Society's ChildS

Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: Connecting the Dots: Shortage of Food and Signs of War; the Future is Now


It has been a month now since the Signs editors engaged in a little exercise of connecting the dots: we noticed a number of high level meetings of some of the most prominent Axis of Evil personalities, and thinking it likely that there is an important reason for the activity, we published our observations here.

We have decided to make this a periodical effort of 'joining the dots', hoping to make sense of the avalanche of information that comes our way on a daily basis. It may help us to detect trends, and to understand which way the drivers are steering this bus called Planet Earth.

Well, judging by the events of April, it seems that they are taking us towards a cliff, and it is rapidly approaching.


SOTT Focus: The Headlines Say It All


Lake View man hit by Taser dies

A 24-year-old Lake View man died Thursday, five days after suburban Cincinnati police shocked him with a Taser outside a bar there....

Alarm Clock

Best of the Web: When Change Is Not Enough: Seven Steps to Revolution

If history is any indication, we may be on the road to violent revolution. We got here because of the conservatives' war against liberal government.
"Those who make peaceful evolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable." -- John F. Kennedy
There's one thing for sure: 2008 isn't anything like politics as usual.

Eye 1

SOTT Focus: What a Jew can say others can't


Browsing the shelves of a bookstore this afternoon I came across The Heebie-Jeebies at CBGB's - A Secret History of Jewish Punk (2006) by Steven Lee Beeber. Jewish Punk? - that stood out! The inside fly reads:
"Focusing on punk rock's beginnings in New York, this book is certain to change how we view not only punk music and culture, but the nature of Jewish identity since the Holocaust....Originally known as New York Rock, punk began in that city because it could begin nowhere else - it was all about outsiders in the shtetl-like East Village. Wiseasses with sharp minds and wounded psyches; it reflected the irony, the romanticism, and, above all, the humor of the Jewish experience."


Bridgend, UK: Officers probe death of man, 19

Police have started an investigation following the sudden death of a 19-year-old man in Bridgend county.

South Wales Police have confirmed the man was found in the village of Bettws at around 0730 BST on Sunday.

Since the start of last year, 18 people under the age of 27 have apparently taken their own lives in the county.


Russian deputies turn up heat on witches: report

Moscow - Russian deputies are to consider a law that would turn up the heat on advertising by witches and healers enjoying a meteoric growth in demand, the Gazeta daily reported on Friday.

The law, which is to have its first reading in parliament's lower chamber shortly, would allow only officially registered healers to advertise in newspapers, Gazeta reported.


What's going on? UK: Another hanging death in Bridgend

A 23-year-old woman has become the latest young person to hang herself in Bridgend, South Wales, the centre of a cluster of suicides.

The woman, who has not been named, died in the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend on Tuesday when her life support machine was switched off three days after she was found hanged from a drainpipe.

Life Preserver

UK: Teenagers worked to keep young woman alive after 'suicide bid'

A woman has been taken to hospital after an apparent suicide attempt in a Bridgend garden.

The 23-year-old Cardiff woman was taken to Bridgend's Princess of Wales Hospital after she was found just after 5pm on Sunday.

According to reports today the woman was found by 11-year-old Cory Harvey, whose friends Chris Davies and Robin Hill, both 16, tried to keep her alive until help arrived.


SOTT Focus: Sanitizing The War On Terror - Part 2

©Red Pill Press

"The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves." - Dresden James
In part one, I promised I would get pure and simple with the truth about the war on terror. I posited that if the average person were to be furnished with real facts about the war on terror, conditions necessary for a radical change in the status quo on this planet could be created. What form such a change would take is not readily determinable, although a decent amount of chaos could be expected.

I understand that many people have trouble believing that the average person can ever wake up to the reality of the world around them. Nourished almost since birth on a diet of lies and disinformation, not to mention chemical-laden food and drink, we could be forgiven for concluding that their destiny as cannon fodder for the pathocrats is all but assured. The problem with this theory however is that there is no way to prove it.


SOTT Focus: Sanitizing The War On Terror

Michael Hayden - loves a good conspiracy

For years "conspiracy theorists" have suffered the ignominy of exile on the fringe of political debate, not to mention social acceptance. "Conspiracy" was not necessarily a 'dirty word', but form the phrase "conspiracy theory" and you could almost hear the shutters coming down on already closed minds. Stories of the lies and secret machinations of the political military and corporate elite were ridiculed as fantasy and a virtual impossibility. Indeed, the very existence of a political, military and corporate elite was widely disavowed. Changes are afoot however - big changes. The lies and abuses of the directors of the American empire project and their associates in collective Western government over the past few years have become so egregious, so flagrant, that it is now virtually impossible for the average citizen to accept the official version of reality and still lay claim to their own sanity.