The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can.
Trypillian society was matriarchal, with women heading the household, doing agricultural work, and manufacturing pottery, textiles and clothing....
previous nz govt said the same thing (now they are dust) we are the only source of truth the rest is lies, LOL
" Comment: No, Poland, like the rest of the West, just sends Ukrainians to die on its behalf instead." You don't understand Sikorski's game. In...
I note that at both assassination attempts an 'assault rifle' was used. First the AR-15 and then the AK-47 variant. That isn't logical for a...
The rot that starts at the top is spreading like cancer in the US and a few other western countries. I suppose it's all part of the destruction...
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Reader Comments
Joseph P Farrell has just nicknamed him Bilious Hates.
His Dad (a very prominent lawyer) was tight with the Rockefellers. So he has the background that makes him feel 'privileged' and 'superior', and thereby in a position to determine who lives and who dies. His former partner, Paul Allen, called Gates a "bully", and bullies are uniformly psychopaths. It all fits.
(Miles Mathis is always fun to read, but sometimes you have to take what he says with a grain of salt.)
Here's Wikipedia on Bill Gates: "Early in his life, Gates observed that his parents wanted him to pursue a law career.[23] When he was young, his family regularly attended a church of the Congregational Christian Churches, a Protestant Reformed denomination." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gates)
Sorry. He's a Christian. He just doesn't act like one.......
This is quite likely as Cryptos are more numerous than one can guess.
I had a sister 17 years my senior. A very beautiful woman who twice married Jewish men. My brother-in-law had 4 brothers who, along with their father, decided that their name, Levi, sounded too Jewish and had it changed to Green.
My brother-in-law refused although he was the only member who didn't go to the synagogue etc. His children who look Jewish and are called Levi are assumed to be Jewish whilst their uncles pass themselves off as Christians.!
This is hogwash, of course. Watch this video of Hans Rosling explaining why [Link]
So it's not the number of people that is the issue; 11b isn't going to change much as we're already at 8, and we're not actually using the resources at our disposal efficiently at all.
No, it's the number of poor people moving out of absolute poverty into just relative poverty that is the issue. That, and the number of poor people moving into the lower middle class. Worldwide. What happens when they do, is that they will consume more, and the Powers That Be can't have that! Because that would mean that there would be more competition for the throne they have forged for themselves.
And to be very clear; rich, affluent, intelligent (useful!), educated and hard-working people (aka Westeners and some Asians... according to these people) are already limiting their growth so much that they are actually becoming fewer. So it's not about Westeners. Those who must stop producing children, and/or die, are everybody else. The proles.
And here, Bill Gates have been very helpful indeed. A good servant of the New World Order.
Nature seems to create recyclable rather than non recyclable matter.
Our primary earthly ressource is our own human body. Who has a healthy PH balanced body??
You cant make these things up.
Oh, i almost forgot: Every... Single... Time...
Basically its bill gates father with fauci, rockefeller, soros and another bunch of people on a event in 2001.
Search and you will find it.
You cant make these things up, fauci, billy boy dad, rockefeller and soros together.[Link]
When the elastic band between the extremes of rich and poor is overstretched, something has to give.
If he wants to do something good for the planet he should probably apply his enormous wealth towards cleaning up the planet - Her seas and Earthly foundations that are littered with mess created by his conglomeration.
I always expect Miss Piggy to suddenly appear and hit him with her handbag!
Thank you for my mid morning chuckle.
And the only reasonable thing to do in Gates's case is to publicly shame him and his sick tit awfulinda while throwing him in the dirtiest possible prison for life.
A Malthusian asshole that is trying to save the world through vaccines.
Those dots should be easy as fuck to connect if you still have any brains.
Do Gates haters (and you should be one IMO) really want unlimited population growth?
More people = more pollution, fewer resources per person, etc. Worst of all for someone that likes the great outdoors like I do, it means less undeveloped land, and what pristine land remains is more and more off-limits to the public. In the case of the U.S. for example, I think a great case can be made, and has been made BTW, that it would be a better place to live with a population around 150 mil rather than 330 mil. Pick your own ideal number, many would like a lot fewer than 150 mil, but unlimited population growth doesn't seem all that popular to me, except to developers and the .01 percent for whom the more to exploit, the more power and wealth for them.
