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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Twitter Files Expose Feds, German 'Royalist Coup Plot' & Russian 'Lord of War' Exchanged

musk roth twitter files germany coup
More 'Twitter Files' published this week confirmed widespread US government and LGBT+ activists' interference in 'managing' social media platforms to 'de-amplify' dissenting voices on secret blacklists. Besides outright censorship through banning, we also learned their 'rationale' for banning Trump, and that shadow-banning is really a thing - you were not imagining it, and everyone in the media and government has spent the last 6 years gaslighting you about it.

Also on this week's NewsReal, Joe and Niall examine the bizarre claims in German media this week about the uncovering of a 'royalist plot to violently overthrow the government'. Thanks only to dawn raids on 130 premises by over 3,000 police officers was democracy this week 'saved' in Germany, which narrowly avoided being taken over by armed, elderly, aristocratic, anti-vaxx, QAnon conspiracy theorists.

No, that's what they actually claimed!

Finally, Viktor Bout has returned to Russia. Why on Earth would the US government release 'the second-most-wanted-man-alive' after Osama Bin Laden - who they labelled the 'Lord of War' and the 'Merchant of Death' - to RUSSIA, in the midst of a conflict against that country of apocalyptic, existential proportions?

Running Time: 02:00:26

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - November 2022: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

This month was marked by early snowfalls in the Northern Hemisphere and late ones in the Southern Hemisphere, along with 2 possible meteorite impacts, and unusually strong floods.

According to NOAA, snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere is the second-highest for November in the past 17 years, extending from Minnesota to Siberia. Extensive snow cover early in the cold season is not a good sign, as air masses can deepen in later months. So far, the trend points to a persistent cold and harsh winter.
Northern hemisphere snow cover.
© National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNorthern hemisphere snow cover.
Northern hemisphere snow cover.
© National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNorthern hemisphere snow cover.
Bad news for the US and the EU as they are unprepared for a harsh winter, thanks to the ruling pathocrats' (and similar crazies) beyond stupid, society-damaging economic decisions of late. This, of course, is part of a larger "strategy" to impose a global totalitarian regime. And nature, of course, responds to the widespread suffering caused by it.

The northern part of the US is already experiencing a fast drop in temperature, and significant snowfalls disrupted traffic and power. Minnesota, and Western New York, were the most affected this month.

Inner Mongolia and northern parts of China also got blanketed in early snow this month, along with a mix of unusually consistent precipitation.

An unseasonable cold snap across southeastern Australia caused record snowfalls in several states in early summer.

And after an extremely wet October, southeast Australia continued to see heavy rainfall and floods in November. New South Wales and Victoria got the worst of the floods, with towns isolated and hundreds displaced. Local farmers continue suffering significant losses.

Heavy flooding continued to wreak havoc around the world this month. Some events to highlight:
  • Eastern DR Congo and Rwanda - Record-breaking floods triggering landslides and claiming at least 40 lives
  • Florida's East Coast - Hurricane Nicole claimed 5 lives and left 300,000 without power
  • Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - 7 inches of rain in just 6 hours
  • Dominican Republic - Widespread Power outages in Santo Domingo
  • Spain - Record-breaking storm shuts down airport in Valencia and left thousands without power.
And some notable earthquakes worth mentioning:
  • Shallow magnitude 5.6 earthquake in Java, Indonesia - 310 dead and widespread building damage.
  • Magnitude 5.6 earthquake hit Western Nepal - At least six people died.
  • Shallow magnitude 6.2 earthquake near the coast of Chile.
  • Rare 5.3 magnitude earthquake hit West Texas.
And last but not least: Several people across Northern California captured on video a meteor fireball that made headlines after claims that it destroyed a home in Nevada County.

The homeowner, Dustin Procita, and his neighbors told arriving firefighters that they had heard a thunderous crash at about the same time as the blaze had begun.

