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Strange domes to line the Texas coast in preparation for something to come

© Golden Sands General ContractingFEMA Funding Impenetrable Dome Structures Around Houston

Disaster-proof domes that can sustain winds in excess of 250 mph will cost taxpayers more than $50 a foot.

FEMA has now offered to pick up the tab of at least $50 million dollars, to install disaster shelters in and around Houston that, according to the manufacturer, (ABC Domes based out of Sealy - Division of Golden Sands General Contracting out of Miami) are "almost impenetrable".

The company has been building these type of shelters for decades.

The government has also offered to cover 75% of the cost on structures over 20,00 square feet in size. A facility of this size would cost around $1 million.

What is interesting is how recent reports vary in nature. Some say that the domes are to protect citizens from hurricanes while others say that FEMA equipment will be held in the domes.

Heart - Black

Western-backed terrorists in Syria involved in illegal human organ trade

© Unknown
The so-called Free Syrian Army is reportedly involved in trafficking of body organs of the Syrian civilians and army soldiers after kidnapping and murdering them, media reports said.

The FSA rebels in Syria trade the body organs of the Syrian martyrs whom they abduct and kill. Then, they sell the stolen body organs to organ traffickers at expensive prices, Turkish newspaper Yurt wrote.

The newspaper's correspondent in Syria has shed the light on heinous events and violations regarding the organ trafficking by FSA terrorists.

"Most of the Syrians abducted by the armed groups are killed, and then gunmen trade in their corpses through removing their kidneys, eyes and liver," the daily quoted a Syrian citizen as saying.

It added that the Syrian citizen underlined that "unknown persons contacted him and offered 300,000 Syrian Pounds in return for handing them the body of his brother who was martyred at the hands of terrorists".

Comment: Given the war zone's proximity to Israel, which is massively invested in the illegal organ-harvesting trade, what is the chance that Israel is not taking advantage of 'favorable market conditions' in Syria?

Remember this?

Organ Trafficking: Israeli Police Arrest 10 'Body Snatchers'
Israel & South Africa: Netcare coughs up about illegal organ trafficking
Israeli-linked organ dealers busted in South Africa's largest healthcare firm

Very interesting bedfellows, these Syrian freedom fighters (sic) and the Israeli global crime syndicate...


British government supplied arms to Loyalist terrorists in Ireland in order to accelerate cycle of violence and pressure IRA into ceasefire

© PacemakerThe bloodstained interior of the Heights Bar at Loughinisland, the morning after six Catholic men had been killed and five others injured in a loyalist gun attack, ably assisted by the British government.
Relatives of Catholics killed in 1994 claim compensation, alleging security service complicity in arming UDA

Allegations that the government helped to arm loyalist gangs with a large arsenal of weapons at the height of Northern Ireland's Troubles are to surface in court proceedings arising from one of the most notorious massacres of the 30-year conflict.

The Ministry of Defence and the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) are being sued by relatives of six men murdered by a loyalist gunman who opened fire inside a bar crowded with people watching football on television in Loughinisland, County Down, in June 1994. While the families are claiming compensation, they say their aim is to uncover the truth about the killings.

The authorities are alleged to have assisted - or at least turned a blind eye - as about 300 automatic rifles and pistols, hundreds of grenades and an estimated 30,000 rounds of ammunition were smuggled into Belfast in 1987. One of the rifles, a Czech-made VZ-58 assault rifle, was used in the attack in the village.

Comment: The "trouble" with "Northern Ireland's Troubles" is the British war machine.

This barbaric activity by the British in Ireland makes a complete mockery of so-called 'humanitarian intervention' in countries like Libya and Syria, justified as they are on the basis of protecting civilian populations from leaders who "kill their own people"...

War Whore

Permanent War Economy: Top British military brass and thousands of officers join arms industry after deciding which countries to invade while in government

© Fiona Hanson/Press AssociationLieutenant General Sir John Kiszely (right) with Princess Anne at a "heroes dinner". Kiszely, one of several former senior members of the military caught in a lobbying sting, has resigned as president of the Royal British Legion.
Senior military officers and Ministry of Defence officials have taken up more than 3,500 jobs in arms companies over the past 16 years, according to figures that reveal the extent of the "revolving door" between the public and private sector.

The data, compiled by the Guardian from freedom of information requests, shows how the industry swoops on former officials and military personnel once they have left service, with hundreds of senior officers being given jobs every year.

The figures for 2011-12 show 231 jobs went to former officials and military personnel - a rise from the previous year's total of 101. Another 93 have been approved since January. In total 3,572 jobs have been approved since 1996.

The disclosure comes in the aftermath of a "jobs for generals" scandal that led to the resignation of the president of the Royal British Legion, Lieutenant General Sir John Kiszely, who was embarrassed in a newspaper lobbying sting.

Comment: You've got to love that concluding sentence after all that has gone before! The Great British Empire may be no more, but some old habits die hard.

