In 2012, eleven (11) new meteorite falls fit the above criteria to be included on my list. Prior to 2012, the most falls in a single 21st century year (since 2000), was ten falls in 2008.
On average, since the year 2000, we have averaged about 5 recovered meteorite falls per year that are either officially accepted by the Meteoritical Society or verified by reliable sources (such as the 2008 Zunhua meteorite fall, which has not been officially approved yet, but is a meteorite nonetheless).
The first verified fall of 2012 was a few days before Valentine's Day on February 11, 2012. This was the so-called "XINING-Huangzhong" meteorite,
which has not been officially approved yet, but was analyzed and is likely an L6-chondrite.
About three weeks later, on March 01, 2012, the OSLO meteorite struck a roof in Norway.
But, it was the April 22, 2012 spectacular SUTTER'S MILL meteorite fall that took the meteorite world by storm. A rare sub-type of CM carbonaceous chondrite, this celestial black gold showered over a strewnfield that happened to be the birthing ground of the legendary California Gold Rush. This one is arguably one of the most scientifically-iimportant meteorites to fall since Tagish Lake.
Just a couple weeks later, an ordinary chondrite fell over the DIPLO area of Pakistan. This event was overshadowed by the ongoing media circus surrounding the recent Sutter's Mill fall.
People did pay attention on May 22nd, when a strange green achondrite showered the KATOL area of India with fresh stones - at least of which
were reported to strike roofs and farmhouses. This weird meteorite is unlike any seen before and preliminary testing points to an igneous ungrouped achondrite.
Again, roughly two weeks after the Katol fall, another meteorite fell near COMAYAGUA Honduras on June 3, 2012. News of this fall was pushed
aside by the recent excitement and focus on the more scientifically-significant Sutter's Mill and Katol falls.
Just five days later on June 8 2012, yet another meteorite fell over JALANGI India. Like Comayagua, Jalangi is an ordinary chondrite.
On August 22, 2012, American meteorite hunters got excited when a fireball showered meteorites over the remote area of BATTLE MOUNTAIN Nevada. Strangely, Battle Mountain is one of only two meteorites from 2012 to be officially approved by the Meteoritical Society (the other was Sutter's Mill). Battle Mountain is an L6 chondrite.
The month of October was a very busy one in 2012 - the last three verified meteorite falls of the year took place in October.
On October 12, 2012, a meteorite fell over a remote area of Morocco in the High Atlas mountains. This meteorite has been called BENI YACOUB
and is likely to be an ordinary chondrite.
Five days later on October 17, 2012, a stony meteorite fragmented above the NOVATO area of urban California - sending meteorite hunters and local residents out into the streets to look for stones. One piece reportedly hit a residential home.
Lastly, on the day before Halloween (October 30, 2012), the ADDISON meteorite fell over the forests in south-central Alabama.
We averaged almost one recovered meteorite fall per month in 2012. Part of that is due to new observation and tracking cooperation by services like Galactic Analytics, doppler radar, internet communication, and increased overall awareness of meteorites.
Comment: ...and the other part is due to increased number of fireballs entering our atmosphere, according to statistics collected by the American Meteorolgical Society.
PS - we had another likely fall in Sri Lanka recently, but nothing has been recovered yet as of this writing.
Let us hope that 2013 is a busy year as well. :)
Best regards and happy huntings,
Mike Gilmer, USA
everything have to be bad news now days ? The increased number of meteorites, if my logic is correct, hitting the surface of the planet shows that earth's atmosphere is getting thinner every day due to anthropogenic reasons. In other words we are destroying the planet's one and only shield against non-earth objects falling from the sky. Great. Any good news on this
planet for a change ?