Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Tangential. Here is an interview with Andy Schectman. He has been in the precious metals market area for 35 years. He says most of the big...
Buy it? With What? A freshly printed bag of AmeriKan dollars, that will soon be worthless? Best to send in the military and try and take it with...
Perhaps perhaps take your suppositioning to a private space instead of disturbing reality everywhere🤔
I can't believe I have to keep reminding Yankee Schweinehunds that the EU is their creation and it is their money that got the current batch of...
There can't be peace with Ukraine. Russia is not at war with Ukraine, Russia is at war with the collective West, witch mouthpiece is the US.
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Beau Christensen
Fri, 23 Sep 2016 21:57 UTC
What Western media editors conceal from the public however, is that the "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights" is neither based in Syria nor is it an observer of what actually goes on there. It is essentially one man - Abdul Rahman, aka Rami Abdulrahman, aka Osama Suleiman - a three-term convicted criminal in Syria, based out of a small house in Coventry, England, and his 'team of four activists in Syria' .
(For some reason I could not get link to work. Copied URL but it would not paste. What did I do wrong? Anybody?)