Heavy rains, hail storms, floods and landslides continued to wreak havoc this past month of August, from China to the USA. Hundreds died, and thousands were displaced.

Heatwaves hit hard in parts of Europe, Australia and the US, only to be extinguished by incredible amounts of rain - and even snow in the case of Sardinia - amid unprecedented temperature drops. But Sardinia was not the only area to get a serious dose of August snow, Australia, Uruguay, and the Alps got their share too.

The Ring of Fire continued with high activity, and this wasn't just reflected in the volcanic eruptions, but in a series of powerful earthquakes above 6 magnitude that rattled Indonesia, causing the deaths of more than 300 people. Meanwhile, Venezuela was struck by a 7.3 magnitude quake, the largest in 118 years.

An increasing number of waterspouts, 'firenados' and dust-devils also made their appearance around the world this August. Once a rare phenomenon, waterspouts are increasingly common these days in some areas. At the same time, vortexes of water, fire and dust are appearing in very unusual places.

To top the madness off, several lakes and rivers around the world simply disappeared this August. What's going on? Time will tell!

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Music used: 'Escape from the Temple' by Per Kiilstofte. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
To understand what's going on, check out our book explaining how all these events are part of a natural climate shift, and why it's taking place now: Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection.

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