ibankcoin.com reports:
YouTuber Tracy Beanz has discovered that the Pakistani DNC IT Staffer arrested Monday night for bank fraud while attempting to flee the country was a fan of several pedo-centric YouTube channels - including one featured on Comedy Central's Tosh.0 program.Via The Gateway Pundit...
Imran Awan, the long-time employee and friend of Debbie Wasserman Schultz - currently under investigation by the FBI and DC Capitol Police for a variety of alleged crimes unrelated to his Monday arrest (and whose lawyer oddly mentioned 'pizzagate' in a post-arrest statement), subscribed to YouTube channel "Seven Super Girls" - which has over 12 billion views, and features children performing in sexualized 'bits.'
Some of the sites Awan is subscribed to also fit the description of #Elsagate, which is a growing number of child-oriented fetish websites disguised as innocent children's videos.
With each passing day, we learn more and more about of the dark and murky past of Pakistan IT staffer Imran Awan. The former employee of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is not only being accused of stealing hardware from ranking Democrats and sending sensitive intel to foreign groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, but now it appears Imran Awan may have been interested in watching Pedophile-centric YouTube videos.The Free Thought Project adds...
"At first glance, the Seven Super Girls YouTube homepage, arguably, looks like one's favorite porn site. Each under-18 girl has her own subchannel. To the unwitting, however, the site may look like girls dressed like girls, engaging in activities which girls enjoy - going to camp, hanging with friends by the pool, and playing dress up.Retired US Army Reserve Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer went on Tucker Carlson Tonight, hosted by Laura Ingraham to weigh in on the unfolding scandal surrounding Wasserman Schultz and the Awan family.
But to a pedophile, the site is a smorgasbord of smut, carefully crafted to serve as eye candy for adults and teenagers to indulge in their child-sex fantasies. After we clicked on the entire list of videos and selected to sort by most popular, it became clear to us at The Free Thought Project, the videos are in no way innocent.
Tony Shaffer said to Ingraham...
This is like a Quarantino movie with everything but a gimp, but I think the gimp is still going to show up.
Wasserman Schultz has employed three brothers that are Pakistani origin at three times the salary of everybody else who does IT on Capitol Hill.
What is really key here is not really about hard drives. It's that these individuals during the time they worked for her on Capitol Hill in her position there as a member of Congress had massive access to all sorts of databases - to include sensitive information being held by the House Foreign Affairs Committee and other committees that they had access to.
What this all comes down to is like OK, you can have all that, but what gets worse is she actually employs these folks to do hideous things behind the scenes. There is evidence now that at least one of these brothers was helping her to do the Bernie Sanders malevolent activities. They were trying to manipulate things against him. They actually helped her do things like voice change calls.
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