It's common knowledge that his stated idea behind vaccines limiting population growth isn't to kill people directly with vaccines, which his opponents (of whom I AM ONE) often imply or state outright, but that when childhood mortality goes down in third-world countries, which he hopes to achieve with vaccines, people (counter-intuitively but true according to Gates) have fewer children and population growth rate lessens. If you want to argue that his theory is BS, or a cover for a more sinister motive, wonderful, and I agree. But make that clear.
On a scale of 1 to 10 I'm about 8 or 9 towards anti-vax. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'm a 10 when it comes to being Anti-Bill-Gates. But we need to stay on firm ground and not talk crap.
I just think he's an asshole. That's my right.
He is using his fondness for saving the world through vaccination to imbue a sense of self worth upon himself.
He should simply seek therapy instead.
The dots I am speaking of is his easily detectable egocentric god complex.
After all it is HIS mission to save the world through vaccines. Seems a godly mandate.
But hey, Gates didnt even vaccinate his kids...so I guess he wants some more procreation for his little crooked monsters
And his just a sock puppet anyway. He is no genius, more of a thief who was created by whoknowswho to sell us the mighty virus ridden microsoft windows retardation...
There ain't even enough people on the planet to fill a Texan's boot.
You'll be suggesting that people should actually live in Canada next, I suppose.
it's not that the planet can't support the population, it is that the planet cannot support the population's desire to be consumer driven and always need more.
my opinion.
green energy does nothing to address the problem. not that you said it did. the green new deal does nothing to address rampant consumerism. i just wanted to iterate my belief that it is not the fix to the system. it changes the system to a different disease is all.
The BBC and The Guardian do that "we" manipulation number all the time.
"We should", "we must", "we all know", "we all think", "we all love", "we all love Big Brother", etc etc and all the rest of it.
Drives me nuts.
But his vaccines are used to sterilize women and girls without their consent. they have also created the very illnesses which they purport to cure plus maiming and murdering third world children. The man is a eugenicist.
The argument that there are too many people on the globe is used by the greedy, land grabbing elites like Ted Turner who owns thousands of miles of land. He is another eugenicist who has fathered five children.
"Worst of all for someone that likes the great outdoors like I do........." sounds like your on board for the great depop so that you can jog along some pristine path.
Wrong choice if the aim is population control when a male could populate an entire city over the course of their lifetime.
I guess the more misanthropic you are, the stronger the urge to "get away from it all".
Like all those strange sorts queueing up to buy land on the Moon....[Link]
Now, thanks to globalism everything is not only designed so that none but experts can take them apart but they are programmed for obsolescence so that nothing lasts more that a few years.
We got loads of people in England. We still have to import people to pick blackberries or whatever though.
France is in dire need of bumping up the numbers, all their small towns and villages are dying.
i.e. "not without agenda".
Herding up to The Great White North lol
I've known a lot of people who've moved to the country only to find that they hate country people and have have no affinity for country living, essentially 'cause they had a negative reason for moving there. Getting out of the rat race when they hadn't realised they were a rat or whatever. LOL.
Other than a few outliers and trolls, most who comment here have some common threads, like Gates=bad, PC=bad, open mind=good, you know. So I was coming from that assumption, which is, actually, correct. Still, no excuse to speak for others!
I've been observing the last twenty/thirty years in which, for some strange reason, the food chain has been rigged to make people infertile, fashion mags and films have been full of women with no tits and no hips, the very concept of gender has virtually been made illegal, and the whole world still looks pretty empty of humans every time you look out of an aeroplane window and to me, etc, etc, etc, and it seems to me Bill Gates obsession with population growth is nothing but a sick, twisted, genocidal death trip.
Militarily, Hitler was thoroughly on the ball with regard to armored infantry tactics.
Using Wehrmacht tactics from WWII is smart, but woe unto those who credit Hitler for ANYTHING.
So, I detect you're dancind around that border. There's no love lost for Ill Gates 'o Hell' (et al.)around here.
