Society's ChildS


Bridgend, South Wales: Two cousins from 'suicide town' hang themselves within hours as death toll rises

The death toll in a small town hit by a spate of suicides rose to 16 yesterday when two young cousins were found hanged. They died hours apart, leaving the South Wales community of Bridgend reeling from the continuing string of tragedies.


SOTT Focus: Burka Bombers: Spontaneously Exploding Iraqi Women

The evil 'Burka bombers of Baghdad', shown here with detonator.

Did you hear the one about the exploding Iraqi women?

Two women walk into two separate pet markets in Baghdad with a box of birds. They walk up to a vendor and say: "I hear you are enjoying something of a boom in birds these days, how much will you give me for these specimens?" Before the vendor can reply a large explosion destroys most of the stalls in both markets, killing one hundred people and maiming hundreds more. Later that day a report of the events appears in all of the world's newspapers...

Eye 1

Big Brother is not in the public interest

The news that more than 1,000 requests a day are made to "intercept" our phone calls, post and email should come as no surprise to anyone observing Britain's rapid descent into mass surveillance. What may be more of an eye-opener is the extent to which the Government has systematically embedded secrecy, incompetence and spin into the process.

The state can intrude into our communications in three distinct ways. It can bug our phone lines, it can open our mail and it now has the ability to access our phone and email records, discovering everything about our calling patterns, email usage and our networks of friends and colleagues. This latter innovation has become an epidemic.

Alarm Clock

Best of the Web: The Care and Feeding of the Practical Psychopath


Every generation has its challenges, its wars and its peculiar identity. Every generation replaces the one in front of it and gets replaced by the one behind it. The enemy of each generation is always the same. It changes its clothes and terrain. It moves in and out of political ideologies and religious dogmas but it's the same enemy.

Defining the enemy isn't an easy thing. You're dealing with continuous shape-shifting. You think you are confronting it in front of you when it is actually leaning over your shoulder and advising you. You find that it agrees with you and is on your side only to discover that it has used its seeming alliance to discredit what you believe in; to misrepresent what you believe in.


Bridgend, South Wales: Number of young people found hanged in 'suicide cult town' rises to 13

The true scale of a suicide epidemic among young people in a small town was revealed yesterday.

As well as the seven deaths linked to social networking websites, a coroner revealed that a further six had also died within a year.

The astonishing rate of hangings in Bridgend, South Wales, has terrified parents in the area and one secondary school has been placed on 'suicide watch' after pupils appealed for help.


SOTT Focus: Survival in Times of Uncertainty: Growing Up in Russia in the 1990s


News about political upheavals, signs of impending economic disaster or projected natural catastrophes tend to generate strong 'fight or flight' emotional reactions in readers. We want to sell all we own, run for the hills and barricade ourselves in a fully stocked compound - preferably one with a bomb and meteorite shelter attached to it.

Major changes to our lifestyle are inevitable; yet the time frame and the exact way the changes will occur are uncertain, which only adds to our stress. I grew up in Russia during the collapse of the Soviet Union and the accompanying economic upheaval, i.e., during the time of high uncertainty. I was 10 when the Perestroika started in 1985. The economic situation got progressively worse, with the very worst hitting in the early 90-s. I admit I don't remember things as well as I should have. Psychologically and physically, I was sheltered by my age and its petty egotistical concerns, by my parents' effort to provide for the family, and by living in a close-knit community that had a lot of strength, spirit and intellectual resources. Now that I think about it though, memories and conclusions are coming up that I never thought about. Some of them are unexpected and counterintuitive to the prevailing survivalist mentality; but they may be relevant to the coming changes and end up being useful to someone.


SOTT Focus: SOTT Responds to Damian Thompson: Lies, damn lies and 'counterknowledge'

Outright fiction is being peddled as historical and scientific fact, warns Damian Thompson in an extract from his provocative new book

George Bush planned the September 11 attacks. The MMR injection triggers autism in children. The ancient Greeks stole their ideas from Africa. "Creation science" disproves evolution. Homeopathy can defeat the Aids virus.

Do any of these theories sound familiar? Has someone bored you rigid at a dinner party by unveiling one of these "secrets"? If so, it is hardly surprising. In recent years, thousands of bizarre conjectures have been endorsed by leading publishers, taught in universities, plugged in newspapers, quoted by politicians and circulated in cyberspace.

This is counterknowledge: misinformation packaged to look like fact. We are facing a pandemic of credulous thinking. Ideas that once flourished only on the fringes are now taken seriously by educated people in the West, and are wreaking havoc in the developing world.

Comment: Outright fiction is being peddled as historical and scientific fact, warns SOTT, in their provocative daily news website.

A lone madman in a cave planned the September 11 attacks. State-imposed vaccines are infallibly safe. Western civilisation is healthily altruistic. Modern science is immune to dogma, egotism and conflicts of interest. Hijacking of the health service by pharmaceutical giants is all 'for your own good'.

Do any of these theories sound familiar? Has the BBC bored you rigid by repeatedly unveiling this "secret" propaganda. If so, it is hardly surprising. In recent years, thousands of bizarre conjectures have been endorsed by leading publishers, taught in universities, plugged in newspapers, quoted by politicians and circulated in cyberspace.

This is COINTELPRO: misinformation packaged to look like fact. We are facing a pandemic of credulous thinking. Ideas that once flourished only in the minds of some power-crazed politician or behind the closed board room doors of some corporate giant, are now taken seriously by educated people in the West, and are wreaking havoc across the world.


SOTT Focus: The 2008 Iowa Caucus: A Report From The Trenches

Barak Obama has won the 2008 Iowa Democratic caucus with 37% of the popular vote, closely followed by Hillary Clinton and John Edwards, with about 29% each. Mike Huckabee has won the Republican Caucus, with 34% of the popular vote.

Here are some thoughts from an Iowa resident and a witness to the process.


US Congressmen call for the removal of Turkish troops from Cyprus

US Congressmen Albio Sires and Gus Bilirakis have introduced a resolution that calls for the removal of Turkish occupying troops from Cyprus.


UK: Rape monster branded 'untreatable psychopath' jailed

Psychopath John White has been convicted of the brutal rape of a student nurse in Gloucester 16 years ago.

The woman said she feared for her life during the horrific attack and now her evil rapist is facing life behind bars.

His conviction at Gloucester Crown Court came about after advances in technology which matched his DNA.