not know the demographics of this refugee population. We don't know where they're from (many from other countries have used forged Syrian papers because they feel they will be treated better). Most are fleeing war zones, but many are also economic refugees (i.e. those whose lives were not in any great danger but who see Europe as providing better economic opportunities). A very small number are probably "jihadis".
Fourth, like any human population, there will undoubtedly be a criminal element. If 1 out of every 100 people is a clinical psychopath (a conservative estimate), that means over 10,000 psychopaths entered Germany last year. And that's not counting your garden-variety criminals. Add to that the Wahhabist nutjob jihadis who were sent into Europe deliberately. But remember also that, with the 1% ratio, there were already as many as 800,000 German psychopaths in Germany.
Now, most people probably cannot keep all those points in their mind at any given moment. Stupid people come to stupid conclusions; even otherwise smart people do, especially when they are being emotionally manipulated. So the existence of even a relatively tiny number of social rejects, jihadists or prima donnas is enough to lead European nutjobs to assume all refugees are rapists, terrorists or greedy freeloaders. (Shout-out to Donald Trump!) And that's exactly how the nutjob demographic of European society is reacting to the new refugee menace: with fascism and racism. All according to plan. Andrew Korybko summed it up:
The Wars on Iraq, Libya, and Syria created an acute humanitarian crisis where millions of people were forced from their homes and into external or internal refugee status. Working hand-in-glove with Erdogan's Turkey, the US tempted millions of Syrians to flee their country and settle in the lands of their northern neighbor, only to later be strategically 'released' and pushed out to Europe via intelligence agency-linked drug and human-trafficking networks and routes.Since the beginning, the refugee crisis has been manipulated in order to bring about exactly this response. By hijacking people's decent, if naive, sense of compassion - only to have it thrown back in their faces in the form of manufactured terrorism - the powers that be are not only showing what they think of decent humans; they are using people's compassion in order to turn European society racist, and ultimately, fascist. This has been the U.S.'s plan, and it's working remarkably well. European society is being divided as part of the process of it being conquered by the inhuman ideology of psychopaths in positions of power.
As expected, the EU and the Balkan transit states were wholly overwhelmed by the unprecedented human flows that had strategically been directed against them, which, it must be reminded, was the entire objective that the US had been wanting to achieve. The domestic political and identity cleavages that this physical onslaught exacerbated soon developed into chasms of polarizing positions and physical activism, culminating in a predetermined and unstable mix of social ingredients that has heightened the Color Revolution threat in all of the Northern and Western European countries (with a similar risk being experienced in the Balkans, particularly Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia).
On command and with minimal guidance, these competing domestic factors (the pro-"refugee" camp, the anti-"refugee" camp, and the "refugees" themselves) can be manipulated into an all-out Hobbesian conflict amongst themselves and/or against the government, presenting a latent asymmetrical threat that's sure to keep any wavering political leaders (i.e. those that are entertaining pragmatic relations with Russia and China) firmly under the US' socio-political blackmail influence.
But who will be the victors? Some (including the usually astute Korybko) seem to think the real danger lies with the refugees, that they will have a Sharia-izing effect on European societies, creating nests of terror within, which can then be exploited in faux 'color revolutions' that will leave Europe shouting "Allahu Akbar!" I really doubt it. Some crazy jihadis may wish it, but they're being used by 'higher powers', and for a different agenda. There will be another Holocaust before 'Sharia Law' takes over Europe.
More likely: the color revolution will be truly homegrown. The best way to turn a country fascist is to manipulate its people into begging for it. The Wahhabist minority are just the excuse that will lead to neo-Nazi rallies and, ultimately, some form of concentration camps, initially to quarantine refugees, then Europe-born Muslims, then all dissenters. Until then, a weak Europe - distracted by internal polarization and conflict - is a compliant Europe.
Sexual terrorism, sex crime or contrived crises?
Getting back to the event(s) in question, the response has been typical: stoking the fires of race conflict. Peter Schwarz writes for World Socialist Web Site:
At any rate, given the absence of factual substantiation of what remain, at this point, no more than allegations, the ferocity of the press response can be explained only in political terms. The political parties and the media have launched a campaign that for many decades would have been considered impossible in Germany.This is essentially what those responsible for the refugee crisis want. For example, watch these interviews with Cologne locals.
Some 70 years after the collapse of the Third Reich, the media is making use of the same disgusting types of racial stereotyping, with open appeals to paranoid sexual obsessions, in which the Nazis specialized. Once again, a shameless German media is evoking images of pure Nordic women being preyed upon by dark-skinned untermenschen (sub-humans).
On Saturday, the magazine Focus published on its cover an image of a nude woman covered by black handprints. The weekend edition of the Süddeutsche Zeitung carried an image of a white woman's body with a black hand grasping her genitals. The newspaper also disseminated the image on Facebook.
Humans can't really help it; our minds are designed to function based on fairly automatic pattern recognition and stereotypes. And if we're unaware of that and don't take it into account when actively reasoning, it's natural to just let it happen unconsciously. The result is predictable: since some Middle Eastern or North African-looking individuals sexually assaulted a large number of women, chances are that the next Middle Eastern or North African-looking individual you see may be a sex offender. It's nonsense, but largely unavoidable. Just look at the older woman in the video. She seems like a decent lady, but after these attacks - and, more importantly, after the media representation of these attacks - she can't help but wonder if the next Arab-looking man she sees will be a rapist. Not only will most if not all refugees get categorized into this 'type'; so will non-refugees, like the two black men in the video.
The knock-on result, of course, is that non-whites in Europe will be further marginalized and discriminated against, leading to a higher probability that more of them will engage in 'anti-social' behavior. Continue this process for long enough, and an initially false characterization of non-whites as 'undesirable' has been made a reality.
Our inner type-casters are hard to escape. Take something Korybko wrote in the article linked to above:
Only individuals that had arrived in the country motivated by greedy or ideological pursuits could ever fathom to commit such a crime, let alone to plot it with around 1,000 conniving cohorts.First of all, there's no evidence yet that all 1,000 'cohorts' 'connived' together. And the premise is laughable. Rape culture is deeply rooted in Germany, not an imported phenomenon:
... Germany's rape culture is deeply rooted in our collective psyche. Sexual assaults and even rape happen every year at big events like Oktoberfest. "The way to the toilet alone is like running the gauntlet: within 50 feet, you can be sure to tally three hugs from drunken strangers, two pats on the ass, someone looking up your dirndl and some beer purposely splashed right down your cleavage," wrote Karoline Beisel and Beate Wild in 2011, in the Süddeutsche Zeitung. An average of 10 reported rapes take place each year at Oktoberfest. The estimated number of unreported cases is 200.We'll have to wait and see what the investigation uncovers. So far, two of those arrested were Moroccans (subsequently released). Just like the Paris attacks, where initial media reports painted the perpetrators as Syrian refugees (though all named suspects turned out to be European citizens), a similar thing is possible in this case. At this point, we don't know. The perps could have been German-born unemployed youths from various backgrounds who were paid to act in certain ways and say certain things. See the account of this refugee from Cologne:
A 2004 study on the living conditions, security and health of women in Germany, showed that 13 percent of German women have experienced a form of criminal sexualised violence. The scandal is that only 8 percent of these women filed a complaint with the police. If you include multiple complaints, then the figure decreases to 5 percent. That means that an incredible 95 percent of women in Germany who experience sexual violence don't report it to the police.
Nobody's denying that people with immigrant backgrounds or of the Muslim faith are also guilty of committing sex crimes. But to act as if their cultural background has "programmed" them to do so, while making all sorts of excuses and downplaying the crimes of white Germans, will always be racist rabble-rousing.
The clearest thing to come out of the debate around what happened in Cologne as of yet is that Germany has a sexism issue and a racism issue. Both are deep-rooted and were not "imported".
If his account is true, it looks like a small group initiated aiming firecrackers at the crowd. It wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility to suggest that this gathering was infiltrated, or even organized in order to be infiltrated and co-opted, so that the actions of a small group would be used to demonize the whole group, further entrenching racist sentiments, and drumming up support for the far-right parties and the neo-Nazi element of German society.