Not going to weigh in on the rest. Good luck.
Although it’s probably unlikely to create super balls, but you never know. lol
Anyway for all we know some soldiers were guinea pigs for a vaccine prior to going to china or any other number of other possibilities related to that big-pharma... Just saying... no data that covid makes people sterile or extra fertile...?
Not that Bill Gates would lose any sleep, well maybe in one scenario.
Then do all they can to protect it. This means looking at everyone else who is not elite level wealthy as a threat.
Bill Gates in my opinion looks at the world population as a threat to his and his ilks' supremacy.
They know that when the populace has nothing left to lose they will take what they need from the elite.
Hence the elite's drive to contain the population and keep it three inches from it's knees. Never to stand up, but hopefully not to fall all the way either.
It is a sickening dance they do and the vaccinations are key to keeping this balance. IT is to save their own asses.
you see how willing they are to give away their fortunes' earned interest to help the poor.
R.C. get on it!
His name is Francis right?
"I'm a loser babe,
So why don't ya kill me." Beck
These children are becoming aware of the fact that their generation is being left to pick up the tab for our greedy and destructive life-styles. Their future looks bleak and dystopian. They are scared. They want to live in a better world. They are angry.
Therein lies the seeds of distrust and resentment.
What would you create in your ‘imaginary world’ if you were them?
In the army I very quckly noticed that when I have a bad time it slows down and the bad time seems prolonged. So I ditched the wristwatch and asked others what time it is if I needed it.
Um I'm late!
I say.. the kids have their right to be inflamed - and we are disgusting leaders.
The flip side is that this same platform that has been a force for good also has the potential to cause extreme harm, not only to humanity but to all life.
I've used Linux with Ubuntu for years, it's updates are automatic and free. Never need an Anti-Virus either. Haven't put a Euro in Hates's pocket for years.
Basically, its Free Software that you can put on your existing computer or install on (preferably) a Windows free computer. I say preferably because Windows is vast, takes up so much room and is also subject to viruses and crashes.
As it is Open Source this means that many computer geeks contribute by writing different programs which you can download, like a graphic arts programs , Japanese or whatever, all free.
Hope you'll look into it.
I happen to like cheese
I dont like long beards but some of this can be helpful
Wish I could sing. My daughter has the voice of an angel (IMO) so I always get a bit embarrassed to sing.
HFL is mean to everyone who doesn’t chat about music, fags or the women he fucked in his youth.
Keep learning.
Anna... i have this
Interestingly, there is very little dna difference between the fruit fly (and all creation) and a human so by tweaking with vaccination the dna of some humans he could potentially succeed in unlocking an entirely new species. He has already created a new sub-species of mossies. He is not God so, instinctively, I find this ignorant meddling in the natural order of creation, an agenda that is reprehensible, shameful and dangerous.
Makes sense...
As your other sensible high horse comments.
I dont call our in-house grandma EagleAnna for nothing
Ive seen a nice english movie from the 80s which shows how inmates leave the prison as reformed and much smarter. And stop being criminals...
And I know of DrLew Hen's story where he managed to change ONE ENTIRE psych-ward in a hospital from inside himself.
To compare with your outlook : Leave Bill Gates alone... its all an illusion
So good luck to you with illusion called micro-chiped smart-syringe forced vaccination.
My personal interest and priority is in learning how to leave a healthy planet for my daughter and grand-son and their peers. Therein lies my personal interest and priority because otherwise I doubt will be a future, with or without BG.
In truth, I think we need to try to understand the pathway to a more utopian reality, and how, perhaps by conversation (an exchange of ideas), to move forward into a better future.
People seem fascinated by stories about war, conflict, robbers, murderers, kings and queens, rags to riches, charlatans etc (the list goes on). I am also not so naive as to think that a world without baddies adding to the general story line would be a fun life experience. There would be very little conversation. If you remove all your books about baddies from your library you probably would be left with nothing to read.
How about making your self the priority
Everything out there is the ILLUSION.
THE contamination is INSIDE!! WOKE UP!!
