Wearing just boxers, panties and bras, are the crowds of people said they were there to break stereotypes.
Salt Lake City is the home of the Mormon church, which is a vocal opponent of gay marriage and a bastion of conservatism.

'My goal is to change Utah. To make this state lighten up once and for all,' run organiser Nate Porter told Fox 13.
'I'm trying to draw people in that are jaded by politics.'
The annual event, called the 'Utah Undie Run' encouraged people to paint their naked torsos with messages about gay rights and other causes.
'We've all heard it for years, Utah is boring, Utahans are uptight... well it's time to change all that, at least for a night,' the group wrote on its website.
Organisers said that they wanted the state, which tightened up its liquor laws earlier this month, to loosen up.
The group is set to enter the Guinness Book of Records if the run is verified.
Organisers estimate that 3,000 people turned up in their underwear, beating the previous record of 55.
Yep, we all know that being 'uptight' is a much, much worse offence than being a psychopathic murderer, a corporate CEO or a military dicator.
Yes, its amusing, but not really 'right up there' as far as priorities are concerned. Now if were could get all our psychopaths to do this, they' probably want to be paid, so it wouldn't be that easy, that would be a real coup.