Jack and Jill and a bucket of weather It is rather sad, and pathetic, that we have to go to the British press to find robust investigative reporting about the theory of man-made global warming. Apart from this country's national newspaper,
The Australian, you could almost believe that the mantra that "the science is settled", is true. If you follow the line of the ABC and much of the mainstream press, to question the science of climate-change is to be un-Australian and un-Earth. Well,
the science isn't settled - not by a long shot - and the battle continues. Having been mugged at Copenhagen, embarrassed out of their wits by the scandal that was Himalaya-glacier-Gate, and facing a planet that doesn't seem to want to respond to the dire predictions of the most learned - the lads and lasses at the IPCC have been desperate in their attempts to block the rising tide of public sceptisism. So we have waited, with our breath bated, for a indication as to how they will deal with a growing, non-believing public.
Apart from the "science is settled" spin, which is code for "don't question us", the other side of the debate has been the "Outrageous-Claims Department". This is where the dedicated followers of climate let pass for science any outrageous claim made by any of their front-line "experts". Al Gore, Tim Flannery, James Hansen, Penny Wong, Kevin Rudd and Dr Pachauri. What do you do when scientists and political leaders blindly allow false claims to go uncorrected. When they must know that there isn't a "new" change-in-climate because
the climate has always changed. It's what climate does. Sea-levels have always risen or dropped, ice-caps have always built up or shrunk, river systems have always developed, and in certain periods in history, just simply disappeared.
Living things on planet Earth have done what the have always done as climate changes naturally - adapted.