In Canada, video and witnesses saw, heard, and felt the impact of a 3 feet meteorite. The impact should have been around Brantford, Ontario. Astronomers said locals may find remnants in the area.
Astronomers spotted the asteroid just hours before it struck Earth on November 19, near Lake Erie in Canada. This is not the first time this year astronomers have discovered a rock from space just hours before it hit Earth. But this time, it entered Earth's atmosphere over a populated area.
So, grab a coat, look up and pay attention!


SOTT Focus: Musk's Twittergate & Hunter's Laptop: Why FBI Have a Ton to Answer For

hunter laptop
© Epoch Times
Last Friday, Elon Musk dropped the "Twitter Files" bombshell via journalist Matt Taibbi. He detailed how Democratic operatives and FBI execs censored the "laptop from hell" story and Team Biden's political opponents prior to the 2020 election."

The first batch of the Twitter Files proved that Twitter executives helped Joe Biden cover up the fact that he lied about not knowing anything about his son Hunter's business dealings. In fact, he not only knew about those dealings but was involved in them," Hans Mahncke, a US investigative journalist and co-host of "Truth Over News" on EpochTV, told Sputnik.

He referred to files originating from Hunter Biden's "laptop from hell" which were made public in October 2020 and then immediately suppressed by Twitter.

On December 2, Musk, who became the owner of the social net platform on October 28, started to release thousands of internal Twitter emails. On November 30, the businessman accused the platform's former leadership of interfering in US elections through content moderation. According to the Musk, the US public deserves to know who was behind the decision to censor the laptop story.

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Twitter Files: US Spies And Dems Colluded to Interfere in 2020 US Election

twitter files musk hunter biden newsreal
After wailing non-stop about Trump's alleged collusion with the Russian government 'to subvert US democracy', but never actually proving their false claim, the media is now having to eat crow as Elon Musk shares archives of Twitter company emails with Democratic Party operatives and US government agents who colluded to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story just prior to the 2020 US presidential election, thereby misinforming the electorate and potentially swaying voters to make choices they would otherwise not have.

In this NewsReal, Joe and Niall take stock of this unassailable proof that yes, collusion really took place to subvert American democracy, but no, it was not Russians behind it! This courageous move by new Twitter owner Elon Musk, coupled with other viewpoints and ideas expressed by the tech tycoon, suggest that he is heading for a major clash with the American 'deep state' - and he is already warning his Twitter followers that he is 'not feeling suicidal'...

Running Time: 01:57:57

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SOTT Focus: Merkel Reveals West's Duplicity, Says Minsk Accords Were Ruse to Buy Time For Arming Ukraine

putin and merkel
© Kremlin
Recent comments by former German Chancellor Angela Merkel shed light on the duplicitous game played by Germany, France, Ukraine and the United States in the lead-up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February.

While the so-called "collective west" (the U.S., NATO, the E.U. and the G7) continue to claim that Russia's invasion of Ukraine was an act of "unprovoked aggression," the reality is far different: Russia had been duped into believing there was a diplomatic solution to the violence that had broken out in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine in the aftermath of the 2014 U.S.-backed Maidan coup in Kiev.

Instead, Ukraine and its Western partners were simply buying time until NATO could build a Ukrainian military capable of capturing the Donbass in its entirety, as well as evicting Russia from Crimea.

In an interview last week with Der Spiegel, Merkel alluded to the 1938 Munich compromise. She compared the choices former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had to make regarding Nazi Germany with her decision to oppose Ukrainian membership in NATO, when the issue was raised at the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest.

Comment: We couldn't find such comments made by Merkel in Der Spiegel, but she did say as much in an interview which Die Zeit published on Wednesday 7th December:

Comment: This report caused a sensation in Germany, where the population has been repeatedly told that Russia flouted the Minsk Accords 'because it just wants to absorb Ukraine'.