No wars = no need for soldiers
No civil conflict = no need for lawyers
No crime = no police, no prisons, no prisoners or prison officers
No illness = no hospitals, no doctors, no nurses, no ambulance staff.
No death = a planet where we live layer upon layer, packed like sardines.
For how many years can we be kept satisfied with stories of old?
We need to learn about our planet to understand how to terra form others or we will condemn families to journey a life time simply to live in a can.
I had my fill in Oct 1988, wedding day... and started to the over-fill.
I have spent years in meditation, (introspective self analysis). I eat a simple diet, often in moderation, I pray. I try my best to be kind, gentle, respectful and grateful and to support my immediate family in every way I can.
What more can I do????
YOU. (Meditate on that... i know it is a strange concept - we witness that everywhere all around us). YOU. EA. YOU.
No one from the Rockefeller or Rotschild gene-cess pool has been publicly shamed and put to life in prison YET.
So you dont see the connection between changing the society your kids and grandkids will live? Seriously? Are you a hopeless wishfull thinker who only thinks about change but is doing nothing to bring it into the world? How do you plan on bringing about utopian society if youre concepts stem from wrong foundations or with doing nothing to effect change?
For exchange of ideas to have an effect on society you need a BETTER system of society ... which you dont have... and its all an ilusion so you wont do shit to change it? Are you seriously thinking this all through or are you just pulling my chain? lolz
Baddies? Beware of constantly living in the past... or in some distant future. Now is where its all going down... And thye are demon possesed psychopats, baddies sounds fun, like loveable pre-school bullies... These Rockefeller-like baddies lolz are not in the books but out and about in more ways than one. And theyre psychopats that would kill you and yours without blinking. And they now, for the first time, have the tech to actually do it AGAINST our will and have their wet dreams come to reality. And they ALREADY have those who already lost their backbones and mental powers.
To make your decisions based on what others are doing makes you a sheeple. The biggest problem of this "modern" society. If there were no sheeple there would be no Gates-like retards with that kind of power. And we would have Nikola Tesla technology now. So I think if retard billy wants to experiment on humanity and take away freedom of others I THINK something like FIRTS TIME IN MODERN HISTORY PUBLIC SHAMING of a thieving conartist like him is needed very much inDEED. And then we go for higher ups too, dont think it would stop there. Id have no violence if it can be avoided, ofcourse. But if it cant and these horrible shitty psychos wouldnt wanna let go of their reigns they would have to be eliminated somehow. Just like they did to hundred million people. All the Stallins and Hitlers and Mao Tzes kaisers and whoknows howmany titles we invented have so much deaths between them its crazy... and WHAT THEYRE DOING TO OUR MOTHER EARTH? Maybe we could even throw a couple of them in raging volcanoes from helicopters... or better yet with drones. So that no others thake their place ever again. How about that?? The pollution is an illusion? The additives in your body are an illusion?
And if you must know Im aware that we have very slim chances it will be done.... because majority of people have sponges between their ears and care only for their asses. Sponges for gin or tablets with side-effects or what school or their mommy and daddy taught them . And huge majority is hiding behind their weak egos and whoknows what...
But an intelligent man/woman who sees reality for what it is can get on top of it and see the big picture and use it to their advantage. And thats the reason for all Im writing on SOTT. If I saw 100 other people doing it I would move on and my mission would be acomplished. All I see is fifty to a hundred people out of 33-34 thousand opened SOTT accounts... Funny af! Or scary, depends on how your day is going hahahah
I get bored with stuff once I master it and move on to the next big school in life. So dont count on seeing me here if I dont see cardinal changes in this "civilized" society cause Ill be going where there cant be any wi-fi and ANYTHING is forced upon me.
Anna.. are you A blood type? (Or AB)... IF so... no wonder you dont like. Then make carrot or beet or fruit fermentation. I cup daily for 1 month or 2.
We' ve so been conditioned to look OUT THERE.. TRUTH lives IN HERE .
THE question IS... The CRIME is -- in OUR own HOME politics. Come home and clean UP!! OUT with poli-tick-ing
WHAT are we doing to OUR BODY??!
It is an in that IT IS OUR MIRROR.