The police response was also questionable. German police know perfectly well how to beat seven shades of excrement out of protesters, rioters, and squatters - they do it routinely. Yet in this case they reportedly sat back, watched it all happen, and did nothing. Nor did they call on reserves to handle what they saw was a dangerous situation. Reports say it was a "political decision". Yes. The police do what they're told - or not told - to do. If normal procedures are not followed - riot control - then someone high up the chain of command made that happen.
There are already reports of German police initially covering up the mayhem (and similar accusations coming out of Sweden). One German police officer allegedly told Bild that "law enforcement cannot efficiently tackle crime among refugees without being accused of excessive violence or racism, while many dangerous incidents are played down or kept secret to maintain desirable statistics":
However, when a refugee needs to be controlled, the police cannot arrest him even for a while, the officer said, citing "superior orders" prescribing not to use coercive actions. "Our domestic rule is - better to let him run away."Now contrast that policy with the response to the recent anti-Muslim PEGIDA protest, for example. Just yesterday, some 250 German-looking hooligans caused mayhem, vandalizing foreign-owned shops, shouting racist slogans, and terrorizing the non-white population. More than 200 of them, members of LEGIDA, the Leipzig arm of PEGIDA, were arrested by police. Water canons were primed and ready for the demonstration. Nothing of the sort was brought out on New Year's Eve.
What could the reason be for this 'stand-down'? If police forces and politicians are really covering up the fact that refugees are implicated in these crimes in order to prevent people from forming negative opinions of refugees as a whole, they're not doing a very good job. Either they're that dumb, or there's something else going on. If you deliberately avoid arresting criminals, there's probably a reason. Perhaps those criminals are being paid by someone with the power and influence to make sure they're not arrested. Or perhaps they are not arrested because having them free to repeat their crimes, and further destabilize Germany, is what certain people want. The far-right parties sure are benefiting from the chaos.
Think about it; how stupid do you have to be to not realize that allowing a small segment of society to engage in anti-social behavior because you don't want people to form a negative opinion of that segment is going to achieve precisely the opposite result as the rest of society becomes aware of the anti-social behavior of the small segment and the fact that they are allowed to get away with it?
Germany and its leadership are facing a real dilemma. Europe as a whole is in the same position. Its leaders can continue to just roll with the punches, in which case the far-right will only continue gaining popularity. Or they can go the full Gestapo and surveil the entire immigrant population, and/or put them in camps against their will, in which case it will have done the far-right's job for it. Whether from the Left or Right, such a scenario is a pathocrat's fantasy.
At this point, there's not a lot that can be done. Europe basically has a choice between one type of fascism and... another type of fascism. And one way or another, they'll get it. There's not much they could have done, except to refuse to be US vassals in the first place. Perhaps the best thing European leaders can do now is to just use some common sense. The refugees will not stop coming. (A German minister is saying only 10% of the refugee 'wave' has reached Europe. That's 10 million more in the coming years.) If there are criminals, treat them as criminals. Investigate, make arrests. Try to make sure people have some basic psychological knowledge. Just as the existence of some criminal Germans does not mean all Germans are criminals, the existence of some criminal refugees does not mean all refugees are criminals, or should be treated as criminals.
The vast majority of refugees are not fanatic jihadis. Even in their home countries (e.g., Libya and Syria), only a tiny minority are nutjobs, just as it is in any country, including Germany, which has its own breed of fanatic nutjobs. As dangerous as the latter are, they are in all likelihood a small minority. However, the mob mind being what it is, events and reports such as this only succeed in painting all Muslims with the same brush. And that's the point. Muslims are the new Jews.
Europeans should see what is going on for what it is: a deliberate attempt to undermine the real needs and aspirations of hundreds of thousands of decent refugees by associating them with the pathological, criminal minority. And a deliberate attempt to neuter European sovereignty and political effectiveness by creating and exploiting 'sectarianism' and internal conflict. Unless Europeans get their act together and learn to actually think, the innocent will suffer the most, because most are innocent.