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Covid hospital admissions are falling in England, as are total number of Covid patients - Omicron looks unlikely to change that

© unknown
There follows a guest post by the Daily Sceptic's in-house doctor, a former NHS consultant now in private practice. He's looked at the latest NHS England data and points out that there are fewer than half as many Covid patients in English hospitals than there were this time last year, not 14 times as many, as was claimed recently.

On Friday November 26th, the South African Institute for Communicable Disease released a statement in relation to the Covid variant now referred to as Omicron.

The variant had been first detected on November 12th from specimens collected in Gauteng Province and the molecular structure was characterised by November 22nd. The statement from the South African Institute on November 26th considered that the Omicron variant did not meet the WHO criteria for being either a 'variant of interest' (VOI) or a 'variant of concern' (VOC). Yet less than 24 hours later, the WHO had classified the Omicron variant as a 'variant of concern'.

Comment: See also:

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - In The News: Athletes Drop Dead | No Pfizer Vaccine Data until 2076 | Death by "Climate Change"

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Welcome to another "In the News" segment of the Objective:Health show where we connect some serious dots!

Two weeks back, the FDA asked a federal judge to grant it until the year 2076(!) to fully release Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine data - gee, what they've got to hide? Meanwhile, the media has gone into overdrive announcing all these previously unknown reasons for heart complications and other diseases that are CLEARLY a cover-up for vaccine injury - everything from saturated fat and marijuana to climate change (that's right - the changing climate is making previously healthy people drop dead of heart atacks on the spot!). Then we go into the many incidents, in athletes and others, having vaccine complications, showing that there is indeed a correlation between the Covid shots and these random unexpected health issues (sorry MSM - it isn't from smoking weed!).

Join us for a rousing discussion on all of this and more!

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And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here:

Running Time: 00:36:25

Download: MP3 — 33.3 MB

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New Omicron Covid-19 variant could be less deadly than feared, top Russian scientist claims

Omicron SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
© REUTERS / Dado RuvicA vial and a syringe are seen in front of a displayed stock graph and words 'Omicron SARS-CoV-2' in this illustration taken, November 27, 2021.
The new Omicron variant of Covid-19, discovered last week in South Africa, has sparked panic and border closures around the world. Now, however, one of Russia's top scientists has said it could prove to be an overreaction.

In an interview published by top Moscow tabloid KP on Sunday, Alexey Agranovsky, a professor of virology at Moscow State University, argued that the world should be wary of the new strain, but that it is unlikely to be as dangerous as the Delta version that has lead to a sharp rise in deaths.

According to him, Omicron is indeed unusual, because it contains more mutations than other new strains of the virus.
"At least in theory, such a number of mutations could have some kind of consequences. That is, the Omicron strain may be able to get away from vaccines, and be more infectious," he explained.

Comment: See also:


Get ready for mRNA flu shots

vaccine needles
© PhotoDisc/GettyImages
Hot off the successful deployment of mRNA vaccines for the prevention of COVID-19, three leading drugmakers have moved seasonal flu vaccine candidates built with the technology into early clinical testing. More companies intend to follow their leads next year (Table 1).

These candidates, if successful, could dramatically bolster the efficacy of a vaccine class that often delivers lacklustre protection. For mRNA's proponents — led by Moderna, Pfizer and Sanofi, all of which initiated phase I trials in recent months — new flu jabs could prove lucrative or help maintain standing in a global market projected to exceed US$10 billion by decade's end.

mRNA flu vaccines
MRT-5400 and MRT-5401 rely on non-modified RNA. NIAID, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; saRNA, self-amplifying RNA.
But flu shots could also prove a more challenging test for mRNA than did COVID-19. That's because unlike with SARS-CoV-2 — for which there were no established medical interventions — nine flu jabs from four different vaccine manufacturers are already available in the United States alone.

Comment: See also: The mRNA-experimental gene-altering poisonous jabs: Are they disguising the mRNA jabs as flu shots?


What's the truth about Covid vaccines and heart attacks?

athlete collapse heart issue covid vaccine
© AFP via Getty ImagesFC SHERIFF star Adama Traore collapsed to the turf in worrying scenes against Real Madrid
A further three football players collapsed during play this week, bringing new interest to the question of what might be the connection between this unusually high number of on-field medical emergencies and the Covid vaccines. Football pundit Trevor Sinclair got into hot water for raising the question on-air, while scientists argued that the disturbing trend is more likely to be a consequence of Covid itself than the vaccines.

Presumably something lies behind the recent rise, which according to some analysts has involved 21 sudden deaths (most heart-related) of FIFA players so far in 2021, compared to around 4.2 in an average year (with a standard deviation of 2.0). Assuming this isn't a reporting phenomenon, this is an extraordinary spike and highly statistically significant.


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Are we overreacting to Omicron?

© Children's Health Defense Org
With natural exposure immunity and early outpatient treatment, and when combined with no reports of increased lethality, the WHO's reaction of generating panic toward "Omicron" is causing needless fear and panic. So too, with the Biden administration's newly imposed travel restrictions which will achieve nothing and will once again disrupt trade and violate human rights.

