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Are we on the verge of societal collapse? Many of the greatest empires throughout world history were not conquered by outside forces. Rather, they crumbled inwardly as extreme social decay set in.
There have been many that have compared the last days of the Roman Empire to what America is going through right now. In the decades following World War II, the United States was the most powerful and the most prosperous nation on the entire planet, but now things are rapidly changing.
There are literally thousands of signs that our society is collapsing all around us. All you have to do to see this is turn on a television or pick up a newspaper. I spend a lot of time discussing our nightmarish economic and political headaches in this column, but the truth is that our problems go much deeper than that.
Even if a major miracle happened and we got the "right person" into the White House, the Federal Reserve was shut down, our 16 trillion dollar national debt was paid off, our trade deficit went to zero, a solution was found for the
quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble and the "
too big to fail" banks were broken up, we would still be facing a national crisis of unprecedented magnitude.
The cold, hard reality of the matter is that America has become an absolute cesspool of filth and corruption, and the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted is rapidly disappearing. Until we get our hearts right, there is not much hope for the future of this once great nation.
So are these the last days of America? The following are 25 signs of extreme social decay....
Comment: Taking one specific subset of psychopathy traits and applying them to all previous US presidents on the eve of presidential elections is tantamount to political propaganda intended to make it seem that having psychopaths for presidents is ok. It's not ok, it's extremely dangerous for the health of the nation. In addition, JFK and Carter do not belong on the same scale as Obama, Romney and the Bushes. You can do things that are psychopathic, but you cannot be 'a bit psychopathic'. A person either is or is not a psychopath. Psychopaths are fundamentally different from normal people; this isn't a matter of slightly different blends of personality traits - it's a matter of being human or being a total reaction machine. It is, of course, often extremely difficult to tell one from the other, but once you are able to see the difference and apply it to leaders or other famous people in world history, this fundamental difference becomes as clear as night and day.
The absurdity of this 'study' is shown by the fact that JFK, far and away America's most conscientious president in the past 100 years, came out second in this 'psychopathy test', while George W Bush, who is very probably a psychopath, came in at number 10: