Society's ChildS


Election Software Lost in Transit

More than a hundred computer chips containing voting machine software were lost or stolen during transit in California this week.

Two cardboard shipping tubes containing 174 EPROMs loaded with voting machine software were sent via Federal Express on December 13th from the secretary of state's office in Sacramento to election officials in nineteen California counties that use optical-scan voting machines made by Diebold Election Systems. But on Monday, two shipping tubes arrived empty to one of these counties.

Bad Guys

Flashback Reaching the Receivers

©David Neiwert
Scene at the Freemen standoff in Jordan, Montana, in winter of 1996.

I was driving around Billings, Montana, in the middle of a nasty blizzard in a cheap little rented car and trying to figure out what in the hell was going on when the Voice On Loan From God hit me.

There are, I suppose, things that you have to admire about Rush Limbaugh, and one of them is his voice. It is absolutely distinctive. I can hear it through a rolled-up car and know who the driver is listening to. But that afternoon in early March 1996 I heard him talk and it came as something of a revelation.

I actually have made a habit over the years of listening to Limbaugh because I want to know what he's saying. More to the point, I spend a lot of time driving around rural backcountry, and you have to know that Limbaugh is just about the only constant thing you can find on the radio out there. There's country music, but in the open range even it can be spotty reception-wise. Rush, however, is everywhere.

Comment: David Neiwert's series:


I. Projecting

II. Understanding

III. The Core of Fascism

IV. Tracking Fascism

V. Proto-Fascism in America

VI. Crossing the Lines

VII. The Transmission Belt

VIII. Official Transmitters

IX. Media Transmitters

X. Reaching the Receivers

XI. Dualist Receivers

XII. Divine Transmissions

XIII. Fascism and Fundamentalism

XIV. The War on Liberals

XV. Waiting for Godwin



A Miracle: Honest Intel on Iran Nukes

For those who have doubts about miracles, a double one occurred today. An honest National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran's nuclear program has been issued and its Key Judgments were made public.

With redraft after redraft, it was what the Germans call "eine schwere Geburt" - a difficult birth, ten months in gestation.

I do not know how often Vice President Dick Cheney visited CIA Headquarters during the gestation period, but I am told he voiced his displeasure as soon as he saw the first sonogram/draft very early this year, and is so displeased with what issued that he has refused to be the godfather.

Heart - Black

Full blown psychopath: Wife put rat poison in husband's spaghetti' to cover £43,000 theft'

A wife poisoned her husband with rat killer in an attempt to cover up the theft of £43,000 from his infirm mother, a court heard yesterday.

Heather Mook also twice deceived him into taking large doses of anti-depressants.

John Mook, a 60-year-old bus driver, was made so ill by taking the drugs that he had to be kept in hospital.

Heather Mook: Spent mother-in-law's cash

Comment: To learn more about "creatures" such as Heather Mook, read Psychopathy entry on Cassiopedia.

Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: An Open Letter To The People Of France

That wasn't on the menu!

(placard: general strike)

Citizens of France,

How would you feel if:

You had to borrow 5 or 10 times your annual salary to be able to have a home?

You had to purchase expensive private medical insurance to be sure of having any medial care?

Every hospital denied all medical care to those without private medical insurance?

There was no social safety net, no unemployment insurance for yourself, your family, and your children?

You had to work 40 to 60 hours per week with only one week of holiday per year - and even that only after you have worked for a year or two?

Heart - Black

Psychopath denied release - thank goodness!

Allegan County -- Forty years after he killed two girls, Theodore Glenn Williams -- held under a defunct sexual-psychopath law -- will remain confined in a psychiatric hospital.

A federal appeals court panel has determined Williams still is dangerous with "an additional mental abnormality that creates a likelihood of future violent conduct."


China furious at Dalai Lama plan to name successor

China has accused Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, of violating the religious rituals and historical conventions of Tibetan Buddhism by suggesting he might appoint a successor before his death instead of relying on reincarnation.

Beijing's latest broadside against the Dalai Lama is a sign of heightening tensions between the central government and the man Tibetans see as a god-king. While reincarnation sounds like an esoteric concept to those of other belief systems, it is a deeply political issue in the isolated Himalayan enclave.

Better Earth

SOTT Focus: Remembrance Day: The 11th hour, 11th day and 11th month

©War Cemetery

However hard a truth is to bear, it has to be brought to light; for otherwise it will smolder in the dark and the lies that hid it will become ever more pernicious; the truth about war and the war's of the last 100 years, a hard truth that needs to see the light of day. Today's world is dominated by the most pernicious lies that history has ever known, those relating to warfare, for in truth war is the slaughter of the innocent for the benefit of the evil.

Bad Guys

Washington Millionaire psychopath accused of child rape, torture

Suspect Weldon Marc Gilbert is pictured in this file photo.

The FBI has arrested a Lake Tapps man who is accused of sexually assaulting and torturing young boys while videotaping the abuse.


Experts: No evidence of Iranian nuclear weapons program

Despite President Bush's claims that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons that could trigger "World War III," experts in and out of government say there's no conclusive evidence that Tehran has an active nuclear-weapons program.

Even his own administration appears divided about the immediacy of the threat. While Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney speak of an Iranian weapons program as a fact, Bush's point man on Iran, Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns, has attempted to ratchet down the rhetoric.