The WHO has said that the Omicron variant can spread more quickly than other variants. Likely true. The virus is behaving just how viruses behave. They are mutable and mutate and, via Muller's ratchet, we expect this to be milder and milder mutations and not more lethal ones given the pathogen seeks to infect the host and not arrive at an evolutionary dead-end.

The virus will mutate downward so that it can use the host (us) to propagate itself via our cellular metabolic machinery. The Delta has shown us this: it is very infectious and mostly non-lethal. Especially for children and healthy people. So is the WHO panicking the globe needlessly? Is this Covid-19 February 2020 once again?

The problem with South Africa as is with Australia and New Zealand and even island nations like Trinidad is that it has low natural immunity to SAR-Cov-2. This is because, as we witnessed over the last year and more, if you lock down your society too long and too hard, you deny the nation and population from inching closer to population-level herd immunity. And you have no economy or society from which to reemerge. You devastate your society for a pathogen that is largely harmless to the vast majority of people especially children.

Moreover, governments asked us for two weeks to flatten the curve to help prepare hospitals so that they can tend to surges and other non-Covid illnesses. We as societies gave our governments 2 weeks, not 21 months. They failed to tend to the non-Covid illnesses and we locked down the healthy and well (children and young and middle aged healthy persons) while failing to properly protect the vulnerable and high-risk persons such as the elderly. We failed and it was like killing fields in our nursing homes.

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Higher infection rates in vaccinated not an artefact of wrong population data, new analysis shows

case rates graph
Back in October, when the critics rounded on the UKHSA for publishing vaccine data that didn't fit the narrative, front and centre of their complaints was the claim that they were using poor estimates of the size of the unvaccinated population, and thus underestimating the infection rate in the unvaccinated. Cambridge's Professor David Speigelhalter didn't hold back, writing on Twitter that it was "completely unacceptable" for the agency to "put out absurd statistics showing case-rates higher in vaxxed than non-vaxxed" when it is "just an artefact of using hopelessly biased NIMS population estimates".

To the UKHSA's credit, while it conceded other points, it never gave in on this one, sticking to its view that the National Immunisation Management System (NIMS) was the "gold standard" for these estimates. It pointed out that ONS population estimates have problems of their own, not least that for some age groups the ONS supposes there to be fewer people in the population than the Government counts as being vaccinated.

How can we know which estimates are more accurate?

Comment: Once we are infected by a belief, we look everywhere for its validation.

Light Saber

UK statistics watchdog smacks ONS for misleading claim that unvaccinated have "32 times" risk of Covid death

vaccine vaccination shot
Ed Humpherson, Director of U.K. Statistics Authority the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), has written to Emma Rourke, Director of Health Analysis at the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to criticise the agency for a report it put out in October claiming that: "Between January 2nd and September 24th 2021, the age-adjusted risk of deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) was 32 times greater in unvaccinated people than in fully vaccinated individuals."

As James Wells, a statistician who served as head of the ONS UK trade team until 2019, pointed out when he wrote to the OSR to complain about the report earlier this month, this statistic uses data from January 2nd to September 24th 2021, which includes the bulk of the winter deaths at a time when almost no one was vaccinated. This skews the implied vaccine effectiveness, as a fair comparison would only include periods when a significant proportion of the country was vaccinated.

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Merck says COVID-19 pill less effective than initially suggested

Merck's pill
© WGEMMerck's pill to combat COVID-19
Merck announced Friday that updated data on its experimental COVID-19 pill show the drug is less effective than previously reported, and will now move to test treatment for safety.

Merck said the pill, Molnupiravir, showed a 30% reduction in hospitalization and deaths based on data from roughly 1,400 patients. Figures from an interim study released Oct. 1 showed an approximately 50% efficacy based on data from over 1,400 patients.

The drugmaker released the results of the study to the Food and Drug Administration, which will meet to discuss the pill in November.

Data from October also showed 7.3% of patients given Molnupiravir twice a day for five days were hospitalized, and none had died by 29 days after starting treatment. Meanwhile, 14.1% of placebo patients were hospitalized.

Updated data showed 6.8% of patients given the drug were hospitalized, and one died while 9.7% of the placebo group went to the hospital.

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - Anthony Fauci: Sad Little Psychopath

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It's time for a good old fashioned Fauci-bashin'!

Since the release of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s new book, "The Real Anthony Fauci," the crimes against humanity of Anthony Fauci have been circulating throughout alternative media. In RFK Jr.'s book, he lays out the entire sordid career of Anthony Fauci, the horrific experiments he conducted on children, his Machiavellian politics, the close ties between the "health" system and the intelligence agencies, and more. If you thought Fauci was bad for what he's done during the "pandemic," you will not believe the level of evil this man has attained throughout his career.

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we take a peek into the life of a truly evil man who is, in all likelihood, a psychopath. You're gonna need a shower after this one!

You can get RFK Jr.'s new book here:

And check us out on Brighteon!

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And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here:

Running Time: 00:35:58

Download: MP3 — 32.9 MB