WE... are the ones doing this. We need to change. We We We OuiOuiOui
Some would say that this is all happening PRECISELY to accomodate the nice 100% "responsible individual" scenario.
It's kind of difficult to do seeing as I wouldn't even put either of them on washing up duty.
Sounds like cabin fever.
Best ignored
You are so RIGHT ON!
As, through your cracked-tinted spectacles, something as mundane as "the washing up" is probably an illusion too, it's just as well I'm unlikely to be invited over to dine off your cracked-tinted dinner plates.
maybe thats because you give respect where its not earned. I give respect ONLY where its earned and Im NOT afraid to speak my mind. Sheeple always hate me for it and I ENJOY it.
New study finds sexist beliefs are associated with narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism
The dark triad is a combination of three negative personality traits: narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. It is more common for this set of traits to be found among men, and it can be...They're not interested in sharing information, networking, or finding anything out.
They huddle around like extras out of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and swap baby-babble, whilst imagining all sorts of fine things about themselves.
If you tell them the truth about anything, the response is always the same, "you're being a meanie".
They're really quite pathetic.
I think HFL can be less insulting but that doesnt change the fact that you come after him..... Or me. Whats your agenda? To teach us something through jerking our chains? That aproach maybe works with lesser minds who are easily duped with word salads and half-baked arguments.
Do you expect you should be respected based only on your advanced age? LOLZ
A is cross because I don't share his beliefs about the effectiveness of incarceration.
My primary interest on this board is in to read news and learn.
HFL is cross because because ?? i really don't know or care to understand his mercurial behaviour.
Nuff said. I will simply ignore the pair of you as though you don't exist. That is a reason form of conflict resolution in this instance.
Anna1, fecklessly accusing others of being psychopaths in a weak attempt to win an argument that you can't win by normal, rational means, is hardly a page torn from "How to Win Friends and Influence People"....
New study finds sexist beliefs are associated with narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism
The dark triad is a combination of three negative personality traits: narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. It is more common for this set of traits to be found among men, and it can be...Well... karma always finds a broom.
The Nodes change signs today... some day less best than more.
It has been said....CV is a mirror for a reason.
More mirrors (some cracked) coming up shortly (and yes she s just as painful to listen too as our own in-house elitists..) nonetheless.. very informative.
Feminism is a disease at this point, since it harms its believers ability to function in society. It would be interesting to perform a similar test on feminists; check for the Dark Triad traits when asking about the standard feminist mantras. My guess is that narcissism (self-obsession and rampant self-interest), machiavellianism (disregard for the negative consequences your actions lead to for other people) and psychopathy (lack of remorse and empathy) would all max out...
New study finds sexist beliefs are associated with narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism
The dark triad is a combination of three negative personality traits: narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. It is more common for this set of traits to be found among men, and it can be...I've been sure from day1 that Trump is just another pro Agenda member of the sect. His push for 5/6G is more than ample proof.
'Bill Gates seeks to microchip humanity!' Oscar winning director addresses vaccine conspiracy
Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov claims billionaire Bill Gates might be seeking to implant humanity with microchips under the guise of vaccination, seeking to control people and ultimately...But, if you think of it, a usual patent applicant cannot simple determine the running number assigned to his patent. Much less if you understand that there are thousands in the processing at every time, and the process usually takes one to three years.
My point - this is a conspiration between some individuals in the CIA frontend named "Microsoft", government agencies, and whoever else. To satisfy their numerology obsession, and make dimwits believe they are the unstoppable arm of god/satan/baal, or whatever.
Lobaczewski on various ponerogenic unions. Some further passages that should be apparent today with the ''authoritarians'' and their extreme reactions to healthy common sense.
Tad wordy this chick but informative on essentials nonetheless.
Actions speak louder than words.
The influence of psychopathy on all human endeavours over many centuries and how deep and far reaching this goes cannot be overlooked. Something worth much consideration.
I ve been crawling more n more out of the grid for decades. It starts with how one thinks (and what one thinks about)... and slow n steady she goes.
IF YOU DONT WANT TO BE LIKE THEM be different and dont stop.