Join us for another Connecting the Dots episode where we'll catch up on the most recent news and timely topics in the world of health.
Winter is coming and Seasonal Affective Disorder will descend upon millions of people in the Northern Hemisphere. What part does shifting light cycles, either natural or artificially enforced through daylight saving time, play in mood and circadian rhythms? How can the effects of waning daylight be mitigated?
Winter also means that flu season is upon us and if the CDC had its way we'd all be vaccinated. We'll check in with that mega-organization and their partners in crime -- Big Pharma and the FDA -- to see what mischief they've been up to most recently.
We'll also discuss Italy's first Veggie City, protein intake and the wonders of vitamin B12, the disturbing rise of anxiety and suicides in children and how to naturally increase mental well being.
Stay tuned, as always, for Zoya's Pet Health Segment where she connects the dots in animal health news.
Relevant links for the show:
Why Daylight Saving Time is bad for you
High schoolers create new light therapy device to treat seasonal affective disorder
CDC won't allow its own whistleblower to testify in vaccine-damage case
The toxic and flawed science behind flu vaccines
Miracle' drugs big pharma now regrets
A recipe for disaster? Turin, Italy's first 'vegetarian city'
Supplements accelerate benzodiazepine withdrawal: A case report and biochemical rationale
Six herbs that promote mental well-being
Running Time: 01:48:11
Download: MP3
Well, I like winter. You can get out, breath, take a stroll, function. Rain, snow, fresh northern wind, rejuvenation. If on the other hand you decide that the weather is a problem and lock yourself in, unavoidably you 'll get depressed. If you start getting anti-depressants, instead of going out for a walk, you are making the problem worse.
The real problem is summertime blues. You can't breath with so much heat. Nothing functions. Air conditions don't solve the problem. Your brain doesn't function (lack of cooling). Meds, for those who are using them are useless, they 've been manufactured, tried and tested for northern climates. The entire Northern hemisphere is on "shut down mode".
Vaccination is a total disaster. A lot of things can go wrong and have gone wrong in the past as you are injected with the virus minus it's core. Avoid it.