That sensation lasted all of 10 hours, before a half-baked 'royalist plot' was 'foiled' thanks to 3,000 police officers making mass arrests across Germany against 'conspiracy theorists' - and it has dominated the German news cycle ever since...

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: The Big Questions, Consciousness, and Gurdjieff - A Talk with Alan Francis

alan francis
What is the purpose of esotericism? How might we view humanity's trajectory in light of the many seemingly negative developments we see on a more or less daily basis? What are the personal challenges in raising consciousness and awareness in oneself - and how may those be seen against the backdrop of a world gone backwards? And what does it even mean to be living in these times in the larger and even cosmic sense?

This week as we are once again joined by Gurdjiffian student and teacher Alan Francis (International School of the Fourth Way) who discusses these themes in both broad and personal terms, bringing his astute observations to the fore to answer the questions many of us have right now about where we may be, collectively and individually.

Running Time: 01:10:54

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: USA De-industrializing Europe? EU Insiders Issue Stark Warning

biden leyen newsreal deindustrialization
Excess deaths - the numbers of people who die on a weekly basis above the 5-year-average - are up way higher today than they were in 2020, yet the media is not sounding the alarm. Instead it's being calmly reported that the massive jump in energy prices in Europe this year will translate into the additional, preventable deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

This week on NewsReal, Joe and Niall discuss the first semi-official warnings from European leaders that they've been duped into destroying European food and energy supplies in order to transplant much of Europe's industrial base to the USA, warning that "the Continent [is] turning into an industrial wasteland."

And it's all being done under everyone's nose under the guise of 'saving the poor Ukrainian people' and 'saving the planet'...

Running Time: 01:56:52

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Gurdjieff, Death, and Help for the Dead with Joseph Azize

According to the vast "afterlife" literature, those who have passed on sometimes send signs, or even communicate through dreams or visions. But what if the support that many living claim to experience from their loved ones isn't unidirectional? Can one, in fact, help those who have passed to come to greater peace and understanding at their soul's new station in 'life'? For those of us familiar with the ideas, exercises and philosophy of G.I. Gurdjieff, it may come as some surprise, and perhaps delight, to learn that Gurdjieff sought to address such a question - how to give "help for the deceased" - particularly for those who were once close to us.

This week on MindMatters we are once again joined by inimitable Gurdjieffian scholar and Maronite Priest Joseph Azize whose paper "Gurdjieff's Help for the Deceased" delves into this subject. Join us as Joseph shares his research, insights and personal experience with some very little known exercises of Gurdjieff's - and explains not only the means from which one could honor and assist our loved ones (should they require it), 'essence to essence' as it were - but also to help grow and develop one's own self and Being.

Running Time: 01:42:02

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Trump, Musk and Free Speech: Who Decides?

trump musk twitter newsreal
Elon Musk has reinstated Trump's Twitter account, and Trump has declared his candidacy for the 2024 US presidential election. With the US mid-term votes not yet fully 'counted', and the Brazilian government cracking down on mass demonstrations against their 'free and fair' presidential election, what way forward for 'free speech' and democrats (actual ones - not to be confused with Democrats)?

Elsewhere in this week's NewsReal run-down of events in Clown World, Joe and Niall take in more strange 'jungle' analogies from European leaders lecturing Asian and African audiences, violent riots in Iran where 'mystery snipers' are targeting both protesters and security forces, and the Turkish government blaming the US government for last week's terror attack in Istanbul. An outrageous claim, surely?...

Running Time: 01:47:58

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Esoteric Christianity: A Glimpse into Theosophia

One of western Christianity's best-kept secrets is its esoteric, mystical tradition. Starting with Jacob Boehme in the early 1600s, the theosophic branch is one of the most fascinating yet least well-known among the world's mystical traditions. Today on MindMatters we take inspiration from Arthur Versluis's two books, Theosophia and Wisdom's Children to make a first foray into the rich language and practice of the Christian theosophers.

Running Time: 01:01:47

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