© FlickrRafi Sela, the former chief of security for Israeli airports, has a blistering takedown of the TSA
In a blistering takedown of the U.S. Transportation Security Administration's approach to airport security, the former chief of security for Israeli airports described an agency riddled with incompetence and wastefulness and that, despite large infusions of government money, may never have actually stopped a single terror attack. The TSA may even be inviting a deadly attack on airline passengers due to poor planning, he charged.
Though his analysis was posted on
the humor website Cracked, airline security expert Rafi Sela detailed serious flaws in American airport protection, ones he contrasted starkly with his own experience in Israel.
For one thing, Sela said the notion that standing in a security line and stripping off one's shoes is a "necessary precursor to safe flying" is "bullsh**."
"The TSA couldn't protect you from a 6-year-old with a water balloon," Sela wrote.
Sela told
TheBlaze that despite posting the article on a humor site, it is serious and accurately reflects his analysis of the dire state of American airports, which he shared in detail with
Cracked writer Robert Evans.
"There is truth in every parody," Sela told
TheBlaze in an email. "I think when we get to a stage where Congress has been made aware of the issues and decided not to act even on a pilot basis and continue to waste billions of dollars of the taxpayers' money to make the big industries bigger, it might be a good idea to just joke about it because NO ONE is taking this seriously anyway."
Comment: Obviously, security is not TSA's purpose. With all of the people TSA has molested, harassed, humiliated and violated it makes you wonder what their true purpose is:
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