Snakes in Suits

Koch Brothers send pro-Romney mailing to 45,000 employees, stifle workplace political speech

Koch brothers
The billionaire Koch brothers have found a new way to influence the 2012 election—preaching to employees
No longer is it good enough for the Kochs to spend unlimited money influencing elections. They are also touting candidates to employees while creating policies that have a chilling effect on employees' freedom of speech.

Much has been written about the owners of Koch Industries, brothers David H. Koch and Charles G. Koch, trying to control the political process through hundreds of millions of dollars in donations to right-wing causes and candidates. Now, an In These Times investigation reveals that the billionaires have broken out another tactic to influence the 2012 elections: attempting to control their workers' votes.

In a voter information packet obtained by In These Times, the Koch Industries corporate leadership informed tens of thousands of employees at its subsidiary, Georgia Pacific, that their livelihood could depend on the 2012 election and that the company supports Mitt Romney for president. The guide was similar to one the company distributed before the 2010 midterm elections, which Mark Ames and I reported on in The Nation last year.

The packet arrived in the mailboxes of all 45,000 Georgia Pacific employees earlier this month. The cover letter, by Koch Industries President and Chief Operating Officer Dave Robertson, read:

While we are typically told before each Presidential election that it is important and historic, I believe the upcoming election will determine what kind of America future generations will inherit.

Control Panel

Will e-voting machines give Romney the White House?

e-voting machine
Electronic voting machines owned by Mitt Romney's business buddies and set to count the votes in Cincinnati could decide the 2012 election.

The narrative is already being hyped by the corporate media. As Kelly O'Donnell reported for NBC's Today Show on Monday, October 8, Ohio's Hamilton County is "ground zero" for deciding who holds the White House come January, 2013.

O'Donnell pointed out that no candidate has won the White House without carrying Ohio since John Kennedy did it in 1960. No Republican has EVER won the White House without Ohio's electoral votes.

As we document in the e-book Will the GOP Steal America's 2012 Election, George W. Bush got a second term in 2004 thanks to the manipulation of the electronic vote count by Ohio's then-Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell. Blackwell served as the co-chair of the state's committee to re-elect Bush/Cheney while simultaneously administering the election.

Bad Guys

Engineering the Collapse: Portugal sees third year of recession in 2013 budget

Lisbon budget
© Reuters/Jose Manuel RibeiroA man sits on the steps of the Parliament in front of the riot police officers, protesting against new 2013 state budget in Lisbon October 15, 2012.
Portugal's centre-right government on Monday announced sweeping tax rises and spending cuts in its 2013 budget, which promises a third year of recession and hardship under the strict conditions of a 78-billion-euro (62.2 billion pounds) bailout.

Finance Minister Vitor Gaspar warned that failure to continue on the path of austerity could be catastrophic as about 2,000 protesters gathered outside parliament to demand the resignation of the government.


Propaganda Alert! Iranians plan oil spill to block Hormuz strait -- German weekly

write what you're told propaganda poster
Iran's Revolutionary Guards chief has drafted a plan to cause an environmental disaster in the Strait of Hormuz to block seaborne oil exports with the goal of removing economic sanctions imposed on Tehran, the weekly Der Spiegel said in an unsourced report.

There was no independent confirmation of the report.

The German newsmagazine reported that Mohammad Ali Jafari's plan, codenamed "Muddy Water", envisages the Iranians steering a tanker onto the rocks in the Strait, the world's most important oil shipping waterway.


Propaganda War: Undercounting civilian deaths in U.S. drone strikes on Pakistan

A new study from Columbia Law School's Human Rights Institute finds that the number of Pakistani civilians killed in drone strikes are "significantly and consistently underestimated" by tracking organizations which are trying to take the place of government estimates on casualties, which the Obama administration won't comment on because the drone war is technically secret.

The study "warns that low civilian casualty estimates may provide false assurance to the public and policymakers that drone strikes do not harm civilians." Many low-ball estimates - like those from Long War Journal and New America Foundation - are due to reliance on news reports, which "suffer from common flaws" like trusting "anonymous Pakistani government officials or unnamed witnesses for the claim that 'militants' - rather than civilians - were killed."


Lies are the new truth: Brookings Institution attacks NY Times editor, demands servile journalism

Hillary Clinton Brookings Institution
© Jim Young/Reuters Hillary Clinton speaks at the Brookings Institution
The New York Times public editor is attacked for suggesting the paper should "aggressively challenge" government claims on drones

As I noted on Sunday, the New York Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan devoted her weekly Sunday column to an excellent critique of her paper's coverage of US drone attacks. While noting that the Times has done some good work in attempting to bring transparency to the Obama administration's secret killings - in particular its May "kill list" article revealing that Obama adopted a ludicrously broad definition of "militant" that skews the "data" on civilian deaths - she then wrote:
"Since the article in May, its reporting has not aggressively challenged the administration's description of those killed as 'militants' - itself an undefined term. And it has been criticized for giving administration officials the cover of anonymity when they suggest that critics of drones are terrorist sympathizers."
There are, to put it mildly, numerous reasons for serious skepticism when it comes to administration claims about its drone program and civilian deaths. For one, Obama's chief counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, was conclusively proven to be spouting outright lies about civilian deaths from US drones.