Comment: The following analysis of the video and photographic evidence of missiles hitting the Saudi Aramco oil facilities last month points to the operation having been a false-flag attack carried out from the north/west, not a 'Yemeni' or 'Iranian' attack carried out from the south/east...

mbs bibi missile
1. ARAMCO Attack Video Analysis, based on footage aired on CBS' 60 MINUTES

The video shows the trajectories of two missiles. We isolated them here in SHOT1 and SHOT2:
aramco missile saudi

Here's the footage of the incoming missiles, as shown on CBS:

Comment: Here's that same video on SOTT, in case YouTube deletes the above copy:

  • Both trajectories are captured in 12 frames - 6 frames each. The video is recorded at 29 frames per second (29frames / s)
  • Based on the formula T = 1 / f, we calculate the length of one frame to be: T = 1 / 29 frames = 0.0344 seconds
  • Multiplying this time by 6 (6 frames x 0.0344 seconds), we get 0.20689 seconds
  • Using Google Earth and geological digital maps, we calculated by scale with maps and rulers that the missiles seen in the video flew 100 to 120 meters in 6 frames.
  • So 6 frames = 0.20689 seconds = 100m
At that rate, the missiles thus travelled 483 meters in 1 second. Converted to Km/h, we get 1,738.3 Km/h. Converting that to Mach speed, it means the missiles' speed was 1.42 Mach!

aramco missile saudi
aramco missile saudi
2. Evidence provided by Saudi Arabia

2.1 Photos of downed Iranian 'SOUMAR' missiles

The SOUMAR comprises a turbine engine (essentially copies of KH-55 Russian missiles). Saudi Arabia published photos of parts of SOUMARs, found somewhere in the deserts of Saudi Arabia, and ostensibly launched by Iran from Iran:

aramco saudi missile
saudi aramco missiles
saudi aramco missile
saudi aramco missile
The turbine engine used on the Iranian SOUMAR missile is a copy of the Russian 36MT turbine engine from the manufacturer NPO Saturn
Problem: the speed parameters of this turbine engine are subsonic.

So, putting the video footage together with the official claims, Iranian SOUMAR missiles with turbine engines can allegedly fly at 1.42 Mach.

Can anyone show me how a missile with a turbine engine can fly supersonically at 1.42 Mach after having traveled 500 km from Iran, and at that speed impact the gas tank?

Saudi Arabia supposedly shot down these Iranian missiles flying low above the ground. The SOUMAR missile is a type of cruise missile which follows the Earth's surface, flying approximately 50 meters above the ground, under radar visibility. But we know that Saudi Arabia's Patriot missile defense system did not fire a single rocket to counter them.

Why are there no traces in the sand showing the impact of damaged parts of the supposedly supersonic, 1.42 Mach Iranian SOUMAR missiles? Imagine something flying at 1.42 Mach and hitting the sand somewhere in the desert of Saudi Arabia. We would expect to see a crater. Certainly the rear part of the missile (the part with wings) would not end up on the ground so close to the middle part of the missile.

Another thing I noticed is that the SOUMAR missiles (which you'll see displayed by the Saudi military in the video below) are damaged in exactly the same way. I think I know why: they were destroyed with detonation cord by a specialist (from the US, Israel or perhaps Saudi Arabia), who got ahold of them - maybe a few years ago - then used them as props in this deception operation:
missile saudis aramco
saudi missile aramco
Detonation/explosive cord is very popular in the Middle East for cutting body parts, and among people who dispose of ammunition.

Now that we know the Iranian SOUMAR missile does not fly supersonically, we are going to analyze frame number 6 from SHOT2.
saudi aramco missile
The video and the image shows that it was a missile with two rocket engines. Because of their relatively low power, turbine engines do not produce light and gas traces. Not a single turbine engine leaves a double trace of gas and light behind it.

So we searched for a missile that has two rocket engines. Unfortunately, after days-long searches on military forums to find out who produces such missiles, all we found was one from Israel: the RAFAEL SPIKE ER2:

SPIKE ER2 missile
Israeli SPIKE ER2 missile

This missile, if it has momentum or is fired from a drone-UAV or helicopter, or from an F-16 fighter jet, can turn on acceleration jets before impact, going into 'penetration mode'.

saudi aramco missile
Israeli drones and warplanes operated in Iraq with no problems because they used US callsigns.

Similarly, the Israeli Air Defense 'Skyguard' systems and an old-school French 'Shahine' system located at the Abqaiq Aramco oil complex did not react to these incoming missiles.

2.2 Several pieces of drones or UAV mono-wing launched from Yemen

This much in the official account is true. But they were LOW speed Yemeni UAV...

saudi aramco missile

Mono-wing drones are unimportant because they are toys that could not physically do such damage. They were likely used to confuse Saudi Arabia's air defense systems.

Hypersonic impact probably came from the direction of Iraq or Israel (northwest, or west-northwest):

saudi armco missile
saudi aramco missile
Saudi AEGIS + PATRIOT SYSTEMS PAC2, PAC3 + Shanine + Skyguard:
saudi air defense systems
Locations of Saudi air defense systems, and the likely